#i wrote half of this on the night before an extremely important exam lol
Hey, could you write Yandere Headcanons For Kaguya Wakaizumi and Moeko Rakuyona?
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♡ General headcanons ♡
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Pairings: Kaguya Wakaizumi, Moeko Rakuyona x GN!Reader Word Count: 0.5k (Kaguya); 0.5k (Moeko) Content: Delusional mindsets, yandere behaviour, insecurity, guilt-tripping, jealousy.
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{Kaguya Wakaizumi}
♡ As a yandere, Kaguya is far more mild than most. She's not the type to harm or kill anyone, and her generally "girl next door" personality means few would suspect her of harbouring a deep obsession. Even Kaguya herself doesn't think she's capable of such a thing, thus believing that her intense infatuation is merely a deep feeling of love.
♡ Her obsession isn't obvious at first. In the early stages of your relationship, she mainly comes off as just your bubbly and cheerful girlfriend. Of course, there are the occasional moments of clinginess, but that's easy to brush off. With how much she loves being around others and how she's smitten with you, it seems only natural.
♡ However, as your relationship progresses, her more unhealthy behaviour starts to show. She starts trying to spend more and more time with you, regardless of where you're going or who you're with. At school, in town, at home - she wants to be with you all the time.
♡ She almost always finds a way to invite herself along, even when her presence is inappropriate. ♡ Going to a family dinner? She loves seeing your relatives, so she'll gladly tag along. Going to a funeral or to visit a sick loved one? Don't worry, she'll be there to provide comfort and emotional support. Going anywhere by yourself because you want to be alone? Don't be silly, she'll accompany you! She loves spending time with you, after all.
♡ There are very few things you can say to get her to leave you alone and even then, none of them work for very long. Whenever you reject her request to come with you, Kaguya won't argue with you necessarily, but she will make her disappointment known. Talking less, looking more gloomy, asking you for reassurance that you still love her, etc.
♡ She essentially guilts you into apologising for wanting her to respect your boundaries, then continues to act like nothing happened.
♡ Another way in which her obsession manifests is her jealousy. Being a social butterfly, Kaguya is no stranger to having to split her attention among multiple people, so she tries not to be too upset when you do it, but it's not easy for her. She's a hypocrite in that sense: enjoying socialising with others while at the same time feeling bothered if you do the same.
♡ In these instances, her clinginess becomes quite literal; she clings to you while you're chatting with someone, even if that person is a mutual friend or a family member. With her arms wrapped around one of yours and her head resting on your shoulder, it's obvious to both you and the person you're speaking to that she wants to monopolise your time and attention, which usually results in them leaving.
♡ You can try all you want to change her and make her see reason, but it won't work. She'll just resort to guilt-tripping you again until you eventually give up and let her have her way. Kaguya is always so happy when you do and assures you, as she pulls you into an almost suffocating hug, that you've made the right choice. As long as you're together, she promises to make you the happiest person you can be.
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{Moeko Rakuyona}
♡ Moeko is yet another yandere who stands on the more mild end of the spectrum, although it's safe to say she's more intense than Kaguya.
♡ This stems mainly from her insecurity complex, which ends up seeping into every aspect of your relationship with her. Previously, she believed she would only ever feel this way towards men she wanted to befriend. However, all of that changed when you came into her life.
♡ From the moment the seeds of her obsession were planted, it seemed that nearly anything and everything Moeko did revolved around you and how it may change your opinion of her. She desperately wants to impress you, which is why she pays extra attention to your preferences in partners.
♡ If you want a partner who's smart, she'll pull as many all-nighters as she needs to pass her exams with flying colours and rise to the top of her class. If you want a partner who's athletic, she'll join the sports club and start heading to the gym. If you want a partner who's creative, she'll pick up several artistic hobbies and work to hone her skills until you believe her to be the best around.
♡ While this may seem sweet to some, it undoubtedly takes a toll on her. Forcing herself to try and master things she has no interest in is mentally draining, but she continues to do it in the desperate hope that it will make you like her more.
♡ Once the two of you are actually in a relationship, her need to prove herself to you doesn't disappear, though it does change.
♡ Now, instead of trying to show you what a good girlfriend she'd be, she's trying to show you what a good girlfriend she is. Moeko does everything she can to make your relationship feel as fulfilling as possible, and she will adjust to your preferences accordingly, even if they don't match her own.
♡ She also has a habit of becoming jealous if you pay a lot of attention to someone else or praise them often. She doesn't like feeling like she's second best in your eyes, so she often attempts to emulate whatever they're doing that has your attention in the hopes that she can divert it back to her.
♡ Though, the worst of her insecurity by far shows itself when she believes you're starting to lose interest in her. She tries to play it off and keep up her calm facade, but one look at her flitting gaze and rigid posture reveals her true feelings: she's terrified that you'll find someone you deem better than her and leave.
