#i'll just file this moment together with the 'kissing against the tree' moment - it's not as direct but it feels like the same category of
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jungle club - iac 2023 day twenty two
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nashibirne · 3 years
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Ready for the next part of Desperado? Here it is. You will learn about Helen's past and August's feelings but it's pretty emotional and angsty so I hope you still like it. Let me know and leave me a comment, reblog or like 💜
Pairing: Augut Walker x OFC (Helen Nichols)
Summary: August has survived the fight with Ethan Hunt and the fall from the cliff. A few lucky coincidences saved his life and he ends up with a woman that saves him and gives him shelter in her little hermit hut. He is at a turning point in his life. What is he going to do?
Word count: ~ 3.3 k
Warnings: A lot of angst, mentioning of death and grief, mentioning of sex
UNBETA'ED! English is not my mother tongue, so expect bad grammar, wrong spelling, chaotic punctuation and clumsy language. All mistakes are mine…
Credits: I don’t own August Walker and anything related to MI:Fallout. Pics for the moodboard from pinterest, face claim Helen: Rooney Mara
You can find parts 1 to 3 and my other fics on my masterlist.
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the nighttime from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away?
From Desperado by The Eagles, Lyrics: Don Henley, Glenn Frey
August soon lost count. They had sex often after he had been able to dispel Helen's worries regarding protection by revealing that he had a vasectomy years ago. So they fucked almost every day, but Helen wasn't up for more than foreplay and the sex itself. It was always the same, when they were done she got up to take a shower before going on with her daily tasks and it left him feeling strangely used and empty. 
After their first time he had mentioned that the folding bed seemed to be an unnecessary loan now and Helen's reaction had left him speechless. She had laughed out loud.
"I don't think so. I'm not planning on sharing the bed with you...August." His real name just wouldn't flow smoothly from her lips at this time.
"Why not? We've just fucked."
"That's sex, just physical. Sharing a bed is intimate. It requires trust and I'm sorry but I can't trust you as long as you don't tell me who you are and what you're involved in."
"I'm not going to rape or murder you in your sleep", he snorted, rolling his eyes.
"I know, but still…"
And so, since he still hadn't told her the truth about August "The Hammer" Walker and John Lark, they fucked but they didn't sleep together. August found it quite ridiculous but he couldn't do much but accept it.  He just wasn't willing to reveal the dirty truth, even after Helen had finally told him about the FBI guy that had nosed around in the village and about that file that proved that his enemies considered him to be dead. He was too scared she would kick him out of her house and out of her life. He wasn't ready to lose her. Not yet. 
Instead he got accustomed to the situation and in the next weeks they established a domestic routine that was new to both of them. Helen usually worked in the mornings. She was a journalist and writer and to his surprise August found out that in fact she was a bestselling author. She had published three books so far. One about her hermit life in Kashmir, one about the region as a destination for backpackers and an illustrated book that was dedicated to the beautiful nature in the Dachigam National Park and all three of them had been pretty successful in the US. So she worked on her new book till noon almost every day and August worked on his recovery, doing all kinds of exercises indoors and outdoors. 
After lunch they did anything that had to be done around the house and Helen often left for a walk to collect berries and mushrooms or to take photos in the afternoon. August usually read a book when she was gone but on this day he decided to join her. He had done some runs in a small radius around the hut but he had never really explored the surroundings and he felt like missing out on something. Plus, if he was honest with himself, he wanted to spend some time with Helen. Quality time. 
So they strolled through the woods on this beautiful, sunny day, enjoying the warmth of the sun and a light breeze that chilled their cheeks. Helen took a bunch of pictures, concentrating on moss and lichens that grew on giant rocks and gnarled, old trees. August was waiting for her to take a shot of an overgrown branch, leaning against a rock wall, his face turned towards the sun, his eyes closed. "Stay exactly like this." Helens soft voice made him smile but when he heard her camera click he opened his eyes with a frown. "What are you doing?" He turned his face away from her and started to walk on. "Taking pictures of you. You looked great in that light, all lost in thought." She jogged a few steps to keep up with him. "Oh yeah", he snorted, "I'm sure I looked like a supermodel." She stopped him by tugging at the sleeve of his jacket. "You looked like yourself. Confident and very handsome." Her smile touched him in a way that made his stomach flip and he really didn't know how to reply to her compliment. He just gave her a helpless smile and Helen placed a hand on his burnt temple, giving him a tender smile in return. August grinned the awkwardness away and when he turned around his eyes fell on a huge rock that was completely flat on the top , building a natural lookout point over the region. "Look", he said pointing upwards, "the view from up there must be fantastic." 
