#i'll answer your other ask when i can overcome the pain of thinking about RtSšŸ˜­<33
levmada Ā· 4 months
Hey, itā€™s the RtS anon againāœŒļø
I just. UGHH. What if Hange or someone else close to Levi/Erwin resented him for giving Armin the syringe? At first I didnā€™t get why the hell he did that and even hated his decision, i think many people did as well (and still do lol) i even hated him for a hot second because Erwin seemed like the most logical choice atm (panicked monkey brain)
we know he doesnā€™t regret it (final episode), BUT STILL.
WHAT THEN??? HOW WOULD HE DEAL WITH SOMEONE HE CARES ABT RESENTING HIS DECISION??? My poor pookies are doomed by the narrative fršŸ’€
oh god iā€™ve written a whole 6k essay explaining leviā€™s choice and made countless posts about it serum bowl. i know u meant in the moment but i'll add the main post here cuz im proud of it :')
but LITERALLY iā€™ve made a post or two wondering about hangeā€™s feelings towards levi bc of the choice toošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­it's me analyzing levihan's relationship, but here's my answer:
in one of the official fanarts, itā€™s HIGHLY hinted at that levi and hange were headed to visit erwinā€™s grave together.
but i think itā€™s practically a given that hange doubted leviā€™s choice.
even before liberio, hange harbored tons of self-doubt, but they could still be optimistic. then when eren threw them into a war, their leadership came very much into question for them. also, they wanted to save commander erwin to the end: they even held mikasa back and gave her an entire speech about making impossible choices, and how one day you would have to prepare to say goodbye to everyone youā€™ve ever met.
but would hange and levi ever have argued about it?? definitely not. after erwin died, itā€™s canon that levi struggled to consume anything other than tea, and it became his ONE goal to fulfill ā€œerwinā€™s last orderā€, which was actually a promiseĀ leviĀ made to him - even if he could do nothing else.
im getting sidetracked by eruriĀ the point is that hange knew how much levi struggled to make that choice and the utter hell of grief that ensued. they always supported him, and in turn, levi did the same. he definitely threw all his energy into helping hange recover from their eye injury and for them to take on their new responsibilities so he wouldnā€™t have to focus on his own turmoil at all, so he could be useful.
however something - rather someone - that's never considered is what nile would've thought. nile and erwin's friendship was complicated, but they knew each other since they were recruits, and nile knew erwin well enough to know (in s1 when annie appeared) that erwin had smth to do with a titan wreaking havoc in stohess.
(marie was probably the complication but anyway)
we're never told what nile thought about levi personally. given they don't know each other that well, i wonder if nile would've trusted erwin (and by extension levi), OR tried - even made a scene - out of getting a proper answer out of levi why he killed his friend for a child (to no avail, of course). there's a very real possibility to me that nile may have tried to get levi court martialed or something like that.
i really wish the anime explored stuff like this more...
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