#i’m glad my love for older sid is shared
prescottsgirl · 1 year
the way that almost all my requests are always older!sidney is so cute and silly i love it
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ttylfedora · 4 years
10th March: 14/19
PART THREE PART THREE PART THREEEEEE (you can find parts one and two here)
All of the thanks to @madsholland for going through and correcting my grammar😂
Part Four will be up tomorrow, but this birthday girl needs some sleep! I’m so glad you all have enjoyed this so far. It has absolutely made my day reading the comments. All of the birthday love from me and my birthday twin, Remus🥰
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
10th March 2014
“Mom, please, I don’t want to do anything big this year.” Remus huffed as he attempted to pull his hoodie over his head, his shoulder jarring as he did so. He willed the tears that threatened to pool in his eyes back down and he battled with the hoodie to take it back off and throw it back over his bed.
“I just think it would be good, even if we just went out for dinner-” Hope started, her heart breaking over how ‘not Remus’ Remus was acting.
Remus had finally reached his breaking point. His shoulder was in agony; every single one of his hopes and dreams had been crushed; and the last thing he wanted was to potentially bump into any of his teammates at a restaurant.
“Please, just leave me alone! I don’t want to do anything, okay? I just want to be left alone,” he shouted, the tears from earlier finally spilling over. He looked at his mother pleadingly, “please just leave me alone.” It barely came out as a whisper but his mother heard well enough. She decided against saying anything in case the tears that were behind her own eyes spilled over too. She only nodded as she left the bedroom, closing his door behind her.
Remus just stared at the door, guilt overflowing him at the look on Hope’s face. She didn’t deserve that. None of his family deserved the way Remus was treating them. Remus didn’t deserve the way Remus was treating Remus. He brought his hands up to wipe the tears away from his face as he sat down on his bed, resting his shoulder on his knees as he began to properly cry.
He layed back on his bed and stared at the ceiling. When he fell asleep, he wasn’t aware. He wasn’t aware he had even fallen asleep until he felt a small hand shaking his knee.
“Wemus. Wemus, wake up.” Julian whispered. “I have a pwesent for you.” Remus lifted his head slightly to find his younger brother standing at the edge of his bed next to his knees. He sat up as Julian climbed up onto the bed next to him, careful not to crumple the, admittedly poorly wrapped, present he was holding.
Julian held it out to him with all the pride in the world. “Happy Birthday!” the five year old giggled.
“Thanks Jules.” Remus smiled slightly as he took the present. He undid the wrapping, which was actually a tea towel, and placed it behind him, wincing slightly as his shoulder caught. He breathed through the pain, not wanting to make his younger brother aware of it.
Slightly confused, he looked over to Julian as he held a piece of card.
“You have to turn it around!” Julian giggled, jumping up and down on his knees. Remus laughed and turned the card over, revealing a drawing. Julian almost jumped on Remus’s lap as he started pointing to the drawing.
“Look! That’s you, in red and gold because those are your favourite colours,” he pointed to the older figure in the picture, and then moved to point at the smaller figure, “and that’s me!” Julian smiled up at his big brother, who was pretty sure he could feel tears pooling in his eyes once again, but for the first time since his injury, the tears were derived from happiness.
Remus wasn’t aware, however, of his father standing at the door with his phone in his hand, taking a picture of the moment.
10th March 2019
If there was one thing Remus hated more than paperwork, it was paperwork on his birthday. He wanted nothing more than to leave work and curl up on the sofa with a takeaway pizza from Sid’s and a big mug of hot chocolate. He was just finishing up, eager to get going when there was a knock on the door. Remus sighed as he threw his head back. He straightened himself back up as he called the person in.
His breath hitched in his throat as Sirius walked into his office, a bag slung over his shoulder and his hat on his head, allowing his playoff hair to perfectly curl around his ears..
“Hey Cap, what can I do for you?” Remus questioned, attempting to subtly quiet his heartbeat that he was sure the entire stadium could hear.
Sirius shuffled on the spot.
“I uh- my- uhm- my knee is still acting up. Could you have a look at it quickly?” Sirius said quickly. There was nothing wrong with his knee. What was wrong with him was the fact he talked himself into walking into the PT office with the knowledge he was essentially the epitome of perfect health.
Remus swallowed hard.
“Yeah, sure, hop up on the bed and pull your joggers up,” Remus instructed, blissfully unaware of how nervous Sirius was on the inside. It was something Remus always envied about the Captain; his ability to hide his nerves.
Sirius did as instructed. A part of him hoped that he hadn’t actually jinxed himself and there was something wrong with his knee.
Remus looked over it and talked him through a few stretches to ensure his knee was functioning as it should and gave him the all clear.
“It looks all good to me, it could just be your body telling you to slow down a little,” Remus started. Sirius looked up at him as though he had just thrown a million different profanities at his face. “Don’t give me that look, I know it’s playoff season. Just don’t hurt yourself, please, I can’t deal with another Captain injury on my hands.”
“Hey, as long as the Snakes stay in their lane you won’t see much more of me, Fruit Loop,” Sirius retorted. However, part of him hoped he could think up another excuse to come and see the PT.
Remus laughed, thinking the same thing, completely unaware of their shared thoughts.
“Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean.” Remus turned his back to Sirius and started compiling the paperwork together so that he could begin to go home.
“I’ll catch you later, Loops.” Remus looked over his shoulder to find Sirius waving as he walked out of the room. Remus waved back at him and watched the door close, letting out a breath he was unaware he was holding.
Remus looked back at the bed after he had collected his thoughts together a bit more, and on it sat a little box from ‘Flour on Fifth’. Remus walked over, discarding the pieces of paper he was holding onto his desk, and opened the box. Inside it sat his favourite cupcake and a little card. He pulled the card out and turned it over. The scrawl on the back of it was recognisably Sirius’s.
Happy Birthday! Thankful for you today and everyday!
All the best, Sirius.
P.S. I tried one of these and I can see why they're your favourite. This one’s on me. Enjoy!’
Remus let out a shaky breath. He couldn’t pinpoint when he made Sirius aware of his favourite cupcake or when he told him when his birthday was. Remus felt his cheeks redden again at the thoughtfulness of the Captain; the heat overpowering the dull ache in his heart hurting with the knowledge he would never be able to voice his feelings.
Remus stood there for a few minutes- it could have been hours, really- with the biggest grin stitched onto his face.
He’d remember this small act of kindness for forever.
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memoryxtoxdreams · 6 years
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I’ll be going through the trios first
Wayfinder Trio
Aqua: Holy shit I had a feeling this would happen. Okay so, the whole fight with Ansem SoD and Guardian. That felt confusing as hell like I’m with SoD on this where was Eraqus’ keyblade and why didn’t she have it on her? Then after that whole Anti fight, Aqua really should’ve had rested before going to CO/LoD to wake Ven with the Trinity Trio, but she didn’t because Mom mood kicked in. Her battle with Vani made sense considering she didn’t rest, but the fact she was still kicking ass is amazing and Vani saw that. So he went ahead and used her protective nature as he needed Ven awake as well, so that’s my view on her fights before the Badlands battles.
Terra: THIS MAN IS SURPRISING NO MATTER WHAT! Alright this dude was in a suit of armor and IN FUCKING GUARDIAN! So when Ansem SoD went after Ansem the Wise, he witnessed that shit! He saw everything went through in KH1 and 358/2 through Riku, ya know that moment, so when Terranort was pulling that shit with Aqua and Ven, he went ahead through Guardian and said fuck you this is it. The whole time he had me screaming holy shit and I wanna cry sometimes man- 
Ven: Breaking news- Sleeping Union Leader finally woke up after 10+ years! The whole thing with Ven seemed right, one thing I’m pouty about is that he still doesn’t remember what happened to him and his Chirithy knows this. I was hoping he would get some memory of his past back after waking up, maybe Chirithy will help him remember after THAT ENDING
Sea Salt Trio/Quartet??
Lea: I’m still calling him Lea, no way am I calling him Axel again, you can’t tug at my heartstrings more then you did game. Lea’s scenes were cute and 4th wall breaking but also way, way wrong. Like, yeah have him befriend the girl he kidnapped to remember the friend he’s trying to remember but also have him try to talk to her as they were both used by Ansem the Wise and Xehanort, along side Isa, to help Kairi remember her time in Radiant Garden. Both him and Kairi really shouldn’t have been involved in the Badlands battle because they were still freshly trained Keyblade wielders, that was a bad call on frankly Yen Sid and Merlin’s part, the crap with Kairi proved it, they weren’t ready, maybe have him use his twin chakrams as a secondary weapon like in DDD?
Isa: HE FINALLY ADMITS IT! Honestly I’m mixed at this dude, but he at least brought up the plans he and Lea had when they were in the first organization. I was so confused as to who this mystery girl he keeps mentioning, I thought it was Kairi but nah, both of those dorks would’ve recognized Kairi from the whole thing from my point with Lea. The ending with him and the sea salt trio on the other hand it’s like his fresh start and first step with gaining at least Xi and Roxas’ trust.
Xion: SPEAKING OF! Okay I dreaded it, but the fact that she was the one pointing kingdom key hurt, but I noticed she wasn’t herself. When Sora called out her name, she was holding her head in pain like she was brainwashed once again. Frankly that made sense, Xemnas pointed it out when she grabbed that damn blade in this hand, he didn’t want her to turn on them again, but she did. She finally fights Saix which is a big Yes, she took her place in the Guardians of Light, because Kairi got snatched by Xemnas this time, she also reassured Sora that Kairi is going to be okay which is adorable. AND HER OUTFIT JUST BLESS! My only wish is that she just visits the others at Twilight Town and not live there because why would you want to live in the place you first kicked at?