"Yeah. Maybe." Helen gave him a look he couldn't really read. "Let's just go back home, okay?"
"First I wanna go up there." August ran his hands over the rough surface of the stones, glancing up to figure out the best way to climb the cliff.
"No, that's a bad idea, August. It's too dangerous, and your ankle…"
"My ankle is fine, Helen. It's been more than 8 weeks now. It's completely cured."
"Still... you're not a climber, you could get hurt." She sounded strangely anxious and August had no idea why. The cliff was very rocky, so that natural steps could easily be found and it wasn't very high. It didn't seem to be dangerous at all.
"You don't have to join me. I'll climb up quickly and will be back in a few minutes. You can take pictures of me conquering the mountain." He winked at her before he put a foot on a ledge and started to climb.
"No! August, please…" Helen yelled at him, the despair in her voice making him stop immediately. He turned to Helen with a frown. "I'll be carful, I promise."
"No! Don't do this. Please don't." She sank down on her knees, sobbing, staring at him pleadingly, her voice weak and trembling. August hopped off the rock and kneeled down beside her, taking her in his arms. She was crying now, hiding her face in her hands.
"Helen, calm down. I'm here, I won't climb, okay?" She wasn't able to answer, she just clinged to his body, weeping uncontrollably. He hugged her in a tight embrace, cradling her, rocking her trembling body gently back and forth. To his own surprise it didn't feel awkward or forced, it felt natural, he wanted to comfort her, he wanted to hold her and to be the one to make her feel safe and sound and all this made him realize that he had slowly and somehow unnoticed fallen for her. 
He'd been in love before, of course, he hadn't always been a bitter, cold-hearted jerk, but that was years ago in what felt like a different life. So August Walker knew love but with time he had forgotten about the sensation, after far too many disappointments in his life, not only in love but mainly in his job, he had pushed all positive emotions aside and his heart had gone numb before turning into a stone. It seemed like Helen, with her tough, aloof but captivating and caring personality, was able to touch his heart, to make him feel again, to make him love again. The thought alone scared the fuck out of him but now was not the time to worry about himself, now it was time to take care of Helen.
"Shhh... it's okay. Everything is fine, Henny." He'd never called her that before, it was his secret nickname for her, he just used it in his thoughts, and when she heard it she lifted her head to look at him with a hint of a smile, her eyes still overflowing with tears. "I'm sorry," she sobbed.
"No need to be sorry. Just try to calm down." He smiled at her tenderly and gave her hair some soft strokes, still holding her in his arms. When Helen started to relax and her breath went back to normal, August pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Are you okay?"
"Yes." Helen gave him a sheepish grin. "I guess you think I'm totally nuts now." She blushed a little and August gave her a wink. "Don't worry. I've seen worse."
They didn't talk for several minutes, they just sat on the ground in the sun, snuggled up to each other.
"It's because of Allison", Helen broke the silence eventually, "she died like this." 
"She died climbing?" August asked softly and Helen nodded, a sad look on her face. "Yes, and it was my fault."
"You said she died in an accident."
"Yeah, but it was still my fault."
"Tell me about it", August asked and after a short moment of hesitation Helen took a deep breath and started to talk. She told him how she and Allison had been on a backpack trip 8 years ago, both of them working for a travel magazine, preparing  a report about Jammu and Kashmir, Helen as the writer, Allison as the photographer. They had stayed in the hut Helen lived in now, doing day trips to explore the region. Helen had heard of a special spot, a mountain that not only offered a spectacular view on a hidden lake but that also was kind of a biotope, a habitat for rare plants she wanted to write about. Allison had been hesitant about the idea of going there because they both were hikers, not climbers but Helen had persuaded her. When they had reached a plateau just below the top of the mountain Helen had backed out at the sight of the steep, exposed mountain ridge they would have to manage to get to the summit. She had refused to go any further but Allison wasn't willing to give up so close to their goal. Helen had begged her not to do it but Allison had insisted on trying. She had climbed only a few yards when she'd lost balance.
