#i'll catch you on the flipside bud o7
inkblot-inc · 1 year
Estimated Time of Arrival
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Some time ago...
Ink: All right I finally feel better to start writing again! I just announced Jaws Arc 2, I also have a couple installments for Rough Cut Diamonds planned that I'm excited about. Then there was this idea last night that I got that I need to start outlining, because that'd be EPIC. Now where is my pen?-
*knock knock*
Ink: I'm not expecting anyone....Come in?
Life: Hey Ink!
Ink: Hey Life, is there something you wanted?
Life: Well I just wanted to see if you wanted to spend some time together...
Ink: Well we just hung out, I was actually taking some time to do some writing since it's been a minute-
Life: But when we hung out last time you were all yucky and it wasn't really fun cuz you were just lying there. I want to go have some fun this time!
Ink: Well what did you have in mind?
Life: There's a couple movies I want to see that are coming out, some shows i wanna watch and rewatch, I want to go visit some family, I want to just do stuff together!
Ink: Uh huh... Can I at least take a bit of time to write? I've had some really good ideas that I want to bring to-
Life: *tearing up* it's like you don't even care if I go by the wayside, Ink. *Gets more and more hysterical* Do I even make you happy anymore, Inkbert?!
Ink: Wha- Of course you still make me happy! I just wanna do other things that... don't involve you sometimes. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that.
Life: That's a bullshit saying!
Ink: It's a completely valid and accurate saying.
Life: I feel like we hardly do anything together anymore!
Ink: And that's how you feel. The fact is we JUST got finished hanging out for the past month... YESTERDAY.
Life: That doesn't count! Again you were sick, you're heart wasn't in it!
Ink: What does that even?!-
Ink: ...
Life: .....
Ink: .......
Life: .........
Ink: ... If I agree to hang out with you, quality time and all now that I am perfectly healthy, will you let me write in peace?
Life: *suddenly chipper* For sure!
Ink: *grumbles* Crazy how this is the one hobby I have where you feel the need to fuck with me-
Life: Irrelevant!
Ink: *sigh* Fine, let me just write down a few things so I don't forget them when I come back
Life: Yeah yeah yeah do that, I have soooo much on our itinerary! <3
Ink: Rightttt.... anyways, now that that's done, what did you wanna do first?
Life: *maniacally rubs hands together* Just you wait~
-a couple months later-
Ink: *belly flops onto the bed* My God I'm tired
Life: *sits upright next to them* That was so much fun tho right?! The movies, the video games, the shopping and expeditions...
Ink: It had it's moments yeah...
Life: *nudge nudge* Admit it, you had a good time
Ink: It was pretty nice...Thanks I guess.
Life: You're always welcome, Ink....*looks down, reluctantly* well i guess I'll get out of your hair so you finally have your peace and all that.
Ink: *lifts face up out of pillow* Oh?
Life: Yeah, we had a deal. Thanks for indulging me and my nonsense. You didn't exactly plan for any of it.
Ink: *sits up* Hey, I may not have planned for our hangout, but I genuinely enjoyed my time with you. It....brings me back when I need it. There are other things I like to do, and you remind me of that. So I guess I should be thanking you in some weird way.
Life: You're... Thanking me?
Ink: Yeah. I think part of my urgency to write comes from all my experiences I have with you. You're my inspiration for better and for worse. I write to get away from you, but I also write, in part, because of you.
Life: That sounds deep....I think I get it.
Ink: *rubs the back of their neck* It sounded right in my head.
Life: *chuckles* It sounds right to me too, don't worry
Ink: Can I...give you a hug?
Life: Only if I can give you one back
Ink: ....do you know how a hug works?
Life: I was only a tangible being for this specific moment sooooo flip a coin
Ink: You right you right
*they hug each other*
Ink:...Tell you what. I'll plan our next hang out, alright?
Life: Really?!
Ink: Yeah. I wanna make the most of our time together.
Life: *grins and hugs them again* Agh thank you thank you thank you! That's all I could ever want from you. I'll leave you to your alone time now.
Ink: Thanks, I'll see you later
Life: Bye bye! *poofs away*
Ink: ...swell guy. Now where is my pen?
-meanwhile with Life-
Life: So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how mad do you think they're gonna be when they realize I stole their will to write?
Happiness: Well it shouldn't be too bad if you disabled their idea maker as well.
Life: Nonono i left that intact.
Happiness: ...
Life: I'll give it back eventually...
Happiness: ...
I simply wrote some random shit to get my juices flowing a bit since I haven't been able to write in a good while, enjoy it if you want, but hey I kinda like this thingy here 😅
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