#i’m just glad that ppl do cos when i was in year 7-9 no one ever did
killa-trav · 1 year
and just like that my bday is over boooo i’m big sad now but only 364 days until my bday now
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gracehcreates-bct · 3 years
W8 Studio - Project into the public
I entered my team into X-Challenge, but unfortunately our group was too big to do the whole project so we split ourselves into two and did the app and boot cleaner as seperate ideas.
Boot Cleaner Prototype
Kent made a boot cleaner prototype over the weekend, using cardboard and pvc pipes. Not included is the spray, which would be situated underneath the boot.
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Survey Results
I sent out the survey on facebook, first to the Creative Technologies Year 3 page and then my neighbourhood community’s page. So far there are 62 responses.
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1. How often do you go on walking trails?
Once a week - 11 people Once fortnightly - 7 people Once a month - 23 people Once a year - 18 people Never - 3 people
2. Who would you usually take with you? (pick between 1 - 2)
Family - 46 people Friends - 19 people Dogs - 12 people No-one - 11 people
3. Have you heard of the Kauri Dieback Disease?
61/62 people have heard of Kauri Dieback.
4. If yes, how do you think preventing it is to New Zealand’s forests in the future? (on a scale of 1 - 10)
Average is 9.1, with 6 out of 60 people who answered this question ranking it below 8.
5. What would make the boot cleaner more convienent?
About 17 out of 62 thought that the boot cleaner was fine as it is. Two people answered there should be more of them.
Answers about the station itself: - Maybe if it was longer so you can keep moving as you clean. So others don’t get held up behind you. - If more people could use it at the same time. - Maybe a larger, flatter station - Proper set up like your picture - as some are only a mat and can easily be avoided - A seat to sit on when spraying shoes with the stuff. Very hard to work hose on one foot with a pack on - Regular servicing - I guess it's a bit of a bottle neck, depending on the popularity of the trial maybe it holds people up? - Have more of an obstacle that makes it so you get in slower. Therefore, making you clean your shoes more thoroughly? :D - Better maintenance sometimes they are worn out - Clearer instructions Easier to use Maybe a video
Answers about boot cleaner: - I guess if it rotated it might get more sit out from the grooves? Also, with covid I try to avoid touching anything and this this old style and the spray gun you have to touch - Have a cleaner for jandals. This one doesn’t work so well - Foot activated sprays. Physical barriers that force people to activate the spray to get thru the barrier. - Weight based means children and lighter people don't activate it so perhaps something that doesn't get activated by weight that you walk through. Shallow enough to just cover sole of shes/boots - Maybe some foot level spray system. Sometimes balancing on one foot to spray is tricky - the spray trigger should have a novel so that it covers each shoe in one spray - Fixed brushes as shown here. The hand squirter and hand brush combination is too difficult to manage. Lose balance and give up - A hand held brush to scrub the side of shoes. - No spray, just scrub and step - A device to clamp around shoes and spray all around - Rotating brushes - Making the brushes not worn down. Last bush walk I went on the brushes for your feet were too worn down and didn’t work very well - Bending down is tricky so a system that doesn’t make you bend over is good - If it always had disinfectant in it. - It having the spray stuff in it and not be empty - Not have to use the hand spray bottle that is found on some stations. - Find it ok as it is, but prefer the one that sprays your shoes when you stand on it to the hand held one - Automatic - probably some type of automated boot cleaner - I am liking the new "hop on to spray" pads
Other: - It’s fine but something to keep the spray from coming up and wetting your shoes and ankles would be good-keep it to the soles - designing something the birds might use, as it's far more likely to be transmitted by them. - An agent that actually is proven as working on phytophthora - I think the boots cleaners are possibly okay, it's the dogs i always think , might be more carriers especially as often off lead when they shouldn't be. - Nothing. I think it’s clearly marked with instructions and you can’t miss them at the beginning and end of tracks. One time there was a DOC guy there educating people how to clean boots properly which was helpful cos I had actually been doing the process the wrong way around prior to that! - RGB LEDs, to attract the kids - maybe having someone employed by like doc or something to make sure there are ppl washing their shoee
6. How effective do you think the covid tracer app was in preventing the spread of covid-19? (on a scale of 1 - 10)
Average is 7.3, with only 5 people out of 62 ranking it below a 5.
