#i'm a lesbian and i kinda cycle through a few of them
agentperezbian · 4 months
I'm curious. Tag this with your sexuality and what your favorite M/F ship is.
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hyatoro · 3 years
What's your opinion on omegaverse? Do you like it?
This response gets long so I'll drop it under the cut. Basically my entire take on Omegaverse. It is absolutely subject to change but these are my thoughts for now. I'll also link this to the rules for anyone that wants to request omegaverse so they can see how my personal take on Omegaverse works.
TLDR; I like some aspects but generally take it for plot progression rather than get into specifics like what goes on downstairs unless I got to.
I do write for omegaverse if that's what you're asking. BUT if you're going to request omegaverse then you HAVE to read what's below.
I like bits and pieces of it. I also like mixing and matching stuff like whether or not alphas and/or omegas are common etc etc. When we get to genitals I just kinda. gloss over it? Like. I'm not going to get into cloacas and retractable dicks and stuff. That's too much going on that I don't care enough about.
What I DO like is scenting/marking/etc the 'animalistic' behaviors and how easy it is to use that to make things horny. It's also really cute when making characters help each other through ruts/heats non sexually though.
While I do understand that Alpha/Omega ≠ Dom/Sub, that's kinda how it is as a majority? Do you know what I mean? Like there's definitely Dom!OmegaxSub!Alpha works out there, but if I'm going to write it personally I just make the reader the alpha 80% of the time. But I also really fucking love Alpha's cowering in fear of an Omega who's proven themselves time and time again, not in a harem/poly sense though. I don't personally do harem/poly (which is stated in the rules).
I also like the multiple stances on where Betas stand. Like there are some where they're just normal people. Some where they get both side effects of alphas and omegas without as much of a benefit. Some where they are actually the exceptions where they just don't fit in and are outcasts.
Once we get into more than ABO and into more roles like deltas and shit then you've lost me. I don't go past ABO.
Also while ABO originated for gay ships I'm mostly versed in straight/lesbian parts of ABO fiction. That's cause I'm a bi woman so I generally only read things where I can project onto one of the characters and that usually means one of the characters is a woman.
When we get into pregnancy though oh boy... It's fiction. Anything can happen however you want. For me, my omegaverse has it so that women, no matter if they are abo, can have kids. BUT abo status does have an affect on how successful/safe it is to bear a child. All omegas can give birth. Yeah mpreg but I'm not getting into the details fill in the blanks yourself. If you want the dude to have a vagina+dick+asshole go ahead.
All Alphas + Men can impregnate. But similar deal where ABO changes your success rate. So a lot of Omega men have almost infertile sperm (but still possible depending on if the plot wills it)
Betas are literally just chilling based on where they are above. If they're just normal people then it's whatever I don't have to explain. If they got both cycles then during heats theyre uh. breedable lmaooo. during ruts they're chances of doing the impregnating go up.
Presenting happens in teenage years, like high school age. No I will not go into detail about the physical stuff my brain hurts. With heats/ruts at early years they aren't that intense. Like how it was for me when I first started getting periods lol. Nowadays I've been getting cramps and headaches though so I'm equating them to that. Heats/ruts only actually get bad when they've presented for a couple years. So like the first few years are training wheels where it's just mild discomfort that has warning bells. For some it stays like this, but their scent gets stronger. For others it gets worse and they can't fucking go to work.
Suppressants exist. Pills, patches, uh and also implants? If you've ever seen birth control implants you can assume they're like that. But like. A shit ton more expensive and very unheard of. So like you'll only ever see me using the implants in settings where there's super secret agents and spies and stuff where their organization requires it for field work and stuff.
Nesting and scenting is cute so it stays. Scenting can also absolutely be familial and platonic. Doesn't just have to be romantic and/or sexual. Same for nesting. Sometimes you just want to chill with the homies.
Bonding. Alphas/Betas can bite Omegas officially. Or like. have a literal physical effect. Omegas can 'bite' too but it's more of an informal thing that only happens between some couples.
Soul bonds only exist if I want them to otherwise they are irrelevant and people can pair up freely without worrying about soulmates.
Knots... yeah sure why not. Just cockwarming with an extra step. Knots can only happen during ruts. So Alphas and Betas can have them.
If you have any other questions of my thoughts I'll do my best to answer them as well as update this page accordingly.
