#i'll finish my assignments asap. damn it yeah
noxtivagus 2 years
馃 hopefully gna have a lot more free time this week so i'm gna play so so much games
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moralesmilesanhour 9 months
Miles (1610 or 42 it doesn't matter to me really) x alt black!reader because i've been drawing it and i love it so far and i would for you do your own version of it
I've seen this prompt circulating for a while now and was never sure how I'd approach it sooo let's go!!
she plays bass
The pads of your fingers were red and sore as you plucked the tough strings of the borrowed bass guitar. The music room was empty now, but you were allowed an extra hour of practice. An amp had even been left out for you.
Your hand struck the front of the instrument repeatedly as you approached the part of the bass line that you always seem to miss, when the metal clang of someone pushing the door open interrupted you.
The lanky boy's expression was already sorry before he even opened his mouth to speak. A green puffer jacket was thrown over his royal blue uniform blazer and engulfed him (yours was currently tied around your waist).
When he finally did speak, he laughed nervously.
"Forgot my headphones. I'll be outta your hair in a minute,"
He took a glance at your afro, picked out carefully until it was nearly twice the size of your own head like a thunder cloud. Two beaded braids framed either side of your face.
"...Which you seem to have a lot of."
You stared at him blankly.
With a tight smile, he grabbed his headphones off of a stray music stand and nearly sprinted out of the room, making sure to stumble over an untied shoelace on his way out.
The next time you saw his face was in chemistry class, as your assigned partner for a lab. As the frumpy professor explained the procedure, the boy got your attention with a whispered "Hey".
You stared at him warily through tightly-lined eyes swept over roughly with black pigment.
His eyes darted back and forth before settling back onto you.
"It's uh, nice to see you again. You play guitar, right?"
"Uh-huh. Why?"
"No reason," he shrugged, scratching the back of his head. "I just thought it was...cool. What kinda music do you play?"
You gave an equally non-committal answer:
"Rock, funk, whatever has a cool bass line."
Out of curiosity, you stole a glance at his red sneakers propped up on the stool he sat on.
"Your shoes are untied."
He grinned, like he'd just made a clever joke. "It's a fashion choice. I never fall, anyway."
You snorted, "Sure."
"Aye, you wear ripped tights in the winter and turn your uniform inside-out. Lemme have this one!"
This managed to pull a giggle from you, which unfortunately caught the professor's attention.
"Quiet in the back, please!" he admonished sharply.
Neither of you were paying attention.
You, because you were too busy trying to school your expression back to normal, and him because he liked the look of your crooked smile.
He saw it again after following the sound of your playing back to the music room during lunch time.
"Lost your headphones again, or are you following me?"
"Care to have an audience?" he smiled, grabbing a seat for himself.
You pursed your lips in consideration before answering, "Alright. You better not invite your friends in here, though. Music room's mine between classes."
He raised his hands. "You got it, relax. Not like I got friends to bring."
"Is that why you came over here to bother me even though we don't even know each other's names?"
"No, I came to figure out what that fire ass song was," the boy leaned back in his seat, and smiled. "And I'm Miles, by the way."
"Y/N," you said with a sheepish grin. "And thanks. Composed it myself."
Miles' eyes widened. "Damn. Can I hear it again?"
The piece was unfinished, but it was sharp, dynamic. Plenty of bass-slapping to go around. You even managed to nail that one part that your fingers usually slipped on.
"I still need to work out the ending, but...yeah. That's pretty much it," you remarked casually. "Thoughts?"
Miles let out a low whistle. "You need to finish that ASAP. Are you in a band?"
You set the guitar down, and cracked your knuckles. "Nope. I just play by my lonesome, for fun."
"So no one's heard you until now?"
There was silence for a beat, then you asked, "Do you play anything?"
He shook his head.
"Not all of us have that gift, I'm afraid. Wish I did, though."
You looked around the room, scanning the instruments until you landed on an acoustic guitar.
An idea.
"Say, Miles," a smirk spread across your lips, "How would you like to change that?"
Miles immediately caught your drift and perked up.
"When do we start?"
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okeylokiyuh 2 years
no馃槶 its must be so hard for you ): ugh the same feeling when the google docs accidentally deleted ur assignment. its the worst feeling ever >:(( but you know what they said every cloud has a silver lining!! don't be too discourage loki, i hope you get back in ur track asap!!
the thing about my password was when i want to log in to my tumblr account my mind went blank like the password isnt there at all馃槶 and i panicked so i try all the password that the old me might have use but there's no use馃樄 so i just let it be and totally forget abt it (until recently i recover my password and yeah here we are)
i am doing well! i just finished my second sem of my pre u!! ahh one last sem before i graduated and i have a thought to work before i continue my degree. but my sleeping schedule messed up a little bit since i need to study for my finals and i hang out with my friends until 4am馃拃
ah, blonde jaehyuk rlly suits him馃ぉ馃ぉ the pic you sent jdjskdjdj sir i am respectfully looking馃憗 ah also!! treasure second mini album on oct22!!!!! kdjdjdj my boys are ready to slay馃槅 cant wait for their new songs tbh
hehe for me jay is my bias rn! boy really made me simping so hard馃ぅ and recently i just started to watch daredevil on netflix bcs u knoww matt murdock will return in she-hulk and having his sequel on mcu! ahhh im so excited and as a marvel fans i rlly cant wait for phase 5 of mcu!
oof, sorry for the late reply, uni has been hectic lately! hehe, rather than being discouraged i'm just not as motivated, and ig it's bc of the workload i've been getting. plus, the distance between my home and the uni is terrible and public transport is my worst enemy. so those added factors just make it difficult for me to carry out my work as usual.
i totally feel you! i lost my password for an acc recently and tried everything i could, but somehow thanks to the 'forgot password' option, i was able to recover it. i hope you don't forget it again, jaecha hehe
aah! that's wonderful, jaecha! wishing you all the best for your last semester as well! you are gonna do well, i'm sure! oof, i totally relate to the messed up sleep schedule, but for different reasons sksks. i'm glad you are having fun, though! college is supposed be a place to figure yourself out and have fun doing it and i hope you are having such an experience!
yess!!! another treasure comeback! i'm having exams then, so i might have to postpone watching the comeback and the streaming, but i can't wait for our boys to make their comeback with great music as always :D
ooh, is daredevil good? i haven't come around to watching any mcu tv shows other than hawkeye, loki and runaways i think. yesss, phase 5 looks too good, i can't wait to see how it goes! i'm most excited to see the marvels!
but rn, i'm kinda teetering off kpop and into the world of top gun maverick. i watched the movie at home recently and i'm totally hooked on it! i really wanna watch it on the big screen too, but the screenings are at 6pm and 10pm and i'll be damned if my parents ever let me leave the house after evening hours.
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