#i wouldnt want a straight man wanting saying the heinous shit yall say to me why would i want a lesbian?
fagsex · 1 year
if lesbians could not reblog my selfies or nsfw pics onto their porn blogs or ramble in tags or in my dms or in my inboxes about me or my body or any sort of attraction they have to me that would be wonderful. fucking divine. this includes 'bi lesbians' if you in any way identify as a lesbian i dont want you to want to fuck me how hard is that to wrap your fucking heads around god damn it. i would say sorry but im not i am not sorry i am not apologizing fuck you. fuck you! who the hell do you think you are. how can you say you respect trans people, how can you say you fucking respect yourSELF and your own identity if youre letting it out over my face. i dont even give a fuck if youre trans too, that does not give you the right to treat me like this! i am a man. i have never not been a man. lesbians dont get off too men, lesbians arent attracted to men. i cannot believe you people are forcing me to talk about this shit on my blog, i cannot believe my hand has been forced to hold yours and explain to you a circle isnt a square. homosexual and heterosexual are opposites. they are. they are opposite. you CAN be bisexual. you can. its not a dirty word. but youre a dirty fucking freak if you have to lie to yourself about someones identity to get your rocks off. youre lying to me, to yourself, and everyone is doing this shit.
i dont care anymore im done. bi/pan lesbians i dont want you here. it is an oxymoron, you are oxymoronic. if you want to waste both our time, send me twenty bucks to paypal and ill hear your guilty plea, but thats fucking it. if you in ANY WAY! identify as a lesbian, please, for both of us, but primarily for respect for me as a fellow human being, do not find me romantically attractive, do not find me sexually attractive, do not ramble about how sexy i am, do not comment on my body in a way you would not comment about a strange man you dont know WHICH IS WHAT I AM! if we're friends, mutuals, this obviously does not mean you cant compliment me or my outfit or anything, but i dont need to say that because you people HAVE BRAINS unlike some. im fucking done! its not real! it! is! not! real! good night.
anyone this is about in particular is already blocked dont get your panties in a twist
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