#i'll probably make a Ceara based on this AU someday but we'll see
     So, when I was digging through my drafts I rediscovered a bunch of stuff I never posted, which is pretty par for the course for me honestly. Most of it has to do with an AU I never really talked a whole lot about here;
Flourish, a direct parallel to Regrowth.
Ages ago I shared a concept of Ceara’s design as a Thief Deadeye, but I don’t think I ever really gave context for how-- or why-- that happens. And boy it’s... Quite a story, actually. It’s effectively a butterfly effect of sorts; one in which she never becomes Scarlet Briar, and the world is much different because of it.
One choice influences another influences another, leading to a complex, interwoven domino effect that reshapes the world itself into something much different. A better, happier, more peaceful world, where even the weeds can find a place to grow.
And yet, the more this world flourishes, the taller the flames will be when it burns. What will you do when the softness to which you’ve grown so accustomed is stripped away, leaving nothing but bare, hard stone in its wake?
They say that hard ground makes for strong roots. When the time comes, will yours be strong enough to withstand the storm?
I’ll give a summary down below, but under the cut since it’ll be pretty long.
AU basics; some of the Firstborn make an effort to connect with Ceara on her own terms... and in return she starts offering some of the knowledge she's gaining from studying asura tech around Caledon Forest. Gradually she winds up bonding with them, one foot in the Dream, one foot not.
It all starts with a single, pivotal choice; Caithe made the same decision the Commander can in her memories, just one subtle act of genuine curiosity and interest... And that act is returned in kind. Sometimes, that’s all it takes.
Because of that, an entire butterfly effect ensues from Ceara’s actions moving forward;
Ceara, having eventually bonded with the mysterious nightbloom, decides to follow in her footsteps and become a Thief. She starts with a pair of pistols then eventually adopts a rifle as well, becoming one of the earliest Deadeyes. Despite quickly gaining quite a reputation as a swindler and cutthroat, none can deny her effectiveness as a fighter and a tactician in the art of war.
She finally tells them her Dream, and the story it tells. She doesn’t care about following it, but finally places enough trust in her kin to not force her hand.
Ceara tells a story of death, destruction, and war. Of interwoven thorns, waiting to entangle her should she stray too far before she’s ready. Of the shadow of dragons that are not hers to fight, and the nightmares they will set upon this world. Nightmares she will face, and guide others against in turn.
She Dreamed of the battles that will succeed because of her command, and the impossible choices no one else can make in her stead. And she knows, deep down, that her decisions will determine the future of many, many people, most of whom she will never even know.
She Dreamed of the power to change the world, for better or for worse.
And that’s where everything really starts to shift.
She accompanies Saoirse's Wyld Hunt against the Nightmare Court, having been encouraged to keep an eye on the inexperienced saplings and help advise them. Her squad, including Gavin, is never captured. Saoirse doesn't leave the Dream to become Soundless. Gavin isn't converted to Nightmare.
Ceara eventually joins the Whispers. Saoirse joins the Vigil. Pirkko joins the Priory as usual.
The three work together much better due to their shared history, and as a result Claw Island is better defended. It isn’t overrun with Risen, though the fighting is still fierce. All is not lost, and the undead are driven out.
Sieran, Tybalt, and Forgal all survive.
All of them take up important roles as the Pact forms. Trahearne remains as the Marshal due to his neutrality and Orrian expertise. Pirkko becomes the Commander as usual. Saoirse and Forgal organize troops on the ground. Sieran assists in the studies of magic artifacts and Zhaitan’s interest in them, while Tybalt works with covert groups involved in scouting terrain and enemy positions.
Then there’s Ceara, the Pact’s Head Tactician. Brutally efficient, and to many, seemingly heartless. She doesn’t care for the Commander, an upstart taking on the role she feels she should have had instead... All because Pirkko Dreamed of slaying dragons and she didn’t. Her resentment leaks out in bitter words, disdainful remarks about this reckless fool who throws herself into danger headlong without a single thought to the consequences.
Yet, over time, they get to know each other better. Pirkko comes to understand someone who, not unlike her, was drawn into a difficult position through circumstance and now has to make careful, calculated choices that will decide who lives and who dies. And Ceara sees someone who took her role not out of a duty to the Dream, but because of the compassion in her heart and a genuine desire to help others, no matter the cost to herself. Neither can bear to let down the people who need them.
They’re very different, but perhaps not as different as they’d first thought.
Ceara cares too, much as she hates to admit it. She just has a far different way of showing it.
Together, the Pact finally does the impossible. Zhaitan is slain, and for a time, some semblance of peace seems to take hold. There are still more dragons to slay, but now they have something they didn’t have before.
Certainty. They know it can be done.
But everything starts to go wrong around the time of LW2... Because, this time, they have NO warning that Mordremoth is stirring or what it can do. Ceara is never claimed by the dragon. Scarlet Briar never ravages Tyria. There are no Aetherblades, no Molten Alliance, no Toxic Alliance, and no Watchknights. When it starts to reach out, whispering, clawing, grasping, none are the wiser.
A lot of the main people in the Pact are sylvari. They have no idea.
But this time, they all have each other... And they’re much stronger for it.
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