#i'd like to say it's the final one but there's still the mini drama cd XD
kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] QUELL “Matchless People” Track 5
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Track 5~ It’s the last track for the actual CD but there’s still the mini drama that comes with it ^^ I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did because the angst and resolution was all just great! 
Thank you again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her for them as per her request and please don’t ask if I’ll be sharing mine as well, thank you ^^
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 05: [君の隣に立つために] “So that I can be able to stand next to you.”
  (Issei walking around)
ISSEI: (yawns) Hm? There’s no one here…
ISSEI: Are they all out somewhere? Hm?
ISSEI: This is breakfast. Oh.
(Issei picks up a note)
ISSEI: “We went out for a bit but we’ll be back by lunch.” From Eichi…
ISSEI: Ah, he’s really considerate.
ISSEI: I have to eat properly before Eichi comes home.
(Issei opens a pot’s lid)
ISSEI: I knew it. There was some miso soup.
ISSEI: Let’s warm it up.
(Issei close the lid and starts pressing buttons)
ISSEI: And then… I have to prepare some rice and make side dishes at the stove... Ah, I have to make some now.
(Issei turns the faucet on)
ISSEI: I wonder what Ichiru’s doing now…
ISSEI: It looks like he wasn’t in his room. It’s his day off today so maybe… he went out somewhere?
(Issei turns the faucet off)
ISSEI: Wait… It’s been a while since Ichiru and I weren’t together…
ISSEI: Until recently, I felt uneasy whenever we weren’t together but… I wonder why?
ISSEI: I feel like I’m not that worried at all.
(Ichiru comes running in)
ISSEI: Ichiru?!
ICHIRU: Issei… You were awake?
ISSEI: Yep, good morning. You were out? Were you with Eichi by any chance?
ICHIRU: Yeah, well, for a bit.
ISSEI: I see. I just woke up.
ISSEI: Did you eat lunch, Ichiru?
ICHIRU: Not yet.
ISSEI: Want something to eat? I’m about to eat breakfast so want me to make something while I’m at it?
ISSEI: Is there something left in the fridge?
(Issei opens the refrigerator)
ISSEI: Um… Eggs and tomatoes and…
ICHIRU: Issei, um…!
ICHIRU: Um… I’m sorry about… yesterday.
ICHIRU: I’m really… sorry.
ISSEI: (closes the fridge before turning to Ichiru) You didn’t say anything wrong, Ichiru.
ISSEI: I should be the one saying sorry.
ICHIRU: No…! You didn’t say anything wrong either.
ISSEI: That’s not true. I didn’t follow my own advice. I only thought it was natural that you’d scold me.
ISSEI: I’ve already reflected on it. I’m sorry, too.
ICHIRU: But, I… Shouted at you in public.
ISSEI: Ichiru, I have a favour.
ISSEI: I want to go eat. Can we talk about it while eating?
ICHIRU: Y-Yeah, of course. I don’t mind at all.
ISSEI: (smiles) Thank you. Ah, I forgot about the miso soup!
ICHIRU: Miso soup? W-woah…! (Ichiru rushes to turn the pot off)
ICHIRU: That was close… It almost overflowed.
ISSEI: Ah… I forgot I switched it on…
ICHIRU: I’ll do it. I just have to eat it up, right?
ISSEI: Yeah… But—
ICHIRU: Just let me. I’ll do it.
ISSEI: Got it. Then, I’ll go get the table ready.
  ICHIRU: Geez… I’m sure that he’s still half-asleep or something.
ICHIRU: Um… heat the miso soup and then er…
  ICHIRU: It’s done.
ISSEI: Thank you.
(Ichiru sets the table and Issei takes a picture suddenly)
ISSEI: I got a nice picture~ Thank you for the food.
(Issei starts eating)
ICHIRU: I made that eggplant miso soup… Though, I made it with the broth that Eichi made yesterday.
ISSEI: It’s delicious.
ICHIRU: Right?! It got a bit over boiled so I was worried the taste might change.
ISSEI: It’s okay.
ICHIRU: You were that hungry, huh?
ISSEI: It’s like Ichiru said.
ICHIRU: Huh? Did I say anything?
