#i'm a choir and theater kid i have a performance within the first two or so weeks of january and i open a show in the almost third week
hot-cocoa-addict · 2 years
chapter 3 is up baby! now it’s time to detail the story of why the hell it took me so long to get this up, under the cut.
turnitin.com’s plagiarism checker.
“what do you mean by that?” i definitely hear you asking because you are definitely asking this yes you are shhhh. well boy do i have the answer for you!
y’know how i said i was writing consequences stuff for my nanowrimo project this year? yeah, so, we also did a nanowrimo assignment in my creative writing class. it was just the 10k goal of the young writer’s program (i say that like 10k in a month isn’t impressive, don’t get me wrong it IS i just wrote a lot more than 10k and had a goal 5 times that amount personally) . my teacher, upon hearing how much i had written, said it was okay if i only turned in a 10k or so segment of my story so she could see i had indeed written. this was the first chapter i hadn’t posted that was over 10k words, and hoo boy was i glad i waited this long to post it, because while i had 0% similarity it did for whatever reason catch a few sentence fragments that ultimately made no sense because nothing was ever in context. but one of the things it “caught” was from AO3 so thank god i waited to post this.
that is, in fact, literally the main. i know it’s not much, but in my defense i also do choir and theater through my school, we had a choir concert on wednesday last week and we have a show opening in a month and some odd amount of hours. so not a lot of time. please don’t expect me to post anything for a bit honestly guys i’m a lead in the show and i have had to clear my january calendar of literally everything not theater related i really do not think chapter 4 is coming until february. sorry.
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kkaebsongtypo · 7 years
A Change of Plans // Mark Lee pt. 1
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(A/N: I was reading fake texts and i was just hit in the heart like ‘damn. I love Mark so much.’ then i started cooking and i just randomly thought of High School musical, and now here i am. Writing a High School musical inspired Mark Lee scenario. The musical i used in this in here was Dear Evan Hansen because i’m absolute trash for that musical. Also, it’s like hella basic because you’re casted as Zoe who is like the female lead, and Mark is casted as Evan Hansen, the male lead. T O T A L L Y  B A S I C. but it’s cute nonetheless :) I hope you  enjoy :D)
pairing: mark x fem theater nerd!reader
genre: (in later parts) fluff, because when have i ever written anything else
warnings/notes: cussing, but that’s about it. The musical may be triggering? I don’t like spoil it or anything, but if you want to know what it’s actually about then you can google it :)
word count: 27280
Side Note: I would highly recommend listening to the soundtrack if you haven’t :)
“You have got to be kidding me.” Mark stood staring at the sheet pinned to the bulletin board. Donghyuck chuckled from where he stood, leaning against the wall.
“I wasn’t lying.” he spoke, looking at Mark and shrugging.
“How am I casted as the Evan Hansen?? How am I the lead? H O W Hyuck?!” Mark turned to Donghyuck with a look of utter confusion and panic.
“This is not how this was supposed to play out.”
-2 weeks earlier-
"Come on dude!"
"It'll be fun!" Mark rolled his eyes as Donghyuck and Jeno continued badgering him.
“Alright! Alright! If I do this, will you guys finally shut up?!” the two other boys nodded eagerly and that was that. Giving in to their peer pressure, Mark scribbled his name on the audition sign up sheet. There was no going back now.
-Day of the Auditions-
“MARK. HURRY UP. WE HAVE TWENTY MINUTES.” Jeno and Donghyuck shoved Marks bag into his locker before dragging him to the theater. Twenty minutes until Donghyucks audition; Jeno was right after; and then it was Marks.
The past week was filled with Donghyucks tutoring; memorizing the audition lines and the audition song: Waving Through a Window. Mark wouldn’t admit it, but he kind of fell in love with the song. He often found himself humming it while doing homework, or walking home. Although he likes the song, that does not mean he was looking forward to this audition.
Of course, it didn’t take long for the three boys to reach the theater. Jeno checked his phone and took a deep breath. Hyuck did the same thing, and smiled.
“Fifteen minutes. You’ll do great dude.” Jeno spoke up and patted Hyucks shoulder. He looked back at Jeno with a look of almost excitement.
