#i’ve definitely thought more about VK minor characters than AK minor characters haha
auradons-trash-heap · 2 years
What are your honest thoughts on:
Harriet Hook
Li'l (Lonnie's brother)
Claudine Frollo
Anthony Tremaine
Based on what you read about them?
1) Harriet Hook was barely mentioned at all in the books from what I remember, but I do like all the fanon about her being one of the oldest VKs & sort of a universal mom-friend on the Isle. I also love the HC that she’s taller than Harry & I like to picture her ragging him about it a little lol. I see her as being a tough sort of figure that demands respect but does genuinely look out for especially the younger kids on the Isle & is thus widely known & loved by VKs; she may have only played a small role in most of their lives but it was a good one. She can & will take on physical challenges on the behalf of others, altho most would step down if this happens. She’d never admit out loud how much she cares about people. She’ll tease her siblings & basically lives on her ship as soon as she’s old enough, but she is always there for them when they need her & anyone who talks shit about them where she can hear about it isn’t walking away without a bruise (or a talking to, when they’re too young to fight). However, she also knows enough to know when to let people handle their own battles, her siblings included. She knows how things work on the Isle all too well.
2. I know absolutely nothing about Li’l, if he was mentioned in canon I don’t remember where. I’ve seen some posts by @lilikohirukoma talk about him & I’m gonna default to those bc tbh for a while I thought he was somebody’s OC. I picture him being a lot younger than Lonnie, in the age where he still thinks his older sister is super cool (inevitably he will go thru the phase of thinking she’s too lame to be associated with before realizing she’s actually cool when they’re both older) & idk if that’s accurate to either canon or common fanon
3. Claudine Frollo shouldn’t exist I feel so bad for her. Who gave the disney villain who comes closest to being a s*x offender a daughter. Oh no. I really really hope she’s okay & Frollo just is strict with her upbringing in terms of moral righteousness & he never did anything worse to her than he already did to Quasimodo. If I’m being generous I can imagine Disney Frollo having some of the good characteristics of Victor Hugo’s Frollo & thus the potential to be a good parent but Disney Frollo is genuinely so much worse & less complex than OG Novel Frollo. All of the bad things without the compassion to have adopted Quasimodo willingly. Anyway this ended up being not as much about Claudine but basically if Frollo was a not-as-bad-as-he-could’ve-been parent I can see Claudine being quiet & largely isolated but kind of haughty & internally judgmental of her peers with a sense of moral superiority, and if Frollo was Irredeemably Bad I still seeing her being quiet & externally the same but coming more from a place of protecting herself, esp if she grew up being indoctrinated not to trust anyone but Frollo. Bc that’s exactly how he raised Quasi. Quasi did turn out well after all, so I have hope that she could have an abundant inner world and a lot to offer anyone who can get thru her shell & connect with her.
I don’t remember Claudine appearing much in canon but I had a very strong HOND phase so a lot of this is mostly based on that
4) Anthony Tremaine seems like a fun character from what I remember—cocky enough to ask Mal for a dance when everyone else in their class is afraid of her. I think he knows what he’s good at and knew in that moment he caught her off balance, but would also know enough to stay out of her way in a different situation. Raised by a family with a strong sense of Manners in the traditional sense, he’s good at subterfuge but bad in a physical fight. He would do well in a royal court. I imagine he’s a bit vain & prefers standing back & listening to all the gossip at school to participating in the gang fights. He probably thinks highly of himself for acquiring the “real power” of knowing things about people to use for blackmail but if someone threatened him with physical violence & he couldn’t talk his way out of it he’d go down immediately
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