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
Basil & Apple Blossom (Jenna), Daisy & Holly (Lela), Nasturtium & Zinnia (Jestiny)?
tysm amanda 💕💕 i loved these
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basil :   does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
not really in present circumstances, she's definitely the most emotionally balanced of my ocs and tends to view things more even handedly than running hot and cold, taking things in stride. but prior to eden's gate, i would say they had a love/hate relationship with academia (perhaps why she dropped out of grad school to join a cult). she loved learning new things, making discoveries, and exploring ideas, but hated the red tape and jumping  through hoops (hey jenna hey jenna they're called ethcis boards and they exist for a reason), the funding crunches, and the publish or perish cycle.
apple blossom :   how does your muse go about expressing or not expressing their sexuality ?  
they're fairly reserved personality wise, so not very overtly sexual, but she definitely doesn't shy away from discussing sexuality if it comes up. she's very open about being a lesbian, and if interested in someone sexually doesn't hesitate to ask. sexual intimacy is important to her, a very valuable part of the human experience. (she plays along with a lot of eden's gate customs she doesn't really believe in, but not the celibacy ones.) potential partners should expect a lot of subtle, gentle flirting and understated flattery preceeding a very blunt proposition.
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daisy :   did your muse ever feel as though their innocence had been lost ?   what moment in their life could be described as the end of their innocence ?  
hmmm, lela has an "i'm no longer the naive girl i was before" moment like, every day. she considers the onset of some of her medical conditions to be a turning point in which she was no longer living a charmed life. her indoctrination into eden's gate was also a turning point in which she considered herself becoming strong and giving up her past cushy life. learning about some of the less mystical aspects of the cult is probably her closest to a true loss of innocence moment.
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?  
horrid, she joined a cult and fell for a lot of snake oil before that. she's gullible, beneath all the gruffness and intimidation she's ultimately far too trusting, she has terrible instincts in devoting herself to leaders and she will make the same mistake over and over again, thank you!
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nasturtium :   describe your muse’s relationship with their birthplace ,   or homeland .  
jestiny spent very early adulthood being a little ashamed of her appalachian roots — it may seem very out of step with the jessie as we see her in her main canon, but when she first went to university she hid her accent, mannerisms, and background. the "J.E. Rook" thing was something she started when doing college applications because she thought her full name sounded "too yeehaw". probably hard to tell as written, but her accent now is actually fairly faded, she just chooses to use the speech patterns she uses. jessie still has a complicated relationship with her hometown (she misses the place, but not always the people), but she's no longer ashamed of it. one of the very few things she's grown up about.
zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
so, in terms of comrades, during the reaping jessie feels very guilty about the fact she's considered important and a priority to be protected by both sides, and losing allies really spikes that guilt and probably leads her into more risky situations. for loved ones, well. losing her mother on night one certainly made her go full batshit a little more quickly. (although as im sure y'all can tell, she's kinda using that as an excuse to be unhinged.)
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binkywinky · 5 years
hi! Comics rec anon here! to answer your question, I'm not entirely new to comics, have read a few but not enough to say I have a specific type. The first series I read was all the jessica jones comics which I really liked, also the miles morales series which i enjoyed and the spidergwen series which was cute but the art was kinda annoying lol. i also like a couple of dc ones like mister miracle. so i think i prefer a general rec from you since the comics world is so big. thanks in advance!
Got it. Hmm… let’s see. It’s probably easiest to break it down by publisher then. I’ll try to give a mix of ongoing, finished, and “classic” stories. 
Fair warning, I read a lot of comics (probably about 60 per month, and that’s not including manga), so even though this may feel like a long list, it’s short for me.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - Relatively new series, and it’s been fantastic so far. Great art, and a bit more grounded than the Amazing Spider-Man run (which is also great). Stellar art, too.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man - A little YA-ish at times, but overall enjoyable. You get to see a lot more of Miles’ personality in this one, which is always fun.
Superior Spider-Man - Because nothing is more fun than seeing a semi-reformed Otto Octavius try to be a hero.
Captain Marvel - Kelly Thompson does a phenomenal job with this series. She has a great hold of Carol’s voice. Would highly recommend Kelly Sue Deconnick and Margaret Stohl’s previous runs to give context (Captain Marvel 2012-2017, Mighty Captain Marvel, and The Life of Captain Marvel).
Jessica Jones - Not sure if you’ve read Kelly Thompson’s recent run or just Bendis’, but hers is definitely worth a read.
Avengers (2019) - actually a solid run. I would check this out if you’re more into crossover, large-scale storytelling. They’re in the middle of War of the Realms, though… so maybe wait until like August or September?