"I'll never forget the surprised sound she made when she fell. She hit a rock, hurting her head and she broke her back when she landed on the rocky ground of the plateau. It was terrifying." Helen was crying again, softly this time. August took her hand to soothe her and it seemed to work. She was able to talk again. "There was nothing I could do for her besides holding her hand. She had a fractured skull and internal bleeding. She died in my arms."
"I'm so sorry, Helen. That must have been dreadful", he squeezed her hand and he truly felt the sympathy that was showing in his eyes, "but this wasn't your fault. It was an accident."
"An accident that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't made her go on this stupid trip."
"You didn't know that it was dangerous. And it was her decision to climb on the ridge." August's voice was soft and tender and Helen was grateful for his sensitivity and his kind words. She rested her head against his chest with a sigh. "I know. The rational part of me knows that, but the irrational parts of my mind will never stop feeling that dreadful guilt. I just can't shake it off."
"Yeah, I know the feeling." August smiled at her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Why did you stay?"
"I stayed because I needed a safe space to process what had happened and to mourn. I wanted to return to Maine when I felt ready to face the world again…"
"But you're still here."
"Yeah, I grew to like my hermit life and I fell in love with a man who helped me to deal with this tragedy. And so I decided to stay for good."
"Naseer?" August guessed.
"Yes. He was such a great support. He was always there for me, helped me to buy the hut, to renovate and furnish it according to my taste but our love didn't last. In the long run he wanted me to move to his farm, to become his wife and mother to his children, to live a traditional life as a married couple. But that wasn't my dream, not my vision of my future."
"But you're still friends."
"We are. Now. It took us a few years but after his wedding we found a way to leave the past behind and become friends. He's my only friend actually."
"No, he's not", August said softly and Helen gave him a grateful smile. "Thank you. For...all this. Listening and comforting me...and, well." She shrugged, blushing, gesturing vaguely at him and her and their surroundings.
"Of course. You took good care of me, today I take care of you, okay? Just tell me what you need."
Helen nodded. "I want to go home. Let's go back and watch a movie?"
"Sure. Haven't watched a movie in ages."
They got up and walked back to the house and Helen felt strangely happy when she linked arms with him and he let it happen. She knew it was foolish to become emotionally involved with a man she knew close to nothing about, who hid every personal information from her, who was bossy and cocky and way too stubborn for his own good, but she still couldn't help it. She was falling for August Walker and there was nothing she could do about it. It wasn't the sex, not only. He was a great lover, sure, experienced and skilled but what she really liked about him besides that physical component was his dry sense of humor, his cleverness, his confidence, his dignity and his passion. The way he had fought himself back to life, his willpower, the determination to work on his recovery as soon as he was able to leave the bed, ignoring all pain and exhaustion, had shown her that he was a fighter, a survivor. A strong, protective man she was so attracted to, it really scared her and it was also pretty embarrassing that she was so turned on by his alpha male vibes and the caveman attitude. But there was more to him. He had this broody, emotional side too and she was sure deep down inside he was pretty sensitive and maybe even warm hearted. And so over the weeks she had grown feelings for him, she'd tried to fight hard but unsuccessfully. Each time she went to the bathroom after having sex with August, it was a kind of helpless and futile attempt to wash away her emotions and pour the loving feelings down the drain. Unfortunately it never took more than one look into his eyes to resurrect them. 
An hour later August and Helen were sitting on her couch in front of the TV, sharing a blanket and a plate with fruits and berries, waiting for the movie to begin. She had chosen a film called "The Shape of Water" he had never heard of before. The cover of the DVD was pretty strange, showing a couple hugging under water, the woman looking ordinary but her partner seemed to be some kind of fishman. 
"It's a great movie," Helen said not for the first time, "very moving and romantic. The female protagonist is an outsider, a mute cleaner in a lab and she falls in love with an amphibian man."
It turned out she was right. The film was amazing and it left August extremely touched and with many questions running around in his head. They were eating the last berries, discussing the end of the movie, when he blurted out what he desperately needed to know. 
"Could you fall in love with a monster?"
