venuspapi · 2 years
[blows dust off this blog] hey anyone who might still be following.... where can a nonbinary like me go to learn more about western sidereal astrology... what are some trusted sources
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venuspapi · 3 years
the most undateable zodiac signs
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i didn't actually go through the whole post bc that would be insane but i went through most of it, and there are 519 data points total for the graph. don't @ me cuz i suck at stats and this is literally tumblr astrology so nothing matters. anyway the results
the most undateable sign is cancer, but it was neck and neck with pisces and aries for a while
the implication is that the most dateable sign is taurus because they had the least amount of votes against them, but it's not like people explictly said they were the most dateable, so who knows. most dateable by default i guess
some people would list a whole element as undateable, and water signs were the ones singled out as a group BY FAR
this is less numbers-based and more just an observation based on what i saw while reading the notes, but people who hated libras, aquas, and leos, REALLY hated them
air signs were more likely to name other air signs (not based on numbers cuz i forgot to keep track of that. but in my eyes and heart <3)
also just to head off people who are upset that they were "most undateable" or w/e: well, first of all it's literally a graph based on a tumblr post about astrology. but ALSO i feel like this is less a reflection of the "least dateable" and more a reflection of the most notorious signs, the ones with a reputation that might precede them (aka cancers, aries, pisces - people with reputations for being Emotional). the only outlier in that sense would be scorpios, but i think even though they have the reputation for being toxic, the "sexy intrigue" aspect of their persona saved em from being most undateable
anyway. can u tell i have too much free time
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venuspapi · 3 years
Rising Signs by Appearance
CONTENT TAKEN FROM: http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=920
“Your ascendant will often designate how you look, and if you have any particularly strong dominants or large planets very close to your sun, they will also have an influence on your physique.
ARIES: Often have distinct facial features, prominent eyebrows. Possible birthmarks or other scars on the face or head. A strong, upright bone structure paired with quick movements is characteristic of Aries rising. Some may have a “ruddy” or weathered look to their complexion, and choose to let their eyes wander around a room, as opposed to holding their gaze in one place. Aries rising will most likely walk in a brisk, confident way.
TAURUS: Frequently large bodied (not necessarily plump or fat), but could also be muscular and sturdy. Dark hair and eyes (not necessarily brown, just darker shades), and typically hold a serene and steady gaze. Interestingly, members of this sign often have smaller-than-expected ears. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. Taurus rules the throat and neck, so taurus risings will often have noticeable neck areas- either thick and “bull-like” or long and graceful.
GEMINI: Gemini risings are the kind of people whose faces are an open book, you can often tell what they’re feeling just by the look on their face. These people give off a feeling of energy, even when at rest. They may jitter a bit or shake their legs, but even if they’re not actually moving, there’s a sense of energy, simply waiting to explode. Facial features may be “delicate” or doll-like, with the features more centered than spread out. They will often naturally speak very fast. Also naturally slim and agile, and even if there is weight gain, they just seem like they “should” be tall and thin, even when they’re not. A pale complexion is also typical, with restless eyes that seem to take in everything all at once. They frequently possess high foreheads.
CANCER: Their most prominent feature is a round face. Even when skinny they frequently have rounded soft features, and apple cheeks. This sign rules the stomach and breasts, and these are often noticeable in some way. The stomach may be rounded and Santa-like, or flat with six-pack abs; the female’s breasts may be large or small, but tend to be well-formed and pleasing to the eye in either case. Rounded eyes tend to give a “moony” or “dreamy” expression. High cheekbones and a prominent brow compliment the look. Extremely expressive features with long limbs compared to the torso – even a short cancer rising will often have a “lanky” look to their arms and legs.
LEO: a Leo rising will frequently have mane-like hair, framing their keen-eyed, well-shaped faces. They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. They will stand and move like trained royalty. Their movements can be slow, but dramatic and extremely “leonine!” Eyes tend to be almond shaped, often a darker shade. They may have a tendency toward pain in the back, neck, and sometimes the shoulder area, although the shoulders themselves tend to be strong and broad.
VIRGO: Gentle and graceful of movement, as well as a youthful appearance regardless of age. Some blush easily, though more often because they’ve been embarrassed by being singled out, rather than from prudishness. While this sign’s symbol is the Virgin, this doesn’t mean they are cold or asexual, but they do tend to be modest. Bright, clear eyes with a gentle but direct expression, delicate noses, and well-shaped, curvy lips. They can be obsessed by their own appearance, seeing flaws that no one else does, and they go to lengths to “hide” them. You may catch them staring at their own expressions in the mirror, busy analyzing perceived flaws, but only when they think no one’s looking. When it comes to the things they can manage about their appearances, Virgo rising may take to extremes. Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength.
LIBRA: Truly Venus’s children, with well-shaped lips and noses, sometimes heart-shaped or oval faces, dimpled cheeks and cleft chins can be common. Generally, they have well-proportioned features and pleasant expressions, even when they’re not in a pleasant mood. They will normally be very graceful when walking, and facial structure will be more rounded. Another characteristic is a clear and melodic speaking voice. Even when not conventionally attractive there will be a certain charm to them – their faces have character, whether they’re what would be considered beautiful or not. They are graced with a gorgeous smile and lovely, infectious laughter.
 SCORPIO: This intense rising sign is really is all about the eyes. Dark or light, the gaze will be piercing and direct, and unless they’re shooting vengeful daggers from them, people will often comment on how beautiful their eyes are. Direct eye contact is this sign’s hallmark, they are never “shifty eyed.” Sharp features, prominent cheekbones and noses, are common, some what similar to that of a bird of prey. These people tend to have strong bone structure, and often powerful-looking physiques. Many are pale in complexion (pale don’t equal white jsyk) and can maintain the famous poker-face, able to keep their inner emotions from their outward expressions. Magnetic and mysterious, sensual and compelling is their natural gift.
