#i'll return to this when guanyin temple happens
mxtxfanatic · 2 years
This is a little random, but during the Nie Mingjue flashbacks, when this part happened:
He knew of people’s likes and dislikes so that he could find suitable solutions; he loved running errands and could do twice the work with half the effort. Thus, Jin GuangYao could be said to be quite a talent at analyzing others’ interests. Nie MingJue was the only person whom Jin GuangYao couldn’t probe out any useful information about.
—Chapt. 49: Guile, exr
...it got me thinking of about what interests he could have possibly found of Lan Xichen’s to exploit. But now that I’ve read a few interactions between Jin Guangyao and Lan Xichen, I think what Jin Guangyao exploits is Lan Xichen’s wish to be a good person without having to face any hard decisions and run the risk of being wrong. He is negatively motivated by guilt.
During the time when Nie Mingjue was still alive but after his feelings towards Jin Guangyao had soured, Jin Guangyao spent a lot of time discussing his issues with Lan Xichen in a way he didn’t do with Nie Mingjue even when their relationship was good. He confides in Lan Xichen about his struggles in Koi Tower, his plans for the lookout towers, and Nie Mingjue’s violent hatred of him. (And some of these complaints feel like they are presented in much the same way Nie Huaisang asks for help of Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao in his good-for-nothing act!) But Jin Guangyao never asks for anything too strenuous of Lan Xichen, nothing that would put him in a hard place.
When the Jin contingent turn their ire towards Jin Guangyao, he doesn’t ask Lan Xichen for help or to intercede on his behalf. He only asks that Lan Xichen help him expand the hunting grounds “if it won’t bother him.” He doesn’t seem to ask Lan Xichen to argue in support of the lookout towers for him, only to support him as he makes the leap. He asks that Lan Xichen appeal to Nie Mingjue on his behalf, but Lan Xichen was already doing that. Jin Guangyao keeps Lan Xichen around as background support for his different machinations, which allows him to keep his long-suffering but persistent hero persona while making Lan Xichen feel like he has made a difference by being the shoulder the other man cries on. Nothing materially changes for Jin Guangyao with Lan Xichen’s actions.
However, the moment Lan Xichen begins to doubt Jin Guangyao, such as in the Koi Tower discussion conference when Wei Wuxian discovers Nie Mingjue’s head, Jin Guangyao flips to guilting Lan Xichen. Now, Lan Xichen is no longer Jin Guangyao’s only support in the face of adversity; he is just another man in a long list of people who have forsaken poor, downtrodden Meng Yao for his shameful background. When everyone busts in the Jin treasury room and Wei Wuxian accuses him of harboring Nie Mingjue’s head, Jin Guangyao pivots to Lan Xichen, saying “of course you would assume I was the murderer,” which makes Lan Xichen feel guilty. When definitive proof is found of Jin Guangyao’s involvement in Nie Mingjue’s murder and his jade token is revoked, Jin Guangyao shows up to the Cloud Recesses, personally, to throw it into Lan Xichen’s face that he is abandoning their decades-long friendship for falsehoods (negative motivation) before switching to Lan Xichen’s sense of righteousness, his want to be good (positive motivation) by telling him about the new plans to siege the Burial Mounds again in order to trick him into going back to Koi Tower.
Jin Guangyao dangles this carrot and stick over Lan Xichen head right until his very death.
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crzyimp · 11 months
Finally! Enough time to breath and be unhinged over this book! A lot has happened but hopefully I'm back and being consistent now. I'll throw my thoughts on chapters(some more than others) I missed up to the latest!
