#someone might have to physically drag me to the doctor tbh
non-un-topo · 1 year
Seems like I'm having another pain flare-up, this time so much worse than the last :(
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gean-grey-blog · 11 days
I saw death or stopped a suicide at 8. 9. 10. 13. 13. 17. And then nonstop since I was 18 and got training because it kept happening and I might as well have a sword and shield against it. Some wins, but death is the inevitable side of life and fighting death is like fighting the sky.
In 2021 I got to the homeless camps I was delivering food to, and found out the man I had talked to yesterday, given my sleeping bag to, had died of a heatwave and been found bloated that morning
Also in 2021 I was on my way to work at a hotel when I saw a car accident that had just happened. First on scene, watched a 19 year old kid die in front of me while telling the operator I knew CPR but didn't know how to do it when there were no soft parts of the face left
I stepped away from life and death shit. But my friend became suicidal and I got dragged back in. And then my roommate, who I've had to physically stop from committing suicide twice this year.
Last night I took my platonic cuddle buddy to the hospital bc he got baking soda in his eyes at work and needed to get checked out. He has no medical background, doesn't watch hospital shows other than when he watches House with me.
They called a code blue for the bed a few down from us. My friend asked what that was. I just said something like it was an emergency and they needed lots of help. I could hear them try to get someone back from her heart being stopped, hear the monitor screaming
I made a break for the vending machines and tbh to vape some weed in the parking lot. I figured she'd either be stabilized by the time I came back or it would be over.
I was wrong. I walked back in on the doctor calling her woman's spouse to make the notification that they weren't so far able to get her heart going. I passed as they started the CPR machine. CPR isn't like you see on movies. Ribs and sternums break. It's crushing someone in order to squish their heart to maybe move enough blood to keep their brain alive. The CPR machine does it even deeper and more punishingly than a human can. I could hear her bones breaking.
So I kept walking and sat back down with my friend and we watched House on my laptop. He was laughing at the show, I was listening to 10+ medics try heroic measures and still lose, 50 feet away
I've rarely felt more alone with a friend right beside me. But I'd already forced him to go sit in the ER until 3am just to get some dye squirted in his eyes. I wasn't gonna add death trauma to his night
We got home at 4am. And the second I stopped having to function I just started shaking and crying and went and threw up for a while. When I came back he was upset bc he thought it was just his eye shit upsetting me, so I explained.
He's really sweet and effusive so of course he was like "why didn't you tell me? I could have been there for you."
But again he's really sweet and cares so much. And I've seen so much shit bc I decided to turn to face into this storm. And I don't want that for him.
But I also know what it's like to feel helpless to help your friends and it's not fair of me to make him feel that helplessness
Idk what's right
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iloveeddiemuson · 2 years
I’m here now.
Summary:while waiting for Eddie to recover from his bravery of sacrificing himself to the bats to save everyone else you end up loosing yourself. Until eddie wakes up and saves you from yourself once again
Description: TW, angst,fluff ,panic attack , depression, eating disorder
After eddie had gotten attacked by the demo bats you and Dustin had to drag him out of there and you had to be the strong one for Dustin so he wouldn’t fully breakdown where he wouldn’t do anything so you did not break. And you made sure you didn’t. Once you got to the trailer Dustin went first as you lifted Eddie to put through and as soon as you and dustin got to Hawkins and out of the upside down you rushed to the car and immediately drove him to the hospital. When you got to the hospital and the nurses and doctors took him you called Wayne Eddie’s uncle. You had told dustin to go home and take a shower and eat something then he could come back and wait for Eddie. However you on the other hand you never left Eddie’s side. Even when Wayne was there you couldn’t you didn’t eat you only went to the bathroom about maybe 2 times if that  throughout the day. The whole group would tell you to go home and get some sleep but you wouldn’t you were going to stay right by Eddie’s side until he woke up. No matter how long that would take.
you haven’t let a single tear fall yet. You were too scared that if the group saw you cry they would try and comfort you which tbh they should but you couldn’t the only one that could comfort you and make you feel any better was Eddie. So you wouldn’t cry or let any tears fall.It had been 3 weeks since you took Eddie to the hospital and he still hadn’t woken up. You were slowly falling into depression giving up hope that he would wake up. People came up to see you and Eddie everyday but you never would say much. They could all tell you were not okay at all but they knew they couldn’t help you the only thing that would help would be if Eddie woke up. And they were completely right he was the only one that could save you from this darkness he was the only one that could make you feel like you. And right now it felt like half of your heart was ripped from your chest and someone stepped on it to make sure it couldn’t come back and if it did not easily.It hurt all you wanted to do was cry let everything out but you couldn’t you physically didn’t have it in you so what you did was easy you sat there and looked at Eddie hoping praying that he would maybe just maybe wake up.
one day you were holding Eddie’s hand about to fall asleep in the uncomfortable chair that was as close to the bed as possible with your head layed on the bed and your fingers interwhined with one another. That was when you thought you felt something squeeze your hand and you thought it was one of your dreams so you ignored it. That’s when you heard someone say your name. “Y/n, sweetheart” But it was a voice that you hadn’t hear in a while. You immediately shot up not knowing if this was reality or not. It was. You saw Eddie looking at you smiling his regular smile. You were so happy and overwhelmed with happiness you thought you might pass out. You had hit the nurse button so they knew that he was up and you couldn’t believe it was real you really couldn’t. Once he had your hand you wear squeezing it and you weren’t gonna let go ever. The nurse came and took all the information and then left you guys alone and said that everyone would be here soon in about 30 mins to an hour. Once she left you didn’t know how much longer you could hold back the tears . And Eddie could tell he was very observant especially with you. He looks at you and pats the small empty part of the cot telling you to come lay with him so you could cry. But you said “ I can’t I’ll hurt you.” All he says is “ y/n come sit with me please you won’t hurt me.” So you carefully make your way up on the bed making sure not to hit his stomach. As soon as you lay down by him and he starts playing with your hair you break but you didn’t want him knowing. So you made sure you were quiet but that didn’t stop him he could feel the tears drip onto his shoulder leaving a damp spot. “ what’s wrong sweetheart?” He questions thinking you’ve cried already and got the tears out. And so you hide your feelings once again and say “ nothing just glad your back.” Which you were but that wasn’t the reason you were crying you were angry at yourself for not being able to save him sooner where none of this would have happened. Soon the rest of the group came to see Eddie and Dustin was beyond excited and as soon as he saw him he hugged him everyone else did the same and then you went to the bathroom not rushing as much this time but still not taking all the time in the world. On your way back outside the door you heard dustin Steve and Eddie talking dustin says “ im glad y/n was there when the bats got you if it wasn’t for her you would be dead right now.” Steve then pops in and says “ yeah but she hasn’t cried once since that happened and we’re all pretty sure she has depression or something is wrong she wouldn’t talk to any of us only Dustin occasionally because she knew that you would want her to.” Eddie then reply’s with “ oh. fuck maybe since I’m back it’ll make it better and i can fix it. Earlier she was crying when I woke up but she said she was happy that I was back and that’s it but I could tell that wasn’t the full truth.” fuck. fuck.fuck. You we’re screwed. You didn’t want them telling him that you had to gotten to wear you we’re.
You came back in the room once they had changed the subject. You came in with a smile on your face and hoping he wouldn’t say anything. That’s when steve and Dustin left taking it as there cue to leave with the rest of the crew. After everyone has left and it was just you and Eddie he patted the bed next to him saying “ come sit by me sweets” so you did crawling over to him making sure not to touch his stomach again just so he don’t get hurt. He pulls you closer to him rubbing your back which calms you down a lot. “ so you gonna tell me what’s actually wrong now?” He says. “ what are you talking about.” “ you y/n. Your not you. And something is wrong usually it’s not as bad as this we’re only I can tell but right now everyone can tell. So what’s wrong?” “ it’s not important the only thing that matters is that your up and your here now. I need to focus on you . Not you focus on me.” “No y/n. I’m fine literally except for having a few stitches maybe a little trauma but that’s it. You are my main priority right now.” You just sat there thinking what you were gonna say until it came to you “ I don’t wanna talk about it here can we just talk about it when we get home.” “ fine but that’s most likely gonna be a while,and I’m not patient.” He says. “ well the doctor said he needed to go over your vitals again and check your stitches than we can go so you get to leave in about and hour maybe two.” “ okay. I love you y/n.” “ I love you too eddie Munson”
the doctor came in later with the discharge papers saying that Eddie was fine to go home now “ your able to leave now but you’ll need to come in once a week so we can look at those stitches for about the next 6-8 weeks.” “Alright doc sound like a plan thank you.” Eddie says back to the doctor. The doctor nods on his way out eddie had put his clothes back on and at the door leaving the room he grabbed you hand and you guys then started walking to the car. Once you both got in the car you put on his favorite rock radio station as you started driving to go home finally. As you were driving Eddie was humming along to the songs missing the sweet sounds while his hand was on your thigh rubbing soft circles right below your shorts. You finally pulled into the driveway of Eddie’s trailer and his eyes filled with happiness as he smiled happy to be home. Once you got out of the car he waited for you to hold your hand that he hasn’t gotten to hold for almost 4 weeks now except for today.
Once you got in the trailer eddie wanted to take a shower so he could get some what clean or feel more clean. While Eddie was in the shower you sat on his bed with complete silence filling the room. You missed the smell of his room you missed the smell of him in general his hint of cigarettes mixed with his cheap cologne that you loved on him. you then started zoning out just staring at the wall. You couldn’t help but think what you could have done when Eddie got attacked by the bats how it was your fault you weren’t there sooner to stop him or better yet it be you not him. That was when your name was being called “ y/n “ Eddie says breaking you from your zoned out state of mind. You look at him and see he was wearing a pair of black ripped jeans with no shirt. He sat on the bed in frount of you. You spoke up breaking the silence saying “ I like them.” “ oh really how so?” Eddie responds with. You’ve always thought of Eddie as your hero. He’s always protected you and helped you. So you reply with “ they make you have proof that your a superhero even tho you’ve always been mine and always will.” Eddie looks at you and says “ well then you should let me be your superhero again and tell me what’s wrong so I can help you.” You immediately looked down once he said that you were hoping he had forgot. You could feel him looking at you but you couldn’t look at him there were too many tears in your eyes that might fall. That’s when Eddie held your chin and looked you in the eyes and saw the tears that you were trying to not let out. “ sweetheart please what’s wrong?” You we’re trying to talk but you couldn’t it felt like someone was holding your throat making sure you couldn’t breathe. That’s when you started shaking and breathing heavy trying to get air that felt like was gone was sucked out of you. Eddie knew what was happening you were going into a panic attack.
“Y/n breathe. Look at me.” Eddie says trying to make some kind of contact with you. You started to feel really dizzy but you finally got your focus on eddie. “ there you go sweetheart keep breathing like that” Eddie says breathing with you while he took your hands and held them while rubbing small circles to try and get you to calm down. “ I’m here with you y/n it’s okay.” You finnaly had air now and you weren’t shaking near as bad now. You finally had let the tears fall now Eddie pulled you into his lap being carefully now to scare you but you didn’t want to hurt him “ Eddie I’m gon-n-na hurt you” “no you won’t” Eddie says as he pulls you into his lap and you rest year head on his shoulder as he rubs your back and plays with your hair letting you cry before telling him everything. “ sweetheart can you tell me what’s wrong now please?” You shook your head yes in response. “ once me and Dustin got you back to Hawkins and to the hospital I just felt like i wasn’t aloud to cry especially near dustin because I felt like I needed to be strong with him so he would have someone. But slowly after holding everything in I just couldn’t find motivation to do anything. I barely left the side of your bed I only went to the bathroom maybe twice a day at the max and I would take showers here just in case something happened to you I was near you I didn’t even eat really I ate about once every 3 days forced. When you hadn’t woke up for 2 weeks I didn’t talk to anyone except for Dustin occasionally.And then after you hadn’t woke up for about 3 weeks I started loosing hope that you wouldn’t wake up and I didn’t talk to anyone at all. I guess I just started loosing myself is what you could say.” “ I’m here now okay. I woke up and I’m not going anywhere anytime soon your stuck with me. And have you ate anything today.” He asked you concerned and it started clicking more now why you felt more lighter. “ no I’m not hungry right now.” You say. “ can you please eat something for me?” “ idk” you reply with. “Just some crackers please” he begs. “ fine ig.” “ thank you sweetheart.” He grabs some crackers and gives you them and tells you to eat some so you do and then sit them down after eating five. You lay down starting to get a really bad headache from the panic attack earlier. Eddie than lays down beside you and rubs your back and plays with your hair whispering sweet nothings in your ear. “ I love you” he says before you doze off “ I love you too” you say back before falling asleep wrapped up in Eddie’s warmth and finnaly feeling safe for the first time in 4 weeks.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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angeltrapz · 3 years
hhmmmmvnfj asks abt Lawrence? umm in a selfship way: what’s ur favorite gift he’s gotten u? — in a character analysis way, bcuz I’ve posted a lil abt it n u mentioned it in DMs too: if William had survived, bc Lawrence was handling new disciples at that time (like Brad n Ryan), how do u think Lawrence n William would’ve interacted? (esp bc we know William was at least vaguely aware of who Lawrence was pre-trap bc of their connections to John)
dfhskj thank u!!! finally getting 2 this
okay fr the selfship part: mentioned it a little bit when replying 2 the other ask u sent, but it’s a worry stone made out of rhodonite (which looks a lil like this), bc he knows how interested I am in gems + rocks n stuff like that but also bc he wanted me to have smth to fidget with in case I forgot my lil lanyard of rolling beads when we went somewhere! it’s smth I just run my thumb along bc it’s smooth n soft n fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. a lot of times if I’m in an uncomfortable situation I can’t get out of, having that w me helps a lot bc it’s grounding n it reminds me of him 💞💞
fr the character analysis part: KJSKFS YEAH I love getting 2 talk abt that bc I actually think abt it quite a bit. as u said, William and Lawrence have always been vaguely aware of each other on account of being connected thru their interactions w John, the doctor who he felt wasn’t kind/sympathetic enough n the insurance agent who denied his (EXTREMELY experimental, mind u) foreign treatment request. I’m not sure that they ever interacted face-to-face PRIOR to John’s death, but after William survives his test it’s just kinda like... who else does he have 2 talk to that might be able to understand even the tiniest bit what he went thru? he loves Pamela to pieces, of course he does, she’s his only family - but she didn’t see what he’d had to do, doesn’t rly KNOW like Lawrence would.
but I still think he’d absolutely be Cautious, bc even w the desire to be understood n maybe even have someone he could confide in, William knows now that Lawrence has been helping John for quite some time - as we see in 3D and as u said, Lawrence is the one handling new disciples, something that only John ever did; Amanda didn’t have her own apprentices, n Hoffman sure as hell didn’t either. that, n William doesn’t know how much involvement, if any, Lawrence had w his own test - that’s smth that wld haunt him a lil, I think. it’s hard to be comfortable around a person who is not only directly involved w the person who felt it necessary to put u in a trap, but who Also may have been the one to put fucking explosive bracelets/anklets n tattoos on u + SEWN A KEY inside of u, which is INCREDIBLY violating of his bodily autonomy. that could warrant a whole discussion of its own tbh.
but. Lawrence is the closest John ever got 2 having a TRUE successor (which I have conflicting feelings on; my reading of Lawrence in SAW 2004 was not someone who wld have joined up w someone who caused him so much pain, but fr the sake of exploring this, I think tht after going thru something as horribly traumatizing and irreversibly changing as he did, he sought that life of control n routine that he felt he had prior to his game, and well, John could certainly provide that,,,) n William would likely know this. Amanda’s dead, Logan is off doing who knows what n living his life, Hoffman is only doing it out of a weird sense of obligation?, and Jill isn’t rly a disciple, just some1 who’s been dragged into it too. (I think William n Jill actually would’ve gotten along tbh,, it’s a different thing entirely whether William would WANT to interact w her.)