SAGITTARIUS: “Clumsy grace” is this sign’s most noticeable physical trait. This may sound contradictory, but it’s really not. They’re like baby horses, just trying to find their footing so they can grow up to be a magnificent racehorse.Openness and friendliness show in the Archer’s face and posture. These rising signs may lean forward when conversing with you, getting physically closer to engage emotional closeness. Broad foreheads and cheerful expressions are the norm, as are quick movements and dramatic gestures. They sometimes play with their hair, mostly unconsciously, casually tossing their head to sweep it back, or grabbing a lock and tugging at it. They often have beautiful, clear, sparkling eyes. Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build, but can become plump due to their love of food, drink and (due to their ruler, Jupiter) excesses.
 CAPRICORN: You may often be struck by cap rising’s well-modulated, often deep speaking voices. Frequently they have naturally straight hair, and dark or olive complexions. Lacking the jittery energy of other signs, they will generally make slower, more deliberate movements. When at rest, they’ll exhibit steady, somewhat serious expressions. This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. Their skin tends to be sensitive, sometimes subject to rashes, outbreaks, or easy bruising. Teeth are noticeable for being either a dentist’s dream in the good way or a dentist’s dream in the bad way. Graceful in manner, but sometimes may appear uptight, bored, or uncomfortable because they have difficulty relaxing. Once Capricorn risings get past their discomfort, they will appear fresh and warm.
 AQUARIUS: One common trait of this rising sign is a “high,” well-defined forehead. Generally soft-spoken and polite, this sign can fly off at a moment’s notice into eccentricity. They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. They’re frequently broad through both hips and shoulders – males and females alike with strong, shapely legs. Members of this sign are very sensitive to the weather and air pressure, so expect to find them bundled up in the winter and stripped down in hot weather. These people are great listeners and equally known as great story-tellers.
PISCES: Gentleness combined with keen intuition that shows in the soft, dreamy round eyes is the defining aspect of this water rising sign. Graceful, quick movements that resemble the fish that represents their sign are common. The Pisces rising tend to have a quite charming manner and a lovely smile. Ruling the feet, they often have small, delicate feet, or overly large ones. Their hair tends to be soft and fine, sometimes naturally wavy and most often lighter-colored. Their skin is almost always soft and may tend to be pearl-like (not white just light and soft probably). With flowing movements like the ocean or a dancer, they always seem “small,” even the very tall ones. Sport a tranquil expression, along with beautiful smiles, mischievous grins and tinkling laughter.”
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venuspapi · 3 years
signs as musical instruments
aries: trumpet / triumphant, youthful, wild sound like a battlecry
taurus: cello / sound mimics the human voice, resonating like a low, warm hum in the chest
gemini: guitar / gemini rules the hands and guitars have such a diverse sound, able to be tuned in many different ways and able to blend into any genre of music
cancer: drumset / instinctual and improvisational, music in its most basic form calls back to the origin of music, rhythm
leo: alto saxophone / colorful, theatrical, and expressive sound like a breath of fire, demands a solo
virgo: violin / sounds of weeping, emotionality expressed by meticulous technique and training
libra: harp / sound has a lawful quality, like a chorus of angels reciting your sins to you 
scorpio: bass guitar / sexy, smooth sound evoking the mystery and allure of the deep sea 
sagittarius: flute / agile, clear, sounds of flight, playful but knowing
capricorn: double bass / supports the whole band with rhythm and a strong, mature, vocal sound
aquarius: piano / the accompanist, ties the different sounds and musicalities of an ensemble together, but has a unique, rebellious voice of its own 
pisces: theremin / otherworldly sound, quite literally untouchable, like a psychic instrument
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venuspapi · 3 years
air signs are very good at projecting the illusion of intimacy (whether intentionally or not) into relationships that are not actually that intimate to them. This characteristic makes it so that people in their lives aren’t ever really sure just how deep anything is
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venuspapi · 4 years
6th House and Habits, Routine, the Every Day 💅👩‍💼🍷🍕
When talking about habits it is important to remember this is a WIDE and varied topic! Many behaviors and activities can become a “habit”. A habit isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Fixed signs may find it hardest to break habits or change routine, although there are some honorable mentions in here. When we talk about physical habits or compulsion it is useful to know what body parts are associated with the signs. 
Aries in the 6th: Habits can revolve around stress and energy. Swearing, easily being triggered by something, reacting to anger can in a way become a repeated and practice behavior. Prone to irregular schedules, this person is the last you would think to develop a set routine or ingrained habits. Impatience and impulsiveness exist in their habits. We see impulsive decisions especially in the practical realm. Always being on the go, always being in a hurry may be their biggest “bad habit”.
Taurus in the 6th: Here we see a lot of the physical habits from nail biting to picking at your hair to different eating habits. This can be the over-eater or under-eater. We also see habits of indulgence from smoking to over sleeping. Set-in-stone shopping habits can exist here. This person tends to be very routine and their habits can reflect this. Disturbance to their habits or routine can cause frustration or nervousness.
Gemini in the 6th: Habits involving sleep can actually exist. With Gemini’s connection to restlessness this is a person who might eat right before bed, has a routine of always checking a certain site/app on their phone in bed, sleeps with the TV on, etc. Many connect Gemini to insomnia and some connect the Air element to it, so here is another source for having “sleep habits”, typically preventing them from sleeping. Having a scattered routine or always giving into multitasking is associated. Behavior is not focused. It can also be hard for this person to relax.
Cancer in the 6th: Here we see another connection to the body and habits such as eating too much sugar or fast food or hyper-focusing on an area of self-care. Even more emphasized is Cancer and their connection to emotions. Here habits revolve around how they feel. Learning to always react to worry can be a habit that is hard to break. The body and emotions are closely tied for this person. Their physical habits stem from what feels healthy or good. Habits may equal safety to them. This person can find it hard to leave their comfort zone.
Leo in the 6th: Passion is linked to habits. What does this mean? My own first thought is an individual who makes it a habit to get a rush, so maybe visiting the club too often or going out too often. Being regular with exercise can also fall into this linking with passion as well as a link to the Fire element’s need to release energy. We see a lot of “identity” and “expression” associated with Leo, so in the 6th House in terms of routine/habits this person may be proud of their structure and discipline. Their habits are more than a diet, exercise routine, or interest - it is their lifestyle.