“Oh yeah, of course. This is nothing new. We’ve been doing this for years, Jeno. I’m just really pumped.” Jeno chuckled at Hyucks response. He was right though, he and Jeno have been doing this for years. They’ve always been apart of theater together. Mark looked at the two and smiled. Their heads turned to the theater door as it opened. Revealing Ms. Lee, one of the two choir teachers.
“Oh Donghyuck, Jeno, you’re already here.” She smiled at the boys before glancing at the clock.
“Donghyuck, would you like to maybe start early? You could come in now.” Hyuck nodded and followed Ms. Lee into the theater after looking between Jeno and Mark, who smiled at him reassuringly. Jeno looked over to Mark as the door shut.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Mark turned to Jeno, and sighed with a slight chuckle.
“Ah, well. I’m alright. I’m pretty nervous if I’m being honest.” He leaned his head against the wall, looking up. Jeno nodded and spoke softly.
“Yeah, I remember my first audition, grade 7. I totally bombed it. Well, that’s what I thought at least. I ended up getting casted as the supporting character, who happened to be the main character's best friend. Hyuck was that main character, and that’s when we really got close. We kind of developed our love for theater together. At this point, we’ve auditioned for every musical together, and we’ve always been casted. It just takes practice.” Mark watched as Jeno spoke.
“You’ve been practicing with Hyuck right?” Mark nodded. Jeno smiled and rested his hand on Mark’s shoulder briefly.
“You’ll do great. You were basically being tutored by one of the most dedicated theater nerds in this school. Trust me, Hyuck wouldn’t let you go into this without being ready. I know you might not feel ready, but you are.” Mark smiled at Jeno’s words. Within a short few minutes, the door opened and Hyuck walked out, Ms. Lee following close behind.
“Jeno, come on in.” Hyuck sat next to Mark on the floor as Jeno made his way into the theater after giving a thumbs up to his two friends.
“How was it?” Mark asked Hyuck once the door clicked shut. Hyuck glanced at Mark before letting out a breathy laugh, as he noticed the slight worry in Mark’s voice.
“It was good. Pretty simple and straight up. They’ll ask you what part you practiced and then they’ll ask you to go through the script with them from memory; just like I did with you. After that they’ll ask you to sing for them, and you’ll sing Waving Through a Window. They’ll most likely give you a bit of feedback and then that’s all really.” He gave Mark a reassuring smile.
“Don’t worry too much dude. I know you’ll do great. You know your lines, you know the song. Don’t worry about your voice either. You have a great voice, a great tone, trust me. You got this.” Mark looked at Donghyuck and nodded with a deep sigh.
“Do you want to go over your lines, practice a little?” Hyuck turned his body to face Mark as he did the same.
“Please...” Mark smiled nervously before Hyuck started to recite script. Minutes later, Jeno came out and smiled at Mark. Mark’s eyes shot to Ms. Lee, as she looked at her clipboard and read out his name.
“Mark Lee? Come on in.” She smiled softly as Jeno and Hyuck gave him some last minute reassurance. Mark took another deep breath and walked into the theater. He stopped on the stage in front of the staff.
“Alright. Hello Mark. I’m Ms. Lee, this is Mr. Oh, and Ms. Kim. How are you doing?” Ms. Lee started basic conversation, which Mark was very grateful for. Almost as if it was an ice breaker.
“Okay, which script did you prepare with for today?” Ms. Lee asked. Mark smiled softly.
“Uh, the one scene between Evan and Zoe.” Ms. Lee nodded and started to recite Zoe’s lines. Mark continued with the familiar lines as the scene went on.
“Okay, now, moving on to the singing portion. Which song did you pick? Mark smiled and rocked forward on his toes slightly.
"Waving Through a Window." Ms. Lee smiled and nodded.
Would you like the instrumental or do you want to sing it acapella?”
“Oh, uh, instrumental please..” Mark took a deep breath as Mr. Oh pressed play and the music started up. He closed his eyes as he began singing.
“I’ve learned to slam on the break, Before I even turn the key, Before I make the mistake, Before I lead with the worst of me.. Give them no reason to stare, No slippin up if you slip away, So I’ve got nothing to share, No I’ve got nothing to say.”
He began slightly shaky, but as the song continued, he grew more confident.
“Step out, Step out of the sun if you keep gettin burned. Step out, Step out of the sun because you’ve learned, Because you’ve learned..”
He could feel a smile making it’s way onto his face as he reached the chorus. At this moment, he felt no nerves. He felt… free.
