#i’m writing this immediately before a big statistics test i have to take ahahah
m1d-45 · 1 year
I wanna give my girl Noelle all the love i have sooo-
Imagine the Creator is mortal and all that, then the characters decide to make someone a protector/knight so they could defend the Creator while always by their side (but monsters won’t attack the Creator so mayybe Treasure Horders, Eremite enemies and the ronins in Inazuma). Of course, every character wants to be the protector of the Creator to be always with them, so to not start a civil war or something the Creator decides that they will be choosing the protector. And who gets to have the title of “Knight of the Creator/Divine”? Noelle! She’s the best pick! A knight, maid and a sweet girl in one person! I’d imagine her nearly fainting but holding herself from it bc HOLY SHIT THE CREATOR ITSELF CHOSE HER AS THEIR KNIGHT-
She would be so anxious of not doing a good job but the Creator reassures her that hey, you can do it! Every single citizen of Mondstadt has said that you’re the most reliable person ever and i do too! Poor girl would be such a blushing mess, but also a fierce knight. Your rosey knight in shining armor! <3
On the flip side, i’d imagine some archons or vision holders seething and malding while others would try to make you change your decision like “Your Grace, I’m sure you chose Noelle to take pity on her attempts at becoming a knight because of her amazing skills as both a knight and a maid but…there are more officially qualified people who could accompany you-“. And in my opinion, Zhongli and Venti may just feel a bit jealous but both would be proud of her being chosen because (Zhongli) She’s a Geo user (Venti) She’s a child of Mondstadt. Jean would probably disregard her envy to be happy for Noelle :,) and maybe whisper you to remind Noelle not to overwork
you’re so right actually, noelle best girl
she’d be incredibly proud that she was chosen as your defender, and would take her job very seriously! naturally, she can no longer work for the knights, and her schedule will have to change to accommodate her new duties, but that’s okay! she doesn’t mind, really; it’s an honor to serve, and she’ll do her very best!
that being said… yeah the archons aren’t having it-
zhongli’s shield is so much better! he’s an archon, able to command literal tons of geo at a time to keep you safe. and he has the entirety of the adepti at his disposal, so you’d be the safest possible within liyue’s borders. can’t you see he’s so much better? can’t you see you should just stay with him?
venti’s also quite pissed, frankly. yes, many think of him as another drunkard, but you know what he’s capable of! you know he can wield anemo with precision, you know he can summon vortexes to delay any enemies and lift you up and out of dangerous situations with ease. he’s an excellent glider, you know, and is able to get you out of danger much quicker.
why not them? why noelle?
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