Virgo in the 6th: Of course we are going to see a lot of routine as well as physical habits with this placement! Here is someone who must abide by their hygiene rituals and won’t stray from their diet. But bad habits can still form here easily with smoking, drinking, biting nails, picking at skin, etc. Changing routine isn’t actually hard but if an outside force interrupts what they have planned, it can be upsetting. With the critic of Virgo this individual may feel like they have everything under control in their everyday life OR at times they can be hard on themselves for how unruly or flawed their everyday life can be. One with this placement needs to be careful of tricking themselves, believing they have everything under control yet they still give into the “escape route” of fidgeting or vaping. Compulsion can be very strong here, especially with things like constantly washing their hands or counting steps.
Libra in the 6th: Balance is the game, but this can mean a compulsion to try to keep their routine and everyday habits to a limit. Almost like a critical Virgo, this placement can be very self-aware. Of course “compulsion” can go against conscious wishes. So really there is a hidden critic, hidden judge behind how they behave. Habits can center around comfort, socialization, ease, and pleasure, from eating a lot of sweets to always being the last one to arrive at a party (and maybe to leave). While this person can develop healthy habits like detoxing or meditation in their pursuit of a happy and comfortable life, they can become anxious towards stressful situations. Many common place stressors/activities can seem out of their routine and comfort zone. EX: phone calls, asking for directions, confronting a problem at work, moving, or traffic.
Scorpio in the 6th: Indulgence can actually happen here along with plenty of “fixed habits and behaviors”. Habits can revolve around control over their life and even those in it. So you can imagine this person wanting everything and everyone to be in their place, no crazy surprises, in a way resembling the Earth element. But unlike Earth, how this person feels can also shape their routine, making a moody “every day”. Habits within emotions can exist, especially being guarded and suspicious. Routines that involve self care may be inspired by trying to calm their fears, hush their anger, or escape from worry.
Sagittarius in the 6th: What routine? But everyone has their habits and typical behaviors. Here we see a scattered individual whose habits tend to be about releasing energy and learning or discovery. This person can go hard and then burn out or crash. Because expansion is associated this person tends to go large on everything, they can be indulgent. Slowing down and focusing is a challenge for them. Here is someone who always jumps in to new things, their routine is rarely stable, and can make a habit of taking on more than they can chew. Risky behavior can be a habit of theirs.
Capricorn in the 6th: Steady but with associations like “control” and “workaholic” we see someone who has a routine and habits built around work, practicality, and likely stress. Here we might find someone’s inner “control freak”. This person will rarely compromise on their routine and can find it hard to break habits. But with Capricorn’s adaptability they can change, but only if there is clear evidence that the change is beneficial to them. Being comfortable with negativity can exist here or maybe even being comfortable with “discomfort”. Because it is the Earth element we can see more physical habits popping up.
Aquarius in the 6th: Unpredictable routine exists here. Habits tend to be “odd”. Ex: smelling books, can’t stand odd numbers, etc. Because we many times classify “odd” habits or behaviors as compulsive, there can be some commonalities with Virgo in this house. Aquarius can live a life filled with activity and keep going and going until they burn out similar to the Fire element. While Fire is usually on the go physically, with Aquarius it is over-stimulation to information and people. Mental relaxation can be hard for this individual.
Pisces in the 6th: This is someone who can be sensitive to changes in their routine. They prefer a comfortable everyday scenario. Bad habits or really stubborn habits usually stem from an emotional upset. Food and drink are common in their lists of habits, which can range from drinking to excessive sodium intake to even excessive detoxes. Over kill on what would typically be looked at as “good” or “healing” can happen. This placement can actually be filled with many extremes, especially depending on their emotional state. There is something to be said about the start and end of their day. The feeling they have, what their intuition tells them at the start of the day sets the whole tone. If the feeling in the air is too intense or negative they may prefer to stay in bed and skip out on the day. If a bad feeling lingers at the end of the day, they may give into escapism or in a way try to “pause” their routine.
Sun: We see someone who “performs” very practically in their every day life. Stress, health, habits, work, routine, the mundane come alive with this placement. They are aware about the reality of their world and life. The Sun can be about our life force, here is vitality that takes pride in the simple things and every day tasks. This can make someone a worrier and stress is dealt with on the surface, making them seem more sensitive or maybe neurotic than they really are. Even with all this worry the Sun tackles stress or everyday problems right away, aiming for solutions.
Moon: This makes for a careful and guarded person in the everyday life. Here we see a homebody and possibly someone who worries a lot. The stress and restlessness of the 6th House makes it so this person is very receptive to outside stressors and stressful people. They tend to process and overcome everyday stress once they feel safe - usually in their own home and around family.
Venus: Has an association with being “married to work”. But despite this devotion can struggle to deal with everyday stress and challenges. Thankfully this person is good at avoiding conflict and pressure. The desire for peace and stability is shown in how they act everyday. They instinctively find ways to “beautify” their environment.
Mercury: Here we see a celestial body that clearly communicates the worries, stresses, complaints, but also goals and practical needs of the 6th House. This person has more of a focus on building up teamwork. They help others through communication somehow. This person can have a restless nature in their expression or an uptight nature. Stress is dealt with through communication and trying to rationalize things.
Mars: Energy and passion are in the 6th House. This person could be passionate about helping others. Watch out for a temper around having their routine messed up or habits interrupted. This is a position typically labeled as a “workaholic” but must be careful of burning out their energy too quickly. Their reaction to stress can be volatile.
Jupiter: Expansion exist in this house which can mean excessiveness in habits from over eating to overly washing their hands. There is self-indulgent behavior. This can be a favorable placement for dealing with stress. They have a carefree and optimistic approach to the daily grind. They may also try to find meaning or a lesson in their everyday happenings. They may also try to make spirituality or religion part of their routine on a grand scale.
Saturn: This can be a tough spot when dealing with stress. There is restriction and suppression in terms of everyday stress. They find it hard to relax. This is another “workaholic” placement. They are very disciplined and structured in their routine. Saturn also presents many lessons towards maturity that revolve around the 6th house. Ex: Maturity found through working, impact by coworkers, establishing practical goals or habits, and dealings with health from taking care of someone sick or dealing with an ailment themselves. Who knows, pets are associated with the 6th, maybe taking care of animals will teach them something.