7.  We are designing an app and deciding on the content, what is most appealing to you?
Treasure Hunt - #1.82 average Augmented Reality boot cleaner - #2.06 average Running statistics tracker - #2.11 average
8.  Why did you choose the previous answer? Otherwise, give us an example of something you’d like to see on it.
About 5/46 people answered that they couldn’t see the image I had used, which is my own fault but the survey website is difficult to understand. 4/46 directly said “Treasure Hunts are fun”. Two people said it didn’t matter as long as it was simple to use.
- Statistics can drive behaviour - Treasure hunt appeals to families using tracks - There is a general lack of information about Kauri Dieback at the boot cleaning stations especially Tane Mahuta - information would result in adherence - The question wasn’t clear to me so I chose the fun option. No idea what AR boot cleaner is - maybe I didn’t click on something? - Seemed the most applicable (Augmented Reality) - Didn’t really have a view. Not sure what the point of the treasure hunt and A4 - I just think the treasure hunt idea has more appeal. Not clear how it works - A map of dieback - Information on Kauri on the area you are about to walk in, how many, if have any signs of disease - Definitely make it fun to use, stats make it interesting - learn with play: Tree/ nature trivia, e.g. like: what tree is this? (photo) - Sounds more fun (Treasure Hunt) - Fun makes things engaging. Also, running is boring. - Treasure hunt might make it more interesting for the grandchildren I take hiking. I know what AR is but I cannot imaging it being useful for book cleaning. - Links with GPS - Easy to find information for the novice /infrequent tramper - I didn't see how the answers linked to the app. What's the purpose of the app? If it's just to track like the covid app it doesn't need anything else on it. Most people who run in the bush would use another app already. - if i got it my main , objective would be to help with Die-back .Stats would be interesting so No.2,Treasure hunt No.3 , as kids grown up , but even if younger i might have put 3 , but would be good for younsters - I may take my child if there is a treasure hunt as part of the app/walk - The AR boot cleaner would encourage people to clean their shoes properly because it would make cleaning more fun and accurate. - I like stats - and I like the new aspect of the covid app where you get a little sticker icon when you get 14 days diary entry. - Got to be something interesting and fun. Maybe as an incentive add in spot prizes provided by possible sponsors.. - NZ health statistics - Interactive is fun and makes you feel involved - More visually appealing (Treasure Hunt) - More fun makes people more likely to use. - Don't understand what the boot one is - Routes recommendation, especially secret/not popular spots. Treasure hunting is a bit like that - Treasure hunt seems rewarding. AR seems interactive. Statistics sound boring - I think that if you make it a sort of game it will encourage people to get into the nitty gritty parts of shoe! - Not sure why I'd want a virtual boot cleaner tbh. Other content could be birds to look out for.. bit of history, exercise tips - Helps me know which parts of my boots are clean :)
9.  Thank you for taking the time to do this. Any other ideas/feedback for us?
- Anything to help contain the spread and educate people is good-Tane Mahuta was our first experience and there was no information and no reception to be able to Google it. - Would love people to be encouraged to use the boot wash more. - Good idea to encourage behaviours that will stop the spread. Well done - no, its communist propaganda - I develop apps myself, but I am doubtful about their applicability to Kauri Dieback reduction - An alarm when boots are not cleaned properly. - Still not sure what your app will do. - Good luck , please put a reminder if possible the importance of dogs on leads in areas where needed.PS We do own a dog! - Thank you for your work - I put 10 as meaning it is very important. You don’t say how the scale works though - Kauri Dieback poses a serious issue and I'm glad theres a project looking at this!! 🙌 - I would just try to be really focused on the problem you want to solve. Is it boot cleaning, is it awareness, is it history, is it fitness
Additionally Miles emailed Dr Gerth, so we have an interview with her on May 27th.