♡ As such, she will continue to try and try and try. She won't rest until she believes you're as infatuated with her as she is with you, and only then will her behaviour start to mellow. But even then, you have to be careful. Give one too many hints that you want to leave and she may just resort to some less-than-honourable tactics to keep you by her side.
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taephilia · 3 years
lost (myself) & found (you)
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pairing: jeon jungkook x gn!reader
genre: fluff, soulmate au, based off of kimi no na wa
warnings: one (1) swear word
word count: 2,120
a/n: i saw this quote from the movie and inspiration just struck and i haven't been able to get it out of my head since. ofc i wrote this for jungkook since he's a weeb and said he would also want to hear bells ring when he meets his soulmate <3 also this is not edited lol i'll come back to it later, i just wanted to get this out
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"Once in a while when I wake up, I find myself crying. The dream I must’ve had I can never recall. But… the sensation that I’ve lost something, lingers for a long time after I wake up." - Tachibana Taki, Kimi No Na Wa (2016)
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Jungkook isn’t sure how long he’s felt like this—felt like something is missing, something important, something that his heart just can’t seem to let go of even if his brain has already forgotten. He knows that he dreams of whatever it is. He recalls scenes as he goes about his day; a loud laugh here, a brush of a hand against his there. People that he’s never seen before walking by him in a city he’s never been to, music playing on the radio that he’s never heard, a family that he comes home to that he doesn’t recognize at all. It’s all very strange and Jungkook is starting to wonder if maybe the late night ramen he’s built up a habit of eating has gone bad or maybe the unhealthy amounts of salt in it are the cause behind this. Because it was all fun and games until Jungkook’s heart starts to ache, like it’s calling out to someone that his brain can’t even conjure up an image for. Someone that he would search the ends of the cosmos for, someone that, whenever he feels like he gets close to them, slips right through his fingers like grains of sand. But he shakes it off whenever the feeling comes and ignores the heavy feeling in his chest in favor of paying attention to that day’s classes. If he had somehow found his soulmate, it definitely wouldn’t be someone in his hometown in the countryside.
Soulmate. That’s who his grandfather had told him he’s been dreaming about ever since Jungkook confessed almost two months ago about the reason behind his ever-present furrowed brows and faraway look in his eyes. He says that it had happened to him when he was around Jungkook’s age but, like most dreams, he’s forgotten who it was. He then went on to talk about the red thread of fate and that’s when Jungkook started tuning out. It’s a nice concept to think about when you’re a child—a red string tied around your pinky that connects you to the person that you’re destined to be with—but it’s just a myth and Jungkook doesn’t have time to think about things that aren’t real. Not when he barely has the time to think about the things that are real, like college entrance exams and graduating from high school.
So he buries his head in his books and pours every last drop of blood, sweat, and tears into his studies to get into his dream college in Seoul. The yearning in his heart doesn’t go away but it’s eclipsed by the pure exhaustion that he feels at the end of every day. And, like most dreams, he forgets.
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Jungkook is 23 when he seriously begins to wonder whether or not he’s going crazy. He had thought he was going over the deep end while in college but hearing bells go off? Now that takes the cake. It happens at random; he never knows when the bells in his head will ring (and Jungkook knows that only he can hear them because nobody around him ever gives any sort of indication that they’ve heard them) no matter how much he tries to prepare for it. He checks his surroundings every day, eyes scanning over the crowds of people weaving around him in Seoul, but it’s no use. The only consistent location that they seem to chime in is when he’s on the metro and even then, it’s on random days, at random times, and not always at the same stop.
He’s not the type to go chasing after fairy tales, or at least, he isn’t anymore. He doesn’t have time to think hard and long about what these imaginary bells could mean, not when he has a job to do and people to impress and money to be made. And his grandfather died during his second year of college so the only conversation of “soulmates” that occurs now are the ones he has with himself in his head and the memories of their conversations years ago. But as fate would have it, Jungkook took a couple of days off to get an early start to the weekend and he is just itching for an adventure. So when he hears the bells go off while he’s making his way to his connecting train, he closes his eyes for a brief moment and puts himself into the hands of fate.
Jungkook allows his feet to carry him where they want, observing his surroundings and keeping an eye out for any person who gives any sort of indication to hearing something that they shouldn’t be hearing. He climbs up the stairs and out of the station, not giving any attention to the people who side-eye him for standing still on a bustling sidewalk, but looks down at his hand instead. In particular, at his pinky, which feels like there’s something squeezing at it. Like… like a thread that’s been tied snugly around it.
The red thread of fate, a voice in his head whispers to him and Jungkook almost chuckles out loud at the thought. And then almost laughs out loud again because, although he doesn’t believe in soulmates, his actions say otherwise. Because as much as Jungkook doesn’t believe in soulmates… Well, the thought of them and the red thread of fate being real is nice, isn’t it? Someone that you’re destined to be with, connected to by a string that can tangle and stretch but will never fray, keeping you tied to them for all eternity. It’s a comforting thought, especially when he thinks of his extremely lacking love life that comes with his high standards and fear of rejection.