Chapter 11, Burocracy! (the horror)
Emperor Taizong goes to the underworld to explain his case against the 10 kings after promising to save the old dragon but failed too. Promises or giving your word was(and I think still is) a big deal. It's tied to how committed, trustworthy, and reliable you are. It's the intent you give to the other and the strong meaning behind. In some cultures, you can be cursed to a terrible fate if you break it. So Taizong explains his side of the story and the king agreed he tried his humanly best and not in trouble. Which instead of a meeting, this could've been discussed over a letter. The kings tell him he has 13 years left to live, I rather I didn't know but that's just me, and he thanks them. He tours the underworld to see the inter workings and all the men he sent to death or killed. Taizong given a chance to start changing his ways and to save the lost souls who passed before returning to the living. Once the Emperor returns, he makes changes post haste by allowing concubines free and marrying officials, allowing those on death row to visit family and tie up loose ends for one year before their death, and giving offerings to the lost souls so they can pass on. Then he sends Liu Quan to posion himself to offer melons as thanks to the 10 kings.
Chapter 12:
You can't convince me that Liu Quan and the emperor’s sister didn't have something going on. I find it a little to convenient that his wife gets to have the sister's body. Either there was affair or something shady. Anyways, the emperor goes about giving thanks to those who helped him in the living, which leads up to Buddhism being popularize and temples in his name. And our good boy Xuanzang, Child River Float, the man who has many names/titles just like Sun Wukong. He's giving another name, Tripitaka, things and people to help him out his journey to the west.
Chapter 13:
Tripitaka gets kidnapped and watch his men and possibly friends devoured in front of him. The gods are on his side and saves him(literally) from being eaten himself and escapes. He's still in the Tang region and encounters a nice country man who gives him shelter, food, and a guide out of the territory.
Chapter 14:
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Wukong back! And Tripitaka frees him out of the mountain after learning who and what Wukong's crimes are. Tripitaka trust him enough since old monkey didn't lie, HOWEVER!, Wukong the sneaky shit didn't mention how he pissed on Buddha's hand. The monk may have pardoned him not knowing that, but I'll always remember his piss crimes(never forget never forgiven!). After Wukong freed and given +1 tiger skin, the dou are actually pretty sweet and nice to each other. Though it might be the high for Wukong being free again and Tripitaka feeling safe against worldly and otherworldly threats. That all changes one winter day when six bandits attack and Wukong murked them. Then the two argued over it and Wukong leaves. Thankfully not mad enough to make the monk into a meat patty, but I could argue and say Wukong got some time to get to know Tripitaka. The two been traveling more than a few days, enough time to start getting to know each other better and forming a bond. So! With that in mind, Wukong goes back to his mountain but makes a pit stop at the dragon palace(maybe a subtle I'm back) for tea. The old kings catch up and the dragon king reminds Wukong he's been given another chance to be a true immortal and on the path of good. Now pre havoc Wukong wouldn't gives two shits and leaves without a second thought, post havoc Wukong however...does care (a little) and decides to go back. Finally putting his all into this journey, even telling a unhappy Guanyin he's going back. He joins up with Tripitaka.....and gets tricked into wearing the headband. Now don't be mad at our monk cause when he stops Wukong does tries to kill him AND left him defenseless and alone. So the two learn some new things about each other and themselves.
Chapter 15:
Lost a horse and gain a dragon horse after the dragon horse ate the other horse. The boys couldn't do much so they called Guanyin, or Wukong convinced them after some talking.
Chapter 16, 17, and 18
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(go a head and steal the meme. Share it with your friends and the world)
Running theme or joke that Wukong needs Guanyin help to take care of the problems in the way. Especially in chapter 16 after burning down a monastery and having a rather beautiful cassock stolen. But hey! Guanyin gets a free bear to guard her place.
Now for chapter 18! Everyone favorite idiot, Zhu Bajie!