“On the outside always lookin in will I Ever be more than i’ve always been, Cause’ I’m tap, tap, tappin on the glass I’m waving through a window oh I Try to speak but nobody can hear so I Wait around for an answer to appear While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass, I’m waving through a window oh, Can anybody see, Is anybody waving back at me.?”
Mark glaned at the teachers in front of him, to see them smiling. Mr. Oh stopped the music and Ms. Lee spoke up.
“Thank you Mark, that was great. Just a few notes; You’re stage presents grew the longer you were up here, you clearly got more comfortable. Quickly, you seemed to enjoy your time on stage, is this your first audition for a school musical?” Mark nodded and Ms. Lee smiled, continuing with the notes.
“It was amazing for a first audition. You seemed to enjoy your time on stage. You had very good expression; while going through the script and while singing. Uhm, yes. Over all, that was a great audition. The casting will be posted on the bulletin board right out in the hall next Friday. Thank you again.” Mark smiled and bowed to the staff, thanking them before heading towards the door.
“Hey! How was it?” Donghyuck and Jeno hurried to Mark as he stepped out of the theater.
“Oh, uh it was-” Mark began, only to be slightly interrupted by Ms. Lee calling the next name.
“Y/N, ah good, come on in dear.” Ms. Lee called.
“Hey, good luck!” Donghyuck called out to the girl as she entered the theater. Jeno shot her a smile and a thumbs up, she returned the two gestures before letting the door shut.
“Uh, anyways, it was pretty good. They said that it was pretty good for my first time auditioning for something..” Mark trailed off as the trio made their way to exit the school.
“See! We knew you’d do great! We gotta celebrate!” Jeno smiled proudly and started walking towards the bubble tea store near their school.
-Present day-
"You guys said it was just for fun!" Mark exclaimed in a panic.
"Come on dude. This is great! We're finally going to be on stage all together! We even have a performance with just the three of us! Sincerely, Me! That's so exciting Mark!" Jeno pushed the positives to drown out Marks panic and delirious state.
Mark read over the casting list once more, just to be sure his eyes weren't deceiving him.
Evan Hansen - Mark Lee Heidi Hansen - Jung EunBi Connor Murphy - Lee DongHyuck Zoe Murphy - Y/N Y/l/N Cynthia Murphy - Choi YuNa Larry Murphy - Jung YoonOh Jered Kleinman - Lee JeNo Alana Beck - Myoui Mina ... ... ...
Reality finally sank in. Mark was the lead of the musical. He thought back to his audition and what Ms. Lee said. ‘You seemed to enjoy your time on stage.’ he knew she was right. He loved being on stage.
‘Rehearsals start Monday, February 5th.’
Mark sighed in slight panic once again. He had this weekend to do some research on this musical so he’d be ready for Monday. He looked to his two friends who were chatting happily about choir, or something like that.
“Alright guys. Do you think you two could come over this weekend and teach me everything I need to know about this musical?” Hyuck and Jeno lit up with excitement and agreed right away.
“We can start now!” and with that, Hyuck was leading the other two toward Mark's house.
As the threee boys got comfortable in Mark's room, Donghyuck pulled his laptop out of his bag and pulled up the soundtrack.
“Okay. You already know the basics, so we’ll start with performances. The first performance is ‘Anybody Have a Map’ and it’s performed by...”Mark listened to Donghyuck as he explained the performance, taking mental notes of who sang what, when, and with who. This was going to be a long night.
-Monday @ rehersals-
“Alright everyone! Welcome to the first meeting for our musical this year, Dear Evan Hanson!” Mr. Oh welcomed enthusiastically. The room was full of students. Some were cast, some were makeup artists, some were there for tech crew, other’s were in charge props. Mark didn’t realize how many people would be there for this meeting.
After Mr. Oh and Ms. Lee dismissed all but the actors, they handed out the scripts.
"Evan Hansen."Mr. Oh called. Mark walked up and got his script and returned to his chair between Hyuck and Jeno. He opened up the booklet and was immediately greeted with the acts. The songs were listed along with who sang where. As he read though, he thought back to everything Jeno and Donghyuck told him about the performances; what the songs were about, what emotions they held, whether they were upbeat or not, etc.
