#i wouldnt be surprised if residents have fill out an exit visa in order to leave the state
aalt-ctrl-del · 2 years
on a side note, its cool to think if your little boy wants to support girls/women with cancer, then the parents very well might end up in jail or at the least under strict investigation with the state, and maybe slip under a watch for the duration you have that kid. Because who knows what the fuck is goin on in texas.
It makes me think of how that one lad who was mercilessly harassed and bullied for growing his hair out to donate to someone who lost there’s due to the chemo treatment (Wholesome Florida Boy).
Classic florida.
how bizarre is that? To live in a state with big brother watching your every move, cause you might have a kid that wears pink or let his hair grow out a little long? Or you have a daughter, and she wants to wear pants for BOYS, so mom and dad have to explain she has to wear a skirt of abbot might wheel up to their front porch with a swatt team and a caseworker, so they can give the mother and father a whole psyche evaluation, and also a childs therapist for the brutally mistreated child.
That sounds a lot like some dystopia military state we read about in Fahrenheit 451. Texas also has a ban on books (book bans because Handmaids Tales reenactment in progress) betehdouble-U
The most atrocious thing is that texans and abbot believe everyone should be like their military, authoritarian run state. More or less, the south states should have say what religion we worship, how kids should dress, what books we read, what defines man-woman-person-camera-tv. 
I am not making this up. That’s texas, that is the south states. They believe wholeheartedly the whole manifest destiny, of course. And its the most bizarre thing, because states like texas keep frothing at the mouth about freedoms and living without fear.
While the people in those states aren’t really free or living without fear, if one wrong move has the government glaring down on you. And I’m trying to figure out their malfunction, but it all boils down to these people kind of eat and breathe fox news and don’t really care about anything but the delusions they built.
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