#i’m thinking Walter bro just gives the vibe
gradient-jeremy-asks · 4 months
My boyfriend told me my obsession with Jeremy and Unpleasant is too addicting how do I tell him I already tried quitting
Anyways what NPC would listen to The Beatles?
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scribeshan · 7 years
Hi maybe you could also do the jeadcanon ask with Happy because i love her so much:)
You bet! 
1: sexuality headcanon: In my head she’s bi. That’s just my take on it, the general vibe I get. I’m not sure if that’s Nick Santora’s take. I think interviews and BTS info have made it clear they were always going to put Toby and Happy together (and I was all for it!!!), but that doesn’t mean her orientation necessarily must be straight.
2: otp: Me? Quintis for life. | I seriously hope we get a little “couple competition” next season, and if that happens, Happy would go to any lengths to see Quintis come out on top. Toby will find that irresistibly hot.
3: brotp: OMG. @mirkwood-meriwether says I can’t call them this if they’re just bros, but I love Cappy. Cabe and Happy. Cabe and Happy friendship is the CUTEST! 
4: notp:  I always loved that Walter and Happy were kindred spirits who understood each other...and even though I didn’t like how they let Toby find out about the marriage, I think their reasons still support that friendship bond. But absolutely no romantic Wappy, ever. Actually I’ve been toying with whether I could pull off a romantic Wappy AU after Curtis Method, just as a challenge, but...no. I’m Anti-Wappy.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: So much like my headcanon for Toby. Scrappy, not because she necessarily wants to be, but because if she weren’t scrappy she wouldn’t have survived. Walled off her heart to numb the pain. Feels way more than she admits to herself. Loved Toby much sooner than she thought, but didn’t recognize it because she’d never felt it before. Her independence is hard-earned and she’d never want to give it up but she wants to have the option of leaning on somebody sometimes.
6: one way in which I relate to this character: If I weren’t scrappy I wouldn’t have survived. And I wouldn’t give up my independence for anything, but independent does not equal alone. I LOVE the fluidity of her gender role. I love that she is strong, beautiful, and brilliant all at the same time.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: I’m never going to be over Feliz and that dancing. Ever.8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? Cinnamon roll, and SINnamon roll. ;-)
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