#i wrote a third of this xmas day while stoned
terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Chapter 5/7: "let nothing you dismay"
Oh, damnit, Humphrey. Vanessa is going to kill him.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 41
Sup my peeps. I hope you all had a good xmas and enjoyed your boxing day. I had a good one which is nice. Anyway, here's Chameleon. I hope you guys enjoy it :D
Chapter Forty-One: Chameleon
Marinette ran as fast as she could to school as she held a croissant in her mouth. After another late night akuma, she had missed her third alarm and was running late for school. She rushed up the stairs and through the door, just as Fred was about to close it. Calling out an apology, she ran up the stairs as fast as she could before stopping in front of the classroom door. Taking a deep breathe, she opened it and walked in. Almost instantly, she stopped and blinked. Everyone had swapped seats. Alya was now sat next to Nino, Ivan was sat next to Mylene and Nath had moved next to Alix. Sabrina and Chloe were in the same place as were Juleka and Rose but the only empty seats were at the front next to Adrien and at the back. Marinette frowned a little as she had a feeling Alya had got people to move so she could sit next to Adrien but since finding out that Adrien and Kagami were actually a couple, she had really began to move on. She had already began to take down the pictures she had off him but over the last few weeks, she had been removing more and more of Adrien from her life. It was a slow process but gradually, sunshine yellow was been removed from her life and sea blue was finding it's way into her heart. Not that she was quite ready to admit that. Sure, she knew she definitely liked Luka but a small part of her heart was still in love with Adrien. Not just that but she didn't want to use Luka as a rebound. He deserved better then that. Holding back a sigh, she moved over to Alya and cleared her throat.
 "Hey, girl, you made it just in time," Alya grinned, causing her to smile a little.
 "Cool but what's going on?" She asked, making Alya frown a little. Marinette just thought she was insulted at the fact that she wasn't groveling at her feet. "Not that I'm not grateful for you trying to get me a seat next to Adrien but I was fine where I was,"
 "What are you talking about?" Alya asked, clearly confused before shaking her head. "Your seat's not next to Adrien. You're seats over there,"
 Marinette turned to look in the direction that Alya glanced to and frowned as she realized moved to the back. Without been told. She decided to play along as maybe they had a really good reason to put her there. After all, it wasn't a bad place to be. It meant that she could doodle without Miss Bustier noticing and send sneaky texts to Luka without been caught but somehow, she got a feeling that wasn't why Alya had done that.
 "At the back?" She questioned, acting confused. "Why? What's going on?"
 "Well, since she's got a hearing issue, there's no way that she could sit at the back of the class right? Which means she needed a place up at the front ," Nino piped in, confusing Marinette. Just who were they talking about?
 "So to make it work, Ivan sat next to Mylene, Nath sat next to Alix," Alya explained, causing Marinette to look around. Ivan was talking to Mylene and Alix was chatting to Nath. Marinette frowned a little before looking back at Alya. "Besides, she came up with the idea of moving Nino here so now we get to spend more time together,"
 "Right... but who are you talking about?" Marinette asked as Miss Bustier came in.
 "Good morning, students," She smiled, facing them. "I'm sure you've all heard right now but Lila is back from her medical leave and has returned to class,"
Marinette felt her heart drop and her blood turn to ice as Lila walked into the room. Fear gripped her and she felt like she was going to burst into tears as she stared at the girl. Lila lifted her hand and waved as she wore a false smile.
 "Hi everyone," She smiled before noticing the empty seat at the front as everyone greeted her. She gasped in pretend surprise and clutched her cheeks. "Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue. You're such sweethearts all of you,"
 She blew kisses at them in an over dramatic way, causing Marinette to feel disgusted. She knew Alya was convinced that Lila had changed her ways but Marinette knew she hadn't. She frowned deeply as she took a seat next to Adrien, who looked like he wanted to run away. She didn't blame him and there was no way she was going to let that gremlin walk all over her again. Reminding herself that she was the one and only Lady Noir, she took a deep breathe and pushed her fear away.
 "You have hearing issues, Lila?" Marinette asked in a serious tone, causing almost everyone to look at her. Since no one was looking at her, Lila narrowed her eyes.
 "Yes, I suffer from Tinnitus. A constant ringing in my left ear," She stated as Marinette cross her arms. "I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runaway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten,"
 "Jagged doesn't have a kitten," Marinette gritted as she rolled her eyes. "He has a pet crocodile,"
 "Now he does but this was before then," Lila corrected as everyone looked at her. "Of course, he had to get rid of it before he found he was allergic. The best part is since you're such an excellent student, Adrien, you'll be able to help me catch up... right?"
 She lightly traced her finger up his forearm, making him feel uncomfortable before he took a deep breathe and pushed her hand away.
 "No, I won't be able to do that, Lila," He stated, surprising her. "And would you please not touch me? I don't like it,"
 "Oh, my gosh... I am so sorry," She gasped but both Adrien and Marinette knew it was a fake apology. Not just that but her eyes were full of anger. "I didn't realize it was an issue,"
 "Speaking of issues," Marinette muttered under her breathe. "Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit at the back?"
 "Marinette, you agreed to do so," Miss Bustier stated as everyone nodded but Marinette frowned deeply.
 "No, I didn't," She stated, surprising everyone. "In fact, I had no idea this was a thing until I literally walked in here this morning,"
 "You didn't tell her?!" Ivan gasped, looking at Alya who gulped. 
 "Well... I figured she wouldn't mind..." She muttered, making a number of people gasp in horror, including Adrien, Juleka and Miss Bustier. 
 "Alya, while I understand that you were trying to help out a friend in need, you can't just assume that other people would be ok with sitting in the back without asking them first," She stated, shaking her head. Alya went to argue but Alix beat her to it.
 "Yeah! You told us Mari was cool with it and knew about it, which clearly she didn't," She stated before turning to Marinette. "I'm sorry, Mari. I had no idea she didn't tell you,"
 "It's fine, Alix," She stated before crossing her arms and glaring at Alya and Lila. "But since you moved everyone around to 'accommodate' Lila, I assume she has a doctor's note as proof of her disability,"
 "Actually, I don't need a doctor's note as it states in my student-"
 "Lila, don't lie," Marinette stated, cutting her off with an icy glare. "The rules state that you need a real doctor's note as proof so accommodations can be provided and since you haven't been here for over a month, any doctor note you have in your school file would be invalid as you would need a new, up to date one. Also, I've seen in your student file and there is nothing on any of your 'disabilities'... and before you ask, it's part of my job as class representative to make sure files are up to date. Another thing, as class representative, I have to approve any change to the seating plan and since I didn't, you can all move back to your original seats. Lila, I'm afraid that means you will be in the back until you provide an up to date doctor's note, detailing your disabilities,"
 "Oh, come on, Marinette," Alya gasped. "That's not fair. Miss Bustier, can't you overthrow Marinette's decision?"