Roxas: THE BOY CAME HOME! Instantly goes into the first replica that Ienzo gets, then drops from the sky to point Oblivion at Xemnas for his bullshit moves at both Lea and Xi, possibly more towards Xi considering the girl was down and Xemnas got his Ethereal Blade pointing at her while Lea’s on the ground, gets into Round 2 with Saix along side Sora and Xi! I loved the reunion but I wish we saw his reaction to Ven instead of Lea’s fourth wall break line as the damn moon is shooting darkness meteors over a graveyard.
Destiny Trio
Riku: This man is the older brother to his replica no one tell me I’m wrong. Playing as Riku again really felt great but oh so bittersweet, considering he fought a Demon Tower and Anti Aqua. His reaction to Mickey saying Aqua is like Sora had me dying he looked so afraid that he was going to deal with a woman who acts like his best friend. His interactions with the others was cute especially with Repliku as he was worried when he saw that he was actually fighting his replica again but a second version of him. But can I just mention the secret ending, like we see him in Yozora’s world hopefully and possibly looking for Sora, how about that table turn from KH 1 and 2 huh?
Kairi: Jesus christ this girl won’t get a break. From getting turned into a lab rat at young age, tossed into the other sky after that, dumped into Destiny islands with no memories, at 14 goes into a coma state without her heart, loses her memory of the boy she drew of sharing a destiny binding fruit with, a year goes by and she gets kidnapped not once but twice by the same group to use her as bait, gets a small reunion and it doesn’t last. Finally gets sick of it, goes into training with her former kidnapper, comes out battle ready and her first actually fight is with her second kidnapper and her actual twin, only to get kidnapped and turned into another No Name! If that wasn’t horrible enough, after everything she goes through, after her cute moment with Sora on the beach at a sunset. She can’t get her happy ending with him because he pulled a ‘Mr.Stark I don’t feel so good’! I hope she goes out to find Sora with Riku because she deserves that at least! 
Sora: Oh you dear sweet lamb you’ve been through hell. Need I say more with this saint? He didn’t deserve that mess, he honest to god didn’t deserve that mess. Witnessing all that, going into fight after fight, putting up with both Donald and Goofy’s bullshit, finding out that he had not only Ven’s heart he finds out he had both Roxas and Xi’s heart in him after finally getting told since DDD by two chipmunks instead of the man that put data in him! And the icing on this cake? After everything’s said and done, he ends up getting his own Thanos moment! I’m glad he’s shown in TWEWY but not like that holy shit I’m in tears! I’m still in denial over here!
Lost Trio
Vanitas: Where’s his redemption at? Everyone in the true organization either went AWOL or said fuck it lets see what happens. Boy got thrown by Sully, funniest shit ever, pulls a very smart move to help wake up Ven, even if it was for his own goals, only to end up saying ‘Nah I’m going to be a neutral child in your shit I’m gone’ Dude- DUDE- I hope this boy is in TWEWY too he needs a second chance to walk on his own at least! The whole ‘brother’ thing was weird though I’m not gonna lie, but at least he explains it even if it was kinda his last words
Namine: CHILD SHOWS UP AT LAST MINUTE! Look- cover wasn’t enough, flash backs weren’t enough, name drops weren’t enough! Showing her at the end that was cold. But at the very least, Nomura knew he couldn’t find a place to fit Nami in the battles so he had to place her showing up at the end, this is still a sour thought to take in but it’s better to show her instead of not doing it at all. I honestly hope she had a hand in pointing Terra/Lingering Will to the others at least because that First Breath Concert was a wow still!
Repliku: The Knight that Never Was. Dude, this boy deserves so much. I honest to god was surprised to see that his heart manged to make it’s way to Riku when he and Mickey went to the Realm of Darkness. Then he shows up to help his other not once but twice with Aqua and himself, frankly when he removed his body from possession it got me shaking my head in shock, like- the replicas really are just store mannequins! That shit is fucking creepy- My only wish is that instead of saying good luck he’d ask Riku to look after Namine, as a call back to when Riku told Sora to take care of Kairi in Kh 1
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vita-e · 8 years
My MPHFPC Movie Notes
Love the opening credits, fits spirit and theme of the book
(music in general is good)
Hate the different opening line – rather generic imo.
Asa please I know you’re a good actor. Please stop being so flat.
This all feels rushed.
Grandpa has lost his marbles and his acting ability.
“That guy gave me the heebie-jeebies” is all you have to say after nearly hitting a man?
“Jake” was in the house for only 10 seconds, didn’t even bother checking the whole house.
This opening is so boring that my foot fell asleep.
Was this the first take? There’s little to no emotion.
Grandpa Portman doesn’t sound like he’s dying. At all.
1943?! What’s the point of changing the date?!
Also, what’s the point of changing his last words which were a lot more mysterious?
C’mon dude, your grandpa just died! Show some emotion!!
Why do the hollows look like Slenderman rip-offs?
Dr. Golan’s a woman? I’m fine with this – but I won’t be later.
“A month ago,”? Wasn’t it more than a few months until he finally sought help? (I haven’t read the book in a while)
Asa is still a bit flat but he’s doing better in these scenes.
Tiny Jacob is super cute!
His acting is bad, though. This is a given for child actors.
The dad is an ornithologist. He wouldn’t change a bird documentary to a football game (although that was a bit funny.)
Why does Miss Peregrine look so young? In the book, she looks more like a mother waiting for her children to give her some goddamn grandkids.
Bronwyn is 9 now I guess.
Hugh is 11 now I guess.
“Where’s Emma? She could float.” SHE COULD NOT.
Grandpa Portman sounds more English than Polish. Throwing in a Polish nickname doesn’t convince me that he’s Polish.
“Little tiger”? He called him “Yakob.”
“No eyes,” in the book, Jacob tells a sketch artist that they have 2 like a normal mammal. This may be personal taste, but for me, monsters are scarier when they look more human.
Kids this age wouldn’t laugh! They’d see the picture of Millard and go “Holy shit! He’s invisible!” Kids are gullible, dammit. (I had this problem with the book as well.)
Funny how younger!Jacob dresses exactly like Asa.
Damn, kid, he said he didn’t want to talk about it! Chill!
Still 0 emotion, I guess.
“He was a wonderful grandpa, but not… such a great dad, you know?” Damn, that hits home for me – but doesn’t this talk happen later in the book? Like, this talk happens at the island.
Wait, the scene just ends there? No argument? Damn, Jake just doesn’t care that his dad is smack talking his idol.
JESUS fuckin’ twins.
Jacob’s cousins were brats and I believe teenagers as well, so why are they perfect lil’ angel twins that look 10 at the oldest?
Also, why is Jacob’s house so small? His mom is an heiress to a Wal-Mart type store-chain.
Cairnholm is apparently popular enough to warrant postcards.
And popular enough to warrant a spot in a travel book, wtf? It’s not even big enough to be seen on a map.
The dad looking at Jake like he’s crazy gives me life lmfao.
Cairnholm is 100% my aesthetic.
Where’s Kev???
What? But… Uncle Oggie is a relative of Martin?
Didn’t imagine Kev looking like that but okay.
Franklin is me trying to make friends tbh.
I’m so glad Worm and M.C. Dirty D made it in.
Aren’t the residents like… a bit afraid of the home themselves?
Wait, what? Oggie can see? He looks blind.
1943? At that point, Germany was taking a more defensive stance, doing lots of evacuating.
“And they were lovely, too.” In the book, Uncle Oggie claims they were strange and rarely spoke.
“3 months later”? He left the day after the loop was created!
Is that the dart competition I keep seeing on Vine?
Wait, why is Enoch there? I know they fucked with his character a lot but he probably joined after the loop was created since he’s from an older loop, otherwise he’d age forward ~30-40 years – so why is he next to (who I presume is) Abe, who left after the loop was made? (or in this case, before!)
Enoch’s little laboratory was in the basement, not upstairs.
The twins might’ve been in the loop at some point, but they certainly aren’t there when Jacob arrives.
Wait, so instead of chasing after them, he runs away? Jake’s a pussy.
And he trips and gets knocked unconscious by a rock. Wow.
Bronwyn, despite being the wrong age and having no personality, is at least cute and it’s fun to watch her carry Jake.
Why is Millard so tiny? You can say that his age is ambiguous, but in the book Jacob clearly states that his voice sounds like that of a young man’s, not a young child’s.
“You’re Emma!” (John Cena voice) Are you sure about that?
Why is Olive, like, 16? She’s supposed to be 7-9 years old (and ofc she has Emma’s powers instead.)
“She sent us to get you”? Why, though?
Standing there all creepy ain’t gonna make him want to follow you.
Jake doesn’t seem to see the change in the weather.
“I am the manager” reminds me of that one Tumblr comic.
Ngl, Millard would do this – if just for fun. He’s a little shit like that.
What’s the point of lighting the place on fire? They’re distracted enough.
Did they just steal someone’s horse?
Millard no longer has any personality out of “Yeah” and “Yep.”
Emma is not nearly bitchy enough. Or at all.
The house is gorgeous! It looks just like I imagined it!
What the fuck, why is Miss Peregrine so young? I know I mentioned this before but what the fuck.
“Right on time”?
“I had to kill them twice this month” WHAT. MISS PEREGRINE DOESN’T KILL UNLESS NECESSARY
Miss Peregrine is not nearly this creepy in the book.
Why does he sound mildly Scottish? He’s from London and has a slight cockney accent.
From now own, every time I see Enoch, 5 years are taken off my life.
Why is Fiona 11 and English? She’s supposed to be in her late teens and Irish – not to mention, SHE DOESN’T TALK!
I don’t think Fiona’s powers make things huge.
“Imm-breen” it’s “imm-brinn”
Do the twins have names?
Claire looks cute!
I don’t think Millard, no matter his age, would be very interested in physical activity. He’s a brains over brawn kind of type, you know?
Kind of uncharacteristic of Hugh to send his bees after a friend.
I’m gonna cry. At least one of my babies looks right.
Horace feels… off. All the components of his personality are certainly there, but in different degrees than in the book.
