#i wrote this at 2am so i’m positive it’s unintelligible
glasscupsss · 2 years
i’m really interested in seeing when and how elain finds out about rhys meddling in her life (i think that is a huge plot point and it was whack af to put it in a bonus chapter but whatever). cause it’s obvious they have to sneak around because of lucy loo but i could see her maybe not realizing it’s also because of rhys (because why would he do that).
i’ve already head cannoned that they become besties so i’m ready for the betrayal. (DRAMA♥️)
is az gonna tell elain straight up before they even start their love affair or is he gonna wait a bit?
is he gonna tell her at all or is she gonna find out through something else (vision, idk someone else finding out and telling her)?
ngl i would not be mad at a little drama if az keeps her out of that loop (to protect her image of rhys and their friendship dynamic maybe?) and it would give us an opportunity to see how they fight/resolve conflict between themselves. i mean i would be mad at azriel but i love being mad at men.
is rhys gonna tell her himself??? is she gonna be like, f u r i o u s , or is she gonna be a little more emotional/quiet strength about it because her brother in law who said she had a choice, who has provided her with a home and family and money, who has become her friend, lied and manipulated her life and she can’t decide whether she’s more angry or devastated? we’ve seen her react both ways to conflict so whatever happens i’m riding for my flower queen.
you see personally i would probably just start crying and retreat into a hovel in the forest until i was sorted out enough to yell at someone but i’m so excited to see how elain handles it.
does elain already know (seers know stuff) and accept/understand rhys’ motives but is gonna go against them anyway? (cause we know she’s gonna go against him) (though i doubt that she knows already)
i think ultimately az will tell her upfront or she will find out on her own pre-smut and tell him she doesn’t care about rhys’ dumb ass and i love a healthy relationship BUT…
bottom line is i have a groveling kink so i want a guilty rhys and az begging elain for forgiveness 🙏🏼
i also love emotional turmoil because ♥️ a n g s t ♥️
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