 Marinette looked at Miss Bustier, who looked a little conflicted before she glanced over at Chloe. She took a deep breathe and shook her head.
 "No, Marinette is absolutely in the right here," She stated, turning to look at Lila. "Lila, we'll be happy to accommodate you as soon as you have proof of your disabilities... until then, you're to sit in the back. Everyone else, please return to your original seating plan. Alya, I highly recommend you include all of your class mates when you come up with a plan like this. I know you can get carried away but you unintentionally banished Marinette to the back without her consent and lied to your classmates about that. If you continue with this behavior, I'll have no choice but to give you a detention. Since this seems to be an isolated incident, I'm just giving you a warning but this is your only warning,"
 "But Miss Bustier-"
"Alya, that's enough!" Miss Bustier shouted, shocking everyone even Marinette... but she couldn't deny she was happy. Apparently, Anatis really had gotten through to her. Alya went quiet and sulked as everyone moved to their original seats. Marinette sat next to her and took out her books as Lila moved pass her. She didn't miss the nasty glare she gave her but this time, Marinette felt more confident. She was not going to go down like before. Miss Bustier began her lesson as Marinette began to take notes. Alya slid her a note, making Marinette frown as she carefully unfolded it.
 What the hell, Marinette? I thought you were all for helping people.
 Marinette let out a little sigh but wrote back.
 I am but not when they aren't truthful. If Lila really does have Tinnitus then she needs proof like everyone else. You should know this given that it's in the class representative handbook, which you should have read given that you're my  deputy
 She slid back over to her and continued taking notes until Alya send her over another.
 Can't you just give her the benefit of a doubt? She's got a disability
 Marinette frowned deeply as she wrote back.
 No, I can't. In case, you've forgotten.... she is a liar and two, even if her disability is real, she still needs proof of it which she had not provided. I will revise the seating plan when she provides proof and if she really does have it then it won't be a problem getting proof of it. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to actually learnt something
 She slid the note back and shook her head at Alya's insulted gasp before continuing with her notes. Time past and soon it was lunchtime. As soon as the bell rang, Marinette jumped up and rushed outside. She was absolutely famished as she had only a croissant for breakfast. She headed into the locker room and put her books away, giving Plagg a slice of cheese as she did before she closed her locker and walked over to the canteen. By the time, she got there, Lila was getting a number of people to get food for her including Alya and Nino. Marinette wanted to shout at her but she took a deep breathe and walked over to the food counter, getting her dinner. 
 "You should try the cheesecake," Luka's voice instantly calmed her down, making her look up and smile as he moved next to her. "So Lila is back I see..."
 "Oh, you don't sound happy about that," She muttered as she reached for the cheesecake he recommended as he placed a macaron on his plate. "Got a sweet craving, Lu?"
 "Maybe," He grinned before glancing at Lila. "I don't like her... her music's all wrong and Anatis hasn't had pleasant things to say... oh god, she's looking at me..."
 He quickly looked away before grabbing Marinette's arm and rushing over to their usual table. They sat down and began to eat as Lila got up and made her way to the table, standing next to Luka and completely blanking Marinette, much to their annoyance. 
 "Hi, I'm Lila," She stated in her shrilled, fake voice. "I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?"
 "I guess," He stated, colder then usual. Not that Lila noticed or if she did, she didn't care.
 "Oh, my gosh. Me too!" She gasped, moving onto the new chair and leaning against him while fluttering her eyelashes at him. Marinette wanted to say something as Luka looked somewhere between uncomfortable and murderous. Again, Lila didn't seem to notice. "Let's be friends,"
 Luka, however, got up and moved to the chair next to Marinette, causing Lila to fall before she caught herself. 
 "No, thank you," He replied, sitting back down. However, Lila wasn't taking no for an answer. She got back up and sat next to him again, grabbing his arm as Marinette gripped her hand into a fist. Luka frowned deeply and tried to pull his arm from her but she dug her nails into him. He winced in pain but glared at her. "Let go,"
 "I just want to be friends," She smirked, leaning against him as she tightened her grip, thinking it would cause him to shut up like it did with Adrien. However, Luka was not Adrien.
 "I said let go!" He shouted a little louder then expected as he yanked his arm free from her, causing a number of people to look over as he took off his hoodie and checked his arm. Marinette let out a gasp as she saw the deep nail marks in his arm. They were deep enough to actually make him bleed a little. Lila was looking at him in surprise as he put his hoodie back on and moved again. Lila got up and went to sit next to him again but Juleka quickly took the seat and shot her a glare as Luka looked at her annoyed. "Seriously? Go sit somewhere else?!"
 "W-Why are you been so mean to me?" She asks, fake tears appearing in her eyes as she stood in front of him. "I just want to be your friend,"
 "Well, I'm not interested in been friends with a liar," He spat back as Alya and Nino walked in. Lila blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected him to know but then she remembered that Anatis had exposed her to all of Paris.  Still, she could spin it to make her look innocent.
 "Liar?" She gasped, fake tears in her eyes. "But I'm not a liar... Marinette told you that, didn't she? She's always had it-"
 "Cut the crap, Rossi," He stated, shocking everyone including Lila and Marinette. She had never seen Luka like this before. "I saw the video on the Ladyblog and I know how to recognize a fake. I'm not interested in been your friend, I don't want you near me and if you ever lean against me or touch me without my permission again, I'll sue you for sexual harassment!"
 The color drained out of her face as she realized he was been perfectly serious and a number of people was kind of glaring at her. She needed to spin this around. She began to cry, making a number of people look at her with sympathy.
 "I-I'm sorry... I didn't realize I was making you uncomfortable," She gasped, fake tears in her eyes. Luka went to say something but Juleka beat him to it.
 "I'm pretty certain him trying to shake you off, telling you to let go and moving shows that he was uncomfortable," She mumbled, making Lila look at her with surprise as Alya stormed over with Nino, having missed what Juleka had said. She had only heard Luka threatening to sue Lila.
 "What the hell, Couffaine?!" Alya gasped, glaring at Luka. "I thought you were cool but Lila was just trying to make friends!"
 "That's as accurate as saying I'm the king of England," He stated, coolly. Marinette wanted to giggle but she noticed the look on Lila's face. She looked smug and Marinette knew she was gonna get the blame.
