#i'm actually like 90% sure they think i'm about ten years younger than i am though so.....
laurelwinchester · 1 year
i've said it before and i will say it again. no one will ever love me the way the people at my dentist's office love me. i don't even love me the way they love me.
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gwenthebard · 1 year
I feel like more people ned to be aware and conscious of the fact that pretty much every single argument against age gap relationships I've ever seen has either been
-extremely infantilizing of adults
-extremely isolating for older people
-swung back into justifying toxic relationship dynamics pretending it's a healthy approach
or all of the above
Like, saw a thing about people talking about a fifteen year age gap between two characters (roughly 25 and 40) and like, besides the point it's fictional characters, people were treating it weird as fuck? Some of the weirdest I saw, roughly paraphrased:
"He's gonna die way before her" Yeah. Hate to say this but that whole "average lifespan" thing isn't a one or two year gap for most people. You can be the same age and your partner might die decades before you. My family a lot of the women live into their 80s and 90s and a lot of the men died in their 60s. Loving someone is knowing you might need to go without them one day, and still choosing to take advantage of the time you have together
"I wouldn't even have anything in common with someone ten years younger than me and I'm 40"
How? Like, I still am not sure what this means. Like, hobbies and goals wise? I relate to a lot of people of different ages, and maybe that's me being queer and stuff. Do you mean like, personality? Cause, like, you don't need to have the literal same personality of someone you like and this is why you do hear creepy shit like people being "mature for their age". This is literally the sort of thing that causes scenarios where you see friends with age gaps having the same interests and hobbies, and the older one is treated as being flirty or even predatory even if they're both adults
"You're brain's not even fully developed until 25 and even then it's a few years before you're actually mature"
Okay, on top of the "brain develops until 25" thing being a literal myth caused by the fact your brain never stops developing and the study that gets cited only went up till age 25, literally adults. Like, will they probably make mistakes theyll regret? yeah 50 year olds are doing that. Are they probably less mature than people older than them? yeah but also there are 70 year olds thinking 40 year olds are immature children. Is the age gap something to be aware of? Yes, this is why you talk things out and set boundaries and goals and keep open communication. But like, to say two people who meet as adults and form a relationship aren't actually both adults is ???
TLDR: why is it literally every time people argue about age gap relationships it feels like everyone against them completely just literally has no hobbies or goals past what is expected of their age, and they think literally everyone younger than them are children while everyone older is a wise old soul with infinitely more maturity and knowledge
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rubyvioletindigo · 2 years
It's a Friday night and past 9 o'clock in the evening. I'm spending it like a loser and I'm honestly 100% content with that. I usually have plans on the weekends but I get this weekend to myself. Tonight, I ordered a honey BBQ chicken strip sandwich from Whataburger, fries, a Coke Zero with no ice (they added ice anyways but oh well), and got a free chocolate milkshake. It's my cheat meal because I've avoided fried foods most of the week and I was hoping it would hit the spot. It did nothing unfortunately. I'm craving something particularly delicious and I can't figure it out yet. But I'm not disappointed because now I know for sure it wasn't Whataburger I was craving, so that's another food craving suspect I can cross off my list.
The food I am mysteriously craving is still at large and I don't know what I'm searching for. All I know (by process of elimination) is that sushi, a Philly cheese steak sandwich, Taco Bueno, shrimp rolls, and Whataburger, are not hitting the spot. I promise I'm not as fat as I sound, I'm just a foodie and food makes me very happy.
I probably sound a lot younger than I actually am. I'm a millennial born in the 90s but my laid back yet chaotic personality makes many people think I'm in my early 20s. My nephew is 22 years old and his fiancée is 20 and she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids in their wedding this October. I don't think she realizes I'm about a decade older than the entire wedding party. It's really weird for me, not gonna lie. It feels like I'm living my own version of 21 Jump Street but it's not like I'm trying to hide my age. I own up to it if anyone asks but everyone just kinda assumes I'm in my early 20s so my age never comes up. Asian genes are pretty awesome. I'll happily be an Asian Alexa Demie, haha.
I haven't written in an online blog in years. I'm pretty sure this form of social media is pretty outdated but I'm posting on here for myself. I want to look back on these future posts I'm going to write as a fun nostalgic project. So here are some key notes of where I am in life at this exact moment on April 1st, 2022.
-I'm happily single because dating guys who can't communicate annoys the shit out of me. If a guy really wants to date you, he will put in effort. If he's half-assing it and barely trying to get to know you, the harsh truth is that he's not that into you. Don't let him waste your time because you will regret it.
-I love my job as an international banker. Three years ago, I prayed and wished for this job and it finally happened a year ago. That quote "Remember when you prayed for the things you have now," really hits home with me. I'm really grateful for this job because I never wake up dreading work. Not many people can say that and I am aware that I'm truly lucky.
-I am pretty happy with my life. I try not to focus on what I lack but what I am blessed with. My parents passed away in my mid-20s and I've had a rough life until these last few years. Those difficult years that make up most of my life are the reason why I appreciate how good things have been lately. I have a dependable car that is paid off, inherited my parents' house that is also paid off, and have what I need. Life and God have been very good to me and I don't take that for granted.
-I'm really proud of my life experiences. I've hiked Machu Picchu twice; visited the Santorini; swam in Cenote Ik-kil; visited Chechen Itza; traveled solo to Peru, Greece, and Vietnam; went skydiving; got drunk with friends on a beach in Mexico; etc. I hope to have more amazing life experiences as time goes on. I need to experience as much as I can before time runs out.
I don't know how my life will turn out in one year, five years, or ten years but I do know life is pretty good now. I hope this isn't my life highlight and that things will be even better in the future. To future me who may or may not be reading this, whether things are better or worse, stay humble and be grateful. We've experienced hell and weathered the worst hurricane but somehow survived all that to make it to calm waters. Hopefully those calm waters will eventually bring us to a beautiful paradise island and we understand the why the hurricane was necessary to take us where we need to be.
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