"He's not a monster. Not to Elisa."
"But everyone considers him to be one."
"Yes, because they don't understand him and his nature, they don't even try. But she does and she knows what lies underneath his spiky appearance."
"So you could? Fall in love with a man who is considered to be a bad man, an enemy, an unscrupulous monster?"
Helen looked him in the eyes, taking her time to answer. "If he was honest with me...if he let me see who he really is...if he explained himself to me and let me draw my own conclusions. Yes, under these conditions, I could fall in love with a monster. I'd rather have an honest monster than a lying saint."
August closed his eyes with a sigh that was full of relief but also filled with fear.
"Well, then let this monster tell you its story."
"You're not a monster…", Helen turned to look at him with a deep frown.
"No, Helen, please. Just listen, okay? And then -as you said- you can draw your own conclusions."
She gave him a nod and August started to talk. He told Helen about his loveless childhood with physically and emotionally absent parents, his youth as the time he gained recognition for being an extraordinarily good athlete and how it turned him into a confident, popular jock. His career at the CIA, his life as an agent, doing all the dirty jobs efficiently, eliminating public enemies indiscriminately and without asking questions in the first years. He admitted that he was nothing less than an authorized assassin legitimized by the state and he described how he got more and more frustrated with time, questioning his job, the national authorities and politics. He pointed out to her that his disillusionment, the years of frustration and the feeling of being caught in an unjust and outdated machinery culminated in following the ideas of Solomon Lane and finally in writing a manifesto under the pseudonym of John Lark. The hardest part was to confess that he had planned on eliminating one third of mankind by letting off a nuclear bomb in the mountains of Kashmir to alter things for the better. After he had ended with telling Helen about Ethan Hunt and their fight he was anxiously waiting for her reaction, not daring to look at her. 
She didn't say anything for a very long time. When she finally started to speak, her voice sounded weak. "You would have killed me and all the wonderful people in this valley without the blink of an eye if Ethan Hunt hadn't stopped you?"
Helen nodded. 
"I see. And if you had another chance, would you try again? Do you still stand by what you wrote in that manifesto?"
"No. I don't. Absolutely not."
"Why not?"
"I've had a lot of time to think about it during the last weeks and I lost my conviction. You've shown me another side of life, of thinking. You have made me feel again. Feelings I haven't had for the longest time. Feelings of love, Helen." August almost whispered the last words, scared of her reaction but Helen just nodded again, her face blank, her expression unreadable.
"Say something, Helen. Please." He took her hand but she pulled away.
"I can't, August. Not yet. I need time to process all you've just told me. I need some time on my own." 
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means I'm going to return the folding bed to Naseer tonight and I'm going to ask him if I can stay with him and his family for a few days because I don't feel well and don't want to be alone. I'll return when I've made up my mind and when I have we won't need a second bed anymore. One way or another."
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
CAPITAL LETTERS: Christmas Special
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Member: Juyeon
Word Count: 2.3k words
A/N: Merry Christmas to all my readers out there! I hope you’re safe, warm and happy wherever you are! I considered writing a full-on smut for this special but decided not to, in the spirit of wholesome giving. I hope this will serve as a little token of appreciation for your patience in reading my work. <3
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My love, 
You’ve been away far too long now, I’m starting to feel like I’m forgetting your scent. How is it like over there? Is the weather kind to you? Are you eating well? I hope you miss me as much as I miss you.
Love, Juyeon
Your lids droop halfway down your eyeballs, chucking away the handwritten letter into your purse and looking behind your shoulder. 
“You are extremely dramatic for someone who’s been sitting right outside my office,” He pulls the door open and pops his head in. His hair is a new mixture of black with highlights the colour of clouds and it couldn’t have made him look better.
Your jaw drops open in pleasant surprise, eyes trying to process the sight before you. But then he walks in, and he’s very obviously hiding something behind his back. A squint forms on your lids and that playful tongue of his darts out to swipe across his lower lip, just moments before he lunges forward and pecks you on your lips. 
He doesn’t want you to hug him because he knows you’ll find some way to climb onto him and figure out what he’s hiding behind his back. 
