#i'll post more art soon i promise i'm on the tail end of something really big (relative to everything else i've done anyway) its almost don
kfrances · 4 months
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assorted afton kids
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ladyofbonten · 2 years
Random GN tokyo revengers head cannons
Genre: slice of life and just chaos lol
Tw: language, mentions of fighting (?)
A/N: probably has spelling errors, I was really tired writing this and posted it around 2 am haha
Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated♥
•The haitani brothers are the type of friends to go bug you at work and ask for you to specifically to make their food but for two totally different reasons. Rindou trusts you enough to not fuck up his order, Ran on the other hand make his order complicated to annoy you.
•Kokonoi is that blunt friend everyone needs. He doesn't beat around the bush and always gives you harsh reality checks from time to time, but thats because he doesn't want to see you get hurt. Does he deliver his harsh advise in the best way? No, but when he sees how his words may have hurt you, he'll try spending money on your favorite snacks or taking you out as an apology afraid of his words hurting you again. He wants his actions to speak louder than his words.
•Emma and Hinata love doing karaoke after exams are over to release all their pent up stress and to relax. If not that, they drag you to go shopping with them and to go try out new cafe's that opened up.
•Inui is such a mother hen and refuses to admit it! It so funny because you could tell him that and he'd say something along the lines of "No I'm not. What gave you that idea?", scoff, then get back to working on the bike he was fixing prior to your comment. Faking a cough of two he'd side eye you before getting up and handing you vitimins he keeps on him and mumble "you better not get sick, cause then I'll have to take care of you." and go back to the bike. Needless to say, you've made your point but he won't admit it to you.
•Mana and Luna love having you over and will bug Mitsyua to no end to bring you over. They love showing off their art work to you and having you play the judge for their fashions shows which consist of cothes raided from their mothers closet or even sometimes Mitsuya's. It caught him by surprise to see the three of you all dressed up and you in his toman jacket from back in the day. He definatly took a picture and has it as his wallpaper of you three.
•Despite his Reaper title, Hanma has ever shown vulnerability to you in the privacy of your home and made you promise that what he shares with you in your room, stays in that room. Even though he's an adrenaline junkie and absolutely loves wreaking havoc, when it comes to being at your house with you, he almost changes into a different person. Lying on your bed as you do skin care not long after cleaning him up after fighting with people not even an hour before. He loves and relaxes in your touch and will fall asleep to you running your fingers through his hair. He will never admit to anyone that he has a safe space or that that safe space is you. He'd do anything to keep you protected and out of the gang life style.
•Ran only ever lets you play with his hair and style it besides himself. He actually encourages you to learn more braiding styles and lets you use him as the test dummy of said hair styles. One times when you learned how to do dutch braids and did them for him, he was feeling himself! "Hey Y/N-chan, you think these suit me better than the regular pig tail braids? Correct answers only." Rindou is in the same room deadpanned telling Ran he still looks the same but obviously seems more stupid for thinking it makes a difference. Ran ignores him and asks you to teach him how to do them so he can start doing them himself.
•Much like Hanma, Sanzu found a safe space in your presence during your guys time in Toman together. He didn't know if it was because you saw past his scars and truama and still chose to stand by his side or because you fear'd him (which he'd learn wasn't the case) but he always saught you out when he felt like he needed you. Soon you became a precence he depended on and he would do absolutely everything he deemed necessary to protect you. There were only two people he'd follow blindly in this chaotic world he lived in, Mikey and you.
•Baji and Chifuyu love doing random Harry potter marathons and always invite you. The three of you will be holded up in either Baji or Chifuyu's living room for a whole day just binging the entire series and making your own commentary about how you'd react to certain situations. "I'd totally be a griffindor." "Baji do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth? You're either a ravenclaw or slytherin, you can't convince me otherwise." You'd laugh as you all argue about who belongs to which house and thus leading to the three of you taking quizes on which houses you belong to. Lone and behold you prove baji wrong and now owes you ramen and boba.
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