#i'd love to learn how to play a million different musical instruments but i can't teach myself beyond some basic mechanics
icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
breaking news! local white man discovers folk punk and cries
okay so apparently that channel just makes all sorts of playlists like that? who knew that there was so much folk punk music to listen to??? not me!!!
what a wonderful world to live in, where one wonderful genre that it took me ages to learn about, that i had to look up if it existed because i generated the combination out of my own mind rather than someone telling me about it, has more songs than i could ever listen to!
what a wonderful world to live in where the channel whose playlist is one of the first results when you look up said genre, is still posting playlists to this day!! what a wonderful world where they were still taking recommendations for bands in the video that i found!
what a wonderful world to live in, where orchestral string instruments are fairly common in folk punk bands, where i could realize that, given the proper people and circumstances, I could start a small, casual, folk punk band. where i could find someone who's better at writing music, find some other instrumentalists, find someone who's better at making working poetry out of prose and clever plays on words, and get to experience something like that?
to know that maybe, just maybe, despite everything, i could find a way to collaboratively make art for art's sake. that i could find an opportunity to be a part of something larger than myself again.
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