I think Lawrence wld want to be able to reassure William that he had no hand in what happened to him (I don’t even know if Lawrence is the one who fitted the bracelets/did the key?), but he like. wouldn’t even know where 2 begin bc how can he explain that in a way that William could ever rely on? how could he ever convince William that he truly wasn’t responsible when all the other man wld have 2 do is look at all of th ppl he assisted John in securing/operating on? Hoffman was the one who put William in his trap, but Lawrence doesn’t know he’ll ever b able 2 prove that in a way William can believe. n I don’t think he’d expect William to believe him, not at all, but I think Lawrence at that point truly doesn’t have anyone - he and Alison are divorced and she has Diana, Adam isn’t around obviously, John + Amanda are gone, Hoffman doesn’t know he exists, so who does he have? I think he longs fr that sort of connection, even if it Is forged thru smth as terrible as what they were both individually put thru by John - they have tht common ground of being involved in his diagnosis + the way he responded to them (petty fucking grievances... kramer I will literally knock yr teeth in u fucker) n being ppl he considered partially responsible fr his downfall in a way (Lawrence wasn’t “kind enough,” William said no to a highly expensive and experimental international treatment that they weren’t even sure wld WORK). and like, not necessarily 2 the same extent, but they were both physically altered by what they went thru. Lawrence is missing his foot. William has scars + tattoos that he could get covered up, sure, but the experience isn’t going away. the scar on his side where the key was hidden is never going away. Lawrence’s prosthetic is functioning but the fact that he cut his fucking foot off isn’t going away. n that’s not even TOUCHING the lasting mental effects.
so I think William wld be feeling rly lost. he just doesn’t know what to do. he doesn’t know if he can even go back to the life he led b4 (if he does, it’s not for a very long time) n he has a hard time looking Pamela in the eye bc he feels personally responsible fr her having been there too + bc of what he’d been made to do to so many ppl. he feels alone, much more than he ever has before, n that’s saying smth bc his personal life was already extremely solitary bc he felt it was safer for him + his career. no one could possibly understand what he went thru, bc nobody saw it. nobody saw the way he tried so hard to keep every1 alive, the way he tried to help the people he worked with + CARED FOR even if he had 2 put himself thru pain to do it (holding onto those pulleys until his shoulders were almost DISLOCATED fr Addy n Allen, burning himself w the steam so Debbie could get thru the maze, the entirety of the shotgun carousel). Tara + Brent didn’t see him sacrifice himself fr his coworkers, n neither did Pamela. nobody knows. William wants some1 to connect with, n that just doesn’t seem like a possibility given that what he went thru in there is knowledge that only he himself + Hoffman carry.
but Lawrence knows. he understands n he's the one 2 kinda make that offer, to just be like “u don’t have 2 trust me right now, or even ever, but I understand n if u want some1 2 talk to, I’m here.” bc what does he have to lose? Adam is gone. Alison n Diana are gone. he’s by himself. and so is William, though he has Pamela. they’re both men who went thru smth unspeakably terrible bc a dying man wanted 2 play god n they came out of it much worse off than they ever were b4 John “helped” them. n William is just like. how much worse could it get? after Jigsaw, what could possibly be worse than what he’s already gone thru? so he’s just kind of like, “okay, we can work this out, I can’t say I trust u right now but maybe I can in the future. we can do this together. we can help each other.” n that’s how they end up meeting for coffee or breakfast/lunch/dinner every so often (coffee meets are at least weekly), n it’s just kind of like. the reassurance that some1 has seen the very worst parts of u and are still around. the relief of knowing someone sees u and knows how hard yr fighting to rebuild a life that’s been shattered into a million tiny pieces. n they’re struggling against that current together, and maybe it starts in a place of “I have no one else so I might as well chill w u,” but eventually William and Lawrence kind of fall into this uneasy friendship. they’re there for each other. William calls Lawrence when he has a nightmare that keeps him up fr hours after, shaking n w his heart beating out of his chest bc he doesn’t want to remember. Lawrence spends th night at William’s place every now n then bc he can’t be alone w his thoughts n the phantom pain in his leg just won’t quiet. they meet for coffee. they have breakfast sometimes. Lawrence has clothes n a toothbrush at William’s and vice versa. they’re in this together.
n maybe that escalates into more (which I believe wld only happen after they get 2 a point where they’ve discussed, at length, John’s legacy n who exactly would be continuing it + if anyone WLD be, n after Hoffman is “disposed of” in a sense), but even if not, they both know they Have Someone who looks at them n doesn’t see them as a monster, not the horrible person John thought he needed to “fix.” they both carry scars, both physically n mentally, frm what they went thru. they’re both struggling to get their bearings + Lawrence is still coping w what he’ll need to do after John’s (and eventually, Jill’s) passing. it won’t be easy, but they’re not walking alone. they’re wading thru the mud together, hand in hand, and fr William n Lawrence, that is enough.
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 3 years
I need to come up with a way to bribe myself. That’s all there us to it.
The reason? I am 100% pro vaccine, not afraid of shots, and and .... I haven’t gotten the covid vaccine yet. 
See, my phobia, my blinding, incapacitating terror, panic attack inducing fear, is health care professionals. There are reasons I won’t go into, but suffice to say if I were an adult, or maybe even if these things happened in the more aware current world, people would be in jail for some of what happened to me when I was a little girl. Not only do I have PTSD like symptoms connected to it, I haven’t visited a doctor in almost 30 years. I don’t even watch medical dramas, EVER. Growing up I ruled out anything that would include a physical, and was very upset it meant giving up some of my dreams.  Letting some fuckin’ health care professional touch me is the hardest thing imaginable for me. 
And before you ask, yes I tried the therapy thing. Finding one that would even consider treating me in this hick area was almost impossible. The only one that did had a wee bit of trouble getting that I am not afraid of needles or the like but those abusive self absorbed assholes in scrubs. One conversation about myself generally had him declaring me a “very unusual person” and then not bothering.  Options aren’t great in the rural south, especially when you live below the poverty line anyway.
And also, yes, I know that phobia will probably lead to a premature death from something treatable. But hell with it, I’ll die with my body my own.
So, anyway, until now I’ve been putting off the vaccine. The nearest place to get it is ten miles away. I’ve been busy or injured or something. I never am around anyone, so it wasn’t like I had anyone to infect or get infected by. But I really can’t keep this up, especially since I expect to be the only person still wearing a mask next time I go shopping.
What I need most is someone I trust, someone I’d feel would watch my back, tell me it would be alright that I’d believe, or even just hold my hand. 
I don’t have anyone. 
TBH, if my parents were still here it might not help much anyway. They loved me but never really were help with this. They just assumed I’d get over it, at least when it was important. A smart person doesn’t yield to fears I guess, and I was supposed to be smart. Maybe I was just a fool all along. 
Then again they would probably be able to drag me along for this, even if they found my fears exasperating. I dunno. Pop’s dead, Mom’s not in a position to help, and there is no one else.
So now I have to force myself. But how?
 Reason doesn’t work. Fear of covid doesn’t work. Promises of things I’ll get to do once fully vaccinated won’t help when I don’t have anything I’ll get to do different (broke, no social life, chained to the feeding schedule of the animals). All I have left is bribing myself.
And that’s the trouble. What kind of treat can I offer myself in exchange for the emotional agony? It has to be good, something I wouldn’t otherwise buy or do, an indulgence. But I’m broke. I can’t think of a single thing under $10 that would feel special enough to make up for even the anxiety I feel now in anticipation.
Geez, if only they’d give me the hypodermic I’d inject myself. I once many years ago cut a growth off my on leg with a razor rather than go to a doctor, so a shot would be a snap.
Speaking from experience, give me rattlesnakes and loaded guns pointed at me head any day. Things like that are calming and I feel invigorated afterwards. I can take so many things that frighten “normal” people, but this? If I didn’t have to drive myself I might experiment with getting drunk for the first time in my life first!
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icedteaandoldlace · 4 years
So there’s this “101 Reasons to Ship Snowbarry” video that keeps coming up on my YouTube suggestions. Idgaf about Snowbarry, and I’ve already hit the “not interested” button on similar videos before, but since I can’t seem to get away from video suggestions like this, I’m just gonna watch it and liveblog it, and bet that for every entry on the list, I can come up with a corresponding rebuttal for why Barrisco would make an even better couple. (I’m not gonna comment this ON the video ofc, this is just for my own amusement.)
Click the link above if you want to see the stuff I’ll be responding to, but be forewarned, that video is like, way long, so naturally it follows that this post is gonna be, too.
Additional note: If you are a Snowbarry shipper who has stumbled across this post somehow, now would be the time to stop reading, and also to add the “anti Snowbarry” tag to your filters if you wish to avoid running into posts like this in the future, ‘cause I ain’t interested in engaging in shipping wars.
Anyways, let’s go:
1. "How they met." Cisco woke Barry out of a coma by playing/singing a song about bisexuality, 'nuff said. (Also, part of the purpose of that scene was to introduce Caitlin as the serious, “down to business” one, and Cisco as the warmer, more easygoing one who’s trying to make Barry feel more comfortable.)
2. "They're both scientists." What is Cisco, an Instagram influencer?
3. If Caitlin being Barry’s personal doctor gets her romantic points, then the same should go for Cisco being his personal tailor. Actually, he should get more points, because there’s no moratorium on romantic relationships between tailors and their clients.
4. The way Barry and Cisco gaze into each other's eyes for non-medical purposes. This is too easy.
5. Uh. Cisco being the voice in Barry's ear while he's running, and often the first person he calls out to for help solving a problem.
6. They frequently take hold of each other's hands and shoulders.
7. Cisco comforts Barry while Caitlin tends to his wounds.
8 through 12 is literally just stuff about Caitlin being a doctor, and I don't find this stuff relevant enough to rebut because there's nothing inherently romantic about any of it.
13. "They both have fun together." Yes, Cisco also, the fun having, it happens, lots. Even more, actually.
14. Not really sure what to say for this one. Barry and Cisco noticing when each other is sad and then checking on each other (at Cecile’s baby shower and Barry’s bachelor party, respectively, and also on other occasions), comes to mind. That doesn’t have to do with noticing each other’s lips, per se, but I’ve never thought of either of these SB scenes as moments where Barry was staring at Caitlin’s lips, just as moments where he’s noticing her expression/overall mood, which is something he does with Cisco (and vice versa), too.
15. They all have nerdy hobbies, dude, they're nerds.
16. This one for SB is "she makes Barry drunk on purpose", which, y'know, she did because he wanted to be able to get buzzed, which Cisco has succeeded in helping him do, too (and the drink he made was more effective and longer lasting), but the way this is phrased is kind of suggestive, like Caitlin was doing it to lower his inhibitions (which she totally wasn’t), and uuuuhhhh, don't romanticize that maybe???
17. Cisco put all that tech into Barry's suit, including delivery menus from his favorite restaurants + wrote him an instruction manual, and sped up all his favorite shows so he could catch up on what he missed while he was in the speed force.
18. Barry makes Cisco's (and everyone's) hair fly everywhere when he speeds out of a room, too. Like, this is just basic physics, fam, wyd?
19. Barry also uses his powers to help Cisco. And...literally everyone who needs his help, this is basic superhero stuff, wyd?
20. He is impressed with Cisco, frequently.
21. Just having nicknames? He calls him "bud", "dude", etc., and one time he called him "Cis". (Bonus: Iris and Cisco have called Caitlin "Cait", too, so it’s not just a Ronnie and Barry thing.)
22. Cisco can make anything to help Barry. They're literally top-notch genius scientists, I don't even
23. Obviously they think each other makes great company, they're best friends. All of them.
24. They comfort each other. Again, best friends + Team Flash pep talks are a major staple of the show.
25. He needs Cisco, too.
26. They...they care about...my god, it's like you people have never heard of FRIENDS.
27. Honestly, how many times have we heard Barry tell Cisco he believes in him, or heard Cisco gush about what a great hero Barry is?
28. Helping each other conquer their fears. Yep, that's another one that applies to like, everyone on this show.
29. "They both have experienced loss" IT'S A SUPERHERO SHOW! Also, that's just life. Name one main character on this show who hasn't experienced loss. Nash and Wally have both experienced loss, and I have yet to see anyone ship them.
30. "They both can sing really well." Okay now. This one is true for Barry and Cisco, but uh...Caitlin is literally tone deaf. I'm not being mean, Danielle Panabaker knows good and well that she can't sing, and she has talked about Carlos side-eyeing her when she gets going because she's not good at it. THAT'S OKAY! There's nothing wrong with not being able to sing, but--WHY would you claim that she's good at something that she clearly is not? She wasn't on pitch for a single line of Summer Nights, and she straight up changes keys mid-line in the mockingbird song in that other clip, and just...what even is this entry?!
31. Watching over each other, yeah, another basic staple of being friends and superheroes.
32. "He is always standing behind Caitlin" AND LOOK WHO'S STANDING BESIDE HIM!
33. Remember that time fake Jay "died" and Cisco stayed with Caitlin until she fell asleep? Remember when Dante died and Caitlin slept on Cisco's couch to keep him company? Remember all those times Barry or Cisco were rendered unconscious, and the other stayed by their bedside until they woke up?