I like the fact the family might have been cool with Bajie if wasn't eating them out of their homes, letting them see their daughter, actually taking care of her(poor girl was so sickly when freed!), and ya know being upfront with what he is and not lying to them. If he was upfront about who he is and showed he's trustworthy then maybe he could've gotten a wife. (I can see a retelling like this, beauty and the beast ess) But know idiot being idiot didn't do any of that and now got a terrifying monkey on his back. Well until Guanyin shows up while he was hiding from Wukong(that is a horror in of itself). Another party member! Whoo! Still no meat for you Bajie. Be bitchless and get bald like the rest of us. (Not me though, I'm just here for the ride like the dragon horse)
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gusu-emilu · 3 years
Top 5 Wen Ning Scenes
1. Golden core reveal
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There are so many things I love about this scene. We've seen Wen Ning physically protect others many times before, but this is him forging his own path with emotional and verbal assertiveness. It's not a clear-cut right or wrong choice either: Wen Ning stands up for Wei Wuxian at the same time he is breaking his promise to keep the secret. (interesting that his biggest moments in the narrative involve some form of treachery - betraying his clan, harming Wei Wuxian's family, breaking a promise. a bit of a stretch to add, but even his existence as a fierce corpse goes against against the nature of life)
In this scene he is also standing up for himself as much as for Wei Wuxian--Jiang Cheng hits him with Zidian three times, and each time he stands up and returns with staggered but determined steps. He's normally so soft-spoken, but here we get to hear him raise his voice (and even kinda growl. god i love the growls). I also enjoy that Wen Qing is finally mentioned by name post-timeskip.
Although throughout the scene Wen Ning is visibly angry, he also seems very sad, especially once everyone has left. He carried this secret for so long, helped the core transfer happen and saw its consequences, and now he's seen Jiang Cheng's visceral reaction to the knowledge. Being the bearer of the truth isn't necessarily a pleasant thing.
2. Committing treason with a smile
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Here's a gif of the smiley tap tap which is my favorite thing in the world
Wen Ning using his strengths! He has knowledge of medicine, so he drugs the wine. He knows his status isn't taken very seriously, so his excuse of just stopping by because he wanted to see what happened does the job.
I also love that he has this very brief nervous gesture when the guards approach (do I hold the jar with one hand? two hands? aaaghh how do i make this seem casual??) and then by the time the guards reach him, he's 100% in the zone and lies with such confidence and cheerfulness
3. Dramatic entrance at Guanyin Temple
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A good portion of my reasoning for this one is head empty only Ghost General. The lightning?? The mean glare?? Dragging Baxia behind him??? This moment is too good!
I also enjoy that initially, everyone thinks it's Nie Mingjue. And Jin Guangyao, who is already having the worst last-farewell-date-with-erge-turned-dysfunctional-family-reunion ever, and is running on dangerously high levels of paranoia, and has already gotten jumpscared by Nie Mingjue's body replacing his mom's corpse, now thinks Da-ge is back and coming for him. But that's just some added spice.
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I'll also lump this scene with Wen Ning saving Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng from Baxia. In the past, Wen Ning killed under the control of resentful energy. Here, he's able to fight Baxia's possession and save the son of the man he never meant to kill. About as chill-inducing as the novel version of Guanyin Temple where Wen Ning is pierced through the chest the same way Jin Zixuan was.
4. Bonding with A-Yuan
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Reunited with his last living relative! Wen Ning has someone to tell all his stories too :) Their relationship is so gentle, and I love how Sizhui actively reaches out to Wen Ning before he even knows the truth of his identity.
Also, I adore the giant stiff hand gestures Wen Ning makes while talking.
5. Chef A-Ning
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One of the first things Wen Ning does once getting his consciousness back is to cook all the dishes for Wei Wuxian's dinner party. And also apparently get charcoal all over his face while doing it. He is the sweetest. He makes another great appearance later looking so cute by literally just holding a tray.
I love how once his consciousness is restored, he is welcomed back so lovingly by his family and is integrated into their daily lives right away--shopping in town, farming, selling turnips, etc.
In this scene, Wen Qing proudly tells Wei Wuxian that "A-Ning" did the cooking, and Wei Wuxian repeats the name "A-Ning" which is one of the few times (that I know of) that he refers to Wen Ning by this term of endearment...Burial Mounds family really does something to me.
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(ask me my top 5 anything)
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ninjakk · 2 years
Hi! I really like your Metas about MDZS. I want to hear your opinion about this one in particular. When LXC was revealing all that happened at Nightless City, after the "Get lost!" scene, it mentioned that WWX's eyes reddened. I'm quite at a loss on how to interpret this. Was he mad or overwhelmed with emotion that he was about cry? Actually curious of your thoughts on WWX's feelings fluctuating since JGY started mentioning LWJ's pining.