“What, no time to rest?” Folding your arms, you raise a brow when he coyly walks backward into your sofa, careful not to crush whatever he was holding behind his back. “First, you come into my office looking like that then now you’re hiding, what, keys to your helicopter behind your back?”
“What’s wrong with looking like ‘that’?” Mischief creeps along his lips in the form of a smirk, cuing you to provide him with an exaggerated scoff. 
“You know what I mean.”
You can feel him watch you as you walk around to the back of your table, packing all your Christmas gifts from your colleagues into the shelves or drawers. 
“Well, aren’t you going to try and figure out what I got for you?”
“I’ll just wait until you can’t take it anymore. It’s not like you can hide that behind your back all the way till we get home, you need to drive.”
“Ugh,” Groaning in mild frustration, the friction of fabric against sofa tells that Juyeon removed himself from the furniture, the gentle footsteps into the marble floor getting closer to you. His presence is strong behind you, then both his hands travel around the side of your waist, under your arms, and presents you a Christmas bouquet of white and red roses with a gold wrap. 
You don’t bother to take the bouquet, but instead, you whip around and wrap your arms around his torso, resting your head in his chest. Juyeon chuckles, sinking his nose and lips into the crown of your head. You can feel him trying to tighten his hold around you despite the bouquet still being in one of his hands. 
“Thank you,” He releases you as you take the bouquet from him, his hands dropping to your waist. “Now I feel bad for making you wait outside my office.” 
“You did warn me,” The bouquet looks large when it’s in your hands, but all you do is stare and gleam at the flowers like it was gold. “Besides, watching you work is kinda hot.”
“Says you,” Looking up, Juyeon smiles not with his lips, but with his eyes as he leans forward. Providing you with a long, hard, kiss, Juyeon removes the bouquet from your hands, placing it on the desk behind him. Closing the gap between your bodies, he pulls you forward as he shifts back to lean against your desk, your thighs between his knees as your arms travel up his chest and around his neck. 
The pilot tastes like mint chocolate, of which you can assume was due to his habit of brushing his teeth after he ate.
“Yo, have you looked at the production details for the-- oh my God! What the--” 
Juyeon almost refuses to release you when he can recognise Sunwoo’s voice, though you’ve already panicked and broken the kiss. 
“Oh-- Jesus-- Didn’t I tell you to knock before you come in?” Sunwoo watches you try to pull yourself away from Juyeon, but he intertwines his fingers behind your back. His head is turned around and looking at Sunwoo with the widest grin on his face. 
“Since when the Hell did you tell me to knock?” Sunwoo raises his hand in a bid to greet Juyeon, who nods in acknowledgement. 
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Juyeon receives a gentle thwack on his chest. "Blame me."
"He's got a point, it's your office."  
"Whose side are you on?" 
"Ugh, I'll leave the production file here," Sunwoo tosses the glossy item onto the sofa Juyeon was previously sitting on. "Remind me never to touch your desk, like, ever."
"Bye, Sunwoo!" Juyeon calls out, pulling you closer and pasting his torso to your body. 
"Yeah, yeah, knock yourself out," Sunwoo's voice trails off as he walks out, shutting the door behind him. Your attention returns to Juyeon, eyes forming a squint again as you arch your back and look down at those playful eyes; eyes that looked like they belong to a five-year-old.
"Tsk! You--" Juyeon suddenly stands up and crashes his lips into yours again, your neck tilting upwards but resting in his palms as he cups your cheek. You can smell the breathy mint despite already tasting it, and the cologne that was wafting off his white button up top was gradually intoxicating your thoughts. The same way he was able to win you over with a gap of one year in between. 
Every muscle in his arms shifts under your fingers, the way he's kissing you feels like swimming in a pile of cotton and clouds and snow. 
He offers a soft moan before pulling away, brushing his thumb across your lower lip to clean off the smudged lip tint. "Ah," He touches his own lips. "Now everybody in your office will know we kissed." 
This time, you roll your eyes and let him kiss you on the forehead. 
Juyeon closes the car door for you, leaving you to admire the flowers in the bouquet as he walks around the vehicle. The car smells like him, and when he gets into the car, all you want to do is to jump on him and litter kisses all over his face and hug him and watch Christmas movies and--
"Again with your staring," The smirk he has on his face makes you want to barf because he's teasing with you, flirting, as if the two of you aren't already together. "Do I get to bring you to your next present or do you need more time staring at me?”