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ionaonie · 7 years
Your Thoughts on The Last Jedi?
Decidedly mixed, which I wasn’t expecting after seeing so many positive reviews for it and many people saying it did things rarely seen on screen, and that it was so different from other Star Wars movies
But everything I’m going to say is obviously spoilerish, so here is a cut 
Things that I liked
1) It was a beautiful movie - there are three shots that I absolutely loved; Snoke’s ship being hyperspaced, Rey and Kylo Ren using the force to get (and break) Luke’s lightsaber and Luke and Kylo Ren facing each other on the planet
2) The lightsaber fight between Rey and Kylo Ren versus Snoke’s bodyguards 
3) Luke - I really loved what they did with Luke. Him being all grumpy, recognising how he’d bought into his own press and all that jazz was awesome
4) That Rey’s parents were nobody’s. I’m glad she has no legacy, no bloodline to explain why she’s so powerful in the force, that anyone can bring about change
5) That Luke had similar thoughts about the Force that Buffy had about her power
6) The little boy at the end using the force to get the broom 
7) That Kylo Ren is now the bad guy. I always suspected that Snoke was something of a red herring
8) That Kylo Ren defeated Snoke through sneakiness and Snoke’s own arrogance and overconfidence - if it had been a lightsaber fight, I’d never have believed that Rey and Kylo Ren could have defeated him because he was so obviously so skilled and knowledgeable about the force - I mean, he was throwing Rey around with ease - that if he got beaten by them in such a way, I’d have been thrown out of the film so hard 
9) Luke and Leia getting to have a moment
10) Yoda being the one to set the tree on fire because Luke hesitated and then them talking and just sitting there, watching it burn
11) Luke being so happy to see R2-D2 and R2-D2 using the ‘help us obi-wan, you’re our only hope’ message and Luke, being like, oh, that’s not fair
12) Chewy kicking in Luke’s door
13) Finn’s ‘hey’ before hitting Phasma round the head after she thought he was head
14) I know everyone was going on about the Porgs, but omg, I loved the ice foxes (or whatever the fuck they were)
15) Poe prank calling Hux - I’ve heard people complaining about that, but damn if I didn’t find it funny
16) The fact that Luke didn’t make footprints in the salt, when facing Kylo Ren. That was a detail I really enjoyed
Then there are the things where I got what they were doing, I even liked it as an idea, but I really wasn’t a fan of the execution
1) Leia using the force - I am beyond delighted that there is now no question that Leia has and uses the force, but omg, that special effect of her moving through space was painfully bad and I honest to god nearly laughed. I can think of a bunch of ways that could have been done so it didn’t look so dumb
2) Finn and Rose’s utterly pointless trip to Casino planet - look, I get WHY it happened - to show Finn the realities of a world he’s not seen because he’s only just stopped being a stormtrooper - but god, was the execution terrible 
I honestly felt like it was like the movie didn’t really have anything for him to do, so they separated him from the rest of the cast for most of it, and gave him his own little adventure 
3) Vice Admiral Holdo and Poe - like, I get that this was a lesson for Poe in leadership, winning the war and not the battle, thinking things through and all that jazz, but this was the stupidest way to have done it. Like, I get Poe got demoted. I get that Holdo didn’t have to tell him anything. But honestly? Wouldn’t her life have been easier if she hadn’t have to worry about Poe running around, doing god knows what? Like, sending a couple of ppl off to get a codebreaker to attempt to break into Snoke’s ship or organising a mutiny? Maybe he might have helped co-ordinate things. Or helped come up with a better plan
And then the things I didn’t like
1) This first one probably isn’t fair, but I was so thrown when we found out the woman who died on the bomber ship was Rose’s sister. I really and honestly thought it was her girlfriend
2) That was the most awkward and perfunctonary kiss I’ve ever seen between Finn and Rose - and where the fuck did that come from? I mean, even ignoring the assumption I made in point 1, there was none of that kind of chemistry between them
3) That we didn’t learn anything about how Snoke got to Ben, or what happened to the Knights of Ren (although Henry had a brilliant idea; how cool would it have been if Snoke’s bodyguards had been the Knights of Ren)
4) what the fuck was with using a giant spear to catch a fish?