 "Oh, don't blame him, Alya," She gasped, wiping her 'tears'. "He's obviously been poisoned by what Marinette has said about me, just like Anatis.... Wasn't she the first person to meet him?"
 "Yeah, she was," Alya agreed, making everyone frown as Lila sniffed.
 "No wonder why he thinks I'm a liar. She must have told him all kinds of lies about me after he deakumatized her..." She cried, making most people gasp in surprise and glare at Marinette. "That's why he claimed I was lying on that video and responsible for two akumas. She's obviously convinced him and this boy that I'm a horrible person!"
 "Oh, Lila, that isn't true," Alya gasped as Lila 'cried' on her. "You're a wonderful person,"
 "I know I'm not perfect but I've been trying to be a better person!" She gasped, hiding her face. Luka gripped his drink as people lapped up her lies. "I've been going to therapy for my own akumatization. Oh, Marinette, why did you tell Anatis I was a bully?! If you had been honest, he wouldn't have had a go at me and caused me to become an akuma!"
 "You did what?!" Alya gasped, glaring at her.
 "What?!" Marinette gasped, jumping up. "All I told him was the truth!"
 "I've only tried to be your friend, Marinette," She sniffed, causing Luka to stand up and try to argue for her. Unfortunately, very few people believed him because of the way Lila had spun it. Alya started to berate him for been on the side of the bully as he argued that she was the one standing up for the bully. Seeing her friends argue again, Marinette rushed out and locked herself in the bathroom as she began to cry. She really thought things had gotten better but Lila hadn't even been back for one day and she had already turned her friends against her. She flinched as she heard the bathroom door open, causing her to look up as Lila walked over to her.
 "Oh my god, are you crying?" She gasped in her fake voice, making Marinette frown and flinch. What is she up to? "You are, aren't you? You know it's really not worth fighting over a boy,"
 "What do you want, Lila?" Marinette asked, glaring at her. Lila pretended to look shocked before dropping her act almost instantly as she leaned against the sink. Her whole body language changed to the Lila that Marinette was unfortunately familiar.
 "Just to remind you who's boss, Marinette," She stated before facing her. "Do you remember the last time we were in here?"
 "You threatened me,"
 "Oh so you do remember?" Lila gasped, holding her hands together before stepping forward, causing Marinette to step back. "Then as you'll recall, I told you that if you decided to go against me, I'd take away all of your friends... well, I'm still gonna keep good on that,"
 She slammed her hand against the wall by Marinette to flinch.
 "And your new boyfriend will be the first one I start with," She grinned, making Marinette gasp. "By the time I'm finished, he won't be able to look you in the eye without been disgusted... oh and do you know what would make it so much better? If he fell in love with me... I mean who wouldn't but still that would be the icing on the cake. I mean he's no Adrien Agreste but he's cute in a rockstar kind of way. Definitely would make me look good if I had him on my arm,"
 "Don't you dare touch Luka!" Marinette growled, getting her fire back and surprising Lila. "You can threat me all you want but I will end you if you touch a single hair on his head!"
 She blinked as she stared at Marinette.
 "Oh my, you're in love with him, aren't you?" She smirked, making Marinette blush. "And here I thought you were still hung up over Adrien. Well, all the more reason to turn him against you or maybe I should turn everyone against him... oh, I know! I'll turn everyone against him and then turn him against you so he only had me left. Wouldn't that be grand? Of course, I'll leave him alone if you stop trying to expose me, tell everyone that you made up lies about me and be my friend,"
 "I will only ever be your friend when you stop lying and harassing people!" Marinette gasped, causing Lila to roll her eyes.
 "Marinette, we've been through this before," She smirked, making Marinette frown. "If you don't want to be my friend, fine. It's not a loss to me. After all, I've pretty much turned everyone against you already but if you don't become my friend, your little boyfriend won't have any friends left. I know you're less dumb then the others so I'm gonna give you another chance,"
 She slammed her hand against the wall right near Marinette's head.
 "You're either with me or against me. You don't answer right now. I'll give you to the end of today," She smiled sweetly before a dark expression came across her face. "And I really hope you make the right choice this time, Marinette. I'd hate for Luka to pay for your mistakes,"
 With that, she turned on her heel, leaving Marinette shaking as she slid down the wall. Tears slid down her face as she shook. She thought she could be strong enough to stand up to Lila but now if she continues, Luka will get caught in the crossfire. Lila will turn everyone against him then turn him against her and claim him as her own. She covered her face as she sobbed, unsure how to go forward. If she defies her, Luka will get hurt but if she doesn't, she'll be stuck in the same place she was before. There's no way Lila will leave her alone, even if she stops calling her out. Lila enjoys making her miserable after all. She carefully reached for her phone to text Luka but gasped as an akuma flew straight into it.
 "Princess Justice, we meet again," Hawkmoth smirked as she shook. "Ah, yes. It seems like Miss Rossi intends to make your friend's life hell if you don't do what she wants but I can give you the power to expose her again. Do we have a deal?"
 "I..." She gasped as tears rolled down her face. She wanted to give in but she couldn't. She couldn't do that to him. "N-no..."
 "No?" Hawkmoth asked, shocked. "But this girl is the voice of evil, I ca-"
 "Dollface, listen to me!" Plagg's voice suddenly interrupted Hawkmoth. "You are my best friend and you deserve better then this so resist it, please! You might be super clumsy but you always find a solution so you don't need that dumb butterfly!"
 "Y-You're right!" She gasped, feeling her resolve come back. "I am not a pushover! Lila has no real power over me! I am resourceful! I am confident! I am Marinette!"
 "Very well... but the power is there if you decided otherwise," Hawkmoth stated, surprising her. The akuma fluttered out of her phone and flew off, causing her to let out a breathe as Plagg flew over and hugged her.
 "Thank you, Plagg," She muttered, shaking as she got up. She shakily logged onto the akuma alert and put one up before turning to Plagg. However, before she could transform, the door opened again. Plagg quickly hid as Lila entered the bathroom again, making Marinette frown as she went to edge.
 "Oh, Marinette, I'm glad I caught you again," She stated, moving over. Marinette flinched and took a step back, making Lila frown. "Oh, no. I've gone too far. I'm so sorry, Marinette. I didn't mean to get so mean. I just want to be your friend,"
 "What?" Marinette gasped, taken back. Seeing her chance, Lila quickly kissed her cheek, causing the girl to collapse to the floor as she fell into a deep sleep. Lila morphed into her and smirked.
