#i'll queue this for the morning so ppl can actually see it lolol
venuspapi · 4 years
this is my first post in months but i’m back because... i think i just have to laugh to keep from crying. all those posts about uranus in taurus showing us the consequences of human activity and perhaps letting us feel environmental effects didn’t lie but i don’t think any of us were necessarily expecting a pandemic. this is a pretty novice question, but which sign rules disease? i know Gemini rules the lungs, and communication (even of disease, i bet) but would the immune response fall under Virgo then? Virgo is also associated with bacteria, and all things small, from what i’ve read.
either way, i don’t think it matters. i just think it’s... funny seems like the wrong word to use (disrespectful, even) but like i said, i don’t think anybody expected uranus in taurus to manifest quite like this. and the violation of civil liberties in the name of public health... pluto and saturn in capricorn had a fucking field day i see. 
is there any astrological insight that y’all have seen dedicated to covid-19? let me know. i’d be really interested to read up once i’m done with all my online schoolwork lol
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