#i'm a hoe for mhib
subskywalker · 4 years
I’m having a day so it’s time for a reread of my all time fave fic mhib here I come ✌🏽🥺🤧
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subskywalker · 4 years
“The thing is I already met my soulmate. And maybe he isn’t in love with me yet but we’re meant and I’m in love with him. It’s hard and it hurts and sometimes I think it might have been easier if I didn’t fall in love with him. But I am. I’m in love with and I have been my entire life, so I’m willing to wait for him. I’m willing to wait for him to figure himself out and what he wants because I know he’s it for me. And I know he’s in love with me too because what we have is real. So I can’t pretend to be in love with someone else when I’m in love with him.” AND I GO FUCKING FERAL!!!!
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subskywalker · 4 years
Oh to slow dance in the kitchen and laugh with each other and make promises of forever late at night while tipsy on wine and both your favorite songs play on the radio. And kiss each other until all your fears fall away, and you think: this. this is the forever I want. To be ridiculous and dance barefoot in the kitchen and singing to the love of your life their favorite love song because you never once thought you’d get to have this, that you’d get to be happy. And for once you’ve never been more happier than to be proven wrong.
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They’re so in love....I’m fuckign 🤧🥺🥺🥺🥺I JUST GO FERAL!!!! I GO FERAL OVER THIS FIC EVERYTIME WTF WTF WTF!!! I’m gonna Sue the author for emotional distress I swear to god
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subskywalker · 4 years
pls link the mhib fic 🥺,i am obikin deprived rn and watching you gush over that fic is making me feel impatient kajwkdjej
Thanks for sending this love!😊😊😊💙💙💙 I’m super sorry for answering this late!:(((
Ashjbk highkey mayhaps I will post the link to the fic!!🤗 Honestly the whole reason why I started reading that fic was bc I was looking for fics to read (while waiting for new Obikin fics) and someone from a different fandom I’m in had recced me it AND I WENT FERAL!!!!
Y’all when I say that this fic had me SHook????? Literally changed my life?????? Who was I before this fic??? IDK!!! It’s an amazing fic that written so beautifully from the relationship dynamics between the all the characters and the non linear narrative and the YEARNING!!!!! THE PINING!!! SOULAMTES IM QUAKING!!!!
The angst????? The flufff?????? The smut?????? Oh my god y’all the smut WHEN I SAY I WAS SWEATING 🥵🥵🥵
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subskywalker · 4 years
don't tease us like omg what is mhib
Thanks for sending this love!!!!💚💚💚😊😊😊 I’m super sorry for answering this super late!!:((;
MHIB is a fic that got recced to me by someone in a different fandom and is honestly one of my fave fics ever and one of the most beautifully written fics I’ve ever read tbh.
Like the au and the concept of it is so...just like...ashjbk fucking amazing???? I would’ve never thought to make that au and I really admire and love the way it was written. And I love the concept of the characters growing together and learning each other and being friends before they were anything else. And the way they just grow with each other????? Like yeah character a has always been in love with character b, but I love that they were both aware that had they gotten together when they first met it wouldn’t have been the same??? That they both needed that time to grow and learn and be the people that they are now. Like it was hard to read but like I think that scene was probably one of my favorite ones and ones that stuck out the most to me (like each scene sticks out) but that one was a conversation that needed to be had. And I think it comes from self awareness, that they both have so much growing up to do. And like I think it was a real turning point for both characters in the fic.
And honestly I think what I love about this scene is this: “You’re not in love with him, you’re in love with who he’s going to be.”
And like that sentence. That fucking sentence goddamn assassinated me bc it’s what it all comes down to tbh. That he loves Character B so much, will always love him, but there is that aspect of doubt—where it’s like “do you love him for who he is right now or do you love him for the potential of who he’s going to be?” And the answer is like a little bit of both , and it’s also that aspect of doubt that really drives that unreliable narrator and non linear narrative!!! Bc you see who they are at different points in time (past and future) before going back to the present and skipping again. And that’s exactly what I’m here for.
And it was a hard scene to read bc you can feel the heartbreak, the devestation and how true it rings. But you can also feel just how in love they both are with each other??? The certainty that they’re it for each other—that they’re soulmates—and it’s all worth it. The tenderness and the devotion is written in such a lovely way that you know and you understand it and you feel it.
