#i wrote 1k and made veggie stock and started a brioche bread. What The Hell
naberiie · 4 years
preview of from which stars, xxiii. aphelion
On any other night, Fives ignoring the barflies to grab a drink before quietly making his way to an empty booth without a single glance around 79s would have been more than enough grounds for Echo to drag him - willing or not - to the nearest medbay.
He watched as a butter-yellow Twi’lek stood and began to move gracefully to their table, eyes as focused as a targeting computer. Before they’d managed three steps, Echo gestured for them to stop and firmly shook his head, staring at them until they moved away, flustered, to seek comfort in the arms of another. Judging by the pieces of a bad pickup line and subsequent delighted giggles he overheard a few moments later, they’d found some company more willing to appreciate their charms. Echo took a pull of his drink and silently, sincerely, wished the couple an entertaining and happy evening together.
Fives sighed into his glass and took a swig, for once in his life entirely oblivious to the attentions and intentions of the non-trooper patrons of 79s. Echo himself enjoyed chatting and dancing with them, but as soon as someone started to hopefully put down hints for other, more private ways to pass the night, he’d gently steer them towards his brothers. Usually, he’d steer them towards Fives - but tonight, Fives was more interested in Echo’s quiet company. He hadn’t noticed Echo deftly herding the Twi’lek away.
He hadn’t noticed the other three hopefuls, either.
They’d sat in companionable silence for a few drinks, watching the chaos of the club roar around them, but now it was time to talk. “How long are you expecting this pity-party to last, trooper?”
Fives glared at him for a moment and then leaned back in his chair, sighing again. “Dunno.”
“I’d just like to know so I can add ‘professional ARC hand-holder’ to my skills list,” Echo said, his voice light.
Fives snorted, which Echo proudly took as a hard-won victory. “Maybe a few more days. I’ll feel better when we’re actually on assignment somewhere. Take my mind off things.”
“We’ve got a new one tomorrow, I think.”
They were silent for another few minutes, Fives twirling his glass on the sticky tabletop and Echo quietly gesturing a truly stunning Human man away from the table with a quick glance. Of all the nights… he bemoaned to himself. You all have some truly bad timing.
The base of Fives’ glass landed on the table with a quiet thunk. “D’you think I’m an idiot, Echo?”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I.”
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