I’m sorry, what? A daily chore that’s reset by the loop? Miss P, these are kids and teenagers! They’ll get bored of doing that every day! I know because I am a teenager!
That squirrel would be going crazy and scratching her up. I know this is a nitpick but squirrels are vicious, man.
Was this scene the only reason they swapped Emma and Olive’s peculiarities?
Why are her shoes so hard to take off? What if she has to get away in an emergency? She’s fucked!
Why’s it so hard to pull her down?
Emma doesn’t seem to heartbroken over Abe’s death. In the book, she bawled upon overhearing that he died.
This dialogue barely hints at Emma and Abe having a romantic relationship, making only people who read the book know this information. Non-book readers might just assume they were close friends.
Of course, instead of borrowing Victor’s clothes he has to borrow Abe’s.
God, am I the only one that hates looking at Finlay? He’s not ugly – a bit handsome actually! -- he’s just… kind of weird looking.
So… Olive is good friends with Enoch? Don’t get how they got that out of the book when they have no interactions in the first book.
His dolls are meant to be made of clay! Now he just looks like an older Sid.
The stop motion is terrible.
So, they care enough about Enoch’s character to remember that his parents ran a funeral parlor, but not enough to make him his actual character.
Did he not see Millard’s silverware moving? Did no one see it?
So, Enoch is clearly mad at the statement Horace made, so why hold back your retort by whispering? Was he sick on this day of filming?
No one needs that much carrot.
Hugh’s been living there for 70 years; pretty sure he’d never forget to put his net on.
Wait, so he remembered to bring it with him, but not to put it on?
“She’s embarrassed in front of Jake.” Uh, Hugh, I think you flubbed your line, it’s “Claire don’t eat with the rest of us.”
Oh, thank god, she has the same peculiarity.
I’m crying, Claire is so adorable!
Enoch’s a bigger asshole than I remember him being in the books.
Although it wasn’t in the book, I do like the inclusion of the call from Abe. It makes no sense whatsoever, but I still like it.
Would Horace really be comfortable sharing his dreams – especially via projector?
“Some of his dreams are prophetic,” shouldn’t ‘some’ be ‘most’? Everyone’s dreams can hold some form of future-telling, albeit in an abstract way. If only some of his dreams are prophetic, that barely makes him peculiar.
I don’t get why Horace’s dreams are at all symbolic. They should be literal.
Why did he see Ms. Avocet get kidnapped when she, in fact, didn’t?
“Horace must’ve just had a bad dream, that’s all.” HIS DREAMS ARE PROPHETIC.
Wait, so they have a phonograph outside? And it works?
Why make Miss P creepier, but tone down the creepiness of the reset scene? Think of it: 9 children you barely know wearing gasmasks are singing an old song you don’t know to the tune of bombs falling. That’s a lot scarier than listening to the song on a phonograph.
I just remembered: they never offered the reason why Cairnholm gets bombed. In the book, it’s stated that the island had a sort of anti-aircraft gun which made it a target, but here the Germans simply bomb it to be seen as more evil than they already are.
I do admit, the reset scene does look beautiful.
Jake doesn’t seem as terrified, though.
Emma learning about cellphones is pretty cute.
And we’re back to talking about Abe.
“More than a few minutes,” it’s closer to hours, days even if we’re going by Library of Souls.
Already with Ms. Avocet?
(Cinema Sins voice) Jake’s dad reminds me too much of my own father in this scene.
Okay, so I’m assuming “Mr. Barron” is some wight higher-up? I know he’s not, but for the sake of the notes let’s pretend I don’t know.
Man, he really is my dad. He acts all weird and pretends like nothing happened later.
Who dresses like that in the 21st century!? I like the aesthetic too, but you don’t see me walking around in a Rococo period dress.
No one talks like this either.
That fuckin’ dart competition’s going to get me every time.
Who the fuck rests on their bed with their shoes on?
Bronwyn is cute but… I can’t get over the fact they made her younger and erased her character.
Would it kill someone to say, “Can we try that take again?”
WHY did they make Miss Peregrine so creepy? She was never this creepy!
Yeah, and he’s trying to warn you of potential danger. Also, can I ask where the fuck he got that letter?
Every time I see Finlay’s face a deep hatred resurfaces from the darkest corners of my heart.
All the kids in that room together just chilling is cute.
OKAY THIS IS WHAT PISSES ME OFF. I know for a damn fact that Enoch would never be mean to someone who was kind to him.
In the book, Bronwyn wanted nothing more than for Enoch to wake up Victor but go off I guess.
According to the timeline, HE SHOULD BARELY KNOW ABE.
That’s not how he brings them back to life, though? It’s not like he’s doing heart surgery, it’s more like he’s just gonna smell like death (literally) for most of the day.
Enoch being there as Jake realizes Victor’s dead really takes out a lot of the punch from the scene. Having him show up afterwards (like in the book) is better since it’s more like ‘Realization -> Confrontation’ instead of just… explaining and scaring.
I don’t know if Tim’s ever been around a normal human being before but usually you don’t see their heartbeat.
Okay, so… he can’t bring people back to life, only use them as puppets. First off, that’s gross, and second, that’s a nearly useless peculiarity.
How can tears roll down Victor’s cheek if he’s never conscious anymore? Dead people are known to shed tears, but it’s after they die and are decomposing, and Victor can’t decompose because he’s in a loop!
Does Miss P just do that on a regular basis?
Wasn’t that a rowboat?
That’s carbon dioxide, you can’t breathe that.
How is she swimming? Wouldn’t she just walk? She has lead shoes on!
I don’t think skeletons keep their hair.
Well how the hell does that work?
“Air, it’s my peculiarity.” No, it is not.
I’d rather trust a bunch of information I don’t want the people I love knowing with an adult, but okay.
Wait, so Emma has the Map of Days now?! It was stressed countless times in the trilogy how much Millard loves that damn thing and you give it to EMMA?!
Okay, WHAT? Barron is the leader now!? I guess Miss Peregrine’s brothers just don’t exist now!
“Bad peculiars”? They’re ex-peculiars, because they don’t have powers anymore!
They took the kids, too, you know.
Wait, while they’re at it, didn’t this conversation take place at night?
Just tell him how Abe could see monsters, then he’ll believe. No need to be dramatic.
Hollowgasts sure as fuck would not loop along with the townspeople, they’d be free to roam around or they’d get left behind. Also, Victor died AFTER the loop was made! He got tired of living there and tried to leave and died THIS IS SUCH A SIMPLE STORY TIM.
Did I mention that I hate how the hollowgasts look?
You could have told him earlier but okay.
I don’t remember any of this from the book.
“Tired of living in loops.” Caul was tired of peculiardom being a ‘matriarchy.’ Yes, there were some problems with how peculiar boys who could turn into birds were treated but overall Caul was crazy and narcissistic.
I guess there are only 13 wights, opposed to hundreds or even thousands.
Also, why are they all upper-class? I’d assume a lot would be lower.
Didn’t they also blow up half of Siberia?
EYEBALLS? It’s from consuming their souls! I guess Tim just wanted to put in some ugly ass imagery.
Wait, why are they still eating? They’re fine now!
Almost forgot Millard was in this fucking movie.
But they weren’t even going to try it again! It was a ploy! And why hold it where a normal person could find it!?
This ‘leaving’ bullshit pisses me off because it’s breaking so many fucking rules. Hollows can’t enter loops so leaving is more dangerous than staying, which is what she chose to do in the book!
Claire is so cute.
Makes a bit more sense that an old blind man on his own died than a healthy, (I’m assuming) mid-age museum curator but okay.
This is probably the dumbest thing Jake has ever done. Surely, he knows that normal people can go in, but that they can’t enter through the loop, right? And he could potentially also be a danger, so why call out to him?
This reveal isn’t nearly as powerful as the one in the book. By doing his other voices from previous identities he’d taken before to watch over Jacob, he intimidated him and by finally revealing himself as Dr. Golan, he immediately made the one normal person that Jacob felt a bit safe around a danger and in that moment, he realizes what he had done by telling him everything.
Okay, here’s why I’m pissed they made Dr. Golan a woman. Reason 1 is because it shows that Tim wanted to make the wights really overpowered by letting them keep their peculiarites, and reason 2 (separate of reason 1) is because they didn’t make the rest of their identities women. Like just make a lady ornithologist and have her be a peculiar who can turn into a bird but can’t control time, making her feel self-worth incredibly low and hate ymbrynes. It took me a minute to think this up, Tim.
That’s not how you take off contacts.
Did this fucker really think he could take on an adult?
Hollowgasts can’t enter loops but okay.
This is a bit of a nitpick but the fact that Jake was used as a hostage instead of Hugh just shows how much they didn’t give a shit about the other kids unless they had a relationship cookin’ for them.
So, she has a crossbow, but she’ll just go down without a fight? That’s not like her at all!
This is NOT the time to be petty, Wal-Mart brand Enoch.
I just realized that Horace has like 4 lines and now I’m sad.
I would be so happy that instead of turning into a bird and leaving that Miss Peregrine just fucking decked him. It’s a lot more in character than just letting them take her.
I don’t remember Miss Peregrine trusting a 16-year-old with the lives of 9 kids but okay.
One of the few good things this movie brought me was a peregrine falcon sound so I could look it up and see if it was accurate. I then found a video of a sweet old man filming a peregrine falcon’s call and providing quiet commentary. Just felt that was worth mentioning.
Since when did Jacob become good at strategy?
Cute scene, but it means nothing to me.
Okay I guess Miss Avocet never mattered.
Just destroy Wal-Mart brand Enoch, please.
Why does Fiona have the most lines out of the neglected kids? She only had 2 lines in the whole book!
That bomb would be enough to take care of it, but okay go ahead and shoot it.
Olive seems pretty in-control of her peculiarity, so why give her gloves?
“It’s only 6 months old.” What?