Jungkook passes by a bakery during his fate-led walk and just as he’s considering stopping in to buy something, he hears the bells again. A light sound, one that could be mistaken for a phone notification, but one that he knows very well. But Jungkook’s soulmate must be as used to the sound as he is because no one around him gives any sort of indication that they’re also in search of him. And after an hour and a half of walking around a part of the city that he isn’t too familiar with, he’s ready to call it quits for the night. So Jungkook makes his way to the nearest metro station and gets on a train home.
Of course, that’s when he hears the bells again.
He looks up from his phone and around the crowded train but nobody has been able to move since the doors closed. And if it were someone near him, he would have heard them before. There’s a flash out of the corner of his eye and when Jungkook looks up and out the window of the sliding doors, he sees a pair of eyes staring back. A pair of eyes that are not his but in fact belong to someone in a train traveling right next to his. They stare right at him and mirror his own when they widen at the exact same time as his. But just as soon as Jungkook finds you, he loses you just as quickly when your train goes in a different direction.
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Jungkook spends the entire day the next day looking for you. He manages to cross off everything on his “things to do when I’m in Seoul” bucket list that he’s been adding on to for the past 10 years. His feet hurt, his wallet feels significantly lighter than when he first left his apartment, and he’s wondering how much weight he lost from walking what feels like the entire expanse of Seoul three times over. And even after all that, he hasn’t heard the bells. Not once.
And it’s at this point, when Jungkook decides to eat dinner at his favorite ramen shop before calling it a night, that he begins to wonder if he had missed his chance last night. Not like it was much of a chance considering the fact that you were on a different train and he had no way of getting to you. But fate is cruel, isn’t that what some people say? Maybe his thread is just so tangled, so frayed, that it’ll take a lifetime before he’s able to get another glimpse at you. And Jungkook just isn’t that patient.
He can barely even remember what you look like anymore. Maybe it’s the hunger eating away at his stomach and the aching of his feet but as he eats his ramen, he can only recall vague details about you. Like how he wants to drown in your eyes, how soft your skin looks even through two dirty train door windows, and how he thinks your shiny hair probably smells nice - like vanilla or peaches or something. But your face? Absolutely nothing. It’s like he blacked out the second he looked up at you last night.
Jungkook leans back in his seat as he sips at his water, staring out the window of the shop as if you would walk past right that second. But you don’t. So Jungkook throws a couple of bills down onto the table for a tip and heads out, a sigh leaving his lips when he looks around but doesn’t hear any bells. Now that he’s had a chance to sit down and eat, he feels a bit more rational and more determined to find you—but that can wait until tomorrow after he’s had a good night’s sleep. It’s a bit later in the evening so there’s barely anyone around him as he makes his way to the nearest metro station that will take him home. Jungkook is just about to descend the stairs when something makes him stop. He’s not really sure what it is that he stops for; the bus honking on the street beside him or the group of friends laughing as they walk by him? Or perhaps it’s the person at the bottom of the stairs, their eyes looking down as they climb up, but Jungkook just knows that it’s you.
Well, he doesn’t actually know. He’s pretty sure it’s you. It feels like it’s you. But is that fate talking or just his hopeful heart? Jungkook decides not to say anything and slowly walks down the stairs. The bells will tell him if he’s right. Your eyes glance up and meet his and Jungkook sees them widen, but like him, you don’t say anything. Are you waiting to hear your own bells?
He shoves his hands deep into the pocket of his hoodie, eyes quickly darting away from yours to stare holes into the ground as he keeps walking. His heart beats faster with every step and he has to resist the urge to just stare at you point blank because he needs to know and-
He hears the bells. And it’s like a weight is taken off of his shoulders.
But he keeps walking. And you keep walking. And now Jungkook is panicking because why the fuck is he still walking? You’re his soulmate, he found you, so why isn’t he stopping? Jungkook tries to get his feet to stop moving, to just turn around and call out to you but he can’t. What would he even say? ‘Hey, you’? He doesn’t even know your name. ‘I think you’re my soulmate’? How disgustingly cliche. What if you don’t even care that he’s your soulmate? What if you’re already seeing someone? What if he’s the only one that can hear the bells for you and you hear them for someone else? What if-
“Um, excuse me?”
Jungkook almost trips on the last step from how fast he turns around at the sound of your voice. His hands feel clammy but he keeps them in his pocket otherwise you’d be able to see how they’re shaking ever so slightly. He drags his eyes up to yours and suddenly, every bit of anxiety he felt is suddenly gone. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?
“Have we met before? You seem really familiar.”
You’re at the top of the stairs now but you step down a few steps, as if you want to get closer. Jungkook climbs back up a few steps because he does want to get closer. There’s an easy smile on his face as he says, “Found you.”
He isn’t sure where it came from. He isn’t even exactly sure what he means. But it feels like the right thing to say, like something that he’s vaguely remembering from a dream he had a long time ago. And judging from the matching smile on your own face, you know what Jungkook means.
“Took you long enough.”
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