#i'm also feeling SO nauseous this morning like holy shit
non-un-topo · 1 year
Seems like I'm having another pain flare-up, this time so much worse than the last :(
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froggieboisposts · 3 months
I Am Going To Lose My Shit :)
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moronic-validity · 11 months
So ummmmmmmmm how do you picture (either in DWU or more canonish) Simon being pregnant (you choose the other parent!)
Okay so I don't usually write mpreg, but let's toy with this a little because I have some headcanons. (Edit: I had a lot of headcanons and would be willing to turn this into a mini fic series. It'd probably be a little longer than Stockholm Syndrome)
18+, but also not really
1) we're gonna explore this using the DWU because I've got an established relationship to work with.
2) Winter and Simon have a lot of unprotected sex, like a LOT. And they're both guys, so what's the issue, right? Wrong.
3) Simon begins getting nauseous as hell every morning and sometimes into late afternoon.
4) he also can't seem to stand the smell of meat.
5) Winter is concerned, but he just assumes Simon has a stomach bug
6) a few months pass and the nausea seems to lift a little, but now he's gaining weight.
7) Simon is mentally convinced he has stomach cancer or something in that line
8) so he calls Doctor Princess, who listens to the symptoms and laughs.
9) "Simon...if anyone with a uterus told me this, I'd be pretty sure they're pregnant."
10) Simon laughs and explains that as far as he knows, he doesn't have one, so that can't be it.
11) he humors her and lets her do an ultrasound.
12) surprise Simon, you're a dad!
13) Simon straight up faints.
14) Doctor Princess calls Winter (yeah shocker, he does actually have a phone, he just hates to use it)
15) Winter is ECSTATIC. He loves the thought of a little Petrikov running around the castle, of an heir to the Kingdom.
16) Simon comes to and Doctor Princess has to explain again that he is pregnant and well into the 2nd trimester at this point.
17) They come up with a game plan and he'll come in for ultrasounds pretty regularly just to make sure the baby is actually progressing and once he hits 40 weeks, they'll do a C-section.
18) Simon spends the next few weeks in a haze, still not believing he's pregnant, even after multiple ultrasounds and his growing belly confirm it.
19) Winter is in full blown I'm gonna be a dad mode. He's already designed a nursery and everything.
20) He also becomes a lot more protective of Simon, canceling larger events under the pretense of Simon dealing with a serious medical emergency.
21) Most of Ooo know Simon by this point and are incredibly worried about him.
22) PB and Marceline come for an unannounced visit, worried as hell about Simon (because while they don't really know how to feel about Winter, they LOVE Simon)
23) Winter almost send the Ice Scouts to stop them, but Simon is happy to see his new old friends.
24) Marceline sees his stomach and immediately knows.
25) her and Bonnibel are both incredibly confused, but also excited for him.
26) They want to throw a baby shower, Simon is on the fence, but when Marceline does the puppy eyes, he folds like a fucking lawn chair.
27) He finally thinks about it and gets Prismo's attention
28) he gets beamed up and Prismo is like heeeey dad to be, how're you feeling?
29) Simon asks for a favor and Prismo considers it before beaming his Finn, Marceline, and Bonnibel into the time room.
30) everyone but Finn is super confused before their focus turns on Simon
31) "Holy shit" is all Marceline can come up with.
32) they're all so excited for him and just happy to see him.
33) They hang out in the time room for a few hours before Prismo has to put everyone back
34) Winter asks how it went and Simon is like honestly? It was really good.
35) They agree that if it's a girl, they'll name her Beatrice and she'll go by Betty. If it's a boy, they'll name him Jake (Winter wants to name him after Finn, but Simon doesn't want to name him after someone still alive).
36) Simon starts getting really bad contractions around 38 weeks, but with no where for the baby to go, he doesn't know what to do.
37) Doctor Princess has been flying by the seat of her pants for all of this and realizes that it's time.
38) She gets Simon prepped for surgery and tells Winter to scrub in too.
39) the C-section goes as planned, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when they hear the newest Petrikov cry.
40) It's a girl.
41) Winter is able to clip the umbilical cord, which for some reason, he was really looking forward to doing.
42) Simon is crying as Doctor Princess rests his baby girl on his chest. He has never felt so much love for another being in his life.
43) Winter holds his partner and his child and it really sinks in that this is his family and he will do any and everything to keep them safe.
44) Doctor Princess stitches him up and tells them she needs to wheel Simon to his room and they should probably stay at least over night just to make sure everything is okay.
45) time skip because everything is okay and Winter and Simon are stupidly good parents.
46) At Beatrice's first birthday, two strangers to the Kingdom find themselves in attendance, one as the brightest pink hair Simon has ever seen and the other has light blue hair and looks shockingly familiar, but he can't place him.
47) They, along with the rest of the kingdom dote on the Beatrice Petrikov. The crowd eventually dies down and goes home, until only the five of them are left.
48) "Hey Simon, sorry for surprising you like this, but I just had to see your kid! She's so cute!!!" The pink haired one said, slinging an arm over Simon's shoulders.