Immortal Hulk, Daredevil, and X-23 - also good. I read them off and on (not really my fave characters to read on their own, I enjoy them in ensembles), but the stories are solid.
Rogue & Gambit - mini series that I absolutely love by Kelly Thompson (she does great character work) that came out last year. Mr. & Mrs. X is a follow-up to it and also tons of fun (nearing its end as well). 
Runaways - I fell off of this when Brian K. Vaughn left, but I can say up through his run ended is well worth the read.
As far as classic stories, Infinity Gauntlet, The Dark Phoenix Saga, X-Men: Age of Apocalypse, Secret Invasion, and Secret Wars would be my first recommendations.
I would’ve recommended Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider, but maybe wait on that. It’s about to end soon and transition to just Ghost Spider (where she leaves Earth-65 and comes to Earth-616 where Peter and Miles are). Same for X-Men. I’m currently reading Uncanny, but X-Men is about to be overhauled soon. So probably hold on that front.
Honestly, not the biggest DC fan (I lean more towards Vertigo actually), but there are a few that I enjoy.
Action Comics (starting at #1000) - I am not a Superman fan, but I enjoy this series, which says a lot. I enjoy what Bendis is doing with him in this run.
Naomi - a new series, also by Bendis, following the story of a young Black girl who is investigating the circumstances around her adoption. Don’t want to give too much away, but probably my fave DC run at the moment. And Jamal Campbell’s art is fucking gorgeous.
Dial H for Hero - it’s fun. It’s weird. Not for everyone, but maybe give it a shot.
The Flash and Batman, New 52 runs - New 52 gets shit from fans a lot, but I thought these runs were awesome. Very good story-telling.
Dark Nights: Metal event - Probably one of the best things DC did in a long time. It’s a massive event that pretty much reworked the DC universe and all the characters. Enjoyed it immensely.
Heroes in Crisis - this miniseries ended very recently. It’s a story focused on a major event that happens at Sanctuary, a rehab for superheroes suffering from mental health issues (e.g. PTSD after doing something that nearly killed them). Not your usual superhero story, which I liked.
American Carnage - very gritty story focused on a white-passing Black man who infiltrates a white supremacist organization. It’s really fucking good.
High Level - I picked this book up randomly because the cover looked cool. I’ve been reading it ever since. I would say it’s weird sci-fi/fantasy/cyberpunk adventure. A little strong on the language, but very interesting story and great artwork.
Birds of Prey - awesome series with the DC women. A little shaky sometimes, but Gail Simone does really good character work. Her run is probably the only one I’d bother reading.
Deathbed - miniseries by Vertigo that ended maybe a year ago. It’s so bizarre and hilarious and out there. I loved it.
Batwoman (J.H. Williams run) and Batwoman: Rebirth - Kate Kane, my favorite lesbian superhero. Williams did a great job in his run (and the art is to die for). Don’t read the back half, they change writers and it’s a goddamn mess. But then Marguerite Bennett (a queer woman) picked it up in Rebirth, and it got awesome again. Also, shout-out to Greg Rucka for officially making her queerness canon in 52.
Wonder Woman - Wonder Woman’s my fave of DC main characters (along with Martian Manhunter and Wally West I & II), and my favorite run for her is Greg Rucka’s. He does a surprisingly good job of writing women. The run is over at the moment, but I’d check it out. Good stuff there.
For classic stories, Kingdom Come, Watchmen, Flashpoint (precursor to New 52), and Neil Gaiman’s Sandman are some of my faves.
Image is probably what I read the most. Definitely has the most diverse pool of comics to choose from.
Saga - My favorite comic series of all-time. I’ve gotten so many people to read this and they love it. It’s weird - really weird, actually - but the storytelling is phenomenal. And it’s on hiatus right now, so plenty of time to get caught up.
Ice Cream Man - This series is so fucking weird, but I love it. It’s sorta like… Tales from the Crypt? Different stories (mostly horror) that all feature this demon ice cream man.
The Weatherman - This series is such a goddamn delight. I don’t want to ruin the plot but just… yeah. Read the first issue and it just goes crazy from there.
Man-Eaters - Sort of a niche story. Basically, this takes place in a society where when women get their cycle, they turn into giant cats and maul men, so they’ve given them pills to keep them from menstruating. Sounds weird? Wait until you read it. Probably a highlight series of the year for me. 
Black Science - You might not like the art in this one, but maybe give it a shot? These scientists are trying to solve the problem of limited resources on Earth by hopping across dimensions for new ones (infinite dimensions, infinite resources). Only problem is, their machine got damaged so now they hop uncontrollably to whatever dimension it chooses for however long it decides. It’s a wild ride.