34. Basically just a continuation of 33. See above.
35. "Maybe 'okay' will be our 'always'." Hmm, what WOULD Barry and Cisco's "always/okay" be? Probably just calling out each other's names tbh, they do that a lot. Or perhaps, "For real?"
36. Is2g. Being only one call or text away is, again, a staple of the show, considering everyone in it is a close-knit found family and knows there's a very good chance that that call or text might be saying, "I'm in mortal danger, please come save my life at once."
37. Funny, I already pointed out once before (in a different post) the fun parallel of how Caitlin will sometimes go running to whoever her love interest is at the moment, or she'll call out his name, while Cisco is at the same moment running to Barry/calling out for Barry.
Side note: did they really think including Barry's proposal song to Iris would give more weight to their why-to-ship-Snowbarry argument?
38. I mean...Barry kind of carries everyone everywhere. You don't really get to see it, but how the heck else do you explain all the times he whooshes people in and out of places? He can't just drag them, otherwise the soles of their shoes would either wear down fast or catch on fire.
39. Okay, no shade to Barry and Caitlin's friendship, and some of these moments are really great, but generally speaking, their hugs do not compare to the ones that either of them has with Cisco. Also, note the group hug scene, conveniently cut off before Cisco joins in, because unlike the Romione + Harry hug in the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, there's no way to interpret it as a third wheel/cockblocking moment, because the moment Cisco declares it a group hug moment, Barry and Caitlin both agree, and you can see it on their faces that they are delighted, and think that Cisco joining in their hug has just made it even BETTER.
40. Henry gladly accepts a hug from Caitlin, immediately after laughing at Cisco's awkward moment and giving him a fatherly reassuring pat on the shoulder. I think it's safe to say he approves of all of Team Flash.
41. Oh look, another thing Barry and Cisco and multiple other characters do.
Good god, I'm not even halfway through this yet. This is like that time I tried to climb Diamond Head.
42. Ah, superhero poses, yes. That thing that...superheroes...do. Like, all of the ones on this show. And in general.
43.  "They begin to resemble each other." They're just white, fam. OH MY GOD, I SOMETIMES TAKE MY SUNGLASSES OFF WITH ONE HAND, TOO! OT3 MUCH????? 😱 Lol what even??
44. How many times throughout this video am I gonna have to repeat that everyone on this show has these moments? Also, speaking in unison with someone because you had prior knowledge of what they were going to say due to yourself or someone else time traveling, is not the same as being in sync with them because you’re close. (He said “Weather Wizard” at the same time as Cisco, too.)
45. Idk what to even say to this one. Like, Iris is obviously the love of Barry's life, and Cisco is obviously his favorite best friend and the person he would be with if he didn’t have Iris.
46. *John Mulaney voice* AND THEN THEY DIDN'T! Seriously, though, both of the people they were trying to get over were perfect for them. I don't have a Barrisco specific rebuttal for this one though.
47. So by this video's logic, that one scene from 4x03 means that Barry, Harry, and Cisco should be a threesome, huh?
48. "I did it because it gave me an excuse to bring him back."
49. .................is this even an argument?
50. They're both good looking people, darling.
51. Wrong, sir. They fight like siblings. Trust me on this one, I have six of them.
52. Trauma response. I'm moving away from Barrisco arguments and just saying the first thing that pops into my head now. But seriously, this is a normal reaction to trauma/loss.
53. *Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* I'm not even gonna say it this time, you already know.
54. Again, have you people ever had anyone in your life that you cared about, ever? I'm starting to get concerned, honestly. But for the sake of bringing Barrisco back into this, hey, remember that time Barry and Caitlin both got kidnapped on the same night and Cisco was completely beside himself?
55. This is getting out of hand.
56. Pretty sure dating Caitlin didn't even make the list for Barry's reasons to dislike Jay and Julian (also, he liked Ronnie, the guy she loved the most, so...)
57. Judging Barry for being a dumbass + helping an exposed girl out =/= jealousy. Granted, there was some jealousy in that last clip, but not because Iris got the man; it was because Barry was all set to live happily ever after while Caitlin was, y'know, struggling with powers she didn't want and another person living in her head that kept fighting her for control of her body.
58. Refer to season 1 episode 2, wherein Cisco is the person helping Barry from the beginning, and Caitlin asserts that she is on Joe's side when he tells Barry what a stupid and reckless idea trying to be a superhero is.
59 + 60. "Let's bring our boy home." / "Let's go get our girl." Do I need to cite either quote?
61. Again I ask, did a human make this list?
62. Don't make me tap the sign.
63. One word: Elseworlds.
64. If you'll scroll waaaaaaaaaaay up there, I already covered that Barry and Cisco hold hands A LOT.
65. Oooh, I made a meme about this one! Not after watching this video, I just see SBers say this all the time, and it drives me crazy.
Tumblr media
I used this in my Snowbarry fandom drama presentation for my squad’s presentation party a while back.
Side note: ~INTERESTING~ how Caitlin being a doctor is ““romantic”” when she’s treating Barry but ““motherly”” when she’s treating Cisco. I can’t even.
66. ......I’m sorry, I’m just not seeing how the dramatic irony of them stating that Killer Frost will never be a problem on Earth-1 is pertinent to shipping them as a couple.
67. Hannibal Bates and Caitlin are perfect for each other? Weird take, but okay. Oh, and there Caitlin is trying to freeze Barry to death. Wasn’t there a point somewhere up there about her never wanting him to get hurt?
Side note: Hey, what’s the name of that guy who saved Barry in this scene?
68. Bruh, that’s just her dynamic with everyone that season.
69. Barry and Iris, Barry and Cisco, Cisco and Caitlin, Cisco and Harry, Caitlin and Killer Frost, Cisco and Killer Frost--just naming some duos that are more iconic than Barry and Caitlin. Again, no shade to their friendship--I really like them as friends!--but the shippers stay making it out to be more than it really is.
I also just have to point out that although Killer Frost was the one who willingly teamed up with Savitar/whom Savitar sought out first, when she comments on their team up and says it’s “Barry and Caitlin together again”, his response is to point out that she’s not Caitlin and he’s not Barry. In contrast, when he takes Cisco against his will and forces him to modify the speed force bazooka, he still refers to Cisco as his best friend.
70. Make up your mind, does Savitar count as Barry in this or not? Because he totally grabbed Caitlin by the throat once.
71. I don’t know how to break this to you, but not enjoying it when someone is in pain is just being normal. (Do I even need to point out Cisco’s empathetic cringing compared to Barry’s looks of mild discomfort, or...?)
At some point this went from being about Barrisco to being about Cisco being the favorite friend to both of them, idk.
72. He. Is. Literally. A. Superhero.
73. Man, what did I JUST say? Also, can we just acknowledge the build up to Crisis on Infinite Earths for a second, wherein Frost very quickly accepts that Barry is supposed to die in order to save everyone else, while Cisco has infinite crises of his own at the idea of having to accept Barry’s death--which, I might add, he never actually does? Neither does Iris, for that matter. They tried to accept it, and they thought they did, but they didn’t really.
74. Oh fuck it, just read 73 again.
75. Okay, what even is this one? Two scenes where they are not present for each other’s “deaths” and thus don’t react to them, meanwhile Cisco is devastated in both of them?
76. Same thing I’ve already said several times before.
77. How many times do I gotta point out that this is a superhero show?
78. Just really trying hard to find enough reasons to make this list 101, huh? (What is Firestorm, chopped liver?)
79. Because violence = chemistry apparently. Wasn’t there another entry about how they can never hurt each other or something?
80. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the vibrating hand that shredded Cisco’s heart before either of those scenes happened.
81. It’s like SBers think they’re the only two characters on the entire show.
82. I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over all the other vibrating hands triggering Cisco at least once per season. But sure, Barry and Caitlin are the only two who know suffering.
83. Two words: Flashpoint. Dante. Also, not seeing how this one is romantic.
84. That’s just a Caitlin/Frost thing, fam, it only happened to Barry because he got whammied by Prism, who caused the same effect in everyone else he whammied. (Cisco’s eyes turned purple once when he got hypnotized.)
85. Please. I beg of you. Get friends. Interact with a human person.
Side note: “I trust you” was almost what I put for Barrisco’s “always/okay”.
86. “Don’t call me that. I don’t know you, string bean.” / “I don’t know who you think you are, but around here, people call me Mr. Ramon.” / “The name is Vibe.” (Again, romance where?)
87. Kinda like how Mirror Iris and Mirror Kamilla have slightly dressier tastes than Real Iris and Real Kamilla.
88. ....Anyways, Vibe........
89. The first time because Cisco saved him, the second time because she froze him just enough to fool Grodd, not enough to actually kill him. (Again I say, what is Firestorm?)
90. So romance. Very love. Much relationship.
91. ANYWAYS, CISCO. (And uh, hello, IRIS???? Joe? Harry?)
92. See 88.
93. This one might be a fun ship parallel if Caitlin had actually been involved in Barry’s brain zapping, but instead it’s just like, “here’s two random scenes that are kinda similar in completely insignificant ways”, like the evil clothes thing a few entries back.
94. Another entry that just demonstrates that their one-on-one moments together, while good, just don’t compare to either of their one-on-one moments with Cisco. I can’t be the only person who sees this.
95 + 96 + 97. I can’t muster up enough interest in any of these shows to watch them all the way through. Is this supposed to impress me?
98 + 99 + 100. The only point this proves is that they have multiple ship names. (I thought their evil ship name was Savifrost?)
101. Mm, sorry, sweetheart, Westallen, Barrisco, and Snowstorm all have them beat in this category.
This post really got away from me, at this point idk what I’m even doing, but I went on too long to stop now.
Oh, shit, there’s a bonus round.
Honestly, I fail to see how a lot of these supposedly “match”? But as for the ones that do, that’s just your basic TV aesthetics, I forget the official name for it. They’re matchy-matchy with Cisco in some of those shots, too, because TV matchy color psychology whatever. It’s a whole thing, every TV show and movie does it.
If anyone actually followed along this far, congratulations on your attention span, my brain could never. Idk how to end this post because it strayed so far from my original intent and basically just turned into a Snowbarry Fandom Doesn’t Make Sense Presentation 2.0
You know, I like to try not to generalize and stuff, and I’d like to think that maybe not all SBers are racist and that some people genuinely just like the ship because they think that makes sense or something, but then I look at their reasons for shipping it, and it’s just the dang blandest thing I ever did see, and they have to reach so far when they try to explain why they think they’re the best “couple” on the show and just??? I am the queen of shipping friends who never get together romantically, but Barry and Caitlin just don’t got it, son. Tbh part of the show’s appeal to me is the fact that there’s no threat of Caitlin ever getting with either of her male bffs in that way, because Cisco is like her brother, and getting with Barry just wouldn’t make sense. It just befuddles me to no end that they are such a wildly popular ship and not a rare pair, because the way their relationship is in canon is just exactly the way it should be.
That’s it, I guess. I’ve already invested this much time in this, so I might as well post it.
Also, please don’t anybody try to start anything in the comments section of this video, this fandom has enough drama as it is.
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ihavenocluedude · 4 years
The two awkward fools
Chapter 4. I forgot you call her that!
Montgomery “Scotty” Scott (AOS) x OFC
Chapter 1   2   3
A/N: Hellu, so like.. as I’ve said before I have like a few of these chapter pre-written so I thought I’d just like... drop this one before I finish le Agent Whiskey One shot, honestly wish me luck, I need to figure out how Imma finish that one... might be a long one tbh. 
Word Count: 1538
The repairs had been done just some hour later after Scotty had left. 
“I’ll just tell Scotty that everything’s under control and that he doesn’t need to check in.” Jen explained to Max as Jen looked down on her PADD, checking to see that everything was truly done and that she had done everything right, the last checks. Max nodded, it was understandable, totally understandable… But did she want to see Scotty? Of course, they’re now sort of officially friends, did she want to admit that she wanted to see him to Jen and get teased to death in public? No. 
While she found a small affection for the man even within probably the first day… That affection had… grown. It had grown, especially during the short time he spent in the medical bay during the repairs. Seeing him care so much for something, seeing him passionate for something he probably does daily? Who doesn’t love passion? And they’d talk! Sure it wasn’t some sort of deep talk but he told her about Scotland, about his home. 
Much to Max’s pleasure, Scotty checked in anyway. Max, at first being worried that he hadn’t gotten Jen’s message until her eyes caught his, throwing that worry out the metaphorical window. He had searched the room for her and in doing so, making her breathe slightly more shallowly. And then of course he started walking straight towards her, keeping the eye contact but accidentally stumbling into one of the nurses as he hadn’t taken in his surroundings completely. 
“I kno’ that Jen said everything’s fine bu’ I jus’ wanted to stop by anyway…” Scotty smiled at Max, what Max didn’t see however was his slightly antsy body language and his brain trying hard to keep the eye contact and not look away. Whilst Max tried telling herself to look away, don’t make it awkward, but couldn’t look away. 
“Yeah of course, uhm… it’s just over here… But you know that…” Max stumbled slightly, chuckling, finally averting her gaze away from Scotty’s eyes and walking towards the repaired equipment. Scotty nodded, inspecting the equipment, just maybe perhaps trying to drag out the moment by taking a really good look.
“Hello there Scotty.” McCoy of course walked over to the two fools that stood by the perfectly fine repaired equipment “I thought Jen said it didn’t need a check in?” McCoy turned his eyes towards Max with a questioning look, as well as a smug smirk playing on his lips. Max’s eyes somewhat widening at his question, McCoy’s expression constantly being in a smug state around the two fools. 
“Ach no, bu’ it can’ hurt can it?” Scotty looked up at the CMO, picking up his PADD to really get everything checked. Scotty was afraid that he was being way too transparent, to McCoy? He definitely was, to Max? Not at all. 
--- --- ---
“I feel stupid.” Max groaned as she entered her best friend’s quarters, as she had already memorized the code months ago, “Am I stupid? 
“You’re not stupid but you are quite foolish, come here El.” Jen chuckled, embracing her best friend in a hug as Max walked over to her. “Why do you feel stupid? Did you say something to him? Did he say something?” Jen rushed through her words, putting her hands on Max’s shoulders and pushing her away so she could see her face, Max’s hands hooking onto Jen’s elbows’ creases. 
“Nope… But I mean… Ugh! I just met this man, tell me I’m not being stupid? I haven’t had feelings for anyone since like the academy!” Max groaned remembering the stupid guy she had fallen for years ago. His hair was brown instead of blond but he was still slightly older and quite quirky… and yes also an engineer… of course. “What can I do? Like what are my options?” Max then asked Jen, going back in for a hug from her best friend who had started overthinking it all the second she caught Scotty’s eye contact. 