Act 1
"Anybody Have a Map?" - Heidi, Cynthia
"Waving Through a Window" - Evan
"For Forever" - Evan
"Sincerely, Me" - Connor, Evan, Jared
"Requiem" - Zoe, Cynthia, Larry
"If I Could Tell Her" - Evan, Zoe
"Disappear" - Connor, Evan, Alana, Jared, Larry, Cynthia, Zoe
"You Will Be Found" - Company
Act 2
"Sincerely, Me" (Reprise)** - Connor, Jared
"To Break in a Glove" - Larry, Evan
"Only Us" - Zoe, Evan
"Good for You" - Heidi, Alana, Jared, Evan
"For Forever" (Reprise)** - Connor
"You Will Be Found" (Reprise)** - Company
"Words Fail" - Evan
"So Big/So Small" - Heidi
"Finale" - Company
Mark took note of where he sang and who he sang with. He mentally face palmed because he didn’t realize how many songs he sang alone; forgetting that he was the main character. He flipped through the script as the teachers spoke, observing all of his lines. Before he knew it, they were being dismissed.
“Don’t forget, we’ll be meeting every Wednesday and Friday. From 3:30 to 6:00.” Ms. Lee called out before everyone filed out of the room.
-Wednesday @ 1st official rehearsal-
Mark, Hyuck, and Jeno made their way to the theater for rehearsals. When they walked inside, they were greeted by Mr. Oh and Ms. Lee, along with the rest of the cast buzzing around. As the last few members came in, everyone took a seat in the first few rows of the theater. Mr. Oh and Ms. Lee made their way onto the stage and began to speak.
“Hello everyone! Today we are going to just listen to the songs in the order they’ll be performed in. So, just be sure to have your scripts on hand and follow along with they lyrics in the last few pages. After each song, we’ll talk about the singers and how they will potentially perform. Alright, let’s get to it.” Mr. Oh finished and pressed play on his laptop.
The first song was ‘Anybody Have a Map’ which would be sang by Heidi Hansen and Cynthia Murphy, Evan and Conner’s mothers.
“Alright. So that song, will be performed by EunBi and YuNa...” Ms. Lee spoke more directly to the two girls, who listened more intently than most other’s. Then, they continued on.
“Waving Through a Window. All of you are familiar with this one. This will be performed by Mark, who is our Evan Hansen. Mark, you did great with this song in your audition so the actually performance will be similar to how you did there...”
“Sincerely, Me. Mark, DongHyuck, and Jeno. You boy’s are close right? So this song, as heard, is fun and a little more loose. There will be some 'choreography', but nothing too crazy. This performance should come to you three almost naturally, it’s basically like three close friends fooling around and having fun...”
“Requiem. Y/N, our Zoe, will start off. A little later on into the song, we have YuNa and YoonOh come in. This song is a lot slower than the previous. Of course, this song is beautiful. Y/N, you sang it amazingly in your audition, so it should be easy for you three to mend your voices...”
“If I Could Tell Her is a little bit of a different kind of song. Mark, you will be the one singing most of it, but there is also some dialogue between you and Y/N. So this performance will be a little more like a conversation, similar to Sincerly, Me...”
After going through all of the songs, there was about half an hour left. Mr. Oh and Ms. Lee decided to dismiss the class. Jeno, Hyuck, and Mark made their way out after the everyone else. By the time they exited the school, Mark realized that he left his script back in the theater. He mumbled a quiet ‘shoot’ before telling the other two and hurrying back to the theater.
He pushed open the door and quickly scanned the room before his eyes landed on a someone sitting on the edge of the stage. He quietly walked in, and made his way towards the unknown figure. Once he got close enough, he recognized them to be one of the actresses.
“Uhm, hey” She jumped slightly at the sound of his voice. She looked up and pulled out her earbuds. Mark gave her a small smile. Hm.. that was kind of adorable.. She smiled back, and put her phone down after pausing her music.
"Hi, um, I'm Y/N."
HOOOKAY. So this is going to be my first serise. I love Dear Evan Hansen, and I thought it would be a cute base thing in a scenario. I'm hoping to have the next part uploaded in a few weeks. I have quite a bit going on in school, and I haven't written any more parts. I am working on some individual scenarios though, so look forward to those! I hope you enjoyed this is little part 1/prologue thing! The next one will be up as soon as I can get it done! ~ Jae☾
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