Time travel is bullshit. Also, I don’t think it works like that?
“I know you’ll choose Abe.” Well, duh, I’d rather see my grandfather again than some cute girl I met a few days ago that barely even seems to like me that well.
Okay, so the movie I’m watching is really choppy and cuts at random parts and it just cut in the middle of a sentence Wal-Mart brand Enoch was saying and I couldn’t be happier.
Yeah, but the loop entrances are usually in places normal people won’t go. (ex. Miss P’s loop entrance, Miss Thrush’s loop entrance, etc.) Seems dumb to put it on a ride. Imagine sending your kids on there and when the cart comes back one of them is missing?
Okay, so there’s only 4 hollows and 6 wights left according to the movie. Why are they all so afraid of them then?!
In the book, a lot of them were trained to handle guns, and in the movie they still have their peculiarities – so WHY are they not attacking Emma as soon as they see her!?
I’m pretty sure that in the book Jacob had been seeing Dr. Golan much longer than 3 weeks.
Yeah, Florida’s a hellhole, to be quite honest.
I guess no one cares about a floating girl in the sky. I don’t see any iPhone’s out recording.
Never mind, I see one (1). I should see much more, though.
How would the hearts stay in the skeletons? There’s nothing for them to hold onto.
Is there no staff at this place?
How are these skeletons in general staying together?
This fight is pretty dangerous. They’re exposing normal people to peculiardom.
Okay, so now the wights use their peculiarities to fight.
Horace saved lives at least 3 times but I guess he’s just useless now according to the movie.
Man, Tim, you sure did a good job of creating strong female characters! /s
How is Mr. Barron not dead? She lifted the boat out of water and the closer you get to the bottom of the ocean the more pressure you’ve gotta deal with.
3 cheers for this forced romance! Hip-hip! (Boo)
This 16-year-old doesn’t need to tell these women what to do.
Why is Miss Peregrine in a different cage?
I guess Barron just had some blue eye contacts on him.
How did the hollow get down there?
I guess Jake’s a perfect shot now, since it’s convenient.
(vomit noises)
Again, time travel is bullshit. Wouldn’t there be another Jake walking around?
Wait, they’re still there?
Hurray for more terrible loop entrances!
In the book, this would be the second time they had kissed but okay.
Never knew that birds could just be stationary while in the sky.
Wait, so she just… keeps her clothes? Trust me, I don’t want to see a naked woman in something other than an art piece or otherwise but that was a rule that they had in the book.
Well that was a load of shit. At least with the ending there can’t be a sequel.
29 notes · View notes
youmightbeanidiotif · 8 years
Canon Wincest quotes in SPN:
(Dean, Sam, S1-S15) “Sammy” “Dee” (11.04, 11.12, 14.03)
(Dean & Sam, S1-S15) “Bitch” “Jerk”
(Larry & Lynda, 1.08) “Let me just say, we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or... sexual orientation.” “Let me just say, that we accept homeowners of any race, religion, color, or... sexual orientation.”
(Dean, 1.11) “You’ve always known what you want. And you go after it. You stand up to Dad. And you always have. Hell, I wish I—anyway… I admire that about you. I’m proud of you, Sammy.”
(John & Sam, 1.22) “Killing this demon comes first, before me, before everything.” “No, sir. Not before everything.”
(Dean & Sam, 2.07) “What do you think, Scully?” “I'm not Scully, you're Scully.” “No, I'm Mulder. You're a red-headed woman.”
(Dean, 2.09) “You make a move on him, you’ll be dead before you hit the ground.”
(Sam & Dean, 2.09) “It’s over for me. It doesn’t have to be over for you. You can keep going!” “What if I don’t want to?!“
(Henrikson & Dean, 2.12) “Yeah, I know about Sammy. The Bonnie to your Clyde.” “Yeah, well, that part's true”
(Bobby & Dean, 2.15) “You're bickering like an old married couple.” “No, see married couples can get divorced. Me and him, we're like, uh, Siamese twins.”
(Molly & Sam, 2.16) “Right before, we were having the dumbest fight. It was the only time we ever really argued, when we were stuck in the car.” “Yeah, I know how that goes.” “You know the last thing I said to him? I called him a jerk.”
(Dean & Sam, 2.20) “It was just a wish. I wished for Mom to live. That Mom never died, we never went hunting and you and me just never uh... you know.” “Yeah. Well, I'm glad we do.”
(Bobby & Dean, 2.22) “Something big is going down, end of the world big.” “Well, then let it end!“
(Dean, 2.22) “I’m gonna take care of you, I’m gonna take care of you, I gotcha. That’s my job, right? Watch out for my pain in the ass little brother?”
(Sam, 2.22) “I mean, you sacrifice everything for me.  Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you.”
(Sam & Tamara & Isaac, 3.01) “So, how long you two been married?” “Eight years this past June.” “The family that slays together...” “Right. I'm with you there.”
(Dean, 3.01) “Because I couldn't live with you dead. Couldn't do it.”
(Kyle & Sam, 3.05) “This guy, he... he killed my brothers. How would you feel?” “Can’t imagine anything worse.”
(Dean & Sam, 3.06) “Look at you, sticking up for your girlfriend. You cougar hound.” “Bite me.” “Hey, not if she bites you first.”
(Sam, 3.07) “I just wish you would drop the show and be my brother again. Cause…just cause.”
(Dean, 3.11) “Sammy, I get all tingly when you take control like that.”
(Trickster, 3.11) “This obsession to save Dean? The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other? [...] Dean’s your weakness. And the bad guys know it, too.” 
(Sam & Dean, 3.15) “Then, whatever the magic pill is, I'll take it too!” “Oh, what is this? Sid and Nancy?”
(Dean, 3.16) “Sammy, all I’m saying, is that you’re my weak spot. You are, and I’m yours.”
(Dean, 3.16) “SAM! SAAAAM!!”
(Sam & a crossroads demon, 4.09) “I don't want ten years. I don't want one year. I don't want candy! I want to trade places with Dean.” “No.” “Just take me! It's a fair trade!”
(Cara & Sam, 4.14) “Haven't you ever been in a relationship where you really love somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?” “Sounds like you're speaking from experience.” [...] “His name was Karl. We were married. [...] I mean I loved him. Still do I guess but... I don't know. It's like one day I looked up and I was living with a stranger and... you know what I mean, right?” “I guess. Or, I don't know, maybe.”
(Nick, 4.14) “I gave him what he needed. And it wasn’t some bitch in a G-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him”
(Dean, 5.04) “Because whatever we have between us... love, family, whatever it is...”
(Dean, 5.04) “The point is…maybe we are each others Achilles heel. Maybe they’ll find a way to use us against each other, I don’t know. I just know we’re all we’ve got. More than that. We keep each other human.”
(Hotel manager, 5.09) “And at 4.30 there's the 'Homoerotic Subtext of Supernatural.'”
(Dean & Castiel & Sam, 5.13) “Really? Anna? I don't believe it.” “It’s true.” “So she's gone all Glenn Close, huh? That's awesome.” “Who's Glenn Close?” “No one, just this psycho bitch who likes to boil rabbits.” “So the plan to kill me, would it actually stop Satan?”
(Ash, 5.16) “A few people share. Special cases. Whatnot. […] Aw you know, like, uh, soulmates.“
(Zachariah, 5.18) “You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationality, erotically codependent on each other right?”
(Dean & AU!Sam/Dean & Sam, 2.20 & 5.18) “Why are you doing this?” “Because you’re still my (big) brother.”
(Castiel, 5.18) “I don't have the same faith in you that Sam does.“
(Crowley, 5.20) “My valet hid a tracking device in your car, a magical coin that easily trumps your little bags o' bones. It allows me to hear things, too and, my, the things I've heard.”
(Chuck, 5.22) “This is the stuff that's important. The army man that Sam crammed in the ashtray – it's still stuck there. The Legos that Dean shoved into the vents – to this day, heat comes on and they can hear 'em rattle. These are the things that make the car theirs - really theirs. Even when Dean rebuilt her from the ground up, he made sure all these little things stayed.”
Chuck, 5.22) “In between jobs, Sam and Dean would sometimes get a day – sometimes a week, if they were lucky. [...] They could go anywhere and do anything. They drove 1,000 miles for an Ozzy show, two days for a Jayhawks game. And when it was clear, they'd park her in the middle of nowhere, sit on the hood, and watch the stars... for hours... without saying a word.”
(Dean, 5.22) “Sam, it’s okay. It’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. I’m not gonna leave you.”
(Sam, 5.22) “It’s okay, Dean, it’s gonna be okay. I got him.”
(Chuck, 5.22) “Dean didn't want Cas to save him. Every part of him, every fiber he's got, wants to die, or find a way to bring Sam back. But he isn't gonna do either. Because he made a promise.”
(Chuck, 5.22) “I'd say this was a test... for Sam and Dean. And I think they did all right. Up against good, evil, angels, devils, destiny, and God himself, they made their own choice. They chose family. And, well... isn't that kinda the whole point?”
(Dean, 6.01) “So I'm dead? This is Heaven?”
(Sam & Dean, 6.01) “You finally had what you wanted, Dean.” “I wanted my brother. Alive.”
(Lisa, 6.06) “You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I’ve ever seen.“
(Veritas, 6.06) “Mallory to your Mickey.”
(Dean & Sam, 6.15) “Yeah, but here, you got a pretty good life. I mean, back home, the hits have been coming since you were 6 months old. You got to admit, being a bazillionare, married to Ruby, the whole package. It's no contest.” “No, you know, you were right. We just don't mean the same thing here. I mean, we're not even brothers here, man.” “All right, then. Let's get our crazy show back home.”
(Sam & Dean, 6.15) [Sam knocks on the wall.] “Solid. It's real. Nice.” “Yeah. Yeah, real, moldy, termite-eaten home sweet home. Chock full of crap that wants to skin you. Oh, and, uh, we're broke again.” “Yeah. But, hey... at least we're talking.“
(Sam, 6.22) “I was with two guys. One was like a male model type, and the other was an older guy named Bobby.”