"Everything you're saying now is only making me think of when we first met." 
"How do you know I'm not doing it on purpose?"
The morning after you finally saw him again after one year.
Maybe it was the Christmas spirit that was getting to him, but you can't help but to look at him with the most done eyes you've ever given someone. 
"Alright, alright. I won't be such a prick now. We'll go, okay?"
"And where are we going?"
It takes you awhile to realise Juyeon was driving out of the city, away from the lights and further into the country side where snow collects in mounts and nobody would bother those white pillows. You would protest and ask him if he was trying to kidnap you, but all you can see is the way the snow sparkles under the street lights, the distant stars of Mars and Jupiter in the sky like a white dot in the navy canvas. 
The road ends and the vehicle comes to a stop. Juyeon gives you a secretive smile as he reaches behind and picks up a large bag, exiting the car while waiting for you to follow suit. The puffs that escape through your every exhale form tiny clouds as Juyeon holds your hand and walks down a slippery path. The both of you are tucked in thick coats and scarves and gloves but just having him with you feel so warm in itself. 
If you thought Juyeon bringing you on a helicopter ride was romantic, you thought wrong. 
The path among the trees open up into a huge space of white and blue, with the moon in the sky brimming its silver light down. 
Right before you was a frozen water body, a frozen lake. The low lighting is slightly difficult to adjust to, so by the time you've turned to Juyeon in pleasant surprise, he's gotten two pairs of skates out from the bag he took from the car. 
Juyeon pulls you to your feet after he helps you buckle your skates, and the ice below the blades pulls you nearer to him due to your lack of balance. His laughter sounds like a song by your ears, feeling his arms hold you up to your feet and his hands are on your waist to hold you still. 
Then, you are drifting across the cold space in his arms as he plasters himself to you, despite the many layers of clothing between your chests. Your head is in his shoulder, gently inhaling his scent off his coat though the snow should’ve melted it away. 
“You good?” 
A mellow hum thrums through your throat as a smile stretches itself across your lips. You look up at him, straight into those eyes of his that looked nothing short of your world. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
He pulls your beanie down over your ears, one hand still on your waist and yours around his torso. “I don’t know, you’re quiet.”
“I’m enjoying the moment,” Nestling your head back into his chest, it feels like heaven and pillows and clouds and marshmallows until he tells you it’s time to go. 
By the time you’re in the car, you’ve lost count of the number of times Juyeon has lost his words in your mouth. After dumping the skates into the boot, he pulled you into the backseat, for a few minutes battling the awkward fart-sounding noises of the leather before he has you straddling his lap. 
He’s looking up at you like you were a God, and it forces chills down your spine as you tilt your head to give him exactly what he wanted. 
“Ju--” A kiss. 
“Hmm?” Another kiss. 
“We’re not staying here all night--” One more. “Are we?”
He pulls away, eyes hooded when he turns his attention to your neck. “Of course not, I have more presents for you at home.”
“What? What else did you get me?” Finding his cheeks in your palm, you pull him back to face you. But all he does is nuzzle your skin with his nose, pressing kisses into the heart of your palm with his shadowed eyes watching you. 
“You’ll find out when we get home,” Your waist feels warm just as he circles your waist with his arms. “I’d stay like this with for longer if I could, pity a day only has 24 hours. That’s too little time.”
Ugh, what a sweet talker. 
“Okay, well... I don’t want to wait until the sunrises before I can drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies with you so maybe we should go.”
Juyeon provides you the tiniest pout, before he relents and quickly pecks you on the cheeks.
You couldn't decide what it was that decided you deserved a life like this. There must've been something you had done in your past life to be snuggled up against Juyeon's chest, both of you in matching pajamas and two mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows bobbing up and down inside on the table by your feet.
The blanket was covering most of you, only up to his chest while his arms are wrapped around you. The light from the television is reflecting off his face and his eyes, the amber lighting of his living room making it all the more comfortable and cozy for you. The snow outside was billowing and yet you feel so far away from danger.
He smells like lemon from his body wash and his fingers that were interlocked with yours feel warm against your skin.