“You can tell him-”
“You could try to get to know him more before you do anything?” Jen then suggested, running her hand over her best friend’s hair, keeping her other arm now locked around Max’s shoulders. They had always been very close with physical contact, Jen was basically the only person Max let that close to her, her thoughts, her heart, herself. It almost felt like a requirement to have someone there for you during the lonesome years in space, even if the ship is flooded with people, you need your number one. The person you could call home. Jen is that person for her. 
“I could… I mean I’m… He and I could probably be just friends right?”
“Why are you so determined on keeping him away from you-” 
“I’m not!” Max walked away a little from Jen, shaking her head and rubbing her hands over her face, trying to beat the sleepiness that was starting to seep in.
“You are, I know it won’t be some… well some whirlwind-falling in love within just a day or whatever but don’t be afraid to let him in Elfie!” Jen told her quite loudly, gesturing with her hands like she was some sort of mad scientist. “He likes you too, you do know that right?” Jen almost whispered now, stepping towards Max who now stood there, her hands just covering her face as she breathed deeply. But at Jen’s words she let her arms go cross over her torso instead. 
“No he doesn’t, we can’t know that. Let’s just let this all be, I’m too tired for this. Let’s go eat and then go sleep.”
--- --- ---
“Scotty you can’t deny this, you like her.”
“Who likes who?”
“Scotty just met Max last week and he’s already falling in love.” McCoy teased the scotsman, Keenser laughing at the teasing as Kirk sat down, joining the three who were eating together. 
“-I’m not in love, she’s jus’ very…-She’s simply a friend.” Scotty stammered slightly as he looked at the unconvinced facial expressions of his friends. Keenser nudged his friends in the ribs, shaking his head and went back to eating his- very small meal. Scotty had of course teased Keenser sometimes about being able to eat just one bean and being satisfied, but most times, such as this one, it meant that he dragged out the time of eating that one bean just to sit there with his friends. However at this moment Scotty wished that Keenser would just eat his food so he’d at least have one less person teasing him about his affection for the doctor he’d newly met.
“God- Maxwell, I haven’t seen her in a while, where has she been lately?” Kirk spoke with fondness before shaking his head with a small chuckle.
“Over there, joined at the hip with Ms Rogers as always.” McCoy chuckled, looking over at the two girls who just walked in. Scotty’s eyes may have just may have snapped over to the entrance as he saw the girl he still hadn’t stopped thinking about and was anxious to see again. “And you say she’s just a friend huh? Hope you don’t look at me like that.” McCoy joked as he looked back at his food. 
“We should call them over, have them join us. I don’t think I’ve talked to Maxwell since… way too long ago.”
“Do you really not remember your drunken little fight?”
“Our what?” Kirk questioned McCoy before recalling the last time they had been on shore leave a few months ago. Kirk, Max and McCoy had sat down in a bar, drinking way too much too fast and eventually Kirk and Max had found something to fight about; pretty much everything in this god damn universe “-ooh.” Kirk realised that he hadn’t spoken to her since then. “Do you think she’s still… irritated?” 
“No it should be fine, the kiddo doesn’t dwell on things.” 
“-I forgot you call her that!” Kirk’s laugh could’ve probably been heard from every corner of the canteen, which of course made Scotty’s eyes widen at Kirk, trying to tell him to shut up.
“Look I’ll talk t’ her, I’d talk t’ her everyday if I could but-”
“You can.” McCoy muttered, almost wanting to lock the two crewmembers in some closet or turbolift for a few days and see if they’d eat each other up or eat each other up so he’d finally get some peace from the craziness Max brings around. “It’s not that hard Scotty, visit the medical bay once in a while, make up an excuse for her to come down to the engineering station, I bet she’ll take any excuse. I’ll even help you god damnit.”
“Christ McCoy, calm down.” Kirk chuckled, rolling his eyes at his friends. He missed this sometimes, even when he had it, he missed these moments of laughter at the expense of his friends. Especially when it came down to one of his friends falling in love with another of his friends, however with Maxwell and Scotty, he knew it’d take way too long before they’ll truly show their emotions towards each other. Hence why he and McCoy would have to try and push them together. 
A/N - Okay so I’ve already written this on AO3, but like this whole thing about ‘your person’ is so fucking true and I like wrote that weeks ago! Like uni is as I said, kicking my ass. And I’m starting to get hella homesick and just wanting physical affections (hugs pleaaase!). Like I do have friends and such here but damn how I miss my friends and family from back home. 
Next chapter
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
things i think the Hargreeves should do post apocalypse:
Any adult shop classes because I genuinely love mechanic!Luther and have been slipping that into like, all my aus where I can.
Goes to slam poetry nights because he genuinely enjoys poetry (hello space poetry from episode one about the comet or whatever) and maybe one day is confident enough to share his with other people
Gets some gym bros who all enthusiastically support him in a bro sort of way who are constantly getting their minds blown by how much Luther can lift and constantly going “YOOOOOO” while Luther tries to downplay things bc he’s embarrassed 
I don’t know I just want Luther to have actual friends
Probably goes to every astronomy event where people have telescopes and is known in that scene so every time there’s some event at the observatory newcomers are like “what the FUCK” when this bigass bodybuilder comes in and starts gushing about which planet is visible I don’t know
Spearheads a lot of the family’s museum (that aren’t art museum) outings, especially if they have any exhibit that even vaguely relates to outer space or planets or the moon or anything. 
Probably gets up at godawful hours on the morning to go hiking and see the sunrise because he really liked doing that on the moon and even though it isn’t quite the same he still loves to do it. (If he’s not hiking he goes up to Grace’s roof garden to watch it)
He already does his fighting at the gym which is kind of cool I’m going to gently assume that he already has gym bros and if he doesn’t then he becomes somewhat more approachable after everything
(having your mother comes down to the gym and kiss your cheek or your teenage brother hop in to drag you away or you other very flamboyant sibling dance his way into the gym to fetch you doesn’t exactly do wonders for keeping a reputation going)
I do want to think that Diego takes up like,, whittling but I think he’d have to do it away from Vanya bc,, you know,, Leonard/Harold whatever was a woodcarver or something but idk maybe Vanya is cool with it - but just the image of Diego hunching over and carving at something and Klaus leaning over and trying to enthusiastically guess what it is while getting it super super wrong because Diego is a beginner and his starting pieces are all lumpy monstrosities makes me smile
Diego taking cooking classes so that he can surprise Grace by taking over dinner sometimes and letting her relax and do what she wants
I’ve said this somewhere before but Diego spearheading picnic events and forcing the family out of the house because he thinks it’s a nice thing for Grace to see the world and on god if any of his siblings fight him about it he will stuff their asses into a picnic basket himself because they are GOING
Gets dragged by Klaus into dumb ideas to “give ourselves a CHILDHOOD diego” more than any other member of the family. Which basically means that Diego is the one Klaus grabs to surf a mattress down the staircase and other dumbass ideas
Probably ends up redecorating the mansion and completely redoing it to make it more modern and also less the horrible hellscape with taxidermied animals on the walls that it is. Her and Grace squad up to plan everything and then Allison makes everyone help when it comes to things like painting and building all the nice ikea furniture she just bought
Takes parenting classes as sort of extra credit for her custody case for Claire. I feel like eventually she and Patrick genuinely talk to each other, maybe at some kind of joint therapy, and sort of clear the air between them. They might never get back together, but they at least become sort of friends again. Mainly because I like the Patrick I’ve built up for myself in my head tbh
Occasionally attends craft classes with Klaus when she has a spare moment, because he goes to like,, all the local craft classes. She likes to spend the time with him. Is probably the only sibling who willingly attends with Klaus, but others get dragged along as well.
Probably takes up scrapbooking? She wants to have something physical to give to Claire so decides to go through like,, all the camera footage of their childhoods and pick out good images (because goodness knows they didn’t have cute family pictures) and maybe Grace uploads some of her memories to a harddrive with cute shit and they scrapbook together let me have this
on a related note buys a camera and starts trying to catch her siblings doing cute things for her scrapbook with the sort of determined energy of someone who has realized that she’s having to do her scrapbooking from security camera footage because their childhoods were fucked up
(she has a bajillion pictures of herself - thank you paparazzi - but all she has on her siblings is like... what, one of diego’s fighting posters and the two pictures of Vanya from her book and from the newspaper on the fucked up apocalypse concert??)
Genuinely goes to any and all craft classes offered at the community center and random places around town. Usually sort of a disaster, always a disaster when he drags along his siblings, and always proudly brings home his third grader worthy creations that Grace proudly puts on the shelves. He gets better at things the more he goes to them though, so there’s a progression of skill level in his crafts. Allison goes with him when she has time.
Has a knitting circle that he attends that is primarily made of little old ladies who dote on him. Five occasionally goes with but it often conflicts with Five’s other extra curricular activities.
Bakes at home a lot, with Grace’s supervision after some certain incidents that should remain unnamed. Tends to get ‘creative’ with the recipes but now that Grace is present to make sure it won’t be a disaster everyone is more willing to taste whatever comes out. Has, on at least one occasion, insisted on decorating cookies or icing cupcakes or whatever as a ‘family bonding activity.’
Goes with Ben to the movie theater frequently even to the gross horror movies that Klaus hates and Ben absolutely loves. Klaus always insists Diego come to the horror movies so that Klaus has someone physically there for him to hold onto when he’s scared. Five comes sometimes as well, but tends to critique the special effects - especially blood and blood splatter - which makes other people turn around to hush them.
I genuinely want to say he does gymnastics lessons. Mainly because I feel like he needs to do SOMETHING physical and get rid of his excess energy, and also I think it would be hilarious for him to be tumbling and teleporting and shit at the same time what a wild ride. Absolutely refuses to allow his siblings to come to any competitions or whatever, but they all end up showing up anyway.
Starts learning instruments. Asks Vanya for lessons on the violin so they can play together, it’s very cute. I also wants to say starts learning the piano because someone sent me an ask once about it and it was super valid. And Five can learn both because I say so and he doesn’t go to school he has the free time
Is on first name basis with a bunch of scientists and mathematicians online where they all yell numbers at one another. Probably in a super technical group chat with a bunch of people with actual doctorates who don’t actually know that Five doesn’t have a doctorate. 
Actually you know what just let Five start actually going to college like let him go to the local community college or start taking college classes or something. He can get his GED or whatever. Let this boy get a DEGREE
Goes to art classes, first because drawing therapy was something Klaus suggested and he wanted to get his brother off his back. Later because he enjoys it. There’s a life drawing group he frequents - he’s the youngest there and new people always do a double take when he shows up but Five is very meticulous in his art and is actually pretty good. Grace goes with him as well because I say so and they deserve bonding time together
I mean he’s kind of dead but let him do things with his siblings as well!!
Like I said earlier, a total movie buff and loves going to see things in theaters. And by movie buff I just mean he sees a lot of movies. Bizarrely into horror movies for how sensitive a kid he always was. He goes to the theater with Klaus for the most part but likes to watch movies with the family as well. Klaus makes him watch every animated movie with him in return for Ben dragging Klaus to watch horror movies.
Probably ends up with a youtube channel?? does movie reviews and game playthroughs whenever Klaus has enough energy to manifest him. Is pretty popular but half his followers are because of the bizarre shit that goes on in the backgrounds of his videos. People figure out Klaus (who is a frequent guest) is The Seance and then Five jumps in to tell them dinner is ready or something and they’re like “wait is that the Seances brother with the portal powers who vanished when he was a teen and still IS a teen” and the fact that ben probably has a username that’s some shit like “bentacles” that klaus set up for him everyone is theorizing that the channel is just. Ghost Ben and Five who are being manifested by the Seance to?? play games? 
well. they’re half right.
it certain doesn’t help the rumor mill when Ben makes sarcastic comments about dying or how he can’t get arrested because he’s legally dead and shit like that.
“Yeah sorry I didn’t post yesterday Klaus’s knitting group ended up getting arrested somehow - I was there and I’m still not sure went down - so that’s why I didn’t manifest”
I mean obviously she plays the violin that’s her job. She also teaches Five how to play the violin when he expresses an interest!! She is very touched by the gesture
Swims to keep fit and is a frequent at the pool. Klaus once bugged her to let him come, but it’s really her thing that she just does by herself when she wants to get out of her own brain. She does promise Klaus that they’ll take a family trip to a water park one day though, which he enthusiastically takes her up on.
Attends a book club that she also half-shares with Ben. Ben doesn’t come with to any of the meetings, but she always buys two copies/borrow two copies from the library so that Ben can read along with them and he and Vanya discuss the books before she even goes to any of the meetings. Probably thought there would be more discussion of the books than complaining about their general lives, but keeps going because she lowkey wants an excuse to keep frequenting the bookstore where this cute girl works.
Her and Five steadily are making their way through all the coffee shops in the city (as well as through their menus) in search of the best cup of coffee. It’s just a fun thing they do together that the other siblings occasionally go with as well whenever they have time. Both Five and Vanya have notebooks where they record their ratings based on a variety of factors. Diego calls them pretentious and Klaus always gets the ones which are barely classified as coffee when he goes with (Five steals sips and makes faces but continues to do so)
Frequents art museums and galleries! Supports a lot of beginning and local artists by buying their art and has a lot of rotating paintings and prints in the house depending on her mood. She got rid of pretty much like,, all the old painting that Reggie had up except for a few of her favs which she relocates to her new room that Diego put his foot down on giving her
Goes with Five to his art classes at first because, as a minor, he needed an adult to go with him for nudity reasons (it’s a life drawing class man). Grace didn’t expect to actually draw herself but Five insisted because he felt awkward with her just standing there. She prefers abstract styles herself (so many people at this art class have a crush on Grace you have no idea)
(actually goes with Five to most things he’s beginning for himself for at least the first lesson to sign him up as an adult because Five loathes having to ask his siblings)
Commissions someone to come and paint a portrait of the family that’s for them, where none of them are stiff and they’re all happy. She tips the artist fabulously for it and hangs the new family portrait in the place of honor above the mantle where Five’s portrait used to hang (they all destroyed it as a family bonding activity)
Keeps bees on the roof after one of the kids showed her an article about saving the bees. She can’t get stung and genuinely enjoys hanging out up there where she ALSO started a big garden because I say so and Grace deserves to be surrounded by flowers and bumblebees and happiness don’t @ me
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ryttu3k · 3 years
I want to have them all on Tumblr, so. Here are my reaction posts, in order, for Resolution of the Daleks and season 12, part 1!
