#i’m just gonna accept this crush while i’m ahead of myself 🤡
kissingchoso · 3 years
Adoration - Tooru Oikawa
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Pairing: Tooru Oikawa x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: A very self indulgent piece about softdom!Oikawa.
Warnings: 18+ content, d/s relations, softdom!oikawa, subspace reader, consent asking, covering in cum, OOC oikawa (???? idk its my first time writing for him), it’s actually pretty soft.
A/N: lmao if you ever saw me say i’m not an oikawa fucker in my tags before, no you didn’t. that’s not me. wrong bitch. you can all thank the bestie cas ( @karasunosimp ) for encouraging this. i know she was waiting for me to finally convert, as well as other besties who wanted me to experiment with this fic. 🖤
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You think you’re living in a pleasant dream once your boyfriend comes home. His heavy duffel bag is perched upon his shoulder, thick viens running down the lengths of his arms as well as muscles protruding through his skin. He looked pretty, even when the lines of exhaustion contorted his face. Still, he was considerate enough to greet you with a gentle, “Hey baby,” and a kiss to your forehead. 
It’s not much, but he promises to show you some more loving post shower. It’s hard to deny when his breath ghosts your ear and he chuckles when your body goes slightly rigid from his close proximity. 
It’s a short endeavor, regardless. Oikawa finishes his shower with just enough time before your eyes close for the night. It doesn’t matter that his hair is still damp or is the fact the steam from the shower clings to his bare chest when he looms over you. 
He’s already rock hard by the time he’s on top of you, hardened dick rubbing against the exposed skin of your thigh. A gentle grumble sounds from a deep part of his chest before his lips are pressed against yours.
Sometimes you think its not fair to have such a pretty man like this. For you to be the only one to bear witness in his most vulnerable state while the rest of the world gets to watch him grow higher than ever. For you to be the only person to center him back to reality, to ease his worries, to let him fuck you silly as he exerts the remaining bits of his energy for the day. It’s poetic, really. 
It doesn’t take long for him to have you naked, reluctantly pulling away from your warmth so he can strip you bare. There’s a slight sense of urgency as he’s taking off your clothes, hands heavily pawing at your thighs to spread them open for him.
“C’mon pretty, let me taste you. Think you can let me do that?” He waits, as always, for your consent. There’s always a mixture of light and darkness in his eyes whenever you two get intimate. As easy as it could be for him to take what he wants, he’d rather hear those filthy words leave your lips and watch as you bashfully turn away from his gaze.
Nonverbal answers are simply unacceptable, and you know this. 
So why do you get choked up every time he looks at you like this? 
All you could muster is a faint whimper, gently knocking your knee against his shoulder but the hold on your hips tighten, almost punishingly. “Ah ah ah. C’mon, y’know the rules. Don’t make me repeat myself,” the warning was clear, yet you know he had no fight left in him to punish you at all tonight. Despite the hardness in his voice, you can tell all he was looking forward to is hearing you cry out his name tonight.
“P-Please,” the kisses on your inner thighs are encouraging, hinting to what you desire most but denying you that bit of pleasure you so desperately desire. He can’t keep spoiling you forever. “Tooru, please eat me out! Wanna cum for you! Wanna be your good girl.”
He shushes you with a soft chuckle against your pelvic bone. “Music to my ears, baby girl. Don’t worry, daddy’ll take care of you~”
And he does! The same way he has you gripping the bedsheets with his tongue is the same when he’s finally fucking you on his dick. Bare chests against each other as he rocks his hips into you with a semi-steady beat. It’s raw, intense, and filled with broken versions of each other’s names. 
He’s present the entire time, face buried deep into your neck as he loses himself in the feeling of your gummy and warm cunt. Dick drilling into you, using all eight inches to bury deep inside of you, hips angled at the perfect position so he is brushing against your womb with his tip. It’s absolutely intoxicating.
Oh, don’t be embarrassed when you cum too early. He’s kissing those pesky tears in the corners in your eyes, hips transfer to a gentle grind. “You’re good, sweetheart. You’re good. Hey, look at me.” It takes some coaxing, but when you  finally manage to focus in on the chocolate eyes staring into yours, he’s greeting you with a smile. “There she is,” he cooes, rolling his hips against yours slowly.
“Hah, Tooru~”
“Think you can hold out for me, sweetheart?”
“Y-You didn’t-” it’s hard to focus on anything, what with the way his hips are involuntarily humping your heat. Control is slowly becoming harder for him to grasp, but he is doing his best. For you.
“I know baby, I know. I’m close though. Can I fuck you some more, hm? Just give me a couple more minutes” his question needs no begging. The response is immediate with the way you wrap your legs around his waist and start nodding that it nearly dizzies you. Another praise falls from his lips before he’s picking up his pace again.
For some reason, you’re more acutely aware of the balls slapping against your ass or the squelching sound that comes from between your legs whenever Tooru adjusts himself or the sounds of his moans getting louder the closer he got. The best part? It was all for you!
Pretty girl who he thinks about starting and ending his day. The one who puts all this trust in him, so much that he can freely do the things he wants with you with no hesitation. Even if it meant living with your dom with no issues or strings attached. 
It’s true what he said, all he needed was a couple of minutes inside of your wet pussy before he was sitting up and pulling his hips back far enough so he could cover your lower body with his cum. It feels like fire against your skin, but you love it. All because it came from your special Tooru.
“Fuck, I love you so much Y/N,” he gently crooned to you.
“Love you too, Tooru~”
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© This work was created by: @kissingchoso . Do not share, repost, or recommend on any other platform without consent from the author.
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