#i'll be jumping around blogs working on starters / replies.
vyroji · 13 days
About / Rules
Mun is 25+ | you can call me Nomi (NO-mee) | Discord available upon request
!! I have every right to reject or end a storyline for any reason !! I will communicate accordingly.
This is a 21+ account. Most storylines taking place here will contain dark and mature content. Because of this, I will not be interacting with minors in any way.
Violence, gore, death, and other various dark themes may be present on this account. Warnings will be tagged simply as 'Vyroji | trigger w'. A current list of warnings can be found at the bottom of this post. If there are triggers you'd like me to add to the list, don't hesitate to reach out.
This is a multi storyline/multi ship account. Each story will take place in its own timeline separate from other storylines unless previously discussed with the writers involved. Shipping happens, but strictly on a chemistry basis. Smut may be present and will be tagged as 'Vyroji | nsfw' but do not expect it.
Any and all interactions between characters are to remain strictly in character. My character being an asshole to yours does not mean I do not like you. Likewise, romantic connections in a storyline do not translate to romantic connections out of character. Do not mistake me for my characters.
If one of us loses interest in the plot, reach out and the storyline can be retired.
Reply times vary depending on availability and muse. This account is currently Medium activity.
Be patient with me and I will do the same. I do not mirror length and do not expect length to be mirrored in return. Just write what comes to mind for the scene. This is a hobby, not a job. Reflect that in your treatment of the mun.
I'll occasionally sort through my mutuals and reach out, but don't expect it if you followed first. I can't keep up with it all (got too much mumbo jumbo bouncing around in this adhd brain of mine). Mun is friendly, I promise! Even if this post may seem scary/intimidating. Don't hesitate to reach out and shoot ideas my way! I'm more than happy to plot or jump right into things with a random starter or meme request.
This is a drama free zone. If you have a problem with someone I write with, you have a problem with them and vice versa. (**unless they're posting openly problematic shit ooc, then by all means, reach out and let me know because I clearly don't). If you have a problem with me, block me. I take no offense as I will do the same. We're all just here to write.
Finally, I'm not picky on formatting other than cutting posts. I am happy to reply in formats that work for your blog's aesthetic or needs, If you don't like gifs/icons/or images with replies I'll leave them out. Just ask 🤍
Vyroji | trigger w
the following will be tagged for triggers (Tell me yours if they aren't on here.)
Detailed descriptions of bodily harm or injury/gore. Abuse. Murder. Suicidal mentions.
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kinomorebi · 1 month
About / Rules
Mun is 25+ | you can call me Nomi (NO-mee) | Discord available upon request
!! I have every right to reject or end a storyline for any reason !! I will communicate accordingly.
This is a 21+ account. Most storylines taking place here will contain dark and mature content. Because of this, I will not be interacting with minors in any way.
Violence, gore, death, and other various dark themes may be present on this account. Warnings will be tagged simply as 'K | trigger w'. A current list of warnings can be found at the bottom of this post. If there are triggers you'd like me to add to the list, don't hesitate to reach out.
This is a multi storyline/multi ship account. Each story will take place in its own timeline separate from other storylines unless previously discussed with the writers involved. Shipping happens, but strictly on a chemistry basis. Smut may be present and will be tagged as 'K | nsfw' but do not expect it.
Any and all interactions between characters are to remain strictly in character. My character being an asshole to yours does not mean I do not like you. Likewise, romantic connections in a storyline do not translate to romantic connections out of character. Do not mistake me for my characters.
If one of us loses interest in the plot, reach out and the storyline can be retired.
Reply times vary depending on availability and muse. This account is currently Medium activity.
Be patient with me and I will do the same. I do not mirror length and do not expect length to be mirrored in return. Just write what comes to mind for the scene. This is a hobby, not a job. Reflect that in your treatment of the mun.
I'll occasionally sort through my mutuals and reach out, but don't expect it if you followed first. I can't keep up with it all (got too much mumbo jumbo bouncing around in this adhd brain of mine). Mun is friendly, I promise! Even if this post may seem scary/intimidating. Don't hesitate to reach out and shoot ideas my way! I'm more than happy to plot or jump right into things with a random starter or meme request.
This is a drama free zone. If you have a problem with someone I write with, you have a problem with them and vice versa. (**unless they're posting openly problematic shit ooc, then by all means, reach out and let me know because I clearly don't). If you have a problem with me, block me. I take no offense as I will do the same. We're all just here to write.
Finally, I'm not picky on formatting other than cutting posts. I am happy to reply in formats that work for your blog's aesthetic or needs, If you don't like gifs/icons/or images with replies I'll leave them out. Just ask 🤍
K | trigger w
the following will be tagged for triggers (Tell me yours if they aren't on here.)
Detailed descriptions of bodily harm or injury/gore. Abuse. Murder. Suicidal mentions.
**I will not be tagging r*pe as it will not be present or welcome on this blog.
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boatdriinks · 1 year
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boatdriinks Pudding/Katie | she/her | 28
a mutual exclusive blog for kerry eurodyne from cyberpunk 2077. formerly part of shininginyourlight mixed canon (picked out from 2020/77/3.0/CyberGeneration) | crossover friendly | oc selective | duplicate friendly
LINKS: RULES | ABOUT | CARRD | MULTIMUSE | JOHNNY & V BLOG note: not all my carrd pages are mobile friendly. contents, rules, and about are all good. ship page is readable, but not pretty. timeline and current relationships w/ everyone is very much desktop only.
rules beneath the cut
-I am a mutually exclusive blog. If we're not following one another, I will not respond to your character's asks nor will I write you starters.