Resolution of the Daleks
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Resolution! Spoilers, obviously!
Okay, negative first, just to get it out of the way. Doctor Who, I really appreciate that you consistently have queer minor characters and queer couples. Just super casual and all, as it should be. Now can you please stop killing off half of said couples? Angstrom's wife, Frankie, now this young guy? It's really not cool.
Don't think the voiceover worked. I feel the prologue would have worked better with just visuals.
Again, Yaz didn't have much to do. The Doctor got a ton of action, Ryan and Graham both had significant interactions with Aaron, Yaz was... just kind of there. I'm hoping that when the show comes back in a year, now that Ryan has largely dealt with his issues, Yaz will get more attention?
UNIT was killed by Brexit?! Fuckin' rude!
Okay, on to the positive!
The Dalek was, frankly, fucking scary. Despite knowing that the Doctor would beat it, obviously, it caused huge swathes of damage and racked up a... rather high body count. Like it felt like a proper threat. Also, its ability to stop the TARDIS tracking it and stuff. Lin's terror felt extremely genuine and it was just nice and horrific overall, like - if it wasn't for the Doctor, it would feel like a genuine threat to the entire Earth.
(Also, it shut down the wifi. On New Years Day. What a monster!)
Oh man that Dalek laughter. Creepy as fuck. The Doctor dragging it in via hologram to dare it to laugh in her face? Fucking iconic.
"I've learned to think like a Dalek." Oof.
Doctor vs Dalek. Not just the physical aspect, but the mental part - the Doctor recognising the seriousness of it, but also having that element of cockiness ("Oh, mate") because, frankly, she's dealt with bigger threats. She's right when she points out that the biggest problem will be if regular humans try to engage it!
Elements of Dark!Doctor when she asks the team - almost desperately - if she gave it enough chances, if she was nice enough. Because the Doctor can get fucking scary around Daleks and she knows it. She's nice. She's friendly. But she's also the Doctor, and the Doctor has done some really damn questionable things to stop the Daleks, and she knows that. Fantastically done and I still desperately want some proper Dark!Doctor.
Really liked the parallels between the Doctor using scrap to make her sonic screwdriver, vs the Dalek using scrap to make its armour. The Doctor makes a tool, the Dalek makes items of war. Of course, well, the Doctor is probably more dangerous just with a swiss army sonic than a Dalek blaster...
I love how the whole, "Dads are complicated... so I've heard" bit could refer to either the loom thing or the Doctor having actual parents or the Doctor being a shitty dad themself XD
Graham was so excited to show off the TARDIS! Like he's just going, "How cool is this?!"
There were some legitimately funny moments! Graham's chair, "I suppose... we'll have to have a... conversation?", "Junkyard chic"... UNIT was killed by Brexit like that's so awful but. But in a kind of funny way.
Okay, now the unsure. Ryan, Graham, and Aaron. Ryan and Graham have sorted out their issues - but Aaron is still such a big overshadowing part of it that it's a bit of a shock when he comes back in. As someone with a similarly shit biological father, I was completely empathising with Ryan in the coffee shop conversation. And I do understand why they wanted reconciliation, so they showed Aaron as acknowledging his bullshit and Ryan ultimately choosing to forgive and save him.
But it's just... not that easy. It's not all going to be perfect just because they stopped a Dalek together. Aaron's neglect hurt Ryan really badly, and it just felt... too easy? Like it helped that Aaron was genuinely contrite, and that he had that good stepfather talk with Graham, but just... yeah, not sure how I feel about it, honestly.
The Doctor's first words to him being, "You weren't at Grace's funeral. Ryan waited for you, you let him down" were so, so good. Like the Doctor is just going "fuck you I'm his father now". Like tbh I think she was 100% prepared to yeet him off the TARDIS and be done with it. Like damn don't emotionally hurt one of her crew.
Some wonderfully savage lines, though. The Doctor's, "You're almost making up for your parenting deficit!"; Aaron and Ryan's, "Is that how you talk to your dad?" "I don't know, he's not been around"; Graham's fucking smirk when Ryan pointedly calls him 'Gramps'.
I did see a suggestion that would have made it much better - instead of the Dalek capturing Aaron, it captures Ryan. First, it ups the threat in the mind of the Doctor and Team TARDIS - this isn't some dickhead, this is one of them. And instead, it's Aaron who reaches out to Ryan, Aaron who risks his life, Aaron who has to come through for Ryan, instead of the other way around. Also would have tied in beautifully with, "Family isn't about DNA, or a name. It's about what you do, and you haven't done enough."
Also, 'srs tech skillz'. With a Z. Doctor why.
In conclusion, I am going to fight Nigel Farage for killing UNIT.
Spyfall part 1
Current response to Doctor Who: making a near-literal SDKFJHGSDASDKFH sound, grabbing a cushion, nearly throWING THE CUSHION.
More intelligent commentary when my brain comes back online.
Okay. Am calm. Am good! We're good.
MAJOR SPOILERS for Doctor Who: Spyfall, part 1!
So yeah I actually literally screamed (kind of... scream-laugh-holy-shit-yes). Like, even before Dhawan finished speaking the, "Or should I say spy... Master?" line because of the way he had said 'spymaster' in full in the line before and there's nothing that grabs my brain like that one word in that one context. It wasn't quite as mindblowing as the Utopia reveal, since, let's face it, it's only been a season since we last saw that magnificant arsehole, but still.
(Actually, since I didn't watch Twelve's run, the last time I saw them was exactly a decade ago in The End of Time, broadcast New Years Day 2010. And I still fucking cry over, "Get out of the way." So. That may have been why I literally screamed lmao)
I mean. It's the Master. I can't not. They're my favourite jerk. This is probably slightly concerning.
Anyway. Comments!
The good
Episode was just flat-out exciting. It reminded me both of the Three and Ten eras, a bit? Fun gadgets, fancy suits, and what ends up being a giant game! Did start wondering when they were talking about spies and codes and stuff. It's basically a puzzle that's been set up for the Doctor to solve. Plus, the way she was pretty much enlisted into it! Thirteen and Dhawan!Master might end up having a more Pertwee-Delgado-esque dynamic, maybe? I would be down for that!
(My introductory episode to the Master was The Mind of Evil. Let's just put it that way XD)
"I'm her best enemy." <3
I mean, in retrospect, isolated house full of high-tech stuff and a wall full of books about the Doctor... oh honey. Long, looong game of playing Spies and Conspiracies just for, apparently, the sheer funsies of it. Oh, honey. They're such a disaster and I love them.
The reveal scene, Jodie's acting. The way she just... freezes and hunches in on herself. She's been hiding her past more than other Doctors have in the past, and suddenly, here is her past!! Right here!! Laughing and joking and right there in front of her! And she's just like, "Ohhh shit, I was not ready to have this conversation again..."
Yasmin and Ryan's dynamic. I do like that they split up the usual combos of Thirteen-Yasmin and Graham-Ryan for once, because I do like seeing the way they play off each other! It makes them feel more cohesive as a group. I liked Ryan trying to comfort Yasmin after her experience.
Post-reveal, I'm now wondering if the weird zappy forest thing is the Master's TARDIS? Something to do with changing and processing DNA into something else? Something based around neurons, with the electric travelling system? Am also wondering what happened to Yasmin while in there, since she seemed to be processed in some way, and I'm wondering if she had part of her DNA rewritten as well - or maybe if she's been replaced entirely, like she's currently piloting an alien version of her own body while her actual self is still in there. They did already do that with Flesh!Amy, though.
Once this arc is over, I think Thirteen is definitely going to have to sit down and tell the Fam who the hell she actually is. Graham is having some serious questions, and the Master was definitely egging that on, pre-reveal.
How much do I love that even in a tux, the Doctor still has the culottes and boots? A lot, that is how much. Also, how much do I love the Doctor in a suit and on a motorbike? A lot, that is how much.
"I've had an upgrade." <3
Thirteen playing Snap. It's okay, Thirteen, you still win my heart <3
"Worst! Uber! Ever!!"
"Kisses!" Yes, we know ;) They've been texting! Someone write me a WhatsApp chat fic with plenty of subtext and double meaning, I require it. Also, memes. You know it's true. The Master isn't a Time Lord, they're a Meme Lord.
"Everything you think you know is a lie." Season hook? :o
The hmm
Main concern is how they're handling the Master's characterisation? Last we saw, they were so ready to jump the Doctor ship. Now it's back to games. Kind of wondering if that means the Master is just at the point of being resigned that they and the Doctor just don't work and so is going back to games because at least it makes them happy, but I'm happy to wait until next week to see how things play out!
Did see a suggestion that this is the Master from one of the alternate universes (or at least that seems to be the general consensus on why there were multiple maps), so not actually necessarily the same version as Missy. Alternatively, this could actually be a pre-Missy version! Maybe between Simm!Master and Missy, since we never actually see that regeneration?
Actually, if this is the one immediately before Missy and this two-parter ends with the Master regenerating and we actually do get Thirteen and Missy together on screen I may cry.
(Like I'm aro-ace and agender but I'm still so gay for both of them. There is no word other for this emotion other than 'I'm gay'.)
I kind of wish someone had double-checked the name of the company because VOR running the world is. Is. "Right now, VOR is more powerful than most nations." Just. *pinches bridge of nose* Like okay you know how we say 'oh yeah just google it' 'yeah I googled it' are they really gonna say 'yeah I just VO
'I'm going to V
I can't say it. I can't.
Apparently the Australia scenes were filmed in South Africa. Kind of assumed it wasn't really Australia as soon as I saw actually greenery in the background h e h.
Highkey wish I could have seen Missy and Thirteen together. Dhawan!Master is very fun so far but. Missy and Thirteen. See comment above about the Master's characterisation!
...ABC are you really going to keep to Thursday night broadcasts even after the UK switches their Sunday nights / our Monday mornings? Well that's a good way to guarantee I'll be watching them online first! I was happy to wait twelve hours or so so I could watch it with Mum, but like hell I'm going to wait three and a half days!
In conclusion, am dead, send help, is it Monday morning yet?
Spyfall part 2
Thoughts on Doctor Who: Spyfall, part 2!
Oh man I'm hyped. We got a teeny teaser to the Timeless Child way back last decade but now we may actually get to see what the fuck is going on. And hell, if nothing else, at least the discovery is being teased to be so devastating it did undo Missy's characterisation. If this incarnation of the Master is after her, at least. Still not necessarily anything to suggest that. The Master will likely be recurring over this season, so we'll find out more, at least!
God, the Master is so fucked up. Like. He's seen something apparently so massively traumatic that he had to destroy his own planet and legitimately does look broken by it? Unless he was acting, but I did not get that impression from the message at the end. And the only way he can think of to get the Doctor's attention is to start his old tricks? Not sure if it's better or worse for him to be pre-Missy tbh.
It's just... such an interesting dynamic. Also I really want to read into the whole... scene where the Master asks the Doctor to kneel and call him 'Master' in front of everyone - then, when she does (defiantly! Stubbornly!), he... kneels to be at the same level as her. Like, "I'm going to play these BDSM-esque power games with you but when it comes down to it, I still consider us equal."
Anyway the Master is def a service top.
This comment from Tumblr user upslapmeal:
"'why would it stop? I mean how else would I get your attention’ what did I say about the Master being like a cat knocking things off shelves"
I mean. Yeah.
"Contact." Old school.
The Companions! They get a capital C because they were rad as hell. I love them all deciding that what they do next is: carry on to save the world. Like they're all heroic af without the Doctor and it's so good.
"Don't make me do a soft-shoe shuffle!"
And questioning at the end, oooh man. There are some Implications there, yeah. They've found out some surface information, yes, but no real hint at the deeper trauma. And given what this coming season is hinting at, I strongly suspect we will indeed be getting that deeper trauma and maybe even Dark!Doctor. Gallifrey does tend to bring it out of them...
The whole on-the-run thing seemed to definitely be a callback to Sound of Drums. Uh, what's that going to do long-term? Send out a worldwide message saying, "Sorry, our bad, they're fine"? I mean, last time that happened... okay, Jack was already with Torchwood and so is used to Not Really Existing, but Martha definitely couldn't go back to fuckin' medical school. She ended up at UNIT and then went independent. They did not return to their normal lives.
Barton: needs a goddamn punch. He killed his mother what the fuck. On the plus side, at least he seems to have thoroughly destroyed his career? Be interesting to see if he reappears later, you don't go from the most powerful person on the planet to massive pariah overnight without Repercussions.
On to our guest characters! I hate to brag but I guessed who Ada was as soon as I heard her first name and saw her outfit. I mean the computers theme was already there, who else would she be? :D And I admittedly didn't know who Noor Inayat Khan was except in passing, but still. Little upset about the erased memories (Donna ;_; ), but I can see why the Doctor did it and like... this way, I'm glad they were able to avoid the implications of, "Ada only developed computing because she had already seen the future." Like people said that with Rosa Parks even though the Doctor said explicitly to only ensure there were enough seats filled and the act itself was all Rosa, so they may have wanted to play it safe.
I... really want to comment on how Ada definitely was crushing on the Doctor (and really, who wouldn't?), but she was a real person so I shall avoid those implications. (But really though!)
Doctor how many times have you been in someone's liver. This is some Magic School Bus Inside The Human Body bullshit and I love it.
Doctor's recording: "First of all, you're not gonna die! Second of all, don't talk back to the screens, obviously I'm a recording and I can't hear ya. Third, don't panic. Especially you, Graham."
Graham, panicking: "I'M NOT PANICKING!"
Doctor's recording: "Yes, you were! And I did just say, don't talk back to the screens!"
Graham: "????!?!!"
I want an entire series of the Master having a really infuriating seventy-seven years on Earth. Please.
Comments on continuity issues regarding that, "It's worse than Jodrell Bank!" "Did I ever apologise for that?" "No." "Good." exchange XD;; Like people are going, "Continuity error!! It was the Pharos Project, not Jodrell Bank!!" and like. Pharos was a project. Jodrell Bank is an observatory. You can do projects at observatories. Also, you can refer to projects by location, too. Am I referring to the Canberra Deep Space Communication Project or Tidbinbilla Station? Both! They refer to the same thing! In the Whoniverse, they likely did the Pharos Project at Jodrell Bank, and just had some lighthearted bantz about that time where the Master killed the Doctor, no biggie.
