#i wrote like 50% of it in the waiting room and half-way listening to hgtv in the bg about some resort
prometheanglory · 2 years
hi this post is entirely for self indulgence and is very long bc i do not have the patience for an ask game but i have an urgent need 2 answer this entire thing for vinh bc i am a rabid dog and its been sitting in my drafts for too long
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⚠️ also there’s mentions of canoodling and sploinking in here that kinda tests da limits of my pg13 rating but i’ll keep my nards in my pants dw
🥵 : Is your OC perceived as physically attractive to others? Is it at first glance or is it something that takes more time to reach fruition?
you gotta be BLIND to not catch onto the fact she’s hot. but then again, i wouldn’t treat her like some all-time stunner that makes the entire room turn and go silent at a glance like a wattpad fic or anything. she’s taken as a double-take kind of hot, u kno. like, the type of hot where u go ‘god damn’ and then u move on with ur day. or my hands got sweaty bc idt im well-dressed enough today to be in close proximity for u for longer than 45 seconds.
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
kinda hinging off the last question tho…. the vinh appeal gets stronger the longer she’s around. kinda got that ‘peripheral’ vibe, gotta go looking for her more, and more grows on u…..!
trick question bc it’s an endless feedback loop b/w aura and looks bc ain’t no way ur getting one without the other. regardless of which one catches the eye first, both just amplify the other. hot bc shes measured enigma with a muted lull 2 her for real !! but then also she’s just a physically attractive lady.
but tbf maybe her aura isn’t a surefire guarantee of attraction. she isn’t exactly the most forthcoming or warm person, and if mysterious and quiet isn’t ur type from a bombshell then 🤷‍♀️ oh well
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute? 
SHES GOT A LOT GOING ON THAT I THINK R NICE TO LOOK AT OKAY…..….. the most miscellaneous thing is that her hair’s a little messy n got hair falling in her face sometimes in a way that kinda covers her eye and that’s like. eroi.
most conventionally attractive thing abt her is divided b/w her long legs or her eyes overall (shape/eyelashes/irises/etc) 🤧 but if we get into the ‘weird’ category of miscellaneous things that are still kinda conventional. the list kinda looks like: her shoulder width + shoulder angle… her slender neck… sharp but subtle jawline… her cheekbones… her height… her mouth.. the defined collarbone…. torso-waist-hip ratio…. i think i’m allowed to allude to her asscheek. her many piercings… her long fingers… the way she’s definitely a mature n femme beauty but she’s kinda handsome if u look at her under the right lens. her moodier expressions that in my heart r so sultry/mysterious. she’s nicely muscled naturally, but she’s got a softer-toning to her. as ‘willowy’ as she can be depicted, i also like how subtly solid she is, u feel. i like her biceps and stomach specifically. her back is really nice. i like her sharp teeth. idt anybody needs to point out the small breast size thing but i think its charming and it has to be pointed out.
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
she is so sharp and levelheaded... thorough and observant……. focused n dedicated but entirely self-aware…….. competency make my peepee hard.
this is actually a vinh red-flag but i think it’s hot how she doesn’t tell u anything and is very mistrustful despite her general front of honesty 😍 like yes girl lie to me
also her being shockingly resolute with her morals/values despite generally being the begrudging coward who never puts up the rebellious/troublemaker front. the risk of her double-crossing is actually pretty high . ppl who u would never expect to be so underhanded but they’ll do what they feel they must while still playing by your rules 🤤
but also i rly love her mental fortitude… girl can rly tank a hit or weather thru centuries and still stand unbroken!!! she’s the final bastion!!!! idt any other of my ocs quite has the same level of like, genuine capacity to be eroded??? like ofc a chunk of it is coming from her mild self destructive tendencies (hot) but her really repressed sense for self preservation (also hot) keeps her in the weirdest cycle of not actually being able to discard her dignity to call it quits!!!! she will keep going even after there is nothing left on her to go on because she is perpetual and will never be satisfied !!! girl is an engine!!! girl is the dry corpse that will not stop moving and bleeding!!!
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
she’s very aware that other ppl think of her as attractive and she’s pretty conventional in her appeal, but doesn’t rly. feel it? cherish the notion? not that she thinks she’s ugly but she just rly doesn’t get the hype.
technically only uses it to her advantage when trying to keep herself presentable — i.e. may adapt herself if someone’s perception of her dictates she should lean harder into being appealing in that way.
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
did u know i stood in a yankee candle for like 15 minutes sniffing candles last week to embed scents in my brain to know if i could label them as vinhcore in my head. i have Also been previously tempted to sign up for perfume samples just to know more abt scents for the same exact reason. what does that tell u. what does that say about me, we will ignore that.
i think she smells rly… rich. expensive. a kinda sultry perfume? smth with amber that isn’t particularly sweet but floral w musk in a complex way…? but i feel like if im aiming to encompass the colder aspect of her character. it’s still going to lean harder towards floral but it’s less spice and more… woody. aromatic. smth kinda white floral/powdery.
👂 : Does your OC have an attractive voice?
hot to ME. HOT TO ME!!!! this vid is the latest one but it has her outdated art on it and its kinda fried but nonetheless
but i like her voice :-} smooth and low but without toeing too much of the line of strained?? lowkey considering changing her eng va again but that’ll happen whenever it happens tbh
bonus videos bc i like her voice on king of fighters and this is technically the least incriminating video i have for azur lane im sorry for the booby and hole boat girl game
🚲 : Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?
teeeeechnically monogamy-minded…? open to being polyam/having an open relationship. tho it’d be probably still be Nice to settle down some day. maybe. theoretically. it’s smth she needs to address eventually, but it’s just not rly on her plate rn. if it crops up in this time tho, then so be it.
she’s meandering around the metaphorical field bc ppl seem to need her more over there, but she still doesn’t rly get much satisfaction out of that either. not that satisfaction was ever rly much of an end goal for her 💀she views her relationships more as a job commitment than a romantic commitment, hence the blasé attitude towards the topic. think it’d be best to just say she’s going with the flow.