(Balthazar, 6.22) “How's Sleeping Beauty? You didn't steal any kisses, I trust?”
(Tortured!Sam & Sam, 6.22) “Why is this so important to you?” “You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there.”
(Sam & Don & Maggie, Sam & Dean, 7.05) “See? Guys, guys... You're talking. All these years, you... you buried your anger and your disappointment till it tore you apart. All you needed to do was talk.” “He's right. I couldn't kill you. All I ever wanted is you, Mags. I've been crushing on you since forever. You're the woman that I want to never grow old with.” “I could never murder you either, Don. It's crazy... But true.” [...] “Hey, were you, um, were you listening to the Starks tonight?” “Uh, a little, when I wasn't getting slammed into a wall or stung by bees.” “You notice how they, uh, you know, how they... how they opened up, got everything off their chest?” “Yeah. Kudos on selling them that crap.” “It wasn't crap, Dean. It worked.”
(Dean, 7.06) “Sammy. Not Sammy.”
(Leviathan!Sam, 7.06) “You could be anything. You're strong, uninhibited, smart enough, believe it or not, but you're so caught up in being good and taking care of each other.”
(Dean, 8.03) “I know where I'm at my best, and that is right here, driving down crazy street next to you.”
(Mrs. Holmes, 8.03) “I don't think he could bear the thought of life without me. That's why he drove off that bridge.”
(Michael, 8.04) “Is it just me or are you getting a workplace romance vibe from those two?”
(Kate & Michael & Brian, Dean, 8.04) “I'm pretty sure that FBI agents don't say "awesome" that much. You know? And they definitely don't hunt and kill college kids.” “Did... did they say anything else?” “Dude, they just sat and talked about how they have been apart for a year. You were probably right about that whole office-romance thing.” [...] “Do I really say "awesome" a lot?”
(Sam & Amelia, 8.05) “You have no idea where you're going, either, do you?” “No. Not really.” “And that's because you have no one. I mean, at all, right? I mean, that's why you're... here, in this place.” “I used to... have someone, I mean. But that's over now. It's gone. You know what that's like, don't you?”
(Dean & Sam, 8.10) “What do you want to hear, Sam? That I was wrong? Fine. I was wrong. Okay? But if you’d have just heard me out, if you’d have trusted me, all of this could have been avoided.” “You didn’t want me to trust you. You wanted me to trust Benny, and I can’t do that.” “Right. Okay, well, then, what the hell do we do now?” “That depends. It depends on you. On whether or not you’re done with him.”
(Dean, 8.14) “I want you to get out. I want you to have a life, become a Man of Letters, whatever. You, with a wife and kids, and grandkids, living till you're fat and bald and chugging Viagra... that is my perfect ending.”
(Dean & Sam, 8.14) “Sam, be smart.” “I am smart, and so are you. You’re not a grunt, Dean. You’re a genius. When it comes to lore you’re the best damn hunter I have ever seen, better than me, better than dad. I believe in you, Dean. So, please, please believe in me, too.”
(Dean, 8.23) “There is nothing, past or present, that I would put in front of you.”
(Ezekial/Gadreel as Dean, 9.01) “I made you a promise, in that church. You and me. Come whatever.”
(Ezekial/Gadreel as Dean, 9.01) “There ain’t no me, if there ain’t no you.“
(Jody, 9.08) “Come on. You and Dean? That's something special, don't you think?”
(Castiel & Sam, 9.11) “Sam, the trials. You chose not to go through with them for a reason, didn't you? You chose to live rather than to sacrifice yourself. You and Dean, you chose each other.” “Yeah, I did. We did.”
(Alonso, 9.13) “Hey, new guy. Quit flirtin’ with the trainer and keep scoopin’, huh?”
(Dean, 9.23) “I’m proud of us.”
(Sam, 10.02) “I don’t care. Because you’re my brother and I’m here to take you home.”
(Sam, 10.03) “Come back. [...] Come back to me.”
(Dean, 10.03) “What did Sam say? Does he want a divorce?”
(Castiel, 10.03) “It’d take a lot more than trying to kill Sam with a hammer to make him want to walk away.”
(Dean & Sam, 10.04) “I never even said thank you, so...” “You don't ever have to say that, not to me.”
(Dean & Marie, 10.05) “Why are they standing so close together?” “Reasons.” “You know they're brothers, right?” “Well, duh but, subtext.” 
(Dean, 10.05) “I don't need a symbol to remind me how I feel about my brother.”
(Marie as Sam & Sam, 10.05) “The two of us against the world!” “What she said.”
(Heddy & Beverly, 10.06) “I knew those boys were trailer trash the moment they rolled up in that American-made.” “Not to mention homosexuals.” “Homosexual murderers.  Like Leopold and Loeb.”
(Sam, 10.12) “Look, man… do I wish the mark was gone? Yes, of course. Absolutely, I do, but… I wanted you back.”
(Sam, 10.18) “This is my life. I love it. But I can't do it without my brother. I don't want to do it without my brother. And if he's gone, then I don't...”
(Sam, 10.18) “If there’s a cure, we’ll do it and deal with the consequences later. I can’t lose you.”
(Sam, 10.23) “You will never, ever hear me say that you—the real you—is anything but good.”
(Dean, 10.23) “Close your eyes. [A tear runs down Sam’s face as he continues to look up at Dean.] Sammy, close your eyes.”
(Sam, 10.23) “Take these. And one day, when you find your way back. Let these be your guide. And they can help you remember what it was to be good. What it was to love.”
(Sam & Dean, 11.01) “I unleashed a force on this world that could destroy it, to save you.” “And I told you not to.” “And I'd do it again.  In a second, I would do it again.”
(Sam, 11.04) “Dee, it’s late, I’m exhausted.”
(Sam, 11.04) “We are home.“
(Lucifer & Sam, 11.10) “No wait, here’s my personal favorite, is you doing every stupid thing you could to cure the Mark, even after you knew it would go bad.” “My brother was dying!” “Yes! And you’d do anything to save him. And he’d do anything to save you. And that is the problem. [...] you’re so overcome by guilt that you can’t stand to lose Dean again and he could never lose you, and so instead of choosing the world you choose each other, no matter how many innocent people die.”
(Dean, 11.11) “All that matters now, all that’s ever mattered, is that we’re together.“
(Sam, 11.12)
“Dee, listen...”
(Sam, 11.16) “The nest messes with their victim's head, shows them things they love, parts of their soul in distress.”
(Sam & Dean, 11.16) “You said the soul eater made you see things, plural. So, what else did you see?” “I saw you, dead on the floor.” “How messed up are our lives, that you seeing a vision of dead-me is actually kind of comforting?”
(Dean, 11.17) “Bring him back. Bring him back and take me instead.”
(Michelle, 11.17) “I watched the man I love die. There's no normal after that.”
(Dean & Cesar, 11.19) “You guys fight just like brothers. Almost as bad as us.” “Well, it's more like an old married couple.”
(Dean, 11.20) “I’m not leaving you, ever!”
(Dean & Sam, 11.23) “C’mon, you know the drill. No chick flick moments, c’mon.” “Yeah, you love chick flicks.” “Yeah, you’re right I do, come here.”
(Dean, 11.23) “I need him, he needs me.“
(Dean, 12.01) “Listen, bitch. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you want. You have my brother. [...] Now, I'm gonna give you one chance, just one, to hand Sam back. [...] You think you can run from me? Try it. Because when I find you, and I will find you, if he is not in one piece, I will take you apart. You understand me? [Lady Toni hangs up, Dean snaps Gregory’s cellphone in half.]”
(Mary & Dean, 12.02) “Sam had a chance to get out, and he came back?” “When Dad disappeared, Sam and I looked around and something became very clear. The only thing we had in this world, the only thing aside from this car, was each other.”
(Dean & Sam, 12.06) “He’s more of a, uh… animated Japanese erotica chick.” “Don’t tell her that!” “Tell her what?” “It’s Jody, man.” “Dude, be proud of your hobbies. It makes you who you are.”
(Dean & Billie, 12.06) [Dean is pounding on the door, trying to get in.] “Sam. Sammy! Hey!” “You can huff and puff, but that house is on supernatural lockdown. They can’t even hear you.” “Hunters are dying in there.” “Everyone dies.” “You got in there. You got in there to reap that soul. You can get me in.” “But it’s a one-way ticket. And you’re gonna owe me one.” [The door glows and Dean tumbles through it and rolls into the room.] “Where’s my brother?!”
(Dean, 12.07) “We're the brothers that rock together.”
(Dean, 12.09) “Being locked in that cell, with nothing? I’ve been to hell, this was worse.”
(Sam & Dean, 12.11) ”Dean, do you remember HBO?” ”Uh...” ”Cinemax?” ”Skinemax?” ”Great, alright, come here. We’re just gonna sit you right here.” “Is this like, live Skinemax?”
(Dean, 12.11) [Sam screams in pain.] “S-Sam?”
(Sam & Dean, 12.11) “I can’t believe you rode Larry.” “Hey, I was awesome on that bull. I was like a God.”
(Sam & Dean, 12.11) “Just, you know, some of the things we've done, we've had this weight for- forever. And seeing it gone, you looked happy.“ “Look, was it nice to drop our baggage? Yeah, maybe. Hell, probably. But it wasn't just the crap that got lost, I mean it was everything. It was us. It was what we do, you know? All of it. So... that's what being happy looks like? I think I'll pass.“
(Dean, 12.14) “Sammy? Lucy?!”
(Sam & Dean, 12.15) “Dude, why don’t you take a shower and change your clothes, you’ve been wearing the same pair of boxers for four days.” “Okay, one, weird that you know how much underwear I’ve packed...” “That’s what’s weird about this?”