ISSEI: I didn’t get to eat much yesterday. I think it was because I was too tired from not being able to sleep.
ICHIRU: Oh, that? You’re only realizing that now?
ISSEI: Yeah.
ISSEI: I thought I’d be fine if I didn’t sleep for just one day.
ICHIRU: Geez… You’re too thick-headed, Issei.
ISSEI: I guess I am.
ISSEI: From now on I’ll eat properly. And I’ll sleep when I’m sleepy. I’ll discuss with everyone if I can’t fall asleep.
ISSEI: I’ll stop judging easily whether something is a big deal or not.
ICHIRU: Yeah. I’ll be happy if you do that, too.
ISSEI: That’s why, if there’s something that bugs you again, I want you to tell me properly.
ISSEI: I want to fix my bad points, too.
ISSEI: Oh, and, I’m sorry for being too nagging. I trust you properly and--
ICHIRU: Ahh…!! Wait a sec, stop!
ISSEI: Ichiru?
ICHIRU: If you go and apologize that much, it’d be hard for me to apologize, y’know?
ISSEI: Hm? You already did, didn’t you?
ICHIRU: I only got to say ‘sorry’, didn’t I?! I haven’t said anything else yet.
ISSEI: That’s more than enough.
ISSEI: Plus, now that I think about it, the things I kept warning you about were just me being overprotective. You don’t have to mind them.
ICHIRU: Of course I would! Ah, but… I don’t mind being told to be careful and it makes me happy but… that’s not it!
ICHIRU: I want to be able to do something even without being told.
ICHIRU: Like you and Shu.
ISSEI: Ichiru doesn’t have to be like me or Shu. You’re fine as you are.
ISSEI: Then, what would you do if I said that I want to be like you or Eichi?
ICHIRU: Huh? You don’t have to, you know? Ah…
ISSEI: See what I mean?
ICHIRU: That’s true but…
ICHIRU: (groans)
ISSEI: What’s wrong?
ICHIRU: I just can’t win against you…
ISSEI: Do you want to?
ICHIRU: No… It’s not like I want to, it’s… I just don’t want to be left behind…
ICHIRU: I want to stand beside you or something…
ISSEI: (chuckles) Oh, so felt that way, too?
ISSEI: I do, too. I feel the same.
ICHIRU: Eh…? What?!
ISSEI: I want to be prouder and confidently say that we’re twins someday!
ISSEI: I’ve always thought so. Maybe we really are similar somehow.
ICHIRU: Because we’re twins…?
ISSEI: No, because we want to always do our best together.
ICHIRU: I see… That’s right!
ISSEI: Yeah, I’m sure it is.
ICHIRU: Ah, wait a sec.
ISSEI: Hm? What’s wrong?
(Ichiru leaves to grab something)
  ICHIRU: Here. I bought it for you.
ISSEI: Can I open it?
(Issei opens the present)
ISSEI: Ah, it’s the fashionable glasses we saw yesterday!
ICHIRU: I had Eichi take me there and we kinda discussed what would be good…
ICHIRU: But I knew that these were the best style!
ICHIRU: It matches with mine.
ISSEI: Did you go and buy these this morning?
ICHIRU: Yeah. I kinda planned to be home before you woke up.
ICHIRU: I was gonna hand these to you and then we’d make up.
ISSEI: Even though I wasn’t mad?
ICHIRU: I wanted to apologize.
ICHIRU: I didn’t want to just “sort of” make up.
ICHIRU: Plus… I didn’t want yesterday to remain a bitter memory…
ICHIRU: That’s why I had Eichi come with me shopping but only I came back earlier.
ICHIRU: I wanted to talk with you properly.
ISSEI: So that’s why… (smiles)
ISSEI: Thank you! I’ll have to thank Eichi later, too.
ICHIRU: Did you say anything to Shu this morning, Issei…?
ISSEI: To Shu? I haven’t met him today though…
ICHIRU: Ah… You’re the type who doesn’t remember sleep-talking…
ISSEI: Should we go out somewhere after we eat? Just the two of us while wearing these (the sunglasses)?
ICHIRU: As a disguise?
ISSEI: Yeah! And a hat, too~!
ICHIRU: Let’s go! Yeah, let’s do it.