5) The escape of the alien horses shouldn’t have been as long as it was, because omg, that went on too long
6) I hate to say it, but Benicio del Toro’s character. I really didn’t see the point of him at all. Apart from being another part of Finn’s lesson that I feel could have been done way better
7) Holdo’s plan was terrible. For starters, they didn’t evacuate the 2 smaller ships and a whole bunch of people got killed. And, really? Why not use those two smaller ships to hyperspace through Snoke’s ship? Like, I get that Holdo might just have come up with it on the spot, but it seemed more like a possible idea she’d had because she seemed to know exactly what to do
8) I need to rewatch it, but I’m honestly not sure the timeline’s match up. Unless the planet Rey and Luke were on had significantly shorter days, how did they have so many nights in an 18 hour window? Even if you allow for the fact that at least one of those nights might have happened when the rebel base was being evacuated, I still don’t think it matches up
9) I am glad Finn didn’t die. He’s my favourite. But, at the same time, it felt kinda cheap to a) have Rose save him at the last minute and b) not have any main character (other than Luke) die. Also, how kind were the first order not to shoot on Rose and Finn while Finn was getting out of his crashed machine and running to get to Rose? I was expecting it any second and yet they have him the time to rescue her AND get her back to the base. The base that was quite a walk away
10) Phasma being dead. Well, not that, as much as WHY go on about having Gwendoline Christie as a character if she’s not going to get more than about 5-10 minutes screen time. I thought she was supposed to have more of a role in this movie, but evidently not. And if she survives that fall through the fire in the next movie I’ll be rolling my eyes so hard
11) I really didn’t like how Rey, Finn and Poe were all separated for the entire film. I enjoy watching them in some kind of combination (or all three of them). I found the separate storylines annoying and I wanted them all back together way earlier than it happen
The two things I’m honestly not sure about 
1) Rey and Kylo Ren - I was honestly dreading that the film would do something to put them in a more romantic context, and thank god they didn’t do that, but I’m still not sure about that link they have
2) I’m not sure Luke would have gone that far with the lightsaber with Ben. But I’m also not sure he wouldn’t. So yeah, I’m unsure about that
And the two things they better not do in the final movie
1) Get Rey and Kylo Ren together
2) Redeem Kylo Ren. He killed Han and is a 30 year old manchild who throws tantrums on a regular basis. I really don’t give a fuck about him 
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Get To Know Me Tag! :D
Tagged by @the-mockingbird-flies (thank you btw <3)
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
I saw on the people I’m following to this and I thought it would be fun
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: My older bro 3. Text message: Some work dood 4. Song you listened to: My Chemical Romance - Summertime 5. Time you cried: does fangirling count?