Juyeon's attention was unrivalled when he doesn't notice how long you've spent staring at his side profile. He was mindlessly fiddling with your fingers under the blanket and stroking the length of your calf that was over his thighs. The movie was some stupid rom-com he said he wanted to watch, and you let him, only because he watched horror movies with you whenever you wanted.
Resting your chin on his shoulder, the physical contact finally gains his notice.
"Why? Are you sleepy? Shall we call it a day?" He picks up the remote and pauses the movie, turning to his side to face you.
"I am, but we don't have to sleep now. It's not midnight yet."
Juyeon's little smile in the corner of his lips melt your thoughts through and through, his slightly damp white highlights against his lashes. His hand travels up to rub your ears, tips slightly cool.
"Who said we need to wait till midnight?" His arm comes round your waist under the blanket and pulls you into his chest, forcing you into more or less a cradled position.b
"I don't know, wouldn't it be nice to stay away till Christmas and then I get to kiss you the first second of our first Christmas together?" Goosebumps erupt all over your skin as you cringe over what you've just said, but Juyeon likes that kind of nonsense and he laughs into your lips when he plants a kiss to them.
"There's no need to wait for Christmas, princess," Cupping your cheek in his palm, he pulls away just slightly to finish the rest of his sentence. "You can kiss me anytime you want."
“Wait,” You pull away, thumb brushing across his lower lip as his breath hits yours. He playfully raises a brow, already not in favour of the gap between your faces. “What’s my present?”
He pauses, then reads your eyes. He knows you already know what the present is. 
“Me, for the rest of your life and mine.”
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supersizemeplz · 6 years
Our Business
Erik Stevens x Black Chubby Reader
Another #supersizedfic random short. There's a SMUT scene. Enjoy!!
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The warm summer air rustled the trees that occupied the average sized front yard, a few leaves floating down to meet the freshly mowed lawn. Erik leaned back further against the wooden porch swing, rocking gently as he listened to the voices around him. He tightened his arms around your waist, resting his hand on your backside as you both listened to their friends talk about their past sexual escapades.
A little alcohol was in their system from earlier activities, most of it having wore off as the day went on. Watching the game was something that was regular on football Sunday's. But that was hours ago and now they were all sitting around, caught up in a random conversation topic that you honestly couldn't remember how it started.
"I know you ain't talking about me, Teddy. Ain't you and Ebony get it crackin in the backseat of the escalade last weekend? Tell that.." Eric's homeboy and Teddy's brother, Mond, sipped his apple juice with an eyebrow raise. Ebony gasped as she looked over at a stuck Teddy. Teddy scratched the back of his neck as his younger brother burst into laughter. Ebony punched his arm as he flinched, mumbling an apology as he glared at his big mouthed sibling.
"Chill out, Mond.." Erik chuckled at the two as they playfully bickered. They were pretty laid back guys, but they had their childish moments. At least he saw them as childish. Talking about his sexual experiences to his boys wasn't something that he ever saw as ok to do. But Teddy and Mond didn't really mind sharing a little of their sex life, who they hit and how they hit it.
"What about y'all, Erik? Y/N? Y'all been together for years. I know y'all got some crazy ass sex stories.." Mond raised an eyebrow at you both, waiting for a juicy ass story. Truth is, y'all had a handful of stories. Their sex life was anything but boring. Erik thought back to the session that took place two days before.
"I want you out of that damn dress. Now.." Dominance dripped from his voice as he eyed you, standing from desk. The dark wood hid your lower half as you walked towards him, hips swaying side to side, but he'd seen those chocolate thighs when you walked in. You bit your glossed bottom lip, dropping the straps to your dress. Easing the dress down past your wide hips, you let it hit the floor to expose your lace underwear.
"Such an impatient man.." Turning your back to him, you let him admire your rounded backside. Your hands rubbed the softened flesh seductively before sending a hard smack. Looking over your shoulder, you gave him a listing smirk. Strutting over to him, one foot in front of the other, your heels clicked in a steady rhythm. "Is mama gonna have to teach you a lesson?"
Erik moaned as you turned to brush your ass against him, seductively unhooking the strapless bra. His bulge rested between your soft cheeks, taking your mild teasing. The soft hum he released exposed his approval. He chuckled at you as you looked up at him, giving an innocent bat of your eyelashes. You were about to get it.