-If you follow me first, I'd prefer for you to make the first move in terms of interactions. I promise, if we're mutuals, I'm more than happy to talk to you and begin to figure out interactions with you!
-I don't mind if personal blogs follow me so long as you don't reblog my stuff.
-I will likely unfollow you if your attitude is overly negative, or if you reblog a ton of unrelated content to your blog. Run your blog how you want, but I just don't want to be around it.
-I love shipping! I obviously need chemistry to happen, though, and definitely prefer if I already know the mun well enough before I feel comfortable to ship with someone.
-I don't do anything in regards to sexual writing on this blog. I'm 27, so it's really just a matter of my preference. I'll allow things up to a "fade to black" situation, however.
-Please refer to my SHIPPING section of my carrd if you have questions about what I ship.
-Kerry has a lot of triggering material in his storyline, especially with the inclusion of some of his story from CyberGeneration. This includes, but is not limited to: suicidal tendencies, suicide attempts, physical abuse, verbal abuse, mention of drug and alcohol use, mention of drug and alcohol addictions, & child death.
-If you're an OC (or even a canon character that doesn't know my character in canon) do not assume my character knows you. If you want pre-established relationships, you need to come to me first. This includes V! Everyone's V is different, and I'd prefer to talk things out if dynamics between Kerry and V isn't already clear from your information.
-Please don't make it a habit of asking for starters without responding to them. If you have an issue with a starter, just let me know! I promise you I won't be annoyed or upset, because I want nothing more than for us to be able to interact.
-You definitely don't need to match my reply length, but I'd appreciate it if you gave me something to work with so I'm actually able to respond properly.
-You're more than welcome to turn our asks into threads if you want! Just be sure to turn into a new post and tag me, first!
-Triggers are tagged as "trigger cw".
-I have no triggers myself in regards to dark subjects. I do, however, have emetophobia which I would appreciate being tagged. I won't jump at you if you don't do this, however.
I left out things I felt to be obvious, but if there are issues in the future, I’ll add them here.
CREDITS: some of the virtual photography of Kerry - TheNightcaller some of the assets for my edits - R. Talsorian Games design of carrd based on the ROCKERBOY sourcebook made by R. Talsorian Games psd for mobile header image - ninetitans icon border - niixzee post banners - endlesswood all other edits / graphics have been made by me
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writinghannibal · 3 years
☽ - you don’t seem interested in me/my character
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Aw, that's kind of sad. So, there might be a few reasons that it seems this way.
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1. I am forgetful as all hell. If you messaged me or liked something for a starter and haven't heard back from me, I might have replied in my head. I have a neurological disorder that impacts my memory and causes me to have seizures so -- sometimes the brain fog is strong with this one. If I don't write something down in some way, I'll probably forget. That's also one of the reasons I started using the RPThreadTracker again. Because I was getting past the number of threads my poor smooth brain could retain.
I forget that I have been DMed. Poke me again if three days have passed and you haven't heard from me.
2. I go through activity spurts and lows. See above for the reason. I'm really active right now because I'm stressed and need some kind of low impact relief from that stress. RP provides that for me. I may also wane in activity here if I'm playing more heavily on Discord in my server or some of the one on one RP.
As a part of this, I'm also a professor. I'm currently teaching three classes and going insane. Radio silence means I have a lot going on.
3. I have a lot of trouble reading the aesthetic formatting that many of the RPC use.
❝ if your posts look like this ---- I PROBABLY can't read it easily . ❞
If I do, it is going to be after I take your post into a Google Doc and unshrink your dinks so that I can read it. While that aesthetic might look good on your blog, on the dash it creates something that makes my eyes jump around and makes it difficult to get through. I'm a very fast reader, but I usually read at half the speed when I have to contend with formatting. It is the spacing, the size, and the lack of capitalization that makes it really inaccessible. If you're a roleplayer that writes like this, and I haven't responded to you -- I may have given up on reading it. I may have your post in my drafts waiting for me to get around to reformatting it so that I can read it.
I will typically ask, in the tags, for you to not format your posts this way if we're going to play. I feel bad about it, but... I also don't have the time to reformat posts so I can just read it.
Also, if I go to your blog and I can't read it or navigate it, I'm probably not going to interact.
Accessibility is a huge thing for me. I like to save myself headaches. :<
4. I am human. And I struggle to say no. I recently had an experience where I told someone I wasn't interested in RPing with them and they got really hostile and argumentative with me about it to the point that I had to block them. These kinds of interactions leave an impression with me, and make my already existing struggle to say no harder.
Sometimes, I may not want to write with someone because I struggle to read their writing because of formatting or because their style isn't something that I get along with. I will usually say something along the lines of "I don't think our writing is very compatible" if this is the case.
Sometimes, I may genuinely not be interested in the character. While I am an avid follower of true crime, I don't typically have a lot of interest in writing with serial killer characters from other movies or shows. There are a few exceptions to this, and I'll usually give things a shot to see if it works out. I also don't really do AUs because I'm interested in the character I am writing in the circumstances that I am writing in. Alternate timelines are different than AUs for me. An AU might be something like...vampires.
Again, there are exceptions to this. I will fuck around with ghosts and spirits. I found an OC that is writing some really interesting science fiction/eldritch stuff that I'm really enjoying.
Above all... I prioritize interactions with people who communicate with me. I'm not a "do not DM" roleplayer. Talk too me, and I'm more likely to not only remember that I owe you posts, but work around the things that get under my skin -- like the aesthetic formatting.
Mutuals can reach out to me on Discord: cry baby cannibal#8975
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