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yas 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. Been cheated on: noo 9. Lost someone special: yhhhh but they didnt die or anything 10. Been depressed: yhhhhhh i go in and out of it 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: blue, purple, black
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yassss <3 we call ourselves ‘Diickpunks’ <3 16. Fallen out of love: yaaas xD 17. Laughed until you cried: YAAAAAS 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no... 19. Met someone who changed you: yh, my friends, Diickpunks <3 20. Found out who your friends are: yh.... :’) 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope, i dont have FB lol
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: none xD 23. Do you have any pets: nope 24. Do you want to change your name: nah 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: nothing..i dont celebrate my bday :’) 26. What time did you wake up: like 6:20am ish 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: having the greatest sleep of all time 28. Name something you can’t wait for:  NFLYING comeback//my FANTASY 1st package to arrive~~ <3 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morn at like 6ish i guess 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ermmm more outgoing?? 31. What are you listening right now: MCR - Vampire Money <3 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yas 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: people talking behind other people’s backs.....people thinking theyre better than others....shit like that >:L 34. Most visited Website: Youtube
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: nope 36. Mark/s: yaas, i fell into a thorn bush so my legs have a lot of (faded) scars, and the ol birth mark or two :3 37. Childhood dream: ....to be famous...... ;_;
38. Haircolor: black
39. Long or short hair: medium 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope :’) ♫what is loveee...*starts bopping head*
41. What do you like about yourself: hmmmmm, how understanding i can be? 42. Piercings: nope BUTT i did get my ears pierced when i was younger, but they closed up in no time :’) 43. Bloodtype: B+ 44. Nickname: Bex, Bucket (thnx to a typo of ‘Becky’ xD), Becca 45. Relationship status: Singleeeeeeeee AF 46. Zodiac: Cancer 47. Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them 48. Favorite TV Show: Suits, in terms of Korea - rn it would be Unni is Alive 49. Tattoos: Nope 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: no ACTUALLYY i was a dumb lickle 3yr old and jumped into a glass cabinet and got glass stuck in my forehead and went hospickle for that xD 52. Hair dyed in different color: nopeeeeee 53. Sport: football (soccer), badminton, maybe hockey but not on the ice and im in net thnxxx 55. Vacation: i literally just made a bucket list of where i wanna go a few days ago! destinations include: Canada, France, Blue Lagoon in Iceland and Jeju Island! :D 56. Pair of trainers: well....i have like 4 that i use a lot that i got for like £10 each in the most normal colours ever: black, white, black and white, grey.....my brother got me these really cool purple fur adidas trainers from turkey and theyre nice....but ruined.....i havent used them in nearly 1 year...all i need to do is wash them xD
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: rn? texac bbq pringles 58. Drinking: water or tea bb or its a no from me 59. I’m about to: finish this quiz and binge watch sidemen stoof 61. Waiting for: idk??? FTISLANDs ‘Wing’ stage on show champ, if theyre even on it today xD 62. Want: mo money, less pro’lems and lee jaeyoon 63. Get married: naahhhh, unless i think ur the true one then naahhh 64. Career: ermmmmmmmm those exist???
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs <3 66. Lips or eyes: eyes <3 especially green ones ;) 67. Shorter or taller: TALLER, IM FUCKING 5 FOOT 1 AND NEED A TALL MAN TO PROTECT MAI SMOL ASS 68. Older or younger: OLDER (but if u can finesse me, then go ahead legal younger ones) 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: nice.......stomach.....even tho SF9s Youngbin’s arms get me all kinds of fucked up istfgggg 71. Sensitive or loud: ????hmmm...??? loud ppl attract me cos im so quiet so?????i still dunno imma so sarry 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship.... 73. Troublemaker or hesitant:...*sighhhhh*..... troublemakers are more fun so.....