49) the dots connect
50) Simon hugs Prismo, laughing and explaining he didn't recognize him at first, then shakes Scarab's hand and thanks them both for coming.
51) Prismo takes a picture of the baby and her dads and promises to show Finn, Marcy, and Bonni.
52) I totally forgot to talk about Beatrice's appearance, she has Simon's skin tone and Winter's hair, with only a small tuft of black. She also doesn't have a nose, shocker, right?
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emetogirl · 1 year
IRL story: I'm a physical therapist at an inpatient rehab facility, working mostly with the geriatric population. Patients come to us after hip surgery/falls/illness, etc. and we try to get them stronger so they can maximize their independence/mobility and return home. We have what we call "care conferences" with each of the patients' families where our director of rehab, the head nurse, the OT, myself, and sometimes an SLP all go over our recommendations for when they leave our facility.
All this to say, we were having one of these care conferences when I noticed my boss (the director of rehab, I'll call him Greg), push himself a little bit away from the table and wrap an arm around his stomach. I noticed immediately that his color was off, too, and he kept looking toward the doorway like he was calculating an exit.
No one else seemed to notice, so we kept giving our recommendations to the family. As the OT was going over her part, Greg hastily stood up his chair and said, "excuse me," and started making his way out of the conference room to the hallway, presumably to get to the bathrooms. He stopped at the doorframe, though, and kind of slid down to one knee. Later he told me he'd thought he was going to pass out.
Everyone else had caught on that something was wrong by this point, but I was way ahead of them. While they all started to ask Greg what was going on and if he was okay, I leapt up and grabbed the trashcan in the corner of the room and took it over to him. I was pretty sure I knew what was going to happen. He was green.
He threw up in the can instantly (I had to help him get his face mask off), and I felt so bad for him. Everyone made kind of a disgusted noise and I did my best to block him getting sick from everyone's view.
He was so embarrassed. He's a pretty young guy (we're the same age) and had only been the director of rehab for about two months. I could tell he was mortified that he got so publicly ill in front of his entire team and a patient's family. He kept apologizing even as he continued to throw up.
When he was through getting sick, I helped him stand up and walked him to his office where he could recover from the spectacle in private. He was in tears over what happened and I tried to reassure him that it was okay.
He threw up again after he tried some water I'd gotten him and I just kind of hovered awkwardly and patted his back.
It was definitely a weird, intimate, vulnerable interaction with my boss. But he was so gracious and thanked me profusely for helping him. I offered to drive him home (he only lives like 5 minutes away), but our SLP ended up doing it because she had finished seeing patients for the day and I still had a couple on my schedule.
Fast forward a couple of days, and lucky me must've caught his bug, just in time for the holidays, too. (This happened in December.) I woke up on Christmas Eve morning feeling SO nauseous and ended up spending my holiday camped out in the bathroom and throwing up like every 30 minutes. Landed myself in the hospital on Christmas Day to get fluids.
Good times all around.
Greg felt so bad that he got me sick that he went out and bought me flowers the day I returned to work. LOL. He's a pretty great boss.
OH MY GOD this one is my favorite one yet!!! Holy shit what a story, I feel so bad for both of you! I also work in healthcare and have a sort of similar story, this was the time that I was working in a mental health hospital, and me and the guy that were teching together were the only two people on the floor besides the nurse, so our patients really needed us. I could tell he wasn’t feeling well and he kept leaving the floor suddenly without telling me and then coming back, I assume bc he was getting sick or felt like he was gonna throw up. We were really good friends and so I just made him sit down and rest at the nurse’s station while I did rounds and everything. Once all our patients were asleep in their rooms I remember coming back to the nurses station and the poor thing was just sitting there with his eyes closed and I reached out and rubbed his back for a moment before I had to start my shitloads of paperwork for the night😂
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shelby-love · 4 years
"Bring em' in."
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warnings: none
Authors note: /
"Good morning stepfather." You tease Mouch as you walk into the spacious common room. You hear him let out the biggest groan at your words and you can't help but laugh at him.
"I can't believe you're her step dad," Herrmann snickered at the table.
"Trudy didn't choose who her kid is going to be." Mouch tells him. 
"That was a low blow Mouch!" Kelly tells him and the rest agree.
"You two do realise that you could have gotten married together. Merge the costs!" Otis pipes in.
"Yeah and gotten married together at Molly's?" You ask and look at Herrmann. "No offense."
"None taken but Otis is right!" Herrmann fought.
"For your information Connor and I want to get married in a church and have a reception." You tell them while mentally swiping through your binders filled with wedding ideas. "Also I don't think we could've pulled off what Mouch and my mom did."
A round of applause erupts after that. While the bickering continues you make your way over to Gabby and Casey who are sitting together at the table. You ogle the fruit bowl in front of Gabby. "That looks delicious." You comment and take a seat.
"Do you want some? I'll go get you some." She suggests. With pleading eyes you ask her if she doesn't mind but she tells you to sit still until she comes back.
With her out of the sight you grab her fork and stab some fruit onto it. When you notice Matt staring at you, you ask "What?"