 "Oops, I lied but you already know that," She smirked, picking her up and dragging her into the locker room. She glanced around and smirked as she saw an open locker. She pushed her inside. "I saw a chance and took it but don't worry. I'm just gonna show everyone what you're really like,"
 She laughed as she closed the door before walking off. Plagg flew out of her purse and frowned as he looked at her.
 "Marinette?!" He gasped, trying to shake her head as she slept. "Wake up!"
 Luka frowned as he looked for Marinette. He had noticed her slip away and then be followed by Lila. He tried to leave straight away but Alya got up in his face, causing him to yell at her to get out of his space. As soon as she did, he rushed off but he couldn't find Marinette. He frowned as he headed to the locker room, only for her to exit. He let out a sigh of relief.
 "Marinette, there you are," He called, causing her to look at him.
 "Oh, yes, here I am," She replied, acting a little off but he figured she had been crying. He asked her if she was ok and explained he had been looking for her. However, she suddenly grabbed his hands and smirked at him. "Aww, you're such a sweetheart, Luka. Hey, why don't we go to the bakery and I can give you something sweet as a reward,"
 "Um... you said you would help Juleka and Rose with the designs..." He mumbled, trying to pull his hands away from her. She was not acting like herself. "And you know I prefer to buy from the bakery. Artists need to support other artists,"
 "Oh, I'm sure my parents won't notice a couple of items going missing," She gasped, moving closer. "And it's not like Rose and Juleka are worth my time... not like how you are..."
 She leaned in to kiss him, causing him to push her back.
 "What the hell, Marinette?" He gasped, surprising her.
 "What? Do you want to kiss me?" She asked, surprising him as she traced her fingers over his arm. "I mean you like me right and I like you... so we should kiss..."
 "Not like this," He stated back, stepping back from her. "You're clearly not yourself right now. I don't know what's wrong but your music is off,"
 "My music?" She asked, confused but it was all he needed to fully realize the truth. This wasn't Marinette. He stepped back even more, making her look at him confused. "Luka, what's wrong?"
 "You're not Marinette," He stated, surprising her.
 "What do you mean?" She gasped, wondering how did he know. "Of course, I am-"
 "No, you're not," He gasped. "I don't know who you are but you are not her,"
 "Oh, such a clever boy... why don't I reward you with a kiss?" She smirked, trying to kiss him again but he managed to dodge her. She laughed before jumping up to the first floor and blowing a kiss at him. He ran up the stairs to chase after her but she jumped to the other side o landed in front of Alya and Nino, who were coming out of the canteen with the others. "Oh, Alya! I've been looking for you!"
 "Really, girl?" She asked, surprised as Luka rushed over.
 "Yes, I just wanted to tell you that you're a terrible reporter and you don't deserve Nino! In fact, we all know he only settled for you because he couldn't have me," She smirked, making Alya look at her in betrayal. "Rose, you're nothing more then a dumb blonde, Mylene and Ivan... you're both really fat... Oh, Nathaniel, I don't know how you got that comic book of yours published since you have zero talent... Juleka, you're so moody. How do you think you could possibly be a model when you have no expression and... well..."
 She looked her up and down.
 "Shouldn't you lost the baby fat?" She asked, making Juleka's eyes fill with tears. "And Nino, you don't deserve your cap!"
 She grabbed it and laughed, running off with it as Luka reached them. They all looked outrage as he caught his breathe.
 "Whatever she just said, don't listen," He gasped, making them look at him with surprise. "It isn't the real Marinette. I don't know who it is but-"
 His phone buzzed, causing him to look at it. The akuma alert app had showed one was active near by. He frowned deeply before his eyes widen. Marinette must have been akumatized. 
 "She's an akuma..." He muttered, causing everyone to mutter and gasp.
 "How can you be certain?!" Alya gasped, causing him to show her the phone. She read the alert and frowned as the others read it too.
 "She must have been akumatized after rushing off," Juleka mumbled, making everyone agree. "W-We need to hide. She might come back to do worst to us.."
 "Oh no!" Alya gasped, making them look at her. "She might go after Lila! We need to find her and warn her!"
 "We should split up," Luka suggested, seeing his chance. He had no intention of finding Lila but this gave him a chance to transform. "We can cover more ground that way,"
 "Good idea,"Adrien nodded before giving directions. Luka offered to check the locker room as he could get Tikki from his bag and go out of the window. He ran off as everyone else went to look for Lila and made his way to the locker room. He slipped inside and walked to his locker but heard the sounds of light snores as he walked past a section of lockers. He doubled back and noticed one was slightly ajar. He walked over and opened it, causing him to gasp as he found Marinette inside, asleep.
 "Marinette?!" He gasped, trying to wake her up but she snoozed on. He noticed her cheeks were stained with tears but overall, she didn't look hurt. Feeling a little relief as she wasn't hurt, he decided to head to his locker and get Tikki. She followed him over to Marinette and frowned as she checked her over. "Well?"
 "She seems to be in an enchanted sleep," She muttered, making him frown.
 "Is there any way you can wake her?"
 "I'm afraid not," She mumbled, making him frown. "Unless I use the cure but to do that-"
 "You have to summon a lucky charm," He muttered, frowning. "Could you do that?"
 "Sure, if you want a new planet," She stated, making him frown a little more. "Best thing we can do is transform and find the cause of this sleep,"
 "It has to be the Marinette I saw earlier," He muttered, making Tikki frown. "She looked just like Marinette but wasn't her. Not only was her behavior strange but she insulted her friends and didn't know what I meant when I said her music. Marinette, akumatized or not, would have known,"
 "So another Marinette was running around?"
 "Yes... but this impostor has to be an akuma," He muttered, swiping his earrings. "Tikki, spots on!"
 He transformed and opened his yoyo to see there had been any news reports. One showed a car crash and the other the Marinette imposer balanced on the Eiffel Tower. Luckily, no one had been hurt in the crash and the cure would fix things but he was still annoyed. He frowned and closed his yoyo before looking at Marinette. He couldn't just leave her in the locker. He gently moved her out of it and picked her up. She snuggled against him in her sleep, making him blush a little before he left the room and headed to the nurse's office, coming around Juleka and Rose as he did.
 "Juleka, Rose," He called, making them look over. Rose gasped as she saw him holding Marinette in her arms. He gestured to the nurse office's door, causing Juleka to rush over and open it for him, allowing him to move inside as the nurse gasped and jumped. "Sorry for the intrusion"
 He gently placed Marinette on the bed. She curled up and breathed in lightly as he placed a blanket over her. 
 "What's wrong with her?" Rose asked, making Juleka nod as he faced them.