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: nah 75. Drank hard liquor: yas and anything under 35% is water to me jkjk xD 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nopeeareeno 77. Turned someone down: yas 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: yes :’) soz broe 80. Had your heart broken: nope 81. Been arrested: nopearoonie 82. Cried when someone died: yas, my brother’s best friend got stabbed randomly.... :( i really liked him. im so glad i got to meet him <3 rest in peace <3 83. Fallen for a friend: yas lel
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe.....sometimes.... :’) 85. Miracles: yash! 86. Love at first sight: ehhhhhhhh i dunno 87. Santa Claus:....soz broe....... 88. Kiss in the first date: i mean.....theres no harm in it imo..... 89. Angels:........not really...............but i wont hesitate to call a hooman an angel (like SF9s Chani xD)
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name:  i dont have oneeee 91. Eyecolor: black/really really really dark brown 92. Favorite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You /// Friend (Korean Movie)
Imma tag: @iikpoptrash @javajaeyoon @jiminhavenojams @feelsensational @ryoko-tofuu @kimyumbin :’) im not gonna tag 20 ppl omg xD
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tenabiibee · 7 years
That is so many that is 12 questions ok 
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so. This seems like a weird question cause I can’t talk for how other ppl see me, but really I do think I’m easy going and can get along with most people fairly easily. I’m friends with p much everyone in my new class and ppl say they think I’m friendly and chatty so I think thats my proof lol 
I haven’t really ever had a falling out with anyone other than ppl who are homophobes or something.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Yeah :3 She would. Well she wouldn’t because it would cost her like a bazillion dollars to jump on a plane and fly across the world but she would cause she is lovely, kind and would probably talk me out of anything silly from tumblr messenger lol
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Women. Women who are kind, beautiful, strong and skilled. I’d say mostly butch women but that’s only like a 60/40 split tbh X3 Women who know things or who are strong and confident, or who can do amazing things I admire. Ppl who like laughing and don’t mind being silly.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Probably not. I feel v far removed from the relationship game, like it’s a secret bonus level I never worked out how to get to. I don’t think many people see me as being very attractive anyway? Not in looks way specifically just in a .. something about me doesn’t set off the ‘dateable person’ alarm in their brain. Idk. I’ve been told that before. 
Also I like someone far away and I am happy with that.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Ummm idk no one? a fictional boy being cute with my fictional boy?
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
You kinda? @sweetvanilla1atte  maybe but I wasn’t really in a clear mindframe so I prob didn’t do well. ppl on other blogs who reblog my detrans/reidentification stuff.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
Hey maureen these are some pics of my cake! It was really big theres still half left
(I made a cake for my mums bday and a co-worker wanted to see pics of it)
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Drive Thru - Weird Al Yankovic
Concious - The Broods
Heartlines - The Broods
This is where I belong - Bryan Adamns
Exile Vilify - The National
These aren’t really my fav songs but they are the ones I’ve been listening to most on my ipod this week lol Weird Al why have u suddenly been in my head after all these years?
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yes :3 I have a friend at work who thinks my hair is soft and scratches my head with her long fingernails and it feels really good haha i know thats weird but it feel like a cat. Its good. I see why cat’s like it.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
For realsies no but sometimes for fun
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Last summer was bad because by kitten died. Tui was a tiny little panther who smelled like old popcorn and would throw herself down dramatically on your bed to force you to pat her. She loved it. I miss her.
A good thing was getting into the course I wanted to. Now I’m training to be a Vet Nurse and its amazing and I love it. I didn’t know life could make you happy like this before.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I am kissing no-one again right at this very moment!! scandaloussss~
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
Yeah. Statistically it’s p much impossible for there not to be. I wish we could find one already tho cause I wanna see how it’s DNA and genes work. Would it even have DNA??? aah so interesting. Come on and bring some microbes home NASA!
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nah. I didn’t realise I had a crush on her at the time because I was still brainwashed into thinking I liked men not women. I don’t know where she went after high school. She was cool tho. I hope she’s doing well.
There you go I did them all. Learned some things about me. btw I agree with u on favourites being super super hard I can p much never ever decide on a favourite anything. im glad i didn’t get many of those questions woops
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dreamteamn · 8 years
Get to know me tag
Tagged by @spicypancakedoyoung dude I’m telling you now that I’m kinda obessed with these so you might wanna stop now unless you want me to dedicate my life to you. just saying Also thank you ^w^ like I can’t not do a tag once I’m tagged
1. Are you named after someone?
Yes o.o Like my great great great great grandmother or something???
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last Monday when I dropped my phone into a toilet and the microphone stopped working and both of my grandmas called me and I couldn’t talk to them !!!