Uranus: Routine can be unstable with Uranus in this house. Stress can either “turn you on” or “turn you off”. Pressure inspires this person at times and other times is discouragement. What is key is the people around them. They play off people’s energy, others’ competitiveness, and others’ drive. For Uranus in the 6th they need to be watchful of their social environment in the everyday and in their work space. Stress could increase a restless nature, can impact their sleep, and can impact their problem solving and ability to focus. This placement can also indicate revolutionary, odd, or innovative working styles.
Neptune: Here we see another placement who needs to be careful of the people they surround themselves with on a daily basis. Here Neptune can make someone hypertensive and impressionable towards their coworkers and people they frequently come into contact with. Routine is based more on fluctuations of mood and they tend to be forgetful about daily reminders, tasks, details. The details or strictness of routine don’t tend to matter, they want more out of life than the mundane. Could also easily romanticize elements about other’s daily lives. Can be unrealistic in their expectations for their day, their career, and future plans.
Pluto: I first want to point out that this can mean someone with a hidden side job or is secretive about their work. Pluto’s obsessive side can mean someone who is obsessive about their routine and can find it incredibly hard to break habits. A fear of change can exist. In terms of work this can be a reliable and ambitious individual but may be controlling in terms of teamwork. Stress can feed into their bad habits as well as a controlling or even paranoid daily behavior. 
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venuspapi · 4 years
the three types of sun signs
/obviously if you’re, say, cancer sun with a leo venus & moon you might express similar traits to a cancer sun with leo mercury, also aspects & house placement matter too about the sign’s expression so take this into account when reading this/
aries sun
+ pisces mercury - way more vague and not-in-your-face than what you’d expect from an aries. they often sound as if they speak in riddles, and mind you, they WILL still speak a lot and in an authoritative way regardless if they make sense or nah but there’s still a softness in their words that hits different. they give aries the reputation of having a hidden sensitive and submissive side.
+ aries mercury - i mean one would expect them to be loud but even with those expectations in mind it’s still incredible how loud they really are. these people will speak up and yes, they do believe whoever speaks up louder is actually right. not the type to dwell on the past or learn from their mistakes. they give aries the reputation of being direct, extremely forward and always speaking up their mind.
+ taurus mercury - the headstrong aries (yes all aries people are headstrong, i mean the sign practically rules the head, but if you add some earthy stubborness to that the situation gets on another level). their fire burns out way slower than that of the other aries folks and their determination is visible not only in the passionate way in which they jump to action but also in their ability to sustain the structure of the mind one needs to support their actions. they give aries the reputation of being impossibly stubborn and determined.
taurus sun
+ aries mercury - the one that values their peace the least. that’s the taurus that often starts arguments and is extremely persistent about their point of view. speaks very confidently and might be too loud without realizing it. probably has a huge friend circle. they give taurus the reputation of acting as if they’re always right and being smugly confident.
+ taurus mercury - the one that puts comfort before it all. they might be spending most of their time at home. very funny in a goodnatured way, not the type to make heartlessly fun of people. will do anything to protect their safety. they give taurus the reputation of being security oriented and introverted.
+ gemini mercury - the unexpectedly sharp one. the rest of the tauruses don’t usually start shit and ain’t the type to bite you in the ass with a sassy remark but this one…oh this one will go after you for the fun of it. they seem very stable at first but when you know them a bit more you realize their mind is constantly moving and they need stimulation for it. they give taurus the reputation of being good with words and secretly manipulative.
gemini sun
+ taurus mercury - a gemini that keeps their opinion the same for more than 20 mins? yes they exist - and they most likely have mercury in taurus. those gemini are usually quite stubborn, less flexible in their life style and way of thinking and most likely to resist being pursued to do smth that makes them feel uncomfortable. they are the ones that give gemini the reputation for being unwilling to admit they might be wrong and for standing their ground in an argument at the cost of anything.
+ gemini mercury - wow…they’re quick. very smart with their words and eloquent, probably have a talent for writing short stories and capturing their audience. generally quite gifted when it comes to verbal expression. may get anxious to talk in front of an audience tho. the fastest when it comes to jumping back on your feet and coming up with a saucy comeback. they are the ones that give gemini the reputation of talking fast and a lot and for being able to twist everyone’s words as they please (jk that’s every single gemini)
+ cancer mercury - the more quiet ones that actually wait for their turn to speak (unless they’re in a #mood) (which is…often lmao). that’s the kind of gemini that observes their surroundings a lot and pretends to enjoys listening to people a lot. there is an air of languidness to them and they’re less prone to run away from their feelings and never mention them. the ones that give gemini the reputation of being moody and secretive and emotionally manipulative.
cancer sun
+ gemini mercury - the most emotionally detached one. these cancers can have a very keen understanding of people’s minds/emotions and they may use this knowledge in a manipulative way while maintaing an innocent facade (i mean, all cancers are prone to this but a gemini mercury makes you more rational and cunning so it’s more likely that you’d be able to manipulate others without giving yourself away). they often pull the strings backstage. they give cancer the reputation of being cunning and elusive.
+ cancer mercury - the sad poets. these people see the world in a melancholic light but also manage to find beauty and meaning in so many things and if they channel this talent into writing, well, they can be extremely inspirational and touching. good listeners but also rest assured they’re taking mental notes of your weak spots when they listen. often struggle with negative thoughts about themselves. they give cancer the reputation of being depressive and lyrical.
+ leo mercury - the scorpionic one. srsly….mix cancer and leo and you get smth very similar to scorpio lmao. extremely vengeful and will go after you if they feel like you’ve wronged them. i’m underlining the “FEEL” part cuz they can be pretty subjective about it and lash out at people for selfish reasons. very sensitive and the ego might be hurt easily so they might see being nonchalant as smth good but also crave intensity in their life almost as hard as scorpio venus does. the most extroverted ones. they give cancer the reputation of being vengeful and intense.
leo sun
+ cancer mercury - the leos that surprise you with how introverted they are. they’re a little far from the classical image of the flamboyant loud leo that needs public recognition. they’re more likely to seek validation and express themselves in front of someone they know and feel comfortable with. the leo that’s most likely to pay more attention to what others say than to their own voice. they give leo the reputation of being nurturing and clingy. (add a cancer venus as well and the situation gets easily out of hand)
+ leo mercury - the most creative ones of the bunch. they focus on learning how to value their ideas and voice and to get it out there, to express openly. there is a judgemental side to them tho, also they often get carried away with listening to themselves talk and start ranting on for hours about things that are not connected to the original topic. they give leo the reputation of being self-absorbed and strongly expressive.