(Dean & Sam, 12.15) “Alright, let’s get to it then.” “Yeah, that’s fine, um... after you get cleaned up.” “I got baby wipes in the car.” “Dude! Dean, I’m serious man. You smell like roadkill.” “That’s ‘cause I do all the heavy lifting. ... Alright, but I’m using that fancy shampoo you keep hidden from me.”
(Gwen, Sam & Dean, 12.15) “Why couldn’t I just tell him the truth? I didn’t, I lied. I lied to make things easier.” [...] “Either way, I shouldn’t have lied to you and I’m sorry, man, I” “Well, okay.”
(Sam & Dean, 12.15) “Every job we’ve worked in the last two weeks, they’ve all come from the British Men of Letters.” “Really.” “Yeah, I didn’t tell you because I know how much you hate them.” “No, we hate them. Us. Together.”
(Mick & Sam & Dean, 12.16) “Kendrick’s is the largest collection of occult lore in the world.” “Cool.” [Dean gives ultimate bitchface.]
(Mick & Sam, 12.16) “Booked us all suites.” “Wait, you... we’re in separate rooms?”
(Dean, 12.16) “Yeah. Sam’s best friend. They’re like nerd soulmates.”
(Sam & Dean, 12.22) “Is this how you pictured it? The end?” “You know it's not. I always thought we'd go out like Butch and Sundance style. Blaze of glory.”
(Dean & Sam, 12.22) “You come back.” “Promise.” “Bitch.” “Jerk.”
(Sandy & Dean, 13.17) “What are you doing?” “They took my brother. I’m gonna get him back.” [Dean continues to make chemical bombs.]
(Dean & Sam, 13.19) “WHERE THE HELL IS MY BROTHER?!” [Dean enters the room where Sam is being held.] “SAM!” “DEAN!”
(Dean & Sam, 13.20) “I don’t care what happens to me, I never really have, but I do care what happens to my brother.” “Dean, we're going to that place, and we're gonna save Jack and Mom. Together. And if something happens, we will deal with it together. And if we die? We'll do that together, too.”
(Dean to Sam, 13.22) “I thought I’d lost you, man.”
(Dean to Sam, 13.22) “We’ve lost friends, we’ve lost family, we’ve lost each other.“
(Dean, 13.23) “Sammy!” [Lucifer disappears with Sam and Jack.] “SAMMY!”
(Castiel & Dean, 13.23) “Dean, you can’t.” “Lucifer has Sam!”
(Anael & Michael!Dean, 14.01) “Why would he say yes to you?” “Love.”
(Sam, 14.01) “If it meant finding Dean, I’d... I’d do anything.” 
(Dean, 14.02) “Sammy... It’s me...”
(Dean & Sam, Jody, 14.03) “It’s just every time I think about it, it’s like a nightmare. I mean, I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, it’s just always there... watching.” “Dee, it’s just a beard. I’ve been a little busy lately.” “Well, that’s not an excuse ‘cause Duck Dynasty called and they want it all back.” “Some people say I look good.“ “No. No Sam. No people say that.“ [...] “Hey, I like it!” [Sam is smug, Dean is exasperated.]
(Dean & Spencer & Sam, 14.03) “Yeah, not Michael anymore.” “Right, Chief told us. Welcome back.” “Chief?” “Yeah, I asked them not to call me that.” [Dean is exasperated.]
(Jody to Sam, 14.03) “First love strikes quick, and to lose it like that… Wow, you two are having a time of it.“
(Sam to Dean, 14.03) “For me, you were gone, for weeks. I didn’t know if you were alive… I just need you to talk to me, slow down so I can catch up.”
(Dean & Sam, 14.04) “Oh wow.” “What?” [Dean gestures to his jaw.] “Oh. Yes, I shaved.” “I mean, it’s so smooth. It’s like a... dolphin’s belly.”
(Dean & Sam, Samantha, 14.04) “Soft, delicate features, luxurious hair, she’s like your wonder twin.” “What? What are you talking about?” [Sam and Samantha simultaneously push their hair behind their ears.]
(Stuart & Dean & Sam, 14.04) “I broke it off before we could MIRL.” “Merle?” “M.I.R.L Meet in real life.” “Why do you know what that means?”
(Dean to Sam, 14.04) “Thanks, man. You, uh... You got me out here 'cause you needed to get me out my funk and get me a win, and you did. So... thanks.”
(Sam & Dean, 14.04) “Hey Dean, when we get back to the bunker, man, you gotta stop hiding out in your room.” “I’m not hiding out.” “And I get why you’re doing it, I do. What happened with Michael... you said yes for me. For Jack, for your family. You did the right thing. And what happened after [...] I don’t blame you, no one blames you, but you gotta try to stop blaming yourself. Please.” “I’m never going to get over it, okay? I’m just not. But you’re right. [...] Whatever you need, I’m there.”
(Dean to Sam, 14.04) “Alright, Chief?”
(Dean & Sam, 14.04) “Next year we're doing Halloween right, okay? I'm thinking matching outfits. Batman and Robin.” “No.” “Bert and Ernie.” “No.” “Yeah, that’s weird.” “Yes.” “Uh, Rocky and Bullwinkle.” “Dean.” “Shaggy and Scooby!” “Why would we...” “Turner and Hooch.” “Ugh.” “Ren and Stimpy.” “Come on now...” “Thelma and Louise!” “Thelma and...” “ We just put it in drive and go.”
(Dean to AU!Bobby, Dean to Sam, 14.05) “He’s doing his best. He’s doing better than his best.” “Well, she learned from the best.”
(Jack to Dean, Charlie to Sam, 14.06) “Sam wanted someone around when you came back. He’s worried about you.” “He’ll be fine. Your brother, I mean.”
(Dean to Jack, 14.06) “Sam won’t like it.” [aka mom] “Remind me to give you the talk later.” [aka dad]
(Dean to Kaia, 14.09) “I need that spear to save Sam so, if you’re not going to give it to me, kill me.”
(Michael!Dean to Sam, 14.09) “Dean was... resisting me. He was too attached to you.”
(Sam & Dean, 14.11) “You were gonna leave, and you weren’t even gonna tell me. Me!” “You're the last person I could tell, the last person I could be around, cause you're the only one who coulda talked me out of it!”
(Sam & Dean, 14.11) “But there has to be another way...” “There’s not, okay? Sam, you’ve tried [...] and I love you for trying.”
(Chuck to Sam & Dean, 15.19) “Hey, guys. Enjoying a little alone time?“
(Sam & Dean to Chuck, 15.19) “We'll give you what you want.” “The whole Cain and Abel thing, us dead, whatever. I'll kill Sam, Sam will kill me, we'll kill each other. Okay? You pick. But, first, you got to put everything back the way it was. The people, the birds. Cass.”
(Sam & Dean, 15.19) “You know, with Chuck not writing our story anymore, we get to write our own. You know, just you and me going wherever the story takes us. Just us.” “Finally free.” [Sam and Dean drive off into the sunset together on a road trip.]
(Sam & Dean, 15.20) [Ordinary Life by Van Morrison plays over domestic montage in the bunker.]
(Sam & Dean, 15.20) “You got anything?” “I got something.” [Dean takes Sam to a pie festival.]
(Sam to Dean, 15.20) [Sam smashes a slice of cream pie in Dean’s face.] “I have wanted to do that for a very long time.” [Dean scrapes the cream off his face with his fork and eats it.] “You’re right, I do feel better.”
(QOTD board, 15.20, Barn Scene, The Night We Met by Lord Huron)
(Sam & Dean, 15.20) “I'll call for help. I'll get the first aid kit.“ “Sam, Sam! Sam... stay with me. Can you stay with me, please?” “Okay. Yeah.” “Okay. Alright. Listen to me, you get those boys and you get them someplace safe, alright?” “We [motioning to both of them] are gonna get them somewhere safe.” “No. You knew it was always gonna end like this for me, it was supposed to end like this, right? I mean, look at us, saving people, hunting things... it's what we do.” “No, no. Stop, okay? Just... just stop.” “It’s okay, it’s good. We had one hell of a ride, man.” “I will find a way, okay? I... I will find another way.” “No, man. No. No, no, no, no. No bringing me back, okay? You know... you know that always ends bad.” “Dean...” “Okay.” “Please...” “I'm fading pretty quick, so... there's a few things that I need you to hear. Come here.” [Sam moves close and Dean puts his hand on the side of his neck.] “Let me look at you. Yeah, there he is. I'm so proud of you, Sam.” [Dean’s hand on Sam’s shoulder, Sam holding onto Dean’s wrist.] “You know that? I've always looked up to you. Man, when we were kids, you were so damn smar... smart. You never... you never took any of dad's crap. I never knew how you did that. And you're stronger than me. You always have been. Hey, did I ever tell you... did I ever tell you that night that, uh... that I ca... that I came for you when you were at school? You know, when dad hadn't come back from his hunting trip?” “Yeah, um.. uh, the woman in white.” “The woman in white, that’s right. I must have stood outside your dorm for hours... because I didn't... I didn't know what... what you would say. I thought you'd tell me to... to get lost or get dead. And I don't know what I would've done... if I didn't have you. 'Cause I was so scared. I was scared, 'cause when it all came down to it, it was always you and me. It's always been you... and me.” [Sam is crying.] “Then don't leave me. Don't leave me. I can't do this alone.” “Yes, you can.” “Well, I don’t want to.” “Hey, I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna be with you... right here.” [Dean is crying, he places his fist over Sam’s heart.] “Right here... every day. Every day you're out there and you’re li... and you're living and you're fighting, 'cause you...you always keep fighting. You hear me? I'll be there every step. I love you so much, my baby brother. Oh, man. Well, I did not think this would be the day. But it is. It is, and that's... that's okay. I need you to... I need you to promise me. I need you to... to tell me... that it's okay. I need you to tell me that it's okay.” [Sam looks away, shaking his head.] “No.” “Look at me. Look at me. I need... I need you to tell me that it's okay. I need you to tell me... tell me it's okay.” [Sam places his hand over Dean’s on Dean’s chest.] “Dean… it's okay. You can go now.” “Goodbye, Sam. Goodbye.” [Dean closes his eyes, a single tear falling down his face, his head falls onto Sam’s shoulder, Sam holds onto Dean and starts crying hard and brokenly.]