 "She's in an enchanted sleep," He muttered, making them frown. "She was inside a locker that happened to look in when I was looking for an akuma. I got an alert one was active here so I came to investigate. Your brother told me that he had seen Marinette act odd when he ran into me so I'm guess the Marinette he saw was the akuma and had hidden the real one in a locker,"
 "That means the things she said wasn't really her!" Rose gasped, clearly happy. "I knew Marinette wasn't so mean!"
 "We better tell everyone so we can clear her name," Juleka muttered, making him frown. "Oh, that akuma Marinette insulted us and was really mean. She even stole Nino's hat but since you've found the real Marinette, we can clear her name... but you can wake her right?"
 "She should wake once the akuma is dealt with and the cure has been cast," He muttered, making them nod. "Can you look after her? I have to go after it,"
 "Of course, Anatis," Both girls grinned as he smiled before he nodded at the nurse and left the room. He headed to the Eiffel Tower where a crowd of people had gathered. He jumped up and landed on the edge as Akumanette was balancing on the edge and acting like a total idiot. It was clearly an act to lure him here but still he couldn't just let her or whoever it was fall. The akumanette was holding on to two Lady Noir balloons and laughing as she moved across before misplacing her footing. She screamed as she plummeted down to earth but Anatis threw his yoyo and swung up, catching her. He landed on the ground as everyone clapped.
 "Oh, my prince charming!" She gasped falsely. "You saved my life. How about a kiss?"
 "No, thanks," He muttered but she tried to kiss him anyway, causing him to shove her off and jump away from her. "I know you're not the real Marinette,"
 "Oh my, what a clever bug," She grinned, standing up. "You're right though. I'm not Marinette... I'm Chameleon! You're getting better at this, Anatis, which is a good thing. It will make this fight all the more interesting... so shall we dance, my handsome bug?"
 With that, she charged at him, trying to punching him. He dodged and kicked at her as they spun around. However, she was constantly trying to kiss him as well. He grabbed her arms and flipped her over his arms, pinning her down.
 "Where is your akuma?!" He growled, causing her to wrap her legs around him and throw him off her, surprising him with her strength. He looked up and frowned as she had disappeared. "Damn it,"
 "Anatis, is everything ok?" Nadja asked, holding up her mic. "Why were you fighting against a civilian?"
 "That's not a civilian," He frowned, dusting himself down. "She's an akuma calling herself Chameleon. It appears she has the ability to take on any form so please be careful,"
 "Of course, Anatis," Nadja nodded as he threw his yoyo and pulled himself up to the rooftops. He took out his yoyo and tried to call Lady Noir but she didn't answer. He sighed but put his yoyo away and continued looking. He jumped down to the Trocadéro Gardens as a woman looked for her kid but didn't see Marinette anywhere. He jumped across to a lamp post before looking around then hopping to another one. He frowned as he still didn't see her but she couldn't have gotten far.
 "Anatis!" A little boy called, making him look at him. "I saw the villain running over there!!"
 He pointed towards the carousel, causing Anatis to look over. He jumped down and took out his yoyo.
 "Thanks, kid but you better get somewhere safe. It's dangerous," He muttered, walking over with caution. "Chameleon, it's over! Show yourself!"
 He frowned as he looked around, not seeing her.
 "My Quentin!" A woman gasped, making him look to her. "You've found him, Anatis,"
 "Found him?" He asked, looking at her before turning around, just as the child dived towards him. His eyes widen in surprise as he realized that Chameleon was the child but before it could kiss him, he heard Lady Noir yelling before suddenly been pushed aside, causing Chameleon to kiss her instead. He rolled and looked up as Chameleon turned in Lady Noir while the real one fell to the ground, asleep. "Lady Noir?!"
 She went to take her ring but he threw his yoyo, stopping her from doing so as she faced him.
 "It looks it's down to the two of us, Anatis?" She smirked, using Lady Noir's voice. "Don't you think I make a purrfect kitten?!"
 "I prefer the real deal," He snarled back, causing her to laugh before throwing up her hair in the air and summoning Lady Noir's cataclysm. Anatis frowned deeply as the dark energy appeared in her hand before he spun his yoyo. "Let's find out who you really are, Chameleon,"
 "Not before I discover your identity first," She threw back before running at him. He dodged her attacks as she tried to grab him or hit him with her charged up hand. "Too bad that Lady Noir's power is going to destroy you,"
 She tried to kiss him, causing him to dodge.
 "Ever heard of consent?!" He retorted back, dodging her again. He briefly lost his foot and tripped, causing her to try and jump on him but he threw her off and jumped over to a lamp post. "Hey, bet you can't catch me,"
 He jumped over the Eiffel Tower and climbed up it, causing her to follow. He stood on part of it with his arms as she landed on the edge and smirked at him.
 "No where to run, Bug boy," She growled as he smirked.
 "I don't intend to," He replied, throwing up his yoyo and summoning his lucky charm. He caught it and frowned as she laughed at it. "A t-shirt?" 
 "That's your plan, Anatis? Make me dress like you?" She laughed, clearly mocking him before glancing at him with a critical eye. "On second thoughts, such horrible fashion might actually do me in,"
 She charged at him, causing him to jump back and wrap the shirt around his arm before he threw his yoyo, grabbing her baton and pulling it out her hands. He threw it off the tower and blocked her attack as she tried to hit him. She growled and aimed a kick at him, causing him to move around the area they were in. She managed to kick him and knocked him back before diving at him. She landed on him, knocking him down onto the ground as his yoyo bounced down to the lower level. She tried to kiss him but he pushed back her head. She smirked and moved her hand, causing him to block her before he managed to threw her off, making her laugh as she walked towards him, corning him off as he took a fighting stance
 "You trapped and without your precious yoyo," She smirked, running towards him with her hand out stretched. However, he stepped to the side and grabbed her hand before tripping her up and slamming her hand into the ground, causing the floor to rush and break. The two of them fell down as his luck vision lit up the waitress, an oyster knife and an oyster. He smirked as he landed on the counter and grabbed the nearest one as she landed on the ground next to him. She jumped up and went to kiss him but he slammed the oyster onto her lips and smirked at her surprised expression as she stumbled back, causing the Oyster to drop. "Oh, no,"
 Pink sparkles appeared as she transformed into an oyster and fell to the ground. Anatis rolled off the counter and picked it up before turning to the terrified waitress. He helped her to her feet as Lady Noir came over.
 "Are you ok?" He asked, getting a nod of her as the oyster made a noise, causing Lady Noir to raise an eyebrow. He held it up and smirked. "Say hello to our akuma,"
 "Seems she clammed up a little," Lady Noir grinned, making Anatis shake his head. "So how do we get her out of the shell?"
