#i’m totally not overanalyzing a minuscule detail… wdym
anderscim · 1 year
may or may not be slightly reaching with this theory
but i just wanted to talk about what i’ve noticed with david’s sprites and eye-color
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(please take this with a grain of salt)
//drdt ch 2 spoilers
okay so let me just get straight to it
these are two of the sprites for david’s “public persona” that we get introduced to in the beginning:
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here, david has lighter(?) grey eyes with yellow stars placed in the center.
as we probably all know david in this state usually tries to maintain a constantly optimistic and semi-professional demeanor, and as long as he keeps this up this is usually what his eye color pattern looks like.
however, he breaks character a couple of times and we can see his eye pattern change accordingly. there’s probably like four or five total sprites that show this, but i’m going to place two sprites that show the difference very clearly (which also happen to be some of my favorite pre-ch2 david sprites for some reason):
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as you can see his eye color here is just solid grey. no other embellishments or anything minus a light gradient which makes it slightly darker at the top of the iris.
these sprites often appear when his “genuine” emotions surface and/or when he drops his facade, so we can kind of assume by extension that this eye pattern shows up only when he expresses his true personality.
but the thing is, his “post-reveal” look that is seen in ch2 ep 11 has different eye patterns.
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it’s subtle, but for these sprites the gradient for his irises is significantly darker, going from nearly black at the top to a slightly darker grey than is seen in his “breaking character” sprites. additionally, we also see the little white circle as per traditional danganronpa style (which we see in the eye color patterns for david’s public persona as well, but not when he breaks character)
so in summary:
the eye color pattern for his public persona looks like this:
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for his “real personality” it resembles something similar to this:
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and then for his post-ch2 pessimistic asshole demeanor his irises look more like this:
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(i eyeballed these without looking at a ref so these are kind of inaccurate, unfortunately)
what this could mean:
i assumed that david’s real eye color is shown when he’s breaking character from his public persona (aka the solid grey one), and i explained why i thought that earlier.
as is implied from the actual series, his “star-eyes” connected to his public persona show up when he’s putting on an act—or essentially, hiding behind a fake smile and pretending everything’s gonna be alright.
the thing is, david’s “post-reveal” eye color/pattern looks so different from that of when he’s expressing what’s implied to be his real personality. it almost seems to suggest that his current demeanor is yet another facade that he’s putting up in order to hide his true emotions—just rather than being more optimistic, he’s being more cynical.
in summary, the difference in the iris color/pattern could be another smaller detail indicating how he’s essentially making himself appear more manipulative and evil than he actually is
oh—sorry for not saying this earlier, but i don’t think he’s fully faking everything for either “facade.” i think david still expresses some of his more… genuine emotions and sentiments during his act, it’s just that he’s emphasizing or exaggerating some of them even if they’re not how he actually feels.
and as always, take this with a grain of salt as i may be terribly wrong
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