+ virgo mercury - the leo that’s most likely to not follow their heart; at least not without including some thought as well. thought out actions and analytical approach rather than expressive. may struggle with expressing themselves confidently and to feel like their voice is not loud enough. they give leo the reputation of being eager to help and difficult to satisfy.
virgo sun
+ leo mercury - the least shy ones. not that they can’t be withdrawn too but those virgos always seem to find a way to shine. they need an outlet for their creative energy where they can receive openly validation. compared to the others virgos, they’re most likely to admit they’re deeply affected by what others think of them. they give virgo the reputation of being confident and bossy.
+ virgo mercury - the overOVERthinkers. yes, all virgos think themselves to exhaustion but these ones have it especially hard. their mind is a literal maze and it takes all of their focus and mental energy to not get lost. also that’s how they develop their excellent organizational skills. they give virgo the reputation of being deeply analytical and orderly.
+ libra mercury - the writers. if you’re a virgo sun/libra mercury, you have both the dedication and the talent to write down literal masterpieces and if you still haven’t started, maybe you should give it some thought. those virgos combine their natural sense for atmosphere and aesthetics with the impeccable analytical intuition that helps understand things objectively. they give virgo the reputation of being a smooth talker and of being seductive yet cold at the same time.
libra sun
+ virgo mercury - the poet. idk a single libra with virgo mercury that hasn’t written a lot of poetry in some part of their life. also they’re quite likely to express strong opinions and to be very good at defending them. sharp thought, might come off a bit too cold and mean sometimes but not in a rude way, just a bit as if they lack compassion. they give libra the reputation of being argumentative and a devil’s advocate.
+ libra mercury - the perfect one. add a libra venus as well and count yourself immediately in love. these libras are smooth talkers, always listening to others and trying to make them feel supported and as if they agree with them and see their point of view. can be pretty hard to get to know their more private self because they tend to hide parts of themselves that won’t please others very deeply. this often makes them appear like an ideal partner. they give libra the reputation of being heartbreakers and perfect lovers.
+ scorpio mercury - the one that understands. don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean the rest of the libras ain’t understanding, it’s just libras aren’t focused on penetrating the other’s mind, their goal is to please, not to dissect. scorpio mercury makes one a sharper observer and also more interested in plunging in the depths than in reflecting the surface. they give libra the reputation of being manipulative and knowing more than they show.
scorpio sun
+ libra mercury - they actually love flirting and are pretty good at it. the sag ones may come off as too direct, the scorp ones are reluctant to reveal their feelings and may come across as…creepy and intense, but the libra ones…oh boy. they know all about social niceties and also all about how to avoid them without being awkward or scary. it would appear, at least on the outside, that they’ve managed to control their raw plutonic energy and to express it in a more balanced way. (don’t tell them that we know it’s just for show lmao). they are the ones that give scorpio the reputation of being super flirty and seductive and showing romantic/sexual interest in many people.
+ scorpio mercury - someone’s checking you from across the room being all gloomy and dark and all-seeing? a person that looks like the embodiment of sauron’s eye? ye that’s probably someone with a scorp sun + scorp mercury, even more so than scorpio venus/rising. they communicate through the eyes. these are the type of ppl that would turn off their music around people but remain with their headphones on so they can snoop on convos. sharp, sarcastic and…they be knowing shit. they give scorpio the reputation of being fbi agents and of knowing more than they appear to know without revealing much about themselves.
+ sagittarius mercury - the ones that won’t keep their mouths shut. less inclined to read the room, more inclined to change the room’s energy. expect long rants about every part of life that sound as if they see themselves as the wise monk that came down from the mountains to save your pitiful ass with their truth (when i say “their truth”, read the only truth). they give scorpio the reputation of being big meanies that will make you cry without batting an eye and of always being honest and straightforward.
sagittarius sun
+ scorpio mercury - the private ones. sagittarius ppl are notorious for being great at avoiding intimate and personal topics but scorpio mercuries take this skill to another level. you have a distinctive feeling they have a deeply hidden side to them and it may take years to make them open up a bit about it. they give sagittarius the reputation of being intense and emotionally manipulative.
+ sagittarius mercury - the know it alls. srsly tho, these people have in their minds prepared extensive rants on literally every topic on earth that exists or might be created. they like to have the last word, despise being proven wrong and rarely realize how overbearing this might be to others. they give sagittarius the reputation of being walking encyclopedias and being overly argumentative and unable to admit their mistakes.
+ capricorn mercury -  the practical one. these sags are a bit less likely to fit the stereotype of a hippie that’s constantly traveling around without settling. they’re definitely expansive like all jupiterians but they think and express themselves in a more… compressed way + need stability and structure in their chaos. they give sagittarius the reputation of being wise beyond their age and dogmatic.
capricorn sun
+ sagittarius mercury - the blunt one that always has some “painfully honest opinions” to share. may come off as rude and inconsiderate towards people’s feelings. i’ve noticed this mercury really enhances the mars influence in capricorn people (after all mars exalts in capricorn). probably a bit more scandalous and controversial than you’d expect from your regular capricorn. they give capricorn the reputation of people who take no shit from anyone and will cut you if you cross them.
+ capricorn mercury - the dry one. outspoken and believe that less is more. but might fail to apply this belief to their personal life as they also genuinely believe they know better than anyone and have to guide others immediately by expressing their superior thoughts. might often quote people they consider to be an authority and like to be seen as such too. they give capricorn the reputation of dogmatic and confident people that will follow through on any cost and that stand behind their words. 
+ aquarius mercury - the visionary. they manage to combine perfectly their powerful will to see things through and their fascinating ability to perceive and understand the world, this way becoming someone who can actually make changes (for better or for worse) and manifest their ideas. more futuristic and innovative than you would expect from a capricorn. they are the ones that give capricorn the reputation of acting cold and detached and being lil freaks behind closed doors (i lied, they’re all kinda freaky regardless of the mercury sign lol)
aquarius sun
+ capricorn mercury - the action oriented one. they won’t be as chaotic and shocking as one might expect from an aquarius. structured way of speaking and contagious confidence. they give aquarius the reputation of being ambitious and persuasive.