"You keep teasing and Imma have to embarrass you in front of all my co-workers.. you really want them to hear how you loud you can get?" His hand tightened around her neck as he used his free hand to release his length. You shook your head as you placed her hands on his desk, atop the files that once had his attention. A whimper left your parted lips as you felt his slicked tip rub against your plump folds, his hand left your neck slowly.
"Speak the fuck up. You know I don't tolerate that nodding shit." He growled when you didn't answer. You tucked your bottom lip between your teeth to keep your sounds captive. You'd been yearning for him all day. His touch. Now that he had you, your hormones were in overdrive.
"N-No sir. I'm sorry, baby.." She corrected herself, falling forward against the papers that laid beneath you. Your right leg rose to sit on the desk as he groaned, watching you arch for him. Just like he liked. The slickness of your arousal dripped onto his awaiting girth, attempting o lubricate him.
He took his time to push his plump head into your soft folds. The warmth you gave off welcomed him, squeezing him as if it was giving him a hug. Her lips parted at the feeling, a groan slipping past at the familiar stretch.
"Fuck. I can't get enough of you, princess.." He drilled into your slippery core, realizing how much he missed the wet sounds it created. Steady strokes caressed your spot as he enjoyed your ass bouncing against him. The soft ripples of your cushioned flesh made him smirk.
"You got this pussy dripping all over you, daddy.." Your hands held onto the desk as you fought to hold back your squeals. Erik showed no mercy as he pleased you, running both hands from your ass and up your back slowly. His dick enjoyed your heated company, and he had no problem with letting you know that.
"Mr. Udaku?" A soft voice filled the air, making Erik glance over at the phone. He smirked as he looked at your dazed stare. You pushed yourself up and glanced at him, wondering if he was going to stop and answer. A glint of mischief in his eye made you pout.
"Answer it, princess. Tell her I'm busy.." He chuckled, slowing his strokes. You moaned, pleading with your eyes. It didn't move him, only made him break into a smile. You sighed as he stopped, pressing the speaker button.
"H-He's busy at the moment, hun. But I'll take a-.. a message.." You closed your eyes as he started slow thrusts. His dick stroked your walls, catering to the need of friction. At the angle you were at, he was somehow massaging your clit as well. You took a deep breath, listening to her speak.
"I just wanted to know if he'd be able to see Mr. Hariston tomorrow at 11 instead of 1? He said he as an engagement at 1." She sounded like she was typing, distracted. You tightened around Erik, hoping to stop him as you threw him a look. He cursed lowly, not caring if the secretary heard him. His hands rested on your hips as he sped up, nodding to the question.
"He said that'll be f-fine." Your knees buckled as you shuddered a reply. Erik kissed the back of your neck as he palmed your breasts, telling you to hang up. You obeyed with a shaky finger, letting a moan slip before you ended the call. His thumb and index finger rolled your erect nipple gently as he tasted your skin. Your body met his thrusts as he chuckled deeply. His fingers pinched at your nipples, making you squeal. You immediately pressed your lips together, closing your eyes.
"You so fucking sexy when you talking business.. Got me ready to nut all in yo fine ass." He pounded into you as he felt his climax coming. His praises caused your eyes to roll back. You moaned a little louder, making Erik press his hand over your mouth. He knew you would scream if he didn't, alerting anyone in the lower level of the building. Your stomach tightened with each passing second, the sloppy strokes sending you over the edge.
"Cum for me, baby." He moaned his command, sending a slap to your thigh. And like a faucet, you spilled over him. Your nectar dripped around him before he pushed deep into you, releasing his stress for the day. His warm load filled you, heightening your orgasms. You fought to hold yourself up as Erik pulled from you with a chuckle. A smile graced his lips as he kissed your neck again. "Told you not to tempt me while I'm at work.."
Erik chuckled at the memory. You both spent ten minutes making sure y'all erased your messes from the office floor. Times like those he cherished and only wanted to himself. It was their business, nobody else's. He shook his head at Mond, shrugging.
"Nah, we don't got any."
Taglist: @sisterwifeudaku @kumkaniudaku @loveandcigarillos @elaindeereads @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @unholyxcumbucket @purple-apricots @marvelpotterlove
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