"I thought you didn't like kiwi." He comments, remembering the times when you used to pick at your fruit salat until all of the kiwis were out.
Weirdly enough, you were craving kiwis today. A wish for kiwis never comes up in your mind. Never. "I thought so too."
"Ambulance 61, truck 81, squad 3. House fire. 55th York Avenue."
"I guess you and kiwis weren't meant to be after all." With that Matt and you stride out of the common room with Gabby behind you.
"Holy shit." You take a deep breath once you're met with the hot air around the burning house. Everything seemed to bother you suddenly and your stomach started to do flips.
"Y/LN grab the hose! Let's go!" Matt instructs and you move your legs to do your job and help. With jiggly legs and a heavy stomach you make your way towards the group of men.
"Hey Y/LN you alright?" Kelly comes up to you. He places his hand onto your shoulder and takes a good look at you. "You don't look okay. Sit this one out."
You shake your head and fix your helmet. "I'm alright." You felt like you had the most terrible hangover of all time. You were nauseous and liable to vomit at the slightest provocation.
Like now.
It pushes through and makes you take off your helmet immediately and duck somewhere to empty your guts out. This never happened. Ever.
Soon enough Boden is next to you making sure you're somewhat okay. It's now 100% sure that you're sitting this one out.
"I... Don't feel so good."
And with that you collapse on the ground.
"Could it be food poisoning?" Gabby asks Natalie. When you were rushed into the ED followed by a bunch of frightened firefighters everyone in the ED feared the worst.
Even though you weren't suffering from any harsh burns or lung problems it didn't ease Natalie's mind at all, especially when your boyfriend was in the middle of operating.
"No, it's not food poisoning. Nothing to worry about." Natalie reassured them. "She's okay now. We'll just wait a little more for Trudy and Connor to get here."
"If it's nothing to worry about then why do we have to wait for Trudy and Connor?" Mouch asked.
"I'll talk to you soon." Natalie held the biggest news in her hands. You were pregnant.
"Doctor Rhodes?" Beth followed Connor out of the OR.
"Yes Beth what's up?" He asked while fixing his coat.
"Doctor Manning paged you down in the ED." She informed him.
"Why? A counsel?"
"She said it's your fiancée."
Connor stopped in his tracks. "Come again?"
"Your fiancée was brought in the ED while you were operating."
When he rushed into your room he was met by your worried mother who wouldn't leave your side. "What happened?" He asked her after greeting her with a hug.
"They told me she collapsed on a call and Natalie won't tell me anything more than that."
You woke up around that time as well. After getting used to the bright lights you were met with two sets of very worried eyes. One pair belonged to your loving fiancé and the other set to your loving mother. Both of them were dressed up in their uniforms.
"Did you leave work because of me mom?" You chuckled.
"Damn right I did." She told you and kissed your hands. "You made me worried sick."
"How about you?" You turn to look at the love of your life. "You aren't on trauma today."
"Shouldn't you just be glad that we're here?" He asked you while smiling.
Your mom nodded, "Yeah I agree with him."
A knock on the door pulled you out of your conversation. Natalie walked in with a smile on her face. She held the tablet in her hands and decided how to break it to you.
"How are you feeling Y/N?" She asked you.
"Drowsy." You simply replied. "I don't know how that happened."
"Well lucky for you I do." She smiled. "Y/N you're pregnant."
The moment you realised that you misinterpreted your sudden changes of emotion, appetite... Your world changed. The moment her words stopped was the moment you were at loss for words.
Your mom smiled happily and dived in to give you a kiss on the cheek while you wrapped your arms around her. "Oh sweetie... Congratulations."
Tears welled up in your eyes even more once you've let her go. Your mom, who is known to be a strong woman, had tears in her eyes and a smile that spoke thousands of words. She sniffed and said, "I'll leave you two alone. Congratulations."
Natalie followed her out right away and now the two of you were left alone.
"The baby likes kiwis." You blurt out and squeeze his hand.
"Kiwis?" He chuckled, scooting closer to you.
"Yeah. I had this huge appetite for kiwis this morning." Even though the thought of them made your mouth water in your head they were still the devil. "I think it's a boy."
Connor's hand found its way to your belly. You placed your own hands over his bigger one.
"Why a boy?" He asked you, still mesmerised by your belly that carried the miniature you.
"Because boys tend to like everything their mothers don't."
"I'm sorry I didn't get here when you were brought in." He apologised.
"Hey." You whispered and straightened up. You removed his hand from your belly and clasped it with yours. "It's okay. I was out of it most of the time. I'm glad you are here now."
"A baby." He laughed dearly.
"We'll have to reschedule the wedding."
"I don't mind." He leaned in and kissed you softly. The two of you spent a few peaceful moments together before he was paged back and he had to go.
"Good luck with them." Connor told you. You giggled into the kiss after remembering you have a lot to announce. "I'll be back with you two as soon as I can."
It felt surreal to think about the fact that you were carrying a baby. It will take you some time until you get used to it.
"Bring em' in."
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