Middlewest - An interesting take on parent/child relationships and how the consequences of abuse, anger, and depression can manifest in dangerous ways. Sounds more bleak than it is - the story actually has quite a bit of humor.
Excellence - Very new series, but with a PoC lead, about PoCs, with mostly PoC creators. A story about a secret society of Black magicians and a son whose next in line to take on the mantle, and it’s pretty fucking cool. Issue 2 comes out this week - check it out!
The Walking Dead - I don’t think I have to explain this one, do I? Zombies.
Lazarus and Lazarus: Risen - Sci-fi story set in a dystopian society where the world is ruled by like 15 or so families, and they each have a Lazarus to fight for them. This is told from the perspective of the Carlyle family’s Lazarus, Forever. 
Die - If Dungeons & Dragons and Jumanji had a baby, it would be this book. Sounds weird, but once you read it, you’ll find the description to be accurate.
Anything from Brian K. Vaughn - I have yet to read something from Brian K. Vaughn that I don’t like. Saga, Paper Girls, Y: The Last Man, Runaways, Barrier… his shit’s always good.
Independents / Not Marvel, DC, or Image
Some of these are nostalgia-based, so fair warning.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BOOM Studios) - very new series that’s out. Great art. If you were a fan of the show, I think you’ll like it. It’s a re-imagining of sorts. There’s also an Angel series that just started.
Nancy Drew (Dynamite) - Listen… I could not stand Nancy Drew as a kid. Never got into it and thought it was boring as hell. But I really loved this miniseries (another Kelly Thompson run). It’s maybe 5 issues?
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Go Go Power Rangers (BOOM Studios) - Honest to God, if you had told me 3 years ago one of my fave comics would be a Power Rangers one, I would have laughed in your face. Both of these series are really good and provide the continuity, nuance, and characterization the show lacked. Fan of the show or not, I’d say it’s worth checking out if you enjoy the teenage superhero genre. Also, just some really amazing art and world-building.
Anything from Jinxworld - This is Bendis’ own publishing company. He’s put out Cover, Pearl, Scarlet, and United States vs. Murder, Inc. All of them are really good.
Umbrella Academy (Dark Horse) - This is the series the Netflix show is based off of. Right now, they’re doing Hotel Oblivion in the comics, but start with Apocalypse Suite and Dallas.
So, there you go anon. There are FAR more I would recommend, but I tried to give a good range of books for you to choose from without (hopefully) overwhelming you. And if you have any questions, I’m more than happy to talk about any of them.
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kandifling · 2 years
This is my Oc Danialle! (I tried drawing without the oval tool and I'm not used to that so this kinda sucks lol I also suck at drawing fluff don't bully me) So I might draw like this sometimes but mostly with the oval tool
Anyway I wanna rant about them so let's get started!
Dan (Nickname) is autistic! They're also non-binary with neopronouns! (They're just like me fr)
They/Star pronouns!!! They're also a lesbian!
Dan is also 27 to 29 during the game
They're Russian and Italian. They grew up in Italy and moved to north America (where I think bugsnax is set outside of snaktooth) because the father was a American citizen who moved back to his hometown and wanted to get away from his family (he was actually trying to run away from a affair that was getting out of hand)
Before they moved to America, they loved with most of their family (Other then the cousins + aunt's + uncles from their dad's side) They lived with their grandparents (mom side + their dad's dad) and their two aunt's + one of the aunt's husband (totally a gay guy) and their uncle (had a girlfriend just wasn't married and girl hadn't moved in yet) and their parents (mom + dad) their cousins from their aunt (A two year old girl and a four year old boy) and their siblings (one older brother + a younger brother + one younger sister) Danialle was the second oldest.
Danialles family wasn't a good one. They're parents were never around and neither were the aunt's and uncles. The older brother (Hirris pinte) was pretty much the caretaker. He was forced to work a nine to five job (to take care of the younger ones) and also have to go through college and the rest of highschool (he was 11 when danialle was born) once Hirris turned 20 he moved into his college dorm and never spoke to them again. Leaving 10 year old Danialle to run the house when nobody was around. Danialle couldn't get a job. They were ten and autistic so they couldn't do much for the family. Most of the kids were the age explaned when they moved. Life only got more stressful for Dan there.