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
it’s always a bit hard to actually catch vinh’s eye, but… who can resist a brief onceover at a modern-day adonis.
aside from that, she’s always a little fascinated by sharp-wits, or ppl who just radiate a certain charisma that lends itself well to leading themselves or a subsequent aura of proficiency. vinh’s prone to falling in line with people who have their own sense of gravity.
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
she’s defo not awkward (being unsociable aside) but charming is a bit of a reach. interesting to talk to in her own right bc she’s been drilled on navigating events and ‘intellectually stimulating’ other’s minds to some degree by tradition’s decree, but being flirtatious or forthcoming is neither here nor there for her 😔
💋 : Is your OC a good kisser? How do they do it?
she knows her way around the block ❤️ granted, it’s usually pretty half-hearted bc she’s just not rly all that in-tune with expressing intimacy for most people. she’s just not rly gonna take much of a lead or initiate much. stays pretty chaste if its up to her, a fleeting smooch 2 the corner of the lip always seems 2 get the job done.
opposite end of the scale is she trusts them more so she’s more open 2 being intimate 🤯 a passionate/entangled makeout type at her core, but that’s actually a very rare occurence still. the things she usually initiates r very prim n formal but its very dear that she’s infatuated enough that she feels compelled to express it 🤧
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?
shhhhhshshhhhhshhhhhhhh shushshushshush
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answer is yes, plenty, and the experiences are….. okay. she doesn’t think about it very hard.
it’s only been recently that she’s become more active? she hasn’t been off the mountain or cloud for that long, and she’s been separated from her nation’s (elite) culture for an even shorter span of time. granted, it’s been a few years but nonetheless. there’s very long and pronounced gaps in her activity in most centuries prior to where we encounter her, and those are life long secrets that have been kept mostly under tight wraps. she’s known for being quite prudish back home, actually.
style-wise… 🤪 vinh’s very attentive and tends 2 heavily prioritize her partner’s needs. down for whatever bc she doesn’t rly have anything in mind, but isn’t exactly the easiest person to ‘rile up’. a servicing type that keeps a very level-head. isn’t rough at all, but she makes up for it in precision and (sometimes) passion. her composure slips a bit (…a lot?) when the shoe’s on the other foot of who’s getting the brunt of the attention. it seems there’s something going on over there about her actual preferences.
💞 : Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
well it’s not the biggest deal in the world for her but sometimes it means a little more to her. most of the time she doesn’t rly have much faith or intention with her flings so she doesn’t invest much in them unless convinced otherwise.
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
she’s a very on-guard person and is prepared for a lot of things ppl will do or say to her, but sometimes things get around her own expectations and it makes her indifferent façade falter.
very pointed comments that she can’t really ‘dodge’, complimentary or not. other examples Also include ppl sometimes regarding her a little too humanely or just with a little too much dignity . and sure she might get flattered but the chances are much higher that she’ll just get more suspicious and on-edge.
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
very reserved and would never initiate anything pda 💀 she can handle being on the receiving end of some Some pda (within limits) but she tends to avoid it if possible. but as the artist/writer i believe firmly in targeting vinh bc you might find that she’s lying a little about how reserved she is.
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
well if there’s something she knows they enjoy then she’ll do her best to arrange it for them. she’s the type to enjoy quiet evenings. whether or not they physically go out, spending time with them is fine.
if it were entirely up to her though, i think her go-to is between staying in and eating smth home-cooked together (even tho she, doesnt rly need to eat,) and generally just decompressing (watch a movie, bake smth small, lay around on the couch, etc) OR a small outing to a museum/art gallery/etc and a nice dinner at a restaurant :-) and then the rest of the night is… also for decompressing . most of the time i think of where the actual romance/bonding for vinh is, i land on like… super quiet moments like being in bed or somewhere where u get the stronger sense of having her complete attention, like in a car or in a quiet corner of a room.
being lazy with a workaholic is a love language, that is my wisdom. intimacy exists in downtime and quiet !!!!
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
wooing isn’t exactly something she sets out to do — but her methods of courting don’t change much regardless of how much she likes or mistrusts her partner.
her courting style is best encompassed as promising them her service, and that definition of ‘service’ is incredibly broad in terms. she aims to please within the limits of her dignity, and rolling over to align herself with their expectations for her is pretty standard. she thinks its critical for them to rely on her somehow or to at least have some due purpose for her to stick around, whether it be in semantics or actual duty.
on a less cynical note, the more romantic version of vinh is just best understood as a very dedicated partner. she’s reliable and responsible — and even if she’s not a super affectionate lover right out the gate, there’s kinda comfort in how… present she is? constant she is? pillar of support for real!!! she wants the best for her lover, and if that best somehow includes her in the image, then she’ll try to accommodate it. biggest difference here is she actually feels like telling her partner stuff thats wrong or things that are just Up instead of just going and fixing it on her own without much of a word.
👙 : What kind of underwear do they use? Is it pretty or functional?
a function over fashion type of girl but a little bit of fashion doesn’t hurt. tends to stick to pretty simple styles and has a preference for dark colors — but she has some more ornate choices that…. were not her first choice, but she can appreciate a thoughtful gift.
actually have a doodle from months ago that was actually from thinking abt the logistics of what she wears and even tho pencil skirt era is over……. it’s still a tight skirt so it still counts.
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