Hi Anon,
Thank you for the ask! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying my meta 🥰
I'll answer your questions in chronological order as it appears in chapter 99, or it might get a little confusing for everyone ☺️
During the scene you are referring to, WWX was as you said, overwhelmed with quite complex emotions. As we know, WWXs emotions were already extremely raw before he even went near Guanyin Temple that night. WWX had just had a huge misunderstanding with LWJ not that long ago. He was absolutely heartbroken, assuming LWJ did not return his feelings and thought he had taken advantage of him while apparently still drunk.
After WWX was caught at the temple alone without LWJ, LXC and JGY were perplexed as to why LWJ is not with him. Ironically, it was JGYs words that sparked a tiny bit of hope within WWXs heart. Obviously I don't think this was JGYs intention, it was more of a way to manipulate WWX by distracting him enough to lower his guard and simultaneously cause him distress. As we know, JGY is a master at using words as a weapon. But I can't help think JGY was also just being a bit nosey and wanted WWX to spill the tea as well 🤣
Jin GuangYao, “Of course not. I just had to comment. HanGuang- Jun spent so many years in yearning, and even today he hasn’t gotten his happy ending yet. Not only does Sect Leader Lan have a good reason to feel impatient, even an outsider can’t bear watching it.” Wei WuXian whirled around, “What yearning? What happy ending?” Hearing this, both Jin GuangYao and Lan XiChen seemed surprised. They examined his expression carefully, as though trying to see if he was purposely pretending to be oblivious. Wei WuXian’s heart suddenly began to pound, like something that had been dead for more than half the night suddenly bursted alive in his chest again. He forced himself to be calm, “What do you mean?
Although WWX was being held hostage, hearing JGYs words instantly made his heart pound - probably from a mixture of excitement, anxiety and worry. WWX was anxious and excited to find out if LWJ felt the same way about him. He wants nothing more than to hear this finally confirmed! But he is probably also feeling a little worried at how LWJ must be feeling right now, if his feelings are indeed returned. After all, WWX brushed off their romp as nothing more than 'guys helping each other out' because he thought LWJ had just sobered up (he sobered up long before) and regretted the situation. He's so desperate to know the truth, his mind is probably frantic at that moment, full of strong emotions.
Hearing that LWJ might actually return his feelings, he pressed LXC to the point he got uncharacteristically angry. WWX was in quite a lot of emotional distress while LXC had his infamous rant. Which I have to say although rather harsh, was only because LXC cares for his younger brother very deeply.
When we arrived, you sat blankly on a rock within the cave. Holding your hand, WangJi was giving you spiritual energy. He kept on whispering to you. But throughout the whole time, you repeated the same two words at him. “Get lost!” Wei WuXian’s throat was dry. His eyes were red as well. He couldn’t say a single thing.
WWX eyes reddened because he was so upset, in so much emotional pain, he was indeed holding back tears. He's just realised how deeply LWJ loves him. He's just found out LWJ saved him and went against his own sect to try and protect him. He's just been told that after all of that, he said nothing more to LWJ than 'get lost'. Obviously WWX was catatonic and wasn't even really aware what was going on, or what he was saying at the time. I've covered this in a previous post, in case anyone wants to read more into the scene - so I won't go into it too much.
WWX has also just found out that he is the indirect cause of the discipline whip scars on LWJ's back. And finally, the thought of all the pain he has inadvertently caused LWJ (both physically and mentally) over the span of both his lives, is too much for him to bear. Not to mention the pain he must be feeling from trying to recall events that have caused him deeply rooted trauma. So it's no wonder poor WWX is close to crying - something which he very rarely does usually.
It's an incredibly emotional chapter and there are lots of feelings flooding to the surface. But at least we know LWJ and WWX do indeed get their happy ending together at last 💞
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