 "I think I have an idea," He muttered, turning to the waitress and holding out the shirt and oyster. "Would you mind?"
 "Of course, Anatis," She smiled, taking the items of him and grabbing the oyster knife. She made quick work of opening it before holding it out to him. "Monsieur,"
 "Thank you," He smiled as he picked the black pearl that was inside. "Time to see what you look like, Chameleon,"
 "It's an old acquaintance," Lady Noir frowned, making him frown as well before he broke the pearl and released the akuma. He captured it with his yoyo and freed the purified version before taking the t-shirt that the waitress held out and threw it into the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magical swarm. It flew around fixing everything before disappearing. The oyster turned purple and transformed back into Lila, causing Anatis to frown deeply and cross his arms as he looked annoyed and unimpressed. "Lila Rossi... why am I not surprised?"
 "Anatis? Oh my gosh, was I akumatized?" She gasped. "I am so sorry. I was just so upset about how Marinette was treating me. She's such a horrible girl and I know she lied to you-"
 "Lila, that's enough!" He growled, making him go quiet as he pinched his nose. "Marinette didn't lie to me about you. She didn't even mentioned your name or imply it was you when she was akumatized. Also, she didn't make you lie about been a superhero now, did she?"
 "I- urg! You're the worst!" She gasped, jumping down and storming off. Anatis shook his head before turning to Lady Noir.
 "I'm sorry but I have to get going. She tried to frame Marinette and I want to make sure she's ok," He explained, making her nod and attempt to hide her blush as he walked over to the edge of the tower before stopping and waving at her. "See you later, kitten,"
 "Bye..." She sighed, dreamily before shaking her head and leaving. She needed to get to the school before he does. She managed to find her way there and climbed into a classroom, de-transforming quickly before rushing out, just as he landed in the courtyard. He looked around and saw her, smiling as he did. He jumped up and landed on the railing near her, making her smile shyly. "H-Hi,"
 "Hey, I'm glad to see you're awake," He stated, making her blush. "I was worried,"
 "Oh, I'm ok!" She gasped, holding up her hands. He smiled and nodded as his earrings beeped.
 "Ah... gotta go," He mumbled, throwing his yoyo and flying off as she sighed. Rose and Juleka ran over.
 "Marinette, there you are!" Rose gasped, hugging her as Juleka caught her breathe. "Don't run off like that,"
 "I'm sorry. I just wanted to warn Anatis," She mumbled as Lila walked into the courtyard. She noticed Marinette and glared at her before huffing and walking off. The bell rang, causing the three girls to sigh and walk towards the class. However, Marinette heard her name been called, making her turn around as Luka ran over and hugged her. She blinked but hugged back. Juleka grabbed Rose and pulled her inside as she looked like she was about to squeal with delight. Luka gently let go off Marinette and looked at her.
 "You're ok," He gasped, happy to see she was alright. "I was so worried that you had been akumatized again,"
 "Oh no... not me... it was Lila," She muttered, holding up her hands but then Lila's threat came into her mind. The akuma had been after her and Lila had been in a pretty good mood after threatening her so how did she get akumatized? "But it doesn't add up..."
 "What doesn't?"
 "Lila been akumatized..." She muttered, looking down. "I think she might have been the next target for the akuma but I don't know why...."
 "Next target?" He asked, concerned. "But you said you weren't akumatized...."
 "And I wasn't but...." She muttered, looking down. "Hawkmoth did try. He promised me power again but I resisted I promise!"
 "I believe you," Luka smiled, looking at her with a gentle look. "And I'm proud of you for resisting him...but can I ask why? I know Lila had followed you to the bathroom. I tried to find you after I noticed but..."
 She frowned and looked down as tears filled her eyes. He frowned deeply and pulled her into his arms as Miss Bustier walked out of the class. She looked at him and then at Marinette, who was sobbing against his chest.
 "Mr Couffaine, would you mind taking Marinette home?" She asked, making her look up as she gave her a gentle look. "Tell her parents she has my permission for the rest of the afternoon off and if she needs tomorrow off as well, she can. I'll get one of the class members to bring any home work to her. I'll inform Ms Mendeleiev off your absence while you take her home,"
 "Of course, Miss Bustier," He replied, gently leading Marinette away from the class and out of the school. Marinette kept quiet as she sniffed and wiped her eyes as they walked. They entered the bakery, causing Sabine to look up and rush over when she saw her daughter in tears. Luka explained as best as he could what had happened and told her what Miss Bustier said, causing Sabine to fuss over her daughter and take her upstairs. She came back down and gave him some free food before telling that Marinette had fallen asleep for now and if he wanted, he could come by and see her later. He nodded and left, heading back to school. The rest of the afternoon went really quickly and soon he found himself telling Juleka he would be heading to Marinette to check in on her. She asked him to take the homework of that afternoon to her since he was already heading there, causing him to take them and place it into his bag before Rose and her ran off. He turned to walk off but found Lila in his pathway.
 "Oh, hi, Luka," She grinned, in her false voice. "I wanted to talk to you as I think we got off on the wrong foot,"
 "No, we didn't," He stated, coldly.
 "I don't understand why you seem to hate me," She gasped, insulted. "You haven't even given me a chance,"
 "I don't need to," He stated, making her frown. "I can tell what kind of person just from your song and yours can't even be called that,"
 "What do you mean?"
 "Simple, I hear the sound of people's hearts," He explained, making her frown. "And I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard then your heart,"
 "Harsh," She gasped as he went to walk away.
 "But true," He stated, making her frown even more. "Not that you would know about that. Now if you excuse me, I have places to be,"
 He went to walk away but she stopped him.
 "I see you've made a decision, Luka," She stated, making him glare down at her. "I was hoping you would become my friend but clearly, you've decided to move against me so from now on, you and I are at war. You're gonna lost your friends and end up alone. Not even Marinette will want to look at you when I'm done. She'll hate you and your life will end up in chaos, thanks to me,"
 She smirked at him, thinking it will scare him but he merely smirked.
 "We'll see about that, Lila," He replied, not even trembling. She frowned as he should be terrified. "You know what they say about Chaos right?"
 "From Chaos comes creation," He smirks, making her frown. "And I'm very creative, especially when there is chaos. After all, I am a Couffaine and chaos runs deep in my blood so go ahead and try,"
 He smirked as she stood there, shaking before he walked off, whistling to himself as he did.
 ~Later that Night~
 "Hey, Kitten," Anatis stated as he walked over to Lady Noir, who was sat on a rooftop. She looked over and smiled as he sat down before he took out his yoyo and reached in, taking out a bag of cookies before taking one for himself and offering one to her. She thanked him and took one, happily eating it. "So Lila got reakumatized..."