When they moved to America the grandparents were left behind in the house (they didn't want to sell it just in case they came back) but the aunt's, uncle, and cousins all came with Dan and their family to all still live in the same house. Dan REALLY wanted to only read about space (special interest 👀) and pretend to be on the moon but they couldn't do that without there parents around so they took care of the kids until they turned 20. And just like there older brother, they moved out and never wanted to speak to them again.
They knew by doing this they would be helping the cycle of trauma (like a pass down from generation to generation kind of thing) but they couldnt do a thing to stop that. They wanted to leave, but to protect the kids they would be forced to stay. And they couldn't do that, because of college. So, the followed their brothers footprints and moved into the college dorm.
Dan's parents begged for Dan to come back and take care of the kids. Dan ignored every word they said and really didn't care anyway. They were too busy studying physics or whatever to really with that (they were really enjoying there self btw)
⚠️meantion of harassment⚠️
Dan left college and had a plan to become a astronaut and was very successful! They worked for NASA for three years (and went to the moon once!) Until a few of their coworkers started bullying them for being non-binary and neurodivergent. They also started getting sexually harassed to a point where they were forced to quit. Nothing happened to any of those people :(
Danialle met Liz a few months after quitting. Liz and them met at a fair thing for science. Liz opened a small raffle for tickets for the snaktooth expedition. Dan won one of the raffles and decided this would be a great place to not just have a purpose, but to get away from their current problems and community.
Dan helps out in the lab and most of their quests are just them ranting about space and wanting bugsnax that remind them of the siblings they were forced to leave behind (we love character lore that involves things they feel bad about 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
⚠️ Meantion of pedos ⚠️
Their side quests involves them realizing that what happened to them wasn't their fault and they couldn't avoid it no matter how hard they tried. They realize that they didn't have a choice about abandoning their family if that meant more trauma along the way (uncle was a pedophile) they come to terms with that with the side quest (also a slight meantion that they might have a slight crush on floofty but that's just me projecting lol 😍)
They don't go back to NASA after snaktooth. They actually start writing children's books about space and aliens! They also start working on a cartoon with these characters! (The childrens books are for middle schoolers and is a lot like the owl house and amphibia)
I also want to meantion that Dan is the embodiment of loud chaos. They are very energetic and they always get hurt doing something stupid (they haven't really connected to dots with doing something dumb = getting hurt yet but even if they did connect those dots, they would probably keep doing stupid stuff anyway)
Dan also gives you space themed items when you do their letter requests! Like a space themed carpet + window curtains. They know how to sew so it's most likely hand made as well :)
And that's about it! If I have anything else I want to say I'll make another post, but for now that's about it!
I'll explain all of the siblings + cousins if you guys want (or care)
Thanks for reading!
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werevulvi · 3 years
Perhaps you experience some "bi-cycling" in your attractions but in a more slow spread out manner instead of daily/weekly? It's not an uncommon thing for bis to cycle overall even if it doesn't apply to all of them, so maybe your case is like a slow burn thing. I'm a diff anon but to me sounds you're OSA-leaning bisexual in general, but sometimes cycle more markedly than others. I don't really think het women really like cunnilingus "for funsies" y'know? i'd say that's a quite big marker of SSA
Yeah, I think I go through longer periods (months to years) of being basically only interested in men, and then have shorter periods (weeks to months) of being interested in either only women or both.
And that's probably a big reason I think being in a relationship with a woman doesn't work for me in the long run, but with a man could work. I mean I have been in relationships with men in the past, which also didn't work, but that was for other reasons. One turned abusive, and the other I wasn't attracted to to begin with.
So I can't really count all my failed relationships as a marker of me not being het, bi, lesbian. I have other issues additionally, and sometimes just bad luck with partners. So there are other factors as to why my past relationships failed, and not just my waning, questionable attraction.
You got a good point there. Being into cunnilingus doesn't feel like a particularly het thing for a female, lol. Like sure, some straight women are into making out with other women, but probably not into going further than that. But I also see that my dissatisfaction with dating women because of missing dick could be a sign of not truly being into women.
I mean I don't think you necessarily have to be grossed out by vagina to be straight. I mean... perhaps a bad comparison, but like I'm not into feet, but some people have a feet kink. Could I then kiss and fondle the feet of someone with that kink, knowing they'd like it? Yeah, probably, and I might even get some enjoyment out of it myself, because I like seeing a sex partner enjoy something I can give them, and I'm not grossed out by feet. To me they're just a body part like any other, like an arm, leg or ear. And a partner being aroused by my caress often does arouse me too, even if I'm not really into what I'm doing. I'm into their arousal. Especially if it's a person I really like and get along with really well.