(Sam & Miracle, 15.20) [Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits plays over montage of Dean’s funeral and Sam grieving in the bunker.]
(Sam, 15.20) [Sam wears Dean’s hoodie and watch and takes Dean’s duffle when he leaves the bunker.]
(Dean & Bobby, 15.20) [Dean arrives outside the Roadhouse, Bobby sitting on the porch.] ”What memory is this?” ”It ain’t, ya idgit. [...] That kid of yours, before he went wherever, made some changes here, [...] he set some things right. Tore down all the walls up here. Heaven ain't just reliving your golden oldies anymore, it's what it always should have been, everyone happy, everyone together. [...] Your mom and dad, they got a place over yonder. It ain't just Heaven, Dean, it's the Heaven you deserve, and we've been waiting for you.”
(Dean & Bobby, 15.20) [Dean looks a little pensive, a little sad.] “It’s almost perfect.” “He’ll be along.”
(Bobby & Dean, 15.20) “You got everything you could ever want or need or dream, so, I guess the question is, what are you gonna do now, Dean?” [Dean looks over and Baby is there,  wearing her original license plates.] “I think I’ll go for a drive. [Dean walks over to Baby.] “Hey, Baby.”
(Dean, Sam, 15.20) [Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas plays over montage of Dean driving in Heaven and Sam raising Dean Jr. on Earth.] [Sam, old and gray, removes a dustcover from Baby and sits in the drivers seat as though he can feel or imagine Dean there.]
(Dean Jr. & Sam, Dean & Sam, 15.20) [Carry on Wayward Son by Neoni plays.] [Sam, very old now, lies in a hospital bed in his living room, surrounded by photos of Dean, John, Mary, Bobby, and Dean Jr.] “Dad, it's okay, you can go now.” [Sam nods, places his hand on Dean Jr’s. He closes his eyes, his head falls to the side and a single tear falls down his face.] [Dean stops on a bridge and enjoys the view, he gets a look of awareness on his face that turns into a happy grin.] “Hey Sammy.” [Dean turns to see Sam, he’s the same age he was the night Dean died.] “Dean.” [The boys look each other over and note they’re both wearing the same clothes they had on the night Dean came and got Sam from Stanford. They smile at each other, relieved and happy and joyous and emotional, and hug. They walk over to the railing, Dean’s arm around Sam, and enjoy the view.]
Comparisons, parallels, direct lines, feel free to add to this list.
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
10 Moms Share Why They Chose To Breastfeed Their Kids Past The Age Of Two
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/10-moms-share-why-they-chose-to-breastfeed-their-kids-past-the-age-of-two/
10 Moms Share Why They Chose To Breastfeed Their Kids Past The Age Of Two
Extended breastfeeding is the practice of breastfeeding a child past the age of one, and it’s more prevalent than you might think. BuzzFeed Life talked to a small selection of moms about their choice to breastfeed beyond toddlerhood.
1. Extended breastfeeding came under fire last week when mom of two Denise Sumpter went on British television to discuss her decision to breastfeed her 6-year-old daughter until the child self-weans.
2. So what is the deal with extended breastfeeding? BuzzFeed Life talked to moms in the thick of it to find out.
3. Jasmine Banks, mom of three
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Jasmine Banks
“I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to breastfeed and that I wanted to wean my children based on their individual queues. We wanted our child to have all the biological benefits of breastfeeding for as long as possible and we wanted to promote secure attachment. I nursed our first child for three years. He slowly became disinterested and soon preferred his snacks over breast milk, though he asked for it in a cup until he was 4. I found out that I was pregnant with our third child when our middle child was 6 months old. I nursed her through pregnancy and then tandem nursed both the middle and last child until the last child weaned. All three of my children weaned on their own by slowly incorporating more activity and food. I breastfed a total of seven years.”
4. Désirée Fawn, mom of one
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Désirée Fawn
“On the day of Gretchen’s birth, my goal was to breastfeed for six months. At six months it was a year. At a year it was 2 years, and the ball just kept on rolling. My advice to other mothers is this: DO WHAT FEELS RIGHT. Breastfeed until it no longer works for you and your baby. Never let anyone else dictate the rules of your motherhood experience.”
5. Sara Moe, mom of three
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Sara Moe
“I didn’t really set out to nurse all my children past 2. Obviously I was committed to breastfeeding — you have to be to make it through the first two painful, difficult weeks — but it was nowhere in my plan to continue as long as I did. I figured we’d do our best, see what happened. I guess what happened was partly that I was lazy and nursing was an easy fix in a plentitude of situations. I am also of course aware of the health benefits for both mother and baby — lowered cortisol levels and breast cancer risk for mom, heightened immunity and lowered SIDS risk for the kid, among others — but I can’t say this affected my decision to continue breastfeeding as much as the fact that it was just so easy, effective, and honestly, enjoyable most of the time. Plus I’ll still be able to feed my baby during the zombie apocalypse.”
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Instagram: @brigitteelisee
7. Miranda Wicker, mom of two
“I didn’t plan to be breastfeeding for this long, and to be honest, before I ever breastfed for the first time I thought it was sort of weird when moms breastfed older toddlers. Then my son went on a nursing strike at four and a half months old and a few months later, we switched him to formula. When Emma came along a few years later, my only plan was to take everything as it came and hopefully make it to six months, then six months turned into a year so I could get her through flu season. After a year we were still going strong and she was showing no signs of stopping and before I knew it, we’d passed the two-year milestone.
“A lot of people don’t understand extended breastfeeding. At this point, it’s less about nutrition for her and more about comfort and bonding. My boobs are her security blanket (along with her “baba,” at least three baby dolls, some books, and two or three actual blankets…). Maybe it’s weird to some people, and that’s totally cool. Other people’s habits, like clipping nails in public or heating fish in a shared microwave, are weird to me. She’s healthy, fiercely independent, whip smart, and won’t take my boobs with her to kindergarten. Probably.”
8. Natasha Chiam, mom of two
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Natasha Chaim
“To be honest, there is not much that I ‘planned’ with my first kid, outside of the actual getting pregnant part. It was a complicated pregnancy and an early birth at 35 weeks, and he was only three and a half pounds. Breastfeeding was his best chance to grow and get all the immunity he needed from me and I was adamant that breastfeeding was how he was going to get it.
“My son weaned himself right after his third birthday. He was the one who decided that he was a big boy and didn’t need to nurse anymore. It was both a relief, as I was nursing both kids and it was starting to take its toll on me physically, and a bittersweet moment as well.
“My daughter continued to nurse until she was 4 and a half years old and would have likely continued longer if I had let her! I probably let it go on that long because I knew she was my last baby and it is (was) such an integral part of us being and growing together. She still talks about it (and is now 6) and I am glad that it is such a good, loving, beautiful memory for her (and for me).
“Extended nursing was what worked for us. It wasn’t always easy, especially with my little preemie boy, but in the end, the benefits far outweighed anything else.”
9. Natalia Fabia, mom of one
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Instagram: @nataliafabia
“While I was pregnant it was no doubt in my mind if I was going to breastfeed or not. I had an amazing natural birth at home which was the best experience of my life, the next step was breastfeeding… and I was actually very excited for it. I knew the benefits of breastfeeding were a having happy, healthy baby and the antibodies in my milk were something nothing else could emulate. Plus it is basically FREE FOOD! My mother breastfed me and I have been a huge advocate for it.”
11. Adrienne Jones, mom of four
“I nursed my youngest until right around his third birthday. I planned before he was born to nurse him as long as he wanted in a sort of vague way, with no real idea what that would look like. Then he turned out to be this outrageously high-needs baby (and eventually was diagnosed with multiple disabilities) and I’m so thankful we had BFing as a way to bond because otherwise, being close to him was very, very difficult. I won’t go into all that detail but he screamed for his first few years and rarely slept and it was profoundly challenging, but at least I had that one thing that was working, you know? There was one thing I knew was right and good.”
13. Titania Jordan, mom of one
“I totally did not plan to breastfeed my son for almost three and a half years. I thought he would self-wean way before that. Of course, toward the end, it was very sporadic and perhaps just to fall asleep for a nap or bed, but it was sweet and beautiful and completely unplanned.
“There were countless benefits to breastfeeding, but it certainly wasn’t a breeze. I’m thankful I was able to get through the rocky phase [at the beginning], as I know it is hard for many who try, especially when you have to balance going back to work with pumping.
“I wish I had more confidence to nurse in public in those early months, instead of hiding in my car or a restaurant bathroom when my son would get hungry. I wish I wasn’t ashamed in certain instances of nursing a child past the age of 1, and then 2, and then (eeps!) 3! It seems like so not a big deal now, but back then, I was a strange bird compared to my friends with children the same age.”
14. Jennifer Latch, mom of three
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Jennifer Latch
“I have three daughters. My first self-weaned at 1. My second I weaned at nine months due to a number of factors, but have always felt it had been to soon for her and had a negative impact on her.
“For my third baby I just decided to nurse her until she self-weaned. The biggest benefit I had from nursing her past 1 was when she became ill and had several febrile seizures several times throughout her second year. She wouldn’t eat, but she would nurse and I was so happy that I was still able to. Now at 30 months (2.5) we are still nursing before bed and when I pick her up from daycare.
“I’ve started to tell her that nursing may be ending soon but she is pretty insistent it continue at this point. Honestly I would prefer not to nurse anymore, but it’s not such an inconvenience that I feel compelled to take drastic measures to stop.