 "Yeah and I don't think it was unintentional," She muttered, making him frown. "I talked to Marinette as I was worried about her,"
 "What did you find out?" He asked, looking at her.
 "She was almost reakumatized," She muttered, making him frown. "She resisted it and activated the akuma alert to let us know then Lila came back in, caught her off guard and kissed her,"
 "That's how she changed into her," He muttered, frowning. "But why was she nearly akumatized and then Miss Rossi?"
 "I think I can answer that too," She explained. "I asked Marinette the same thing and she told me that Lila had threatened her and her friend, Luka,"
 "She what?!" He yelled, making her blink and look at him. He took a deep breathe and tried to calm himself down. "Continue please,"
 "Uh... Marinette said that Lila threatened to destroy his friendships then turn him against Marinette so he would only have Lila left," She mumbled, making him frown deeply. Lila clearly thought he was attractive enough to want to steal him from Marinette... not that he was actually hers but it made him glad that him and Jagged had agreed not to go public yet. "But she was confused that Lila got akumatized. Apparently, Lila was in quite the giddy mood after her threat,"
 "So why would she get akumatized?" He asked, frowning.
 "Her akumatization doesn't add," Lady Noir muttered, making him frown. "She wasn't upset or angry,"
 "What if she didn't need to be?" He muttered, making her look at him. "Hawkmoth uses negative emotions to track and make akumas but the butterfly miraculous doesn't work like that naturally. It's butterfly could just give any powers as long as they felt something so what if Lila saw the butterfly and took it for herself?"
 "But that would suggest that Lila did that intentionally?" Lady Noir gasped, making him nod. "You really think she would do that?"
 "She threatened two people despite knowing that there is a psychotic super villain who targets bad emotions and has made it clear she is willing to hurt people," He points out, making her frown.
 "Wait... two people?" She asked, making him sigh.
 "She threatened Luka in person," He muttered, making her frown. "He told me about it before I came here,"
 "Why that little witch!" She gasped, making him look at her with surprise. "You know what?! She is definitely capable of willingly helping Hawkmoth!"
 "I agree," He stated, looking back at the skyline. "I'm gonna ask my informants at the school to keep an eye on her,"
 "And the fact that she helped Hawkmoth?" Lady Noir asked, making him look at her.
 "We gather evidence," He stated, making her smile. "Every scrap of prove we have so she can't wiggle her way out of it and we cover everything. If she's willing to work with a terrorist then who knows what else she's done,"
 "Sounds good to me," She nodded. "I ask my informants to help out,"
 "You have informants?"
 "Of course, I do," She grinned, giving him a cheeky wink. He chuckled and shook his head before munching on his cookie. She gently moved over and leaned her head against his shoulder, causing him to look at her again. "This ok?"
 "Yeah," He smiled, looking back at the skyline. "It is,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/639463660148932608/miraclous-rise-of-anatis-42
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rhodesmystery · 6 years
what is the rough timeline of natasha and charlie relationship? i love your fics and how its like little peeks into the development of it all and how it doesnt rely on them being together ll the time its lovely
HM HM HM okay let’s see... like i guess the thing is that ultimately is written for charlie and what i’ve done for natasha is being their own person is rly integral to them? like charlie grew up in a house where at any period of time, nine ppl were living under the same roof? like he didn’t have much time to himself that he literally upped and moved to romania lmfao. and natasha like, one day i’ll remember to post her family tree, but she’s in the same boat in a way, especially when her family moves from america full time. then she’s suddenly thrown into a household with all her extended family. they need to be their own people first, and i mean that independence does hurt communication and the needs of not just themselves but others as well and i guess that’s why i wrote the long walk for their relationship to finally find that point where they were like. yes. where their lines finally crossed over and stayed crossed over, instead of simply running parallel and sometimes moving in but barely touching?
this got long so under the cut
they do meet in first yr bc the game is LYING that such a SMALL CLASS POST-VOLDY wouldnt exist like a literal baby boom happens post voldy dying but the current kids around would honestly be rly small groups? hogwarts would be so EMPTY REAL TALK everyone also afraid to let their kids go to school
natasha asks for slytherin, should've been ravenclaw. much distress, and first yr in between running around with the vault of ice kind of finds her spending a lot of time in the towers and stuff. she likes high places. 
this gonna sound bad but i dont rly remember much of the 1st yr of hphm apart from not sealing the vault properly, but anyway natasha and charlie were friends anyway that mattered and natasha wasn't a very good slytherin for befriending a gryffindor AND a weasley
second yr is kind of the time where she meets bill and like on the one hand is a little infatuated with him but they are rly good friends at the end of the day. she pulls away from charlie a bit bc of it but then again i figure around this stage charlie has started his crusade of entering the forest in some respects so like. he’s not even on the grounds half the time lbr. also, i dont remember much of this yr either a lot happened. but the ice knight was there.
third yr aka vault of fear! again, with the bs, i think natasha knew of everyone PRIOR to their intros and stuff so they’re all kind of good friends but ig this is also just my thing of like. small classes post war. even with the attempt at animosity between houses, especially post war, kids probably aren't going to do. that. and i know slytherin is all death eater kids basically but most of them are probably orphaned too by the end of the war. theyre all scared ANYWAY social circle expanding... idk this yr was a ride too i remember it a little bit more than the others ig. idk what happened here rly
OKAY SO FOURTH YEAR RIGHT that’s when it’s literally a year of dating charlie in game but whatever. so going from literally spending only classes together and maybe like the one christmas if bill and charlie stayed in the castle at the same time, natasha and charlie did talk and were friends but it was on the down low towards the end of third yr. until it wasn’t bc literally all the scheming to get into the forest and mr charlie ‘i asked my brother a million questions about you over the summer’ weasley just rolling up. and theyre in each others spaces A Lot which is kind of wild for the both of them considering they’re both from large families and personal space is A Thing™ they both really need but their friendship really deepens this year. they’re very honest with each other, and whilst bill is natasha’s best friend just because of how they click, her and charlie have this understanding between them that it’s hard to get between.
except fifth yr comes along and smacks everyone in the face. natasha finds out what puberty is over the summer, along with a prefect badge. charlie also has a bit of a growth spurt around this time, so they’re awkward and lanky around each other early on. natasha also dates myron wagtail during her fifth yr, as well as esther szohr and a couple of other ppl here and there. she’s all giggly and twirling hair and I'm so sorry charlie she just hasn’t noticed you at this stage. but it’s not rly a good year for her, mentally all around, so don’t feel too bad ig.