So, onwards to... an apparently unrelated episode for next week! Also, the Kassavin? Still there. Like. The Master only gave suggestions. They still have all those agents everywhere! They're still ready to act! And yeah, now they have the Master in their hands, so... I wonder if they'll make the Timeless Child a long, ongoing arc, and have the much more immediate threat of the Kassavin as the season finale?
Orphan 55
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Orphan 55!
First thought: anvilicious, but some anvils need to be dropped, because, uh, have you seen the world lately.
It feels like quite a brittle episode? Even beyond the immediate tension of 'there are large angry creatures trying to kill everyone', there's just this sense of... like, tension. There's the tension between Benni and Vilma, which at first is kind of a sweet tension then becomes a life-threatening and sad tension. There's the tension between Roger Parslow Silas and his dad, with Silas not being taken seriously (although I do think him running out while they're in life-threatening danger is a bit much). The obvious and major tension between Bella and Kane that drives the whole episode, yes.
And there's also the tension amongst Team TARDIS! The episode starts with the Doctor still in Some Kinda Way about last week, and I felt a bit of tension between Yaz and Ryan? She seemed rather unimpressed by Bella, at any rate. I do like how organic the relationship between Ryan and Graham feels, at least. "It ain't the aliens that are gonna kill me, it’s worrying about you!"
Set and costume building, I felt, was kind of... eh? I liked how Tranquility itself looked, but the tunnels looked Very Generic, and some of the looks I felt didn't really work. Silas and his dad's green hair just looked very obviously fake, and I saw a description of Hyph3n-with-a-three looking like a cross between a Jellicle Cat and John Candy in Spaceballs (which... yeah, honestly). And I'm not sure about the Dregs, although I did initially have the thought that whatever the original inhabitants of the planet were, they must have been humanoid was amusingly accurate...
"I just pulled this out of a friend of mine! >:("
"Oh! ...We do not make any judgments on our guests and fully support any way you choose to enjoy yourself here at Tranquility Spa! ^_^;;"
"... ... ...It wasn't recreational! o.O"
God you could feel Hyph3n-with-a-three's embarrassment...
"If I had crayons and half a can of Spam, I could build you from scratch!" Excuse me I am at least Tofurky.
Also a logical issue on the whole journey to find Benni, because frankly, it just wasn't... sensible. Okay, bring a kid. Father of the year right there. Okay, bring an old woman. Granted, she could have insisted because it was her man-friend they were looking for, but surely she would have known she would slow them down? Her 'heroic sacrifice' felt very wasted, because dammit, she could have survived if she had stayed in the Dome where it was at least a bit safer!
"At least three eighths of a plan, right here! ...Two eights. I'll be honest, all I've got is the letter 'P'..."
So the Doctor is almost at the point of passing out from oxygen loss but hang on, let her first indulge her curiosity...
The sheer existence of orphan planets is very depressing. The sheer fact that there's at least fifty-five is very depressing.
There's an interesting comment about how straight after discussion of the reveal, the first shot of the preview is the Statue of Liberty. Very Planet of the Apes! (No apes next time, just Tesla vs Edison!) Also feeling a strong connection to Midnight (stunning resort on dangerous planet with a very personal enemy), and I saw a comment about Thirteen unintentionally The-End-Of-The-World-ing the Fam (and making a connection between 'very angry trees' and the Forests of Cheem). Bit of Ravolox. Bit of... fuck what was it... Curse of Fenric.
Although, we know that the Earth will eventually be consumed by the sun, and it was done in a way that was like... it was its time. This was not its time, was a colossal fuck-up on a planetary scale (and the Doctor continues to be 'eat the rich'), but it's also only one potential future. Which is good, because that got dark. Even more than The End of the World, even more than Utopia, even more than fuckin' Frontios, because this is the near-future. The shots we saw of the destruction were modern day! That was the Dome of the Rock you saw getting bombed!
"Be smarter than what made you." PAGING THE GOVERNMENT...
Going to put it on a solid... maybe 7/10? Some really good elements in there, but also some clunkers, and unfortunately not a patch on the same writer's It Takes You Away, which was one of the strongest of the last season.
Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror!
Opinion before episode: man, Tesla's cool. Opinion after episode: man, Tesla is fuckin' cool! :D That was a well-done personality-based historical, absolutely - I think it's my second-favourite personality-based historical only to Rosa (there are other pseudo-historical based ones set in the past that I love, but they're not personality-based; the Human Nature duology is a good example).
But yeah, Tesla just came across as a really, really cool character. Genius and he knew it, yes, and the real Tesla did have some questionable views (sexism, mostly), but otherwise the archetypal Idealistic Genius who wants to change the world for the better. Contrast with Edison, who was... a businessman. With, like, a really punchable face. Still pretty intelligent, but... very, very punchable. I've read about the Tesla-Edison feud before and always sided with Tesla, and let's face it, so did the writer XD
Good mix of character combinations - with a lot of characters, it's easy for someone to get sidelined, but this managed to handle Thirteen and the Fam, and Tesla, Dorothy, and Edison, pretty well. There were some neat combinations, like Ryan and Dorothy bonding over the sense of adventure, and Graham and Edison's confrontation; I also really loved the whole conversation between Thirteen and Tesla on the joy of just... creating. There's actually a very nice overlap between arts and sciences.
Antagonists - not bad? I feel a lot of people were expecting the Racnoss, and there was such a similarity that I would have liked at least a throwaway line about how the Skithra were related or something. Ooh man she definitely brought out Dark!Doctor, though. Teleporting the queen back to the ship, specifically so she can be fried? I mean, she might have survived it. Might. And just that fantastic little change of expression when the queen asks the Doctor if she's ever seen a dead planet before! Whittaker pulled that one off.
There's a very interesting compare and contrast between the Skithra and Edison, I found. Thirteen has her speech about how once the Skithra are gone, they won't be remembered. Caput. Forgotten. They left nothing behind. Compare and contrast to Edison, who was openly accused of using other people's work, but who's able to learn from his mistakes, end on an even(ish) setting with Tesla, and who does get remembered. Which kind of stings, honestly, if you look at Tesla's actual history.
Like. Apparently that, "The man just didn't understand the American sense of humour," line was an actual historical line, according to Tesla's own records. The absolute main reason for the difference in fame and recognition is that Tesla was a genius who didn't know how to market. Edison was a marketer who could invent a bit. So in conclusion Edison is a dick and Tesla needs more respect, the end.
Favourite lines and scenes:
Tesla: "Is - is this your own design?" Thirteen: "I made it! Mainly out of spoons! :D" Tesla: "You're an inventor! :D" Thirteen: "I have my moments." Tesla: "I knew it! So you... so, you can understand how it feels, you know, when you have an idea, and - and to make it real. I don't think there's any greater thrill!" Thirteen: "I couldn't agree more." Tesla: "You... you spoke of aliens. People here laugh at the very idea." Thirteen: "But not you." Tesla: "Well, apparently I'm not like other people. It can be difficult, you know, to feel no one else sees the world the way you do. It's like you're, uh..." Thirteen: "...out of place."
Graham: "Yeah, still. I bet you'd jump at the chance to have him back working for you, wouldn't ya?" Edison: "Yeah?" Graham: "Yeah!" Edison: "How d'you figure that?" Graham: "'Cause I had a supervisor like you at my old depot. And men like you don't pay a bloke that much attention unless you think there's a payout comin'."
Thirteen: "I wouldn't go killing me and Yaz. 'Cause Yaz... can tell you what this is." Yaz: "It's a camera!" Thirteen: "Bingo!" *FLASH!*
Edison: "I couldn't figure it out either." Tesla: "The internal dimensions transcend the external." Thirteen: *GRIN* Edison: ._.
Thirteen: "You do realise, it's killing Edison that they want you and not him? ;D"
Graham: "Don't worry. This ain't our first rodeo!" Ryan: "We've never been to a rodeo." Graham: "...you're not helping, Ryan..."
Thirteen: "And what are you queen of, exactly? A stolen ship and second-hand guns? A queen of shreds and patches. You're not a ruler, you're a parasite." Queen: "And what are you? So clever, stealing onto my ship, taking what I claim as mine. But where has it got you? No weapons. No armour. No escape. Just the desperate hope you might change my mind." Thirteen: "No, we are way past that. I gave you your chance." Queen: "A chance to be like you?" Thirteen: "A chance to evolve. But you were too stupid to take it. When you die, there'll be nothing left behind - just a trail of blood and other people's brilliance. No one will even know you existed."
(Side note: I love that this speech was actually in front of the companions. They're starting to see that things are Not Okay.)
Thirteen: "Don't give up." Yaz: "Whatever anyone says." Tesla: "Well, let them talk. The present is theirs. I work for the future... and the future is mine."
Favourite incorrect lines:
Thirteen and Tesla, firing at the ship: "VIBE CHECK!"
Fugitive of the Judoon
lmao I'm serious I don't even know where to begin.
Uh, some very disorganised comments on Doctor Who - Fugitive of the Judoon!
I squealed when I heard Jack's voice then saw him in the flesh. I gasped audibly when 'Ruth' broke the glass. I yelped when we saw the buried TARDIS. I MAY HAVE SCREAMED A LITTLE WHEN 'RUTH' INTRODUCED HERSELF.
(Also can we talk about her outfit. That was on point.)
I'm getting a very... very early vibe? She didn't know what the sonic screwdriver was, and that was introduced with Troughton. Since we saw the Hartnell-Troughton regeneration, she must be pre-Hartnell? Maybe a Doctor whose memories were rewritten to the point that they thought the Hartnell incarnation was the earliest? Not to mention that was a pretty old-school-looking TARDIS!
Alternatively, maybe between Troughton and Pertwee? Either option has some inconsistency - if she's post Troughton, she should have known what the sonic was, although it admittedly did look very different. Plus, her TARDIS is already its police box shape, which was implied to have set in the junkyard. Also, we never actually do see the regeneration between Two and Three, and it could explain why Gallifrey was after her - she escaped after her trial after The War Games!
Definitely early, though.
Alternatively alternatively, Thirteen actually does say 'time is swirling around me'. Maybe an alternate timeline. Something to tie back to the Timeless Child?
"I've lived for thousands of years, so long I've lost count. I've had so many faces. How long have you known me? You don't know me. Not even a little bit."
That wasn't just aimed at the companions. I feel that was aimed at the Doctor themself.
(Related: the response from the fam was flat-out beautiful. Doesn't matter who she was or who she'll be. They know her now, and they love her.)
Just. Wow. Wow.
Really cool note from Twitter - disguised name was Ruth Clayton. Ruth = 'friend, companion'. Clayton = 'of the Earth'. She literally named herself 'friend of the Earth'.
"You're probably a bit confused right now."
I mean. Yeah. Confused and intrigued and what.
"Don't do points! I do points! Points are my thing!"
Jack. Jack. Smooching Graham, hitting on all the companions, getting into Shenanigans! The Lone Cyberman - I wonder if that's a totally different crisis that isn't even related to the current Gallifrey-Timeless Child one? The more important part is Jack's presence - the presence of another time traveller with a... unique relationship with the universe. The actual warning could be a red herring, but Jack showing up anywhere in the first place is a sign that something is happening with time?
Orphan 55 had a timeline that may or may not have been the 'real' one. Being only a potential future kind of doesn't work with what we know of established DW continuity, so I'm liking the 'alternate timeline' theory, maybe?
Ryan: "I liked him. Kind of cheesy."
Yaz: "But good cheesy."
Thirteen, smiling: "That's Jack."
Graham just standing there going, "He kissed me tho? ...Wasn't bad, actually."
"Is she safe?" Jack, honestly, is she ever safe?
"When she needs me... I'll be there." Oh yeah, he's so coming back later this season.
Also, Judoon, chameleon arch, the Master, Jack - getting big season 29 vibes here and that's a big thumbs up for me because that's my favourite season. We just need Martha to make an appearance now!
...hehe honestly, between Jodie's entire existence, and now, in the span of five episodes, introducing Dhawan!Master, Gat, and now Jo Martin as the first black female Doctor, and reintroducing Jack, one of the most overtly and openly queer characters on the series, the 'Doctor Who is too PC!' bunch are going to be so mad XD
"A platoon of Judoon... near the moon." / "Look at you, your platoon of Judoon near the... that lagoon..."
Man. The close-up in the very first shot of the watch. Nice tie-in.
"The Doctor never uses weapons!" "I know! Shut up! >.>"
Where do the Kasaavin come into play? Is this something they've done by integrating themselves throughout time and space? Maybe they're fraying the fabric?