“I think my cutoff will be 3 though. If we are still nursing at 3… well… I’ll have to update you. I HOPE my cutoff is 3!”
15. Laura Christensen, mom of two
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Instagram: @mrs_christensen27
“Nursing her really connects us. It’s that one special thing she can do to calm down and be happy again (if she got upset, hurt, or mad). It’s a mood stabilizer. When is that not much needed with a 3-year-old?!”
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/morganshanahan/ok-but-what-about-extended-breastfeeding
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slapmeagain-blog · 7 years
Thanks to “The Rock”
July 25th, 2017.  9:01 a.m.
Sam, Mel and Charlie head back to the UK today.  It’s been great having them here.  It’s been 15 years since their last visit for my 50th birthday party at Long Tan.  I can barely remember it!  Let’s see, we did it as a benefit for CASA  NY -- Court Appointed Special Advocates (for children in foster care).  I charged $50 a head.  Only one person I know of remarked (not to me, but I know who you are!), “I’m not paying $50 bucks to go to a birthday party.”  It was a good crowd, and it seems we all had a great time, though I confuse that party with the restaurant’s opening party which was a year or two before.  Anyway, Sam and Mel and some other friends from England, from Italy, etc. joined us and most stayed at our house, which wasn’t even completely finished yet, and as I recall, even had some people camped out on the kitchen floor, empty still of appliances and counters.  It was fun, wasn’t it? 
I met Sam back in my days on Wall Street, probably around 1991, when I was working at a hedge fund, running the strategy desk for currency and fixed income trading.  Sam’s older brother worked at one of the banks, Chase I think, that provided us with execution services in the fx markets.  Steve (Sam’s brother), affectionately known in the markets as, The Rock, for his love of rock music and his vinyl collection, called one day and asked if I could arrange tickets to a Guns n Roses concert coming up at Madison Square Garden for Sam and a friend coming over from Nottingham.  Steve had bought their plane tickets, saying it was Sam’s first trip to New York.  I said, “Sure.” and got one of the other banks to come up with a couple of tickets for them.  They arrived in NY the night of our first Christmas Party in our new apartment on Park Place, and I invited them to join us at the house.  As I recall, it was December 7th and I’d instructed the bar tender to make up pitchers of kamikazi’s for Pearl Harbor day and everyone was pretty plastered.  It took Sam and ‘Gut’, his pal, a while to find me at the party, and I was impressed that they’d made the effort to come to Brooklyn.  Years later, he told me how intimidated he was with the place, the crowd and the party when he arrived, but that I’d made him feel at ease and that they’d ended up have a great time. 
The two of them stayed at the Chelsea Hotel -- then still a cheap bohemian tourist hotel -- known for it’s famous residents (Dylan Thomas) and the fact the Sid Vicious probably got away with murder there (his girlfriend was found stabbed but he was never charged apparently.)  Turns out Sam was a real rocker, and had his own band back home in Nottingham.  So here in NY, they partied all night at places like CBGBs and Kenny’s Castaways, where the Smithereens, one of Sam’s favorite bands’, front man used to wash dishes between sets.  Sam wore a leather jacket with their name painted on the back as I recall.  I don’t think I went out with him on that trip, but if I didn’t, I can’t imagine why not.  In any event, the two of them got by for a week on 3 or 4 hours a night sleep, spending their days sightseeing and their nights crawling around the bars in the Village and the Lower East Side. 
Well, that week was the beginning of a long friendship, that remains strong to this day.  I haven’t seem Sam in a long time, though I made annual trips to Nottingham every summer for years after that first meeting in NYC.  We’d go out on pub crawls -- trying to hit up to 6 or 7 before they closed -- with Sam and 15 or so of his mates every July, and when the pubs closed we’d end up at the local night club, Central Park, to dance to Nirvana and Metallica, throw back shots of Jack Daniels, and finish the night with the usual public urination, a burger from a street truck, sometimes eaten laying down on the sidewalk as the summer dawn cracked at around 4 a.m., getting a car service home, then climbing through a kitchen window as we’d forgot the keys or come home without Mel who had them. One acquaintance of Sam’s called late one night, after we’d got home but before we’d passed out, drunk as a skunk, to apologize for giving me a hard time for how long it took the ‘yanks’ to get on board and enter the war.  Not sure if he meant WWI or II and I didn’t remember the incident at all, but I was touched by his heartfelt apology nonetheless and assured him no offense was taken, and he took quite a bit of convincing!
I remember going up there one summer weekend with my then business partner, Steven Jacolow, just before we started our asset management firm in the UK, down south in Winchester.  Must’ve been 1996, the year after we left Caxton when they downsized and cut my group from 12 to three people.  Mel and the ladies loved that Steve was wandering around their house the next morning in nothing but his Calvin Klein’s.  He always was a tease. 
Over the years, as Sam and I became close, the other Steve, Sam’s brother, even became a bit jealous of our friendship, though he frequently joined us on my weekend visits to Nottingham.  His wife Annette often questioned my sexuality and motivations in a gossipy tone, an old guy hanging out with all those young people.  Well, she wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last, though I never got lucky even once, not that I was pushing.  It was pretty clear none of them was gay.  And it didn’t seem to bother any of them.  Later, I learned, they were fine, just waiting for me to come out.  In fact, 1996 was the year I did, to Hedy.  Owed that to her, at least, before I could come out to anyone else.
The years passed. I moved back to the US, then in 2000 had another job in the the UK, London this time, but on my own, working for JP Morgan.  When I got the offer, Hedy and I decided to separate (Cole had just left for school), and the offer seemed timely for us.  Sam and Mel came down to London at one point that year and spent a month with me in my flat in Shoreditch, when Mel’s company sent her for some training.  I moved to Italy in January 2002,right after 911 -- and finally back to the US at the end of 2004, when Claire was born.  
So many years passed, so quickly.  In 2015, Sam’s brother, Steve, died at 57, after a heart attack at Paddington Station, and with Jim Martin’s and Hedy’s urging, I decided to attend the funeral in Cardiff, Wales.  It was a quick trip -- 36 hours -- but it was a watershed for Sam and me.  Jim and I met at Heathrow, and had a driver take us to Cardiff for the service.  Sam and Mel, and Sam’s mom, Jan, whom I had also developed a relationship with over the years seemed so glad I had come, and Jim and I spent the evening chatting with them about Steve and his life and shared memories.  It was a good, meaningful evening for all of us.  I promised to make the effort to get up to Nottingham, which I did the following summer, in 2016, and we did a pub crawl with the old gang, though I have to say none of us was sorry it didn’t end in a night club, with shots, any public urination, or breaking and entering -- we were all home in bed by midnight.... 
Their visit this week, with their 13 year old son, Charlie, comes on the heals of mine with them, and our rekindled efforts to spend more time together after the loss of Steve.  Part of his legacy will be the lasting gift of friendship that he unwittingly gave to our families over 25 years ago.
Charlie, Claire and Carter have been getting on very well, and Claire asked me the other day, if, when we go to Paris for her 16th, we can stop for a few days in England to visit Charlie.  Ah, the hearts of 13 year olds!  And even Marco, after hearing stories of our Nottingham pub crawls has decided that we should make a trip to the East Midlands some time in our future.  All good.  Thanks, Steve Nicholson, for keeping us all close...
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Don’t read me that god stuff
So lets be completely honest. Sometimes we pick really awesome people, who we would move mountains for. Someone whom we only want to make out with, share a bed with, and maybe shower with a few times. Now these people sometimes have been with other people. Shocking, I know. Lets get even crazier; sometimes our person has a .....kid or KIDS with one of those other people they could have possibly had a relationship with. Being a good full of life and love woman that I am I of course accept this. Why? Am I a little bit of a dare devil? Do I enjoy living on the edge of my seat? Do I want a horde of children? No. I am none of those things nor have I ever really want a horde of children running around my front yard while I stand at the kitchen sink doing the endless amounts of dishes and thinking of reasons why I don’t drink. It’s really simple, I love having sex with someone so much that I actually fell in love with them. It’s not complicated, I saw guy, I didn’t talk to guy for a while and then WHAM! Made my move. I invited him on an adventure. Never looking back. So once the whole Sid & Nancy feeling kicked in and it was us against the world, I meet the child. 
At first it’s totally good. It really wasn’t until we moved into our first apartment and she began to get older did we run into weird things. Kids are weird that’s the thing. They do weird things, they believe things that you have no idea where it could have come from and then for some reason they like to be weird and talk about these weird things in Target. 
 Now I’ve been apart for my step-child’s life for almost 5 years. They only get weirder. I’d say 2 years ago she started talking about god a lot, not something I completely believe in but to each their own. I didn’t even try to school her on evolution because well she was 5. So I tell her I am more spiritual and believe in other things. If retold by a 5 year old to her mother could totally translate into “Ma, she believes in satin”, which then would trigger fear into her mother and the need to say “Well honey, just whenever you can read the good word to her, especially in Target.”  Ohhh Target, how I love you. So after taking now 7 year old to Target after seeing a movie we are looking at books. Low and behold she grabs the “Jesus EveryDay” book. You know the one, with a scripture for everyday for a year. (AGAIN TO EACH THEIR OWN) “Oh the God book!” She said loudly as an entire Hispanic family of women walks past and smiles. I can’t, no not today. I can’t hear it. I’m so glad your mom reads that EVERY morning, she might need it. But not me, not today, not in my beloved Target. Before she could even start with the date, “No, don’t read me that god stuff”. Now the elderly Hispanic woman looked at me in disgust, the other women wheeled away their cart. “I love you but I just want want to hear that stuff.” came out next but it was code for “Don’t fuck this Target book section for me.” We hugged and went on. I’m sure I should have stood there and listened, but this is Target. It could quickly become a place where others have no boundaries on my space and that woman gets involved and now we are getting invites to church functions and sacrifices. We just can’t ruin Target.   
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