sixth yr she’s getting tired(er) and lightly dates other people as well. broke up with myron over the summer, and like. has started to see charlie in another light, kind of? but at the risk of ruining her friendship, madly writes to bill most of the time about ‘how do i get your brother to notice me????’ because communication is key and natasha doesn’t actually know what it is. she’s also named captain of slytherin quidditch team this yr, and well. ends up spending a ridiculous amount of time closer to charlie’s second great love. sees another side of him. swoons in the stands a lot. they kind of reignite their friendship as well, as it just politely simmered in the back. teach other spells. lots of touching with hands like no no wave like this... it’s very romantic and high strung and they’re dumb teenagers not sure what to do.
they mess it up over the summer between sixth and seventh yr tho. lots of kissing. some other stuff. natasha spends a bit of time with the weaselys before returning to hogwarts. hormones everywhere.
seventh year starts with them kind of tiptoeing around not knowing where they stand relationship wise, and they’re not!! good!! at talking!! so it’s like a big drawn out game of whispers to figure out who said what but it breaks off bad and natasha cries a lot and charlie feels awful too and they’re mopey and shit for a while. like they can’t be in each other’s spaces for a while that they kind of completely withdraw to their own houses sort of thing. eventually, with a few helpful nudges and stuff, they at least talk to each other but don’t know if the friendship is there. 99% sure penny was ready to amortentia the both of them to ‘fix things’ and also just to prove she could do it. also probably didnt help that barnaby and a few other slytherins jumped charlie and quidditch team as 1) for natasha but also 2) for quidditch and that also really prompts natasha and charlie to talk because they rly cant let ppl do it for them lol
same year still, but as things start to improve and they can somewhat pick up their old banter without getting sad, bill invites natasha over for xmas because he’s actually given it off. never mind that in between all this, natasha took to writing to myron again, which just. not nice natasha jfc. natasha and charlie enjoy an incredibly awkward trip back with some UST, kiss again in the spot where they pretty much shared their first kiss, refuse to talk about the kiss, natasha buys charlie a new wand, they try to talk about it but its mostly natasha apologising for being a brat.
theyre still not back ‘on’ though, and have some make outs in locker rooms anyway, to the both of their confusion. are they ever going to talk? no. UNTIL ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and natasha’s not good at words but she’s good at actions and yknow what? fk it. slytherin might’ve won the quidditch cup, but when she landed in the middle of the pitch, and charlie reached out to shake her hand, she grabbed the front of his uniform and pulled him in for a big damn kiss in front of literally everyone, cup in her other hand. she keeps a photo of it on her at all times after that. 
i also have a fic I'm writing that was kind of before the celestial ball was announced where they organised kind of 7th yr graduation dance thing and it was going to be quiet and intimate kind of and natasha and charlie end up finishing the night together, falling asleep on a balcony and waking up with each other sort of thing lol
and that’s only ‘91. late ‘91 is when they separate for job opportunities. natasha goes to work at gringotts for a bit with bill, and charlie goes off to romania. they get a few weeks in of summer loving before, though, also post graduation celebration. but they write constantly and stuff. pursuing their own lives kind of starts to become a thing.
in ‘92, early they kind of make a vow to each other when they get a bit of time off and go to greece. its very romantic and a big step forward in commitment for them, as they don’t really see each other for the rest of the year. also, late 92 natasha starts working at durmstrang, which removes her even further from the stream of things.
early ‘93 is not a good time for charlie because of what happens to ginny and ron, so he’s not exactly in the best mindset as theres some self doubt at removing himself so much from his family, he cant be there so easily when they need him most. midway through ‘93, natasha gets attacked at durmstrang, and it takes ppl a while to actually find her. charlie spends a long ass time in st mungos beside her until she wakes up, and they reaffirm their feelings for each other when she does. natasha admits that she had called for charlie, being the last thought she had, and she creates the little runic stones for the both of them as a way of contacting each other, or just reminding them the other is there.
natasha returns to working in late ‘93, and in ‘94 they see each other again at the world cup. i know i said they took a break and ig they did but its easy for them to flirt dumbly until things go to shit with death eaters. until they punch one! and later on natasha is brought in as hired help to tutor the students brought to hogwarts, but because her ‘inside knowledge’ of the school is valuable. her and charlie hook meet up quite a bit when he’s present for the first task. also because she’s hanging around for the entire year, she is there for the yule ball and stuff. lots of writing to charlie like do you remember when we danced? so romantic.
idk what happens in ‘95. i haven't planned anything. same for ‘96. short of natasha going to romania to visit charlie a few times, and how her work ends up bringing her into the ministry a bit. its not the same kind of cooling off as hogwarts where they question the relationship, but apart from letters they dont really see each other.
in 97 however!!!!! bill and fleur’s wedding and like. they spent a bit of time apart again, so natasha puts on her best to impress her boy. and charlie wants to propose but also because he’s totally smitten by the idea of making it real between them as a proposal via ribbon only does so much lmfao. and they get interrupted! and separated for quite some time actually. natasha ultimately returns to her family, for the larger part of 97 she's working with them as they deal with the fact her grandfather made a deal with death eaters, and that her ancient family history is coming back to bite them in the ass. like i know in the books they say charlie went around recruiting foreign wizards but thats so HANDWAVEY of jkr yknow? granted she never rly sounded like she knew what to do with charlie apart from shipping him off to romania. I'm sure he went to romania like YO we cant let this happen come with me when it mattered, but you’ll have to fight me to convince me he wasn't with his family for a large part of the story, and that he wasn't doing underground work and stuff in the mean time (you can’t change my mind)
in 98 though everything goes to hell for natasha’s family and she, in a moment of panic, calls for charlie. and he literally runs to her, and they both nearly die for it, but like he finally sucks up the courage to ask her, for realsies, if she would marry him. its been like 10yrs of will they wont they for them and only so many bets can be placed. 
they get married late 98, and i know i never quite decided on smth big or intimate, but i think i’m happy with a ‘they had a big damn wedding and it was ridiculously opulent and flowery for autumn where you would’ve thought it was spring sort of thing. or maybe even something blissfully wintery. they’ve moved out of their summer romance phase, where it only came around for a few weeks at a time. relationship development. 
DO THEY HAVE KIDS I CANT DECIDE i guess the eldest would be born some time in 99? and then from there a general progression lmfao but YEAH
also in regards to like the celestial ball i understand why the canon characters weren’t involved, but i’m just smad. barnaby was rly cute though so... THERE YOU HAVE IT ANYWAY
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