And it’s a love that takes time to grow from a friendship to love, and like another scenes that
And also like the fucking imagery and symbolism??????? I’m quaking!!!!!!!!! THE REFERENCES TO CANON!!!!!!
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But oh my god was that fic one of the most heartbreaking to read (in some scenes) but it was absolutely worth it!!! I LEGIT CRIED IN LIKE EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER BC THE GODDAMN EMOTIONAL HURT COMFORT?????? THE LOVE??????? It’s heartbreaking and it’s a slow burn fic (with fluff and smut) and angst with a happy ending and one of the most beautiful aus I’ve ever read and written in such a gorgeous way that it honestly captures the characterization so perfectly?????? THE REALIZATION OF FEELINGS!!! WHEN THEY FINALLY FETBTOGETHER!!!!!! NOTHING HAS EVER BEEN MORE SATISFYING!!!!!🤧
The fucking tenderness of that fic and the unreliable and the non linear narrative!!!! I GO FERAL EVERY TIME!!!!!! THEM BEING LIKE “oh it was you, it was always going to be you?”
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subskywalker · 4 years
Honestly shout out to MHIB for making me realize I liked certain things 👀🥵 💦🔥 Like that fic really had me SWEATING 👀✌🏽(also lowkey is the reason why I want to try my hand in writing other things and expand 🥵👀✌🏽)
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subskywalker · 4 years
Bro.... you cant just kept hinting at the greatness of mhib and not drop a link. Like... please. I am desperate. Spare link? 🥫💰 *jingles coin can* Please drop a link
Thanks for sending this love!!❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊
Me rn upon reading this:
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But in all honesty like MHIB is just????? so???????? gorgeous and an iconic masterpiece of a fic with so much character and relationship growth???? Like reading how they were in the beginning and how they grew became better has me quaking???? Like wow the author really did that huh 🤧
Also, that the flaws of the characters are like acknowledged??? I just really like the exploration of the characters and their reactions in this fic bc it’s complicated and they aren’t perfect but they’re trying and they’re communicating and how they both know they’re worth it—that what they have is worth it???? A bitch is #shOOketH
Also it’s told in a non linear narrative and I’m a hoe for non linear story telling 😍✌🏽
I feel like I should make a tag specifically for this fic given how much I talk about it and go feral over it ashjbk ✌🏽🥺
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subskywalker · 4 years
My version of mhib is called in good company and it's a naruto fic, and I honestly love the characters and their growth/stagnation. Another thing that just makes this fic perfect for me is that there's this one chapter and it always brings me to tears. Like full on sobbing. Any time I need emotional catharsis, I literally just go back and read that chapter and I'm good. Like, I get it fam!!! It's so good when you have a great fic like that!
Thanks for sending this this!!💛💛💛😊😊😊
!!!!!!!!! COMPLETELY VALID!!!!!!! Everyone should have a mhib in their lives tbh!!! There’s just something about fics that just sending you into full blown sobs bc it just ruins you.💛💛
Like the writing???? The growth and the exploration of their flaws?????? The characterization????? Like honestly it’s the characterization that always leaves me shoOK??? Bc like it’s hard to keep the character close to in character as possible in an au and I love that way the author kept everything that made them them.
Tbh like this fic really did ruin me????? I fucking have the scenes and lines memorized from how often I read that fic and I be like welp I need to have a good cry time to go read MHIB. 🤧✌🏽
Like okay there’s this one scene where one of them is trying to propose right? And it takes a couple of tries but like y’all they finally got it right. SOULMATES!!!! LOVE OF EACHOTHERS LIVES!!!! He fuckngi talk Ed abOUT his dreaM proposal and weddInG AND CHARACTER B WAS LISTENING!!!! HE DIDNT THHINK HE WAS BUT HE WAS!!!! I’m!!!!!! Like pls I still can’t even think about that scene without blacking our from the fucking e m o t i o n of it all!!!!!
Fucking hate that fic!!! I hate them!!!!
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Okay y’all new ask game, tell me y’all’s version of MHIB :)
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subskywalker · 4 years
What's mhib? Can we please get a link?
Thanks for sending this love!!!🤎🤎🤎😊😊😊
MHIB is a HONESTKY one of the best fics I have ever read. Like honestly the writing??????? The entire au???????? THE YEARNING AND PINING!!!!!! IM SO?????? THIS IS SO???????? Just thinking about it!??????? Wtf wtf wtf
Pls have this reaction moodboard of me reading this fic 🥺🤧✌🏽
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