+ aquarius mercury - the innovator. yeah all aquarians are supposedly innovative, it’s in the job descriptions, so to speak, but those with mercury in the same sign really focus on sharing their visions with others and changing the world with their ideas. god gave them a sneak peak and they’re spreading the word. they give aquarius the reputation of being a genius.
+ pisces mercury - the artist. a lot of creativity comes with this combination. it’s a difficult one since both the sun and mercury are in detriment but if you don’t let the self pity that comes with being unable to express the self in an understandable way drown you, you may reach and share with others unseen depths. they give aquarius the reputation of being mystical and hard to understand.
pisces sun 
+ aquarius mercury - the most reasonable pisces we’ve got. they are able to detach from their emotions and apply common sense easier than most pisces. from what i’ve seen they also struggle a lot with expressing their own needs in a personal way, they’re often going on about the community, their friend group, the people that surround them…they give pisces the reputation of being chaotic and unpredictable. 
+ pisces mercury - the most difficult to understand. they mostly communicate through disconnected blurts of gibberish that may or may not contain a drop of infinite wisdom. these pisces need to recharge with alone time and creativity even more so than the rest and may have a vivid connection with other dimensions and express this in a very strong and picturesque way. they give pisces the reputation of having a wild imagination and being withdrawn and kinda incoherent. 
+ aries mercury - the pisces that don’t need so much alone time or at least crave company as much as they crave seclusion. they’re the ones who get their message loud and clear and it might actually be difficult to get them to shut up (actually the latter is true about all pisces but let’s not get there lmfao). might lean into being too fanatical and overbearing and to act as if their message is some god sent truth we all should abide by. surprisingly domineering in a conversation. they give pisces the reputation of doing whatever it takes to get what they want, often in sneaky manipulative ways cuz neptune is involved, and of being really out there when it comes to expressing who you are.
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venuspapi · 4 years
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when virgo and scorpio want to get close they can get real dirty with it! 😛
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venuspapi · 4 years
this might sound stupid but i read something close to “events around your birthday could give a hint to how your year aka solar return looks like” and also shows or projects or anything, according to electional astrology, have charts of their own and im wondering if for example a show or a movie that gets released on my birthday could be close to or describe how my year is gonna be like? idk how to describe it and it sounds stupid BUT IM GETTING THIS OUT OF MY HEAD OK
shrug it’s not stupid. everything is connected to astrology. as above, so below. the sky is a giant blown-up picture of everything that happens on earth, including what movies came out today, whether or not a work client sends over a new project, if you catch a cold, if a car accident on the highway makes you late to work, if someone entirely unrelated to you starts something right this moment that will affect you in 3 years.
a common inaccurate attitude i see a lot on tumblr.com is “x, y and z concrete things are happening and also, separately astrology is happening.” the truth is that those concrete things and astrology are connected and that’s basically the whole entire point of astrology
so yes, events around your solar return can give you an idea of how your year will go……… because those events are literally reflected in you solar return chart, and are exactly what your solar return was showing. you don’t have to sit around and wonder if x thing that happened on your solar return is going to be at all related to the year ahead because of course it is! everything is!
you can become a truly excellent astrology by remembering that literally everything everywhere everytime is connected through an insanely complex and chaotic web and that, truly, nothing is insignificant (though of course we do not have the time to consider every single thing and must disregard many, many factors)
finally, i just want to say that charts are the tools we use to work with astrology, not the foundations of astrology, itself. yes, you can make a chart for literally anything that has a place and time attached to it. and even if you don’t make a chart for it, it was still shown in the sky for anyone to see
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venuspapi · 4 years
Saturn strongly relates to self-worth. Saturn represents the demanding parent or teacher - whatever lies under its influence feels as if it is constantly being watched and judged. It is as if one is placed under a microscope with Saturn. This creates an unsettled, insecure feeling that is only further fueled by all the tests that Saturn puts us through. One feels accomplished and worthy when they do well in the area Saturn sits in - we made the authority person that appears as if it can’t be satisfied and of which’s criticism we are afraid of proud. Saturn makes us insecure until we fulfill it’s expectations. Once we do out confidence and sense of worth is increased.
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venuspapi · 4 years
LMAOO i reblogged this to the wrong blog i didnt miss this
this is my first post in months but i’m back because… i think i just have to laugh to keep from crying. all those posts about uranus in taurus showing us the consequences of human activity and perhaps letting us feel environmental effects didn’t lie but i don’t think any of us were necessarily expecting a pandemic. this is a pretty novice question, but which sign rules disease? i know Gemini rules the lungs, and communication (even of disease, i bet) but would the immune response fall under Virgo then? Virgo is also associated with bacteria, and all things small, from what i’ve read.
either way, i don’t think it matters. i just think it’s… funny seems like the wrong word to use (disrespectful, even) but like i said, i don’t think anybody expected uranus in taurus to manifest quite like this. and the violation of civil liberties in the name of public health… pluto and saturn in capricorn had a fucking field day i see. 
is there any astrological insight that y’all have seen dedicated to covid-19? let me know. i’d be really interested to read up once i’m done with all my online schoolwork lol
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venuspapi · 4 years
the astrology behind COVID-19: analysis and prognostics
okay so it’s about time for an astrology post about the coronavirus. this post is going to be divided in two parts: analysis of the transits during the development of covid 19 so far and some lame ass prognostics based on future transits. don’t take it too seriously or base anything you do on what you read, i’m just curious if i’m gonna be right.