ICHIRU: Oh yeah! Wanna go take a look at the boxed lunches from yesterday?
ISSEI: That’s a great idea. Let’s buy four then~
ISSEI: Oh, I wanna see the pet stores, too.
ICHIRU: Since it’s our day-off, too!
ISSEI: Let’s enjoy ourselves today~
  SHU: Shiki!
SHIKI: Sorry for making you wait.
SHU: No, I just arrived myself.
SHIKI: This is unusual. I thought that since it’s you, you’d be sitting at a private booth.
SHU: Don’t you like it?
SHIKI: Nah, I’m the type who enjoys myself in any kind of situation.
SHIKI: You’re the one who doesn’t like crowds, aren’t you?
SHU: Have I ever mentioned that?
SHIKI: I can tell that much just by looking.
  SHIKI/SHU: Cheers.
SHIKI: This is delicious.
SHIKI: You’re drinking tea? You really not up to trying at least one glass?
SHU: Unfortunately, no.
SHU: I’d end up causing trouble for everyone around me if I started feeling bad.
SHU: It’s just my constitution so I can’t do anything about it.
SHIKI: I imagined that you couldn’t handle alcohol but I didn’t think you’d be this much of a non-drinker.
SHIKI: Well, I guess that’s so like you. So? What did you want to talk about?
SHU: It’s um…
SHIKI: Oh? It’s rare for you to be tongue-tied. Even though you hounded on me when I left our former unit.
SHU: That’s…
SHIKI: You were the only one who directly told me not to quit. Multiple times, too.
SHIKI: The others didn’t really mind or care or they thought that it’d be wasted effort, or just laugh and say “that’s so like you.”
SHIKI: Each of them either understood me or didn’t.
SHU: I didn’t want to give up even if it seemed impossible.
SHIKI: I see.
SHU: I didn’t want you to get too far ahead. Even now, I still want to catch up with you, with SolidS.
SHU: I didn’t want to be protected, taught, and then catch up a long while after.
SHU: I wanted to stand at the same place as you.
SHIKI: (smiles) I thought so.
SHU: (smiles) I told you all I felt and that’s the extent of your reaction?
SHIKI: I told you a while ago, remember? I can tell that much just by looking at you.
SHU: Am I really that easy to read?
SHIKI: Lately, you’ve become easier to read. Though you did manage to put on a passable poker face during the general meeting.
SHIKI: Though, your true feelings showed afterwards.
SHU: If only that would count as a good poker face.
SHU: I think I keep losing face when it comes to you. It really is a bit frustrating that you can always notice it.
SHIKI: I get nervous if I don’t notice it. I mean that in a good way, of course.
SHIKI: As an artist, there’s really no one who’s in full control of their emotions.
SHU: Shiki…
SHIKI: Also, I don’t particularly dislike tenacious people, you know?
SHIKI: As proof, I’m constantly surrounded by those kinds of people.
SHIKI: You can compete with me anytime you want, you know? I’ll take you on as long as it’s not a drinking competition.
SHU: (smiles) Got it. I’ll cling on to that while relying on you at the same time.
SHU: Anyway, without further ado.
SHIKI: Hm? This is?
SHU: The talks about the promotion. I gave it some more thought.
SHU: Would you take a look at them?
SHIKI: You… It would’ve been better to discuss this in a private booth, you know?
SHU: If we talk quietly, it would be no different from our usual meetings in a meeting room.
SHU: I wanted to be more frank about it.
SHU: It’s a material that I planned to bring so I prepared for this beforehand.
SHU: If someone caught a glimpse of it, the words inside are only things we can understand.
SHU: Also, since I don’t drink, there’s zero chance that I’ll lose the files from being drunk.
SHIKI: Wait, I can’t let that last line slide.
SHIKI: I haven’t lost anything even when I was drunk, you know?
SHU: I heard a rumor that someone’s a bit difficult when he’s tired though~
SHIKI: Ah… The rumor’s origins are so easy to tell that it makes my head spin.
SHIKI: Damn it… Don’t treat me like a forgetful old man just because I hit 30.
SHU: You’ll listen to me, won’t you?
(Shiki takes a sip of his drink before replying)
SHIKI: Yeah, of course.
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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