3. Do you like your handwriting?
Sometimes. It’s getting worse tho because we don’t write stuff in school that much anymore
4. What’s your favourite lunch meat?
What is a lunch meat??? Am I missing something here?? Is it just a meat you eat for lunch ???
5. Do you have kids?
Yeah like 9 +
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I mean it depends who this other person was? If I was another me then probably not because I don’t talk to ppl irl. But I do like tall ppl so maybe idk!!
7. Do you use sarcasm?
I’m too lazy to come up with a joke here so imma just say yes, yes I do.
8. Do you still have tonsils?
What are tonsils?? I just realised how badly I English!! Ok I just googled it and what the fuck?? I don’t know??? No???
9. What is your favourite kind of cereal?
Lion cereal !! haven’t eaten those in years but still
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I mean if I have to ???
11. Do you think you’re a strong person?
My life’s been pretty easy so far so I can’t tell. I’m pretty positive at least ??
12. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Chocolate or cooKIE!! OR CHOCOLATE COKIE!!
13. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Maybe height? Or facial expressions??
14. Red or pink?
15. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?
The least favourite thing I like about myself?? Erm?? My height?? I’m pretty tall and I’ve learned to live with that but it’s made a lot of things hard for me in the past.
16. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now?
17. What was the last thing you ate?
I drank coffee this morning?? Ate a few whatever they’re called in English nuts.
18. What are you listening to right now?
Nct Dream playlist on Spotify (Chewing Gum Chinese version)
19. If you were a crayon what colour would you be?
????? What ????? Erm I don’t know ??? Gay wow that’s the best typo I’ve made in days I am not gonna fix that but I meant gray
20. Favourite smell?
Ok this is gonna sound weird but I really like the smell of dogs. Like my pup smells so familiar yeah… His breath smells horrible tho
21. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Well I talked to my grandma but she couldn’t hear me smh… No wait my sister video called me yesterday!!
22. Favourite sport to watch?
Glad it says watch… But Hockey because I’m Finnish duh!
23. Hair colour?
Atm it’s like dark brown
24. Eye colour?
Blue… Very blue…
25. Do you wear contacts?
I don’t and I probably couldn’t even if I had glasses.
26. Favourite food to eat?
Chicken is this even a question??
27. Scary movies or comedy?
I’ve never finished a scary movie so I guess comedy 
28. Last movie I watched?
I honestly can’t remember?? Maybe the xXx thingy the second one the one that doesn’t have Kris lol
29. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Like a grayish blueish Marvel shirt
30. Summer or winter?
Summer on winter and winter on summer… But honestly spring
31. Hugs or kisses?
AGDJSGS both!! Like I love giving hugs but receiving them is awkward cos I’m tol ok??! But I love receiving kisses like little pecks on the cheek and yeh but no one ever kisses me so hugs
32. What book are you currently reading?
It’s a Finnish book and I just started it but it’s called Fraktaaliruhtinas (wow nice word no idea what it means) by Hannu Rajaniemi
33. Who do you miss right now?
Well I haven’t seen most of my irl friends in the longest time so them and also lowkey like really lowkey my sister
34. What is on your mouse pad?
I just use my iPad I broke the mouse tho
35. What is the last tv programme you watched?
I watched dancing with the stars with my grandma and I started watching Cosmos just now
36. What is the best sound?
Honestly music if not then silence or that bling sound that comes when you get a tumblr message ;))))
37. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
38. What is the farthest you’ve ever travelled?
Do I really need to get up and look at the map?? Fine. Tenerife jesus fuck why am I so Finnish??
39. Do you have a special talent?
I can tell when my nose is gonna start to bleed ?
40. Where were you born?
Lahti Finland which is honestly kinda weird cos I never lived there???
41. Who am I tagging?
@saddermachine @chibiirin and @midnight-daydreams-11​
I’d like to say that it’s optional but IT’S NOT!! Yall are gonna do this and cry!!!
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