My mind is blown. I can't wait for the rest of this season :D
[Part 2 - Praxeus to The Timeless Children]
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opalgelance · 5 years
thoughts on steven universe future
td;lr overall opinion: steven universe future is better than most of the original steven universe, especially seasons 3-5, but there are still some real iffy plotlines in future
i hate that the diamonds were redeemed but at the same time, the happy clouds blue and yellow putting gems back together scenes were so pure
it simultaneously warms my heart and infuriates me 
but we finally got a blue diamond song, god i love her voice
EDIT: also steven basically tortured white diamond and nearly killed her and it was pretty disturbing bc steven is 1. in a really bad mental state, like way darker than i thought they’d show him go, since this is technically a kids show and 2. was also kind of trying to hurt himself, which both hit me really hard bc i had similar periods of blazing anger, wanting to self harm and harm others that i felt had wronged me when i was a teenager, but its also what white deserves
ncsndlljklkcndkls i want to enjoy this show so bad but,,, steven having ptsd makes him a violent douche??? diamonds killed who knows how many gems in their reign and never really felt bad about it in original su but now they’re supportive life coaches??? no thank you
on more positive notes, i loved how priyanka described mental health and how she treated steven throughout the entire check up, she was so nonconfrontational and whenever he felt stressed she deescalated the situation,,, it was so good
the animation is the best its been since season 2. the poses are clean, very well drawn, and on model. there are more action scenes than like 90% of steven universe and they’re animated way better, like theres actual fighting and motion asjksacbcbj no one is stiffly posed, no one has strange proportions, no one is drastically changing sizes in between shots (well besides steven in growing pains onward but when he does change size its supposed to be like that lol)
i liked seeing the real roses but didnt love it? i wish we saw more of the roses designs up close, and i wish they fit a little more with the other quartzes? it might be just because its era 3, but the roses were all way more unique than jaspers and amethysts generally seem to be. i like that they were more unique designs and had different personalities, but surely the diamonds wouldnt have tolerated that back in era 1 or even era 2, had the rose quartzes not been bubbled? also i get that they’re reminiscent of pink bc she created them, but hippie and superfan were so naive, more so than other quartzes. if each quartz group was slightly different, it would make a little more sense tbh like if quartzes were the entire gem army, but each group was slightly different. i always liked the idea that rose quartzes were either the defense or the healers of the gem army.
little homeschool and guidance were fun and genuinely enjoyable, considering not a whole ton happens in them. i wish townie episodes had been more like them. like you could replace the gems with random humans, but it would still be a fun episode? idk, maybe involving the humans in gem stuff wouldve made better townie episodes, like lars and the cool kids. it wouldve probably helped steven feel more “human” too, if the human and gem worlds collided a bit more in the series.
bluebird was... an ok episode, but im not sure how well it will fit into what i feel like the end will be, where every episode of future featured someone steven helped or affected in some way, and they all come together to help steven when he corrupts. or rather, i guess if bluebird did say something, it would feel more hollow bc steven didnt help them lol the gems and universes were just friendly to them, and thats it. it wasnt as bad as a very special episode (my least favorite episode of future), but it felt like a townie episode with no townies LOL at least we got a new fusion i guess
a very special episode was just,,, infuriating. there was that weird football scene where they just like,,, talk about screen resolution for a minute then play the full commercial for little homeworld we just saw last episode???? i did genuinely enjoy the rainbow scenes, but it just built up to not nothing. oh no, it was something alright. the whole episode was just future vision and then theres like a minute long psa??? it felt like that wacky randomness that would have happened in like, ok ko, teen titans go, or clarence jaskjcbkcjbskb
mr universe is tied with dear old dad episode as my least favorite greg episode. i get how both of them feel. greg wanted to tell steven about how he escaped from his miserable childhood and remade who he was, no longer a demayo but a universe. the problem imo was that greg became way too absorbed in the past. it reminds me a bit of s1 pearl, how she’d proudly recount gem battles and basked in the glory of fighting for their freedom, but she struggled when she had to recount the more unsavory parts of war. and that really affected amethyst, since she didnt fight in the glorified war pearl told her and steven about. amethyst was the byproduct of one of the bad parts of the war, and that became part of her identity, until on the run, where pearl finally realized that she needed to tell amethyst that she wasnt bad. amethyst’s creation may have fractionally hurt the earth, but that wasnt her fault. it wasnt her fault that she emerged too late to fight either. and it wasnt her fault that she existed. sounds familiar to to stevens rant in the van. 
steven didnt ask to be made. he didnt ask to be the half gem half human son of a diamond. but he grew up being told about how great his mom was, and that while no one would ever say it, she was gone because of him. to create steven, rose had to die. it was roses decision, but as the product of that decision, steven feels responsible. not only that, but being told constantly about his amazing mother, steven felt like he had to live up to her, had to be like her, had to replace her in the gems and greg’s lives. throughout the series, steven is constantly either trying to be like his mother, until he realizes its ok to be himself. but then the question is posed; is steven even himself? or is he still part of rose? and once he finds out that he’s steven, and has always been steven, he’s still reeling from the realization that his mother was pink diamond. and that really shows in future, where steven is becoming like pink. at first he doesnt even know, because besides the jungle moon dream, him and the audience never knew about this side of pink. this angry, short tempered, diamond who lashes out mostly physically. and unlike before, no one’s telling steven about pink (besides pink pearl) hes finding out firsthand, and this pink mode is basically being forced on him by his gem. steven has little to no control over this form. hes not trying to live up to his mother, or wondering if he is her, like before. now, he’s losing control to whatever programming is in his gem.
but back to mr universe. in the van, greg is going on and on about how lucky steven is, and how free steven is, but how can either of them compare their lives to each other? the similarities just arent there. steven is right, greg and pink were “raised” in very similar “households”. both had their wishes and desires suppressed by controlling, abusive parents. we know pink was abused mentally, verbally and physically (being physically dragged away from the screen by yellow in jungle moon, stevonnie being grabbed and thrown into the time out cell by yellow, when she still thought steven was pink), but greg at the very least was mentally assaulted. but they diverge from here. as greg said, he thought disco was back. rose started a war. you cant compare them any further. 
but at the same time, steven was raised completely differently. he was raised in a home with love and freedom, but he was also not given the opportunity to be a normal kid. theres a difference being forcing your kid to do something and not giving them the chance to try something. steven was never given the option to go to school (well in the comics he was but i guess thats not canon now since it seems like steven wishes he went to school?) he was never given the option to live in a house, or go to the mall with friends. the only other kids he knew were the boardwalk kids, but even then, he doesnt seem very close with them. for such an outgoing, friendly kid, steven wasnt given many opportunities to make friends. steven’s upbringing was very relaxed, yes, but it was too relaxed. he needed more structure, and more importantly, more humanity. i always thought it was weird, how little steven seems to have interacted with humans before connie, considering that his mother so desperately wanted steven to experience being human. yes the show is about gems, (and yes, i dont like most townie episodes), but steven was never shown doing a lot of “human” kid things inbetween episodes. the episode never started with him coming home from a friends house, he hardly ever spent time with friends other than connie in little scenes. like he was never called for a mission while playing cards with peedee, or coming home after an after school activity. any scenes like that were either just steven by himself, or with greg, and occasionally connie. but connie is a new addition to his life. how many years has he been doing fun stuff with only his dad for company, or by himself? yknow, “non traditional” childhoods and living situations are becoming more and more common in media, rather than the “two parents in a suburb house” thing, but steven’s life is beyond any unusual childhood any other kid would have. i mean he’s never even been to the doctor! which is probably for several reasons, like the fact that he apparently doesnt have a ssn, he can heal himself, has a damn gemstone in his stomach, and is half alien. but still, thats not something he has in common with other kids. no matter how much love and freedom he was given, steven was raised as an outcast.
i agree with the notion that both greg and steven were both right and wrong in mr universe. i guess they both have that in common with rose lol 
greg should have read the room better, realized that his pep talk wasnt the support and apology steven needed to hear. but steven shouldnt have acted out in the way he did. i get that’s the “theme” of steven’s spiral, maybe for the younger audience to better understand how steven is acting? but crashing his dad’s van that gregs been living in for like 20 years? fucking SHATTERING jasper? that’s going way too far to prove a point. it would have been better to maybe mirror story for steven, where marty and greg are arguing, marty is watching the road and they narrowly avoid hitting a car. but crashing the car could have been pretty serious, especially for greg. now jasper, that episode shouldnt have been approved. steven should not have shattered jasper. he fucking killed her. rose/pink didnt even shatter anyone. and if it wasnt for steven getting another superpower out of nowhere, jasper would have stayed that way. he should have just cracked her gem, poofing her in the process. the rest of the episode wouldve played out exactly the same.
anyways ive been writing this for like 2 hours but i feel better letting it all out. if you enjoy future keep enjoying it! it’s definitely more like a B+ compared to season 3-5′s general C-/D+. but please take into consideration future has some themes that people personally relate to, like mental health, and that you shouldnt shit on someone elses opinions that are based on their own personal experiences. especially if you dont have mental health issues, dont keep pushing your opinion and telling people that personally relate to future’s themes that they’re wrong? thats fucked up man
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notwhelmedyet · 5 years
Dratchtember Day 6
Prompt: Intensity but tbh that prompt is going to fit better for tomorrow, because this actually is: Ratchet accidentally summons a demon and then falls in love, part 2/3 (also on ao3 here) (demon summoning part 1 here)
Ratchet set down the datapad he was looking at and reached for the stack on the floor. His fingertips brushed the pad on the top of the stack, but he couldn't quite reach.
"Drift, could you grab that for me? Top datapad on the pile." Ratchet asked.
"Get it yourself," Drift said. He was sulking because Ratchet had said he had to work on his reading and couldn't talk. He'd get over it soon, it wasn't like they didn't talk all the time. Drift just got bored easily.
"I can't get it, you're lying on top of me," Ratchet pointed out.
Drift sighed. "Fine." The weight on Ratchet's chest shifted and the top datapad lifted from the stack and placed itself in Ratchet's hand.
"Thanks," Ratchet said, propping the new datapad on the armrest of the couch and scrolling through to hopefully find the promised citation on Cybercrosis in ferrum-positive sparktypes. Absently, he let his hand rest on Drift's helm, petting Drift's finial. Drift squirmed and Ratchet paused his hand.
"You can keep going," Drift said roughly, and Ratchet did. It hadn't taken him long to figure out that Drift was easily overwhelmed by physical contact - he'd guessed it from their first hug outside the summoning circle. Ratchet couldn't fathom the level of touch-hunger Drift was dealing with, but he could empathize. He'd felt isolated before Drift; that hug had probably been his first one since Thunderclash went off-planet. Drift had been alone the entirety of his remembered existence, except for passing contact with other Slivers and his time bound to his previous summoners. And Ratchet didn't think any of them were the cuddling sort.
Ratchet didn't like to think about Drift's previous summoners. It made him angry. He was half-convinced the reason Drift refused to tell him how to send him back was out of fear of being summoned again. While he was bound to Ratchet there was no way for Drift to be ordered to to live up to the more bloodthirsty parts of his demonic reputation.
Drift stretched, draping his arm over Ratchet's shoulder as he wiggled further up on Ratchet's chest. "You're supposed to be reading, Ratch," he said sleepily. "I know your reading doesn't make your aura blue like that."
"Auras don't exist," Ratchet corrected automatically.
"I don't exist, according to you."
"You are scientifically verifiable. Auras are imaginary," Ratchet said.
"It you say so, Ratch," Drift said appeasingly. "You know, if you don't want to read we could go for a walk."
"No, I have to do this. Otherwise Panax is going to jump on me during our morning meeting."
"I could jump him first," Drift suggested.
"I told you, I'm handling him. No attacking my faculty mentor."
"'Handling him'. Sure. That bastard better not say anything snotty to you again or I'm going to throw his prized paperweights off the hospital roof."
"Those are his Medical Excellence awards, they're not paperweights," Ratchet said. "Now shoosh, I'm trying to read."
"Mmmhmm," Drift agreed skeptically. But Ratchet really did have to finish the reading, so he pushed his thoughts about Drift aside and got to work. Ratchet had always had busy hands, he tended to worry holes in things when he wasn't paying attention. Petting Drift was a nice outlet for that restless energy.
About midway through his second reading the door slammed. Trefacto, Ratchet's roommate, locked optics with him. Ratchet draped his arm over the back of the couch, not quite sure what it looked like he'd been doing just then. Disadvantages of having an invisible demonic cuddle-buddy. "Forget something?" He asked.
"Yeah," Trefacto said, snapping back into motion as he hustled to his room. "I forgot my lucky crystal. We have an exam today in xenobiology."
Ratchet waited until Trefacto was out of sight before rolling his optics.
Trefacto skidded back into the room, rock in hand. "You have really bad posture dude."
"Nobody asked you," Ratchet said.
Trefacto laughed, because he pointedly could not differentiate between ratchet making jokes and not making jokes. It was probably for the best. Ratchet liked Trefacto as a roommate - he never used the common areas and he was almost never home when Ratchet was, so it was almost like not having a roommate but with half the housing costs. A pretty good deal.
"Good luck on your exam," Ratchet said. Trefacto waved as he left, tossing his lucky rock in his hand. Ratchet waited a beat. "If you keep being clingy in the common areas he is going to notice."
"Ah, but I don't care if he notices. Ratchet, can I get some healing crystals?"
"I imagine you could steal some if you wanted to," Ratchet said.
"I don't want to steal them! That's bad energy, Ratchet! You can't use a stolen healing crystal for good luck."
"I cannot believe you're into all that rubbish. You're a demon. People are supposed to be swindled into believing in magic by you, not the other way around. It's almost as bad as you being a practicing spectralist - "
" - Primus is real and in his grace he grants to every Cybertronian infinite life and unending capability for change."
"Yeah but if he's real he's the one who cursed you to be like this."
"Well." Drift sobered up. "I deserved it, didn't I? He wouldn't have done it fi I didn't deserve it. Can I get some pretty rocks, Ratchet?"
Ratchet groaned. There was only one way this could end. Him, in a open-air market full of junk, fake medicine and knickknacks, trying to buy some rocks without being seen by anyone who does, has or might ever know him.
"Medic Ratchet, you are needed on the third floor," a voice came over the intercom. Ratchet looked around. That was...but it couldn't...he wouldn't be that stupid. "Medic Ratchet, you are needed on the third floor reception area," Drift repeated.
"I'll be right back," Ratchet told the patient who he'd been instructing on their recovery physiotherapy routine. "They only do announcements like that if there's an emergency."
Ratchet didn't bother with the elevator - he had the worst damned luck with elevators in this building. He headed straight for the stairwell and started climbing. It was late - he knew there were at least three other residents and one fully trained medic in the building, but none of them would have been on the third floor. Third floor was long-term care, cybercrosis cases and comas and paralysis-type form fatigue. There wouldn't have been anyone on the floor because Ratchet had been scheduled to do the next nightly walk-through. There wouldn't be anyone on the third floor who could spot Drift except the patients and the ward manager -
Ratchet burst through the doors of the stairwell and nearly tripped over their mobile spark-support cart, which had been dragged out of its case. The ward manager was on the ground, propped up against a silhouetted figure with his hand clasped in theirs. "The medic is going to be right here, just hold on," Drift murmured.
"I'm here," Ratchet announced. "Almene? You with me?"
"There's a silver," Almene whispered, sounding dazed. Going into shock, probably. "There's an angel, Ratchet."
"That's good," Ratchet said, kneeling down by his side.
"It's rapid-onset frame rejection," Drift said. "There isn't much time."
"Since when are you a doctor?" Ratchet asked, plugging in. He was immediately buried in a wave of static and corrupted signals. Someone else pulled the cord and Ratchet found himself blinking at two golden optics in a sea of darkness. "Okay. Yeah. Frame rejection," Ratchet agreed. "We're going to get you downstairs to the operating room - Drift, grab a stretcher. I need to call in the cavalry, I can't do a frame transplant solo."
"So I guess you're reading my medical texts?" Ratchet asked, leaning against the balcony railing as he watched the fliers dance across the city skyline. An uneventful night, from the long view.
"Mostly I just watch you," Drift said, leaning up against his shoulders. "But you spend a lot of time reading, I was bound to pick up on some of it eventually. I like your job, you know? This is the first time I've gotten to stick around Cybertron watching someone do work that's actively making the world less evil."
"Except for the paperwork. I'm pretty sure all the paperwork is increasing the net evil in the world."
"Sure, Ratch."
Ratchet admired the night sky and tried not to count down the seconds until his break ended. But he couldn't help wondering..."Do you think Almene is going to remember that there was an angel in the long-term care ward?"
"You have completely failed to understand the object of this lesson," Panax said, leaning over the table. Ratchet assumed he was trying to loom over him, but after seeing Drift do that a few times in near total darkness while trying to blackmail Ratchet into watching movies with him the pose had rather lost its impact. "I will not have you disrespect the name and reputation of this institution by such gross violations of protocol."
A few months back, Ratchet would have stammered something about "doing better" but right now he wasn't feeling it. "That protocol was invented sixty years ago and has never improved mortality rates in actual clinical trials. The way I handled the case is one of the accepted interventions in almost every other hospital in this hemisphere. If you want to send me up to the discipline board for keeping someone alive, go ahead. I'd love to talk to them."
From over Panax's shoulder, Drift mimed throwing his hand over his forehead dramatically and half collapsing in horror. Ratchet did his best to not pay attention to the satirical game of charades going on behind his faculty mentor. "Is there anything else you wanted to discuss, sir?" He asked.
"I can refuse to sign off on you completing your residency, you know," Panax hissed.
"You can," Ratchet acknowledged. "You've mentioned that several times. If that happens, the board will give me a chance to make my case and then transfer me to another hospital to complete two additional years of supervised training. I looked into this, you know. Turns out there's an actual procedure and it isn't "send your nearly trained medic to work as a mortuary assistant." Ratchet left off the part where he'd been goaded into looking it up by Drift, incensed over Ratchet's repeated refusal to either report Panax for harassment or to allow Drift to throw him off the roof along with his "decorative paperweights".
"You can go." Panax sat down in his chair and waved at Ratchet. "Get back to work." Probably felt like he needed to regroup, think of more threatening threats. Well, Ratchet was pretty sure he could handle whatever Panax thought up - he wasn't especially creative.
Ratchet nodded, keeping a straight face only by virtue of months of practice watching Drift pantomime embarrassing things while Ratchet was trying to have serious conversations. He got up and left the room, leaving the door open a trifle longer than he needed, in order to give Drift time to slip out behind him. Halfway down the hallway, a silhouette popped into visibility in front of him and offered up a high five. Ratchet slapped hands with him and kept walking. "You were right, that felt amazing."
"I told you! I told you!" Drift jeered, hopping around after Ratchet like a petro rabbit pumped up on enjex. "Let me throw his paperweights off the roof. Please. I can wait until you have an airtight alibi, it'll be great. Or - or - better yet, I could trip him while he's walking in the hallway. Not even fatally! Please?"
"I'm horrified at the suggestion you know how to fatally trip people," Ratchet joked. "No, Drift, we're going to take the high road."
"Tripping him in the hallway is the high road. He said you cheated on your exam scores and then when proven wrong carried on his weird vindictive vendetta for two years, I ought to break into his apartment and swap out all his energon with floor wax."
"I appreciate the enthusiasm Drift, but I'm almost to the finish line, it's not worth fighting over it now," Ratchet said, patting him on the the shoulder. "Just wait, my next boss will probably be even worse."
"Not for long they won't be," Drift hissed.
There was someone screaming in Ratchet's berthroom. Ratchet was suddenly very, very awake.
"Drift!" He reached for Drift in the darkness and ended up being thrown off the berth, colliding against the shelf on the other side of the room. Several objects tumbled off the shelf, hitting the floor with a noise that sounded like gunshots in the formerly sleep-silent apartment. The screaming stopped, at least.
A door slammed and Trefacto called out. "Ratchet?"
"Sorry," Ratchet said. "I didn't mean to wake you up."
"You okay? That sounded scary."
"Yeah, I'm fine. Too many horror vids."
"Ok," Trefacto said skeptically. "Well, if you need anything, let me know."
"Thanks." Ratchet said. He waited until he could hear Trefacto go back to their room, then dragged himself back to his feet. Frag, his back hurt. "Drift?" He whispered. "Drift?"
Ratchet limped back to the berth and climbed back on, fumbling about for any sign of cold frame. His fingers found a bit of plating, which he followed to a shoulder and then to an entire sliver, curled up in the corner of his berth with his face buried in his arms. Drift was so still and so cold that Ratchet could have believed he was touching an empty frame. "Drift?" Ratchet asked again. He wasn't about to ask if Drift was okay, screaming nightmares were not the best sign of okayness. "You're safe. You're in my room, you're bound to me and no one can summon you. They can't hurt you any more."
"I hit you," Drift whispered.
"You were scared."
"I'm not supposed to be scared," Drift said. "I'm supposed to be evil and monstrous and too strong to hurt. I'm a monster. Monsters don't get to feel scared."
"Drift, I'm only going to say this once, because you're religious and it's going to offend you." Ratchet put his arm around Drift's shoulder, tentatively and then more firmly when he felt Drift relax into his arms. "If Primus did this? He fucked up. You don't deserve what happened to you. There is no amount of evil on the planet where someone would deserve this slag."
"I never dream about the bad things," Drift said. "It's never the murders or the...other stuff. It's stupid. I always dream about being summoned and then forgotten, just stuck inside a summoning circle forever. There's no reason why it couldn't happen. I'm bound until the summoner dies or releases me, it's been pure luck that some of them died before I - " Drift clutched at Ratchet's arm, burying his face in his shoulder. "Why couldn't he just unmake me? What's the point of this?"
"I don't know. But if I ever meet Primus, which I won't because he doesn't exist, I'm going to give him a kiss with my fist and ask him what he has to say for himself," Ratchet whispered, smacking his closed fist against this palm.
"Ratchet!" Drift hissed. "He's Primus."
"He's fiction. Or an asshole. Those are about the options, as I see it."
"I don't think he'd appreciate a kiss very much," Drift said. There was a long pause. "On the other hand, if you wanted to - if you wanted to kiss someone. I know someone who would like that very much."
"Do you?" Ratchet asked.
"I know you only didn't send me away because you pitied me," Drift whispered. "And it's unfair of me to take advantage of that pity. But you make me feel real, Ratchet. And I want to be real. I want to be real enough to love you."
Ratchet leaned back onto the berth, pulling Drift with him until they were lying down, limbs tangled together. His hands found Drift's helm, stroking over his finials. He smoothed over Drift's lips with his thumb, scared to miss and ruin the moment. Slowly he pressed his lips against Drift's and then leaned back. "Do you love me?" He asked.
"Yes," Drift admitted. "I'm sorry, I - "
"Then you're already real. I don't pity you, Drift. I'm angry for you. And, in case you hadn't noticed? I love you too. So why don't you kiss me?"
Drift surged forwards, sealing his lips against Ratchet's and licking his way inside. He was making needy noises in the back of his throat and Ratchet had never felt more wanted in his life. He clung to Drift, rolling onto his back and hunting for a flash of gold optics. He wanted to get to watch this, the way lovers did.
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No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK YES | OH GOD YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW++++++++++ LIKE WHAT’S HIGHER THAN < – ???
                     THAT’S ….. really KIND OF NUMBER ONE.   I mean. Yeah.  This version of June probably has the most kinks / the most experience with various kinks but.  She’s extremely used to being barely clothed or nude in pubic or public forums, whether it’s runway shows, backstage, photo shoots, modeling agencies, quick changes, beach, pools, out and about in whatever counts for bikinis or short shorts etc.  She’s also done a couple of nude photo shoots / photo spreads.  She knows that people like to look at her body and it gets her hot, especially if it’s someone that she has any degree of emotional attachment to…. tack on some aspect of jealousy / possessiveness on the partner’s part and unnnnngh.  Weak.  
But honestly like.  Hand holding, hugs, touching, kisses, anything with physical contact w/ someone she’s involved with is 1000000% favorite, she loves being touched and hugged and kissed and *coughs* fingered in public, it’s just. A favorite.  Dance floor make out sessions (dance floor sex),  bathroom sex, car quickies (or not quickies), hallways / elevators, dressing rooms, beaches / balconies / patios ….  she’s definitely got an exhibitionist streak and anything that’s danger seeking / thrill seeking is a positive.  Giving head in a movie theater?  Yep.  Getting fingered at a diner / restaurant, yep yep.  Crazy make out sessions / sex in parking lots? Mmmmhm.  
 Kink: orgasm denial {June, model verse}
Send me a kink and I’ll rate it!  
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even
                          So allllll of that first part is a total fib.  She is literally so weak for dominant / controlling partners… which is honestly how she gets herself into so much trouble most times anytime there is a scandal involving older partners or a manager or a photographer or some other inappropriate fuck buddy / temp ‘boyfriend’ (she doesn’t do boyfriends okay… .>.> <.<).
UNFORTUNATELY her taste has tended to run to the kind of controlling partners that are controlling in other aspects of her life, not just in the bedroom which is where things tend to fall apart because …. honestly as much as she is a switch in the bedroom and loves being tormented and pushed to the edge of her control etc. in the Real World and Daily Life she is super stubborn and super independent and actually needs someone who can be equally respectful to her in daily life as they can be willing to curb her brattiness in the bedroom.  And actually, honestly, she has a tendency to get involved with people that are super controlling / asinine in every day aspects of her life but not actually strong-willed / self-controlled enough to be actually dominant in the bedroom like - sure they might be rough or demanding but not actually have the control necessary to hold off on screwing her brains out to make her reach the point where she’ll beg for it so ??? yeah.  
    If she finds a partner that can control themselves and her to get her to that point wow.  She’s 100% there for that……
   Kink: edible body paint/glitter {june, modern}
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
                         So yeah.   This is 110% a thing with model June okay.  She actually hates being manhandled and grabbed and pulled and dragged through the behind the scenes process of modeling / photography but she puts up with it because it’s literally 90% of fashion shows especially, being hurried and tugged on and whatever.  But one of her favorite things for a photoshoot is being painted, whether it’s just like, streaks and swirls and things, or specific designs, or full on body paint etc. there’s just something so beautiful about it all - take that up a notch and paint her / decorate her with edible body paints and glitters for a -private- photo shoot and then proceed to lick / nibble her clean fuuuuuuuuuck yes.   She is also 10000% down for returning the favor or painting / photographing / licking such things off her partner, especiallllllllllllly if they aren’t used to being adored / worshiped / praised / photographed naked etc??  There’s just something exciting / alluring about that that she’s totally down for.
Socialite June that’s the ambassador / politician’s daughter doesn’t have a lot of experience w/ this type of thing but …. absolutely willing to try ;)
‘Typical’ archaeologist / doctor June actually has no experience with this particular kink but um, she’d enjoy the body worship aspect of this a lot, giving or receiving tbh.
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Dear Yuletide Writer 2019
(As usual, please ignore this if you don’t know what this is about!)
Hello, and thank you so much for writing something for me!! I adore seeing what people come up with for Yuletide and I am super excited for what you end up producing. I want this to be a good and enjoyable experience for you as a writer, so don’t try to second-guess yourself too much - just have fun making whatever it is!
Squicks/DNWS - no sex, please! (And it also follows that I’d rather like to avoid any noncon, kinky stuff even if it’s nonsexual, any other sort of sexual content, etc - that’s just not my sort of thing, really.) Romance is all right, if that’s the way that you want to take things, but I much prefer close friendships and family dynamics. However!! I am pretty much completely fine with body horror/violence, hurt/comfort, etc. 
I love good dialogue, character interaction, twist endings, and imaginative plots - and worldbuilding! Happy endings are preferred but not necessary if it just isn’t working for you.
In general - if you’re thinking about making something gay/trans/queer/ace in any way, you should probably absolutely go for it, because I’m wild for that sort of thing.
AUs are… fine and good, as far as I can think of! (Obv no A/B/O or sex-related stuff please, but) canon divergence, fantasy, high school, etc seem all good to me! Especially if there’s a whole lot of clever nods to original canon in there. 
In addition, I'm always welcome to receiving stuff in interesting and unusual mediums/styles. This includes stuff like Interactive Fiction (additional info here) and multimedia stuff.
Anyway, fandom time. Let's do this, y'all!
Fandom: Ruby Redfort series - Lauren Child
Available:  I managed to acquire a copy of the full series online via my local library - and the physical copies were at my local library too. I don’t have a link to them, I’m afraid.
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/RubyRedfort
Characters: *** Any from *** Ruby Redfort, Hitch, Blacker, Clancy Crew 
About the fandom: I just love it a lot.  I dragged its fandom out of the depths of Tumblr singlehandedly a few years ago and have been doggedly creating content for it ever since. There's just something really compelling about 'bright young kid gets accidentally adopted by spy agency' (yes i know that's not EXACLY what happens but I can dream, right?)
Like I said above, I really like the idea of Ruby being essentially adopted by the whole Spectrum team.
I’d love to see some casefic! Blacker and Ruby working together to solve a puzzle or problem - either serious or mundane - or Hitch and Ruby on a stakeout of some sort. Or both!
Some general stuff I like - heists, murder mysteries, rescue missions, characters playing games (e.g. Travelling Lemon, word games, throwing increasingly ridiculous hypotheticals at each other) because they're bored or similar,
Spectrum office shenanigans - stuff that happens between books, when Ruby and everybody else aren’t in mortal danger and that LB will most likely glare disapprovingly at.
On the angstier side of things, if you want to stick Ruby in even more mortal danger than usual I am ALL RIGHT WITH THAT. Rescue missions hell yeah.
AUs??? AUs!!! Modern!AU with Ruby doing extreme sports vlogs and occasionally failing to hide the fact that she's part of a secret spy agency. Is Blacker a hacker? Or a fantasy/medieval AU? Or Ruby Redfort, in space!
I feel like I’ll be delighted with whatever you create, tbh. I can’t think of many ways you could go wrong with it.
Fandom: Bernice Summerfield (Big Finish Audio)
Available:  Via the Big Finish website, and all of the boxsets from Epoch to New Frontiers are available for free on Spotify! Just look up Bernice Summerfield there.
Tvtropes page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Franchise/BerniceSummerfield
Characters: *** Any from *** Bernice Summerfield, Third Doctor (Warner)
About the fandom: It’s like if Indiana Jones was shorter, actually did his job, and was a kickass woman who was also the Doctor’s companion at one point! Several points. And also she has a considerably larger family than Indiana Jones. Her spinoff kind of transcends a lot of forms of media - she’s in comics, print, animations, audio dramas, and one really hilariously terrible sort-of-fanfilm made by Lisa Bowerman and Sylvester McCoy when they were on some kind of cruise together. And it more or less transcends genre too. There’s been musical episodes right alongside the episode where someone very dear to her manipulates someone else very dear to her into killing (you guessed it) someone who is also very dear to her. It’s a wild ride. Anyway.
The Warner!Doctor and