analysis of the transits so far:
• november 17th 2019: first case of covid 19 was detected. at the time, saturn and pluto were already approaching each other and are in orb for a conjunction with saturn at 16 degrees capricorn and pluto at 21. i’m going to discuss the symbolism of this conj in the next date on the list. saturn is opposing north node in cancer - difficulties, obstacles and pestilence are directly interfering with our fate and the feeling of comfort it might bring. another aspect worth exploring at the time is mars sextile jupiter opposition uranus in taurus - there’s a green light for any sudden outbursts and accidents that can injure us physically and this might happen on a global scale in a way that is related to nature. we also have jupiter square chiron - from my experience with reading natal charts, harsh aspects between chiron and jupiter usually indicate an expansion of pain, a good environment for hurtful things to happen. the sun is trine chiron and sextile pluto which makes those two Bringers of Misery (and healing) even stronger. • january 13th 2020: technically the noise around coronavirus started on the last day of 2019 when the world health organization was informed about as many as 44 patients that have an unknown type of pneumonia in Wuhan, China. but things became more clear around 11-12th when there was more info on how the disease started and was spread and when the new type of coronavirus was publicly identified and its genetic sequence was shared with other countries so they can use it for developing diagnostic kits. around that date, other countries started reporting cases of the virus. so i think it’s safe to say that’s when shit started getting serious. now, as all respectful astro geeks know, january the 13th is when the infamous saturn/pluto/sun/mercury conjunction took place. in motherfucking capricorn. let’s talk about what this means. now we all know saturn conjunction pluto has been an indicator for earth-shaking disasters throughout the centuries. before pluto was discovered - meaning until less than 100 hundred years ago, saturn was the official daddy of death and dark stuffs. saturn is also the symbol of lead in alchemy; lead is the base matter (prima materia), the shit that one has to turn into gold. it’s the primitive chaos we all need to tame and work on in order to have good things and live an honorable life. saturn is also associated with pestilence - i was reading a book about the role of pestilence in medieval english literature by brion lee grigsby recently and i think it will be useful to share some quotes i found in it: “No one was quite sure what Saturn had or did, but most experts felt that its combination with anything was bad” (Gottfried, Black Death, 111) - imagine what it indicates when it’s in its own sign of rulership and is combined with pluto, an archetype mostly associated with transformation on a LARGE scale and death. “In the Knight’s Tale, Saturn states to his daughter Venus "My lookyng is the fader of pestilence”. Since Chaucer was the first person to translate astrological work into the vernacular, namely “A treatise on the Astrolabe”, we can assume that he was knowledgeable of contemporary astrological learning. Therefore, on the authority of Chaucer, we learn that Saturn foretold the coming of pestilence.“ need i say more? many modern astrologers have forgotten saturn’s correlation to pandemics but it’s there and it’s twice as intense when it’s combined with pluto. and any planet in capricorn is bound to affect society and the social order, especially when it comes to economics and finances (which are deeply disturbed by the coronavirus crisis). let’s see what else have we got during this significant conjunction: oh yes, the sun and mercury have joined it too, putting into light the hidden energies of pluto and saturn and making them affect our communication on a global scale (that’s when it was publicly announced that the new virus exists and is spreading and people started talking about it). jupiter is in capricorn too making the abundance of capricorn energy even more intense. but it’s nothing compared to what’s coming when jupiter joins pluto and saturn in the conjunction. mars is trine chiron and square venus, making this a good time for wounds and illnesses on the physical body. • march 11th 2020: that’s the last date in the past that i’m going to look into. shit has been getting progressively more and more real as jupiter was approaching saturn and pluto. and yeah, jupiter is playing a larger role in this than one might think. in general, the jupiter archetype is one of the most misunderstood ones in modern astrology. it’s portrayed as some fat clown that’s constantly dropping bags of luck and fortune on people while simultaneously drinking wine from a jug and screaming obscenities. jupiter is not about fortune, jupiter is about the abundance that leads to inevitable decay. jupiter is about being stuffed until you burst open as opposed to saturn that’s about being so thin you’re almost gone and having to train mercilessly to gain some muscle. let’s look at the transits when the pandemic was announced: we got a wide conjunction between jupiter on 21, pluto on 24 and saturn on 29 degrees capricorn. bitchez are getting closer as they’re dancing with death. jupiter is expanding the effect of the saturn (pestillence) conjunct pluto (large scale transformation). but that’s not the most significant change in transits that happened between january 13th and march 11th. let’s look at mars but first, it’s time for some more quotes from my cryptic book. "Doctors believe that the alignment of Jupiter, a warm and moist planet, and Mars, a hot and dry planet, were the root cause of pestilence. When this alignment occurred, Mars ignited the excessive moisture from Jupiter and these rays rained down on the earth thus affecting the miasma. However, Saturn also figured into this portent, as he does in Piers Plowman.” AND ALSO, as Geoffrey de Meaux said all those years ago, “I do not wish to imply that the mortality comes only from Saturn and Jupiter but rather through Mars, which was mixed with them at the time of eclipse.” (Horrox 171) by the time coronavirus was infecting and killing too many people, mars is conjunct jupiter with a 5 degrees orb. so when the pestilence was rising, the conjunction was mad tight. seems like these old dogs were kinda right, weren’t they? we also have chiron square north node with like a 0° 0’ orb - the archetypes of karmic fate and pain/wounds are clashing hard. another aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked is sun cojunction neptune in pisces. this whole thing is unfolding when neptune is in its own sign and is very strong. this indicates the strong panic and misinformation going on rn and how people, even now, are not quite sure whether this whole pandemic thing isn’t just a hoax, an illusion, and are living their lives as if nothing’s happening - or panicking so hard as if the world is coming to an end. anyway this got super long as it is so i’m moving to the second part with the prognosis and i’m gonna keep it short there.
