#i’ve never had dango before but god rise made me want some
elendsessor · 2 months
sometimes i think about how hard the cooking animations go in monhun. like when you do the pre hunt meal skill gambling. i feel like as the games went on they got more detailed. really wish we got to see them vary more based on what you ordered like with how dos did it. you could make your own pizza in 2 i’m sad you can’t in recent games :(
though the budget being put into improving the most satisfying post cooking eating animation is justified. first it was cartoon gobbling now actual food porn. i wish food was real.
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studyingoose · 7 years
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once again, it’s me. i know i’ve been really problematic and on & off lately but i’m not 100% happy with this blog so i’ve deleted a ton of posts (all except some asks and original content and i think i want to change my tag system) but this is just a tiny (which will end up being very un-tiny) list of things i’m still learning.
Wear the best shoes you can, because those shoes will take you to great places. (via shizuka todo from hana yori dango)
you are owed nothing for your friendship
memories are only as important as you make them
the biggest decisions are often made at the worst times
buy waterproof mascara because when your eyes glisten with tears, there is always one person who thinks your eyelashes have seen the universe
medicine is something to never be ashamed of
when it is dark and the whole world is silent, you are a god and unstoppable for the blood pounding in your veins is the loudest thing you can hear
find someone you love who you think about at 2pm crossing a busy road, not a 2am when you’re all alone.
sometimes people use you. it’s their loss.
destroying is not bad. for destroying is simply a form of creating. it is the raw, unadulterated, powerful form of your thoughts.
those empty notebooks you have can contain anything as long as you open them up.
it is alright to cry everyday
just like it is alright to not cry for months
listen to the world and to silence for it is a tremendous feat to turn nothing into music. listen to the noises of the cosmos as we keep spinning and spinning and know it is the same sounds that the gods heard.
you will probably never do work when you are meant to - but you should
yes they could be the greatest thing that can ever happen to you. yes they can fill your sky with stars. yes they can capture all the world’s butterflies just to put in your stomach but it doesn’t mean they should. find someone who isn’t only there when it is dark.
know when fruits and vegetables are in season
the greatest feeling is closing 10+ tabs that you had for a project or ticking 10+ things off a list but never compromise on something you only half completed.
it is better to walk with an empty bag knowing you have done work than to walk with a heavy bag and worries of all the work you have to do.
there is never enough time
you make mistakes and that’s alright
stick to your morals because they will be the only thing that is always there. they are the discomfort when you are pressured into something else and they are the pride when you stand up for what you believe in.
it is not cool to lie to yourself
sometimes investments don’t work out. whether it’s money, time or love. 
never measure the strength of a friendship by how long you’ve known each other.
it is never not your choice.
when the fingertips of dawn touch your bedroom window and mist covers everything like a blanket, the silence before the sun rises is when you hear the cries and songs of angels and all things thought to be legends.
you are worth it. and most importantly
you can do it.
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