Because that's my thinking sometimes. Like maybe pussy is just a body part for me, that I can at times feel temporary arousal from pleasing orally, if my partner is really into it. But outside of that context it's just kinda "meh whatever" to me, kinda like kissing feet. Because it seems I still require sex with a male to feel like satisfied for real. To feel like what I did was for my own pleasure as well, and not just for my partner's. I don't feel like I'm getting as much out of sex with other women as I'm imagining SSA women "should," you know. I can't know what they feel, but this all just... doesn't sit right with me. Like something is awry about my (so called) attraction to women.
Like I can absolutely end up being a little too open minded for my own good, and not recognizing if something is a boundary or not. Although I don't think sex with other women is a boundary for me. It's definitely something I could continue doing on rare occasion if she's especially good looking and sweet, but ultimately I prefer women as friends. And I guess I wonder if that's really attraction, or just going with the flow because I'm not grossed out by vaginas, so I might as well... try it a few times.
Also... I hate to say it, but I think sadly I was more attracted to the idea of doing something society looks down upon (sex with the same sex) than I was truly into any actual women. Because when dating/sex with women started to feel less rebellious and more like just a normal thing (like sex is just sex, regardless of parts, kinda) that's kinda when I started to lose interest and began to struggle to enjoy it. I could immediately spot that connection when it happened, but I kept it to myself, stuffed far away into the back of my mind. Because it sounds bad. It sounds homophobic.
Basically I'm wondering if maybe I just wanted to enjoy it, and that basically societal homophobia made it seem more exciting than it actually was for me. I held onto that excitement, that idea, for a really long time, but eventually it wore off.
So do I really enjoy cunnilingus then? I did, when I thought about how strange/unusual it is for a woman do enjoy that. Since the novelty has worn off, however, I'm not against it, because it wasn't bad, but I'm not really interested in it either. But I've always been into dick, whether it's been a novelty or not. I mean at one point it was, as we've all been virgins/sexually inexperienced at some point. But that was 15 years ago for me, yet I'm still as into men as ever. My attraction to men is not dependent on it being a novelty, a societally shunned thing to rebel with, or otherwise... "special" which my waning interest in women seems to be. And I hate that that might be what's behind my "bisexuality," but it also doesn't surprise me.
Perhaps I'm overthinking it, but perhaps I'm onto something important.
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hulklinging · 7 years
i read the soc duology months ago thanks to ur powerpoint & i'm still obsessively trying to find another book series that lives up to it -- any recs? thanks!!
Gosh, it’s a hard act to follow, those ones...
For good strong fantasy with amazing ladies, I will always recommend Tamora Pierce. Want more magical fantasy? Start with her Circle of Magic series. Want some swords with that sorcery? Start with Alanna: The First Adventure. Bonus: both of these series star some VERY AMAZING thieves. I blame Tammy for my love of fantasy thieves, for sure.
Another great fantasy is Of Fire and Stars, if you need some fantasy lesbians in your life (who doesn’t, tbh).
Loved how diverse those books were? Like superheroes? Try Not Your Sidekick, by C.B. Lee. Or try The Posterchildren, by Kitty Burroughs.
In terms of twisting plots and heists, I don’t think anyone does it as well as our boy Kaz Brekker. Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer, is a more lighthearted (sometimes) take on heist stories. Also, great character development (the first four books are my favourites). In a more shaking-the-foundations-of-the-government sense, Tamora Pierce’s Trickster Duology does that very well (rebellion!) BUT I would probably still recommend starting with Alanna and working your way through her stuff. Shallow Graves is also a twisty plot, although it’s more urban fantasy/horror than anything else. Very good, though.
Like the sound of some urban fantasy and twisting plot? Gotta give a shout out to The Raven Cycle, by Maggie Stiefvater. Definitely some spooky elements in this as well.
Just want some beautiful queer boys? Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of the Universe. Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda. Not fantasy, but the first is just... beautifully written, and the second is fun and light and fluffy and sometimes that’s exactly what you need! Also, if you want some more tragic gay boys, then of course The Song of Achilles needs a mention
That’s some stuff off the top of my head... If you’ve read a few of those, liked them or didn’t, let me know! This is all kinda general, so the more I know the better I can recommend~
Also, if you find anything that matches Six of Crows for tone (or if any of my followers have something to add!), please let me know. It definitely hit a lot of boxes for me, often ones that aren’t all checked off in the same novel.
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