some lame ass prognostics:
• 4th of april 2020 is when the first jupiter/pluto conjunction occurrs for the year. yeah, first out of three. so what i expect is the virus and the repercussions it has on our economic system and our lives to vary between those three conjunctions, intensifying as the tightest aspect is approached. i expect the number of infected and dead people to rise until the 4th of april. also can i just say the number 44 has been haunting me for so long and i’ve noticed it’s an indicator of something bad and in many cultures, 4 signifies death and lack of movement… jupiter intensifies and spreads the power of plutonic transformation and destruction. meanwhile saturn has already moved into aquarius which signifies a large shift in our social and financial structure. jobs will be lost, companies will go bankrupt, more and more jobs will be reshaped so they can be done online and from home (after all aquarius is connected to technology advancement). expect chaos and sudden changes. we have mercury conjunction neptune so expect even more misinformation surrounding what’s going on with the spreading of the virus and the inevitable recession. the media will vomit the illusions generated by the government to keep the people desensitized. north node is still square chiron. mars is square uranus and conjunct saturn tightly - abrupt and unpredictable physical harm in the shape of pestilence. from then on i expect a decline in the spreading of the virus. jupiter and pluto are moving further apart and things won’t happen so intensely tho people would still get ill and suffer. the cases will begin rising again around the middle of june. • 30th of june 2020 is when the second jupiter/pluto conjunction occurs. both planets are moving retrograde along with saturn, neptune and mercury. i suppose the second wave would be caused by people not taking the safety measures seriously anymore and traveling to the seaside for the holidays when it’s being advised against. we would need to revisit the situation from march and implement the same measures again, repeating the exact same thing. sun is conjunct mercury so there will be a more clear representation of what is happening and people won’t be acting like lost sheep anymore.  we have mars square north node which means our physical activities and drive to do stuff will clash with our karmic fate. • 12th of november 2020 is when the third jupiter/pluto conjunction happens. and mind you, at 22 degrees capricorn - just like the saturn/pluto conjunction from january the 13th. what does that mean? well, the cycle is being closed. i believe this is when we’re going to be hit the hardest by the recession and understand the consequences of the class war that this virus has largely revealed to us in more vivid colours. rich people are going to survive this pestilence and ride the wave to exploit the working class even better now that people are largely losing their jobs and struggling to keep up with their payments. of course, this largely depends on what kind of actions is the government taking to protect its people and if the people are letting it treat them poorly. venus is harshly aspected - an opposition with mars, a square with pluto and jupiter…people will struggle with upholding their values and will be forced to revise them, for better or for worse. we also have neptune square north node which means there will be no clarity about where we’re headed and we will be spoonfed lies and illusions about our future. • 21st of december 2020. THE FINAL MFKING TRANSIT. okay this one is important. we have the JUPITER CONJUNCT SATURN transit here. for those of you who haven’t heard, that’s one of the most important aspects ever. it’s known as “the great conjunction” and it occurs like every 20 years. it signifies the transition between death and birth, ripeness and decay. that’s that one rare moment where expansion and restriction melt together and create a sparkle, something new but ancient, something that binds together past and future…something eternal. people born with that conjunction in their chart are usually complex mfs who either break down under the weight of trying to combine those two polarities together or create something extremely enduring and fortunate. people born with an inconjunction of jupiter and saturn like me are miserable fools tho lmao. anyway so that conjunction happens in the very first degree of aquarius - right on the 0. this is the beginning of the cycle, like…an intro into the new age of aquarius, if you will (even if we’re far from it actually). that’s when the virus will be gone for good and we would have to combine the expansive vision of jupiter with the good parts of the structure and discipline saturn has taught us over the years. we have sun conjunct mercury in capricorn at 0 degrees so this is a time when hard work has to be put into rational thinking and building up structures. mars is square pluto - there is violence in the air, people are on edge. neptune is still square north node, making our future blurry. but the pandemic will be over. now delving a bit more into the numerology of things i gotta say i’m loving the sequence between the dates: first we have the 4.4, then the 30.6, then 12.11…and the great conjunction happens at 0 degrees and we have another major conjunction on the same date again at 0 degrees! so we’re basically moving from 4 backward to the new start of zero. and then the new year begins lmfao. i’m gonna talk about the date 21.12.2020 and its meaning in numerology in another post if i ever get to it but let me finish this one with a friendly reminder:
the planets don’t necessarily show what’s going to happen. often they’re indicators of energies people take advantage of, especially people in power, in order to control how things are happening. they don’t show us the impending future. they are simple indicators of the cyclic nature of life and if we don’t make use of these cycles, someone else will - and it might be at our own expense.
stay safe y'all! and try to stay home during the pandemic
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venuspapi · 4 years
In the coming year, we will not simply find opportunity out there, waiting for us; instead, opportunities are nestled in hardship. This is the paradox that we – and Jupiter – must deal with in the year 2020.
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venuspapi · 4 years
this is my first post in months but i’m back because… i think i just have to laugh to keep from crying. all those posts about uranus in taurus showing us the consequences of human activity and perhaps letting us feel environmental effects didn’t lie but i don’t think any of us were necessarily expecting a pandemic. this is a pretty novice question, but which sign rules disease? i know Gemini rules the lungs, and communication (even of disease, i bet) but would the immune response fall under Virgo then? Virgo is also associated with bacteria, and all things small, from what i’ve read.
either way, i don’t think it matters. i just think it’s… funny seems like the wrong word to use (disrespectful, even) but like i said, i don’t think anybody expected uranus in taurus to manifest quite like this. and the violation of civil liberties in the name of public health… pluto and saturn in capricorn had a fucking field day i see. 
is there any astrological insight that y’all have seen dedicated to covid-19? let me know. i’d be really interested to read up once i’m done with all my online schoolwork lol
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venuspapi · 4 years
this is my first post in months but i’m back because... i think i just have to laugh to keep from crying. all those posts about uranus in taurus showing us the consequences of human activity and perhaps letting us feel environmental effects didn’t lie but i don’t think any of us were necessarily expecting a pandemic. this is a pretty novice question, but which sign rules disease? i know Gemini rules the lungs, and communication (even of disease, i bet) but would the immune response fall under Virgo then? Virgo is also associated with bacteria, and all things small, from what i’ve read.
either way, i don’t think it matters. i just think it’s... funny seems like the wrong word to use (disrespectful, even) but like i said, i don’t think anybody expected uranus in taurus to manifest quite like this. and the violation of civil liberties in the name of public health... pluto and saturn in capricorn had a fucking field day i see. 
is there any astrological insight that y’all have seen dedicated to covid-19? let me know. i’d be really interested to read up once i’m done with all my online schoolwork lol
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venuspapi · 4 years
scorpio placements think withholding what they know is to their benefit until they realize other people don’t know what they know because scorpio placements have done so intentionally but now everyone is disturbing you because they’re doubting your character and your loyalty and everything you were trying to avoid has now become a self-fulfilling prophecy 
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venuspapi · 4 years
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hey so uhhhhhh I’m friends with astrolocherry’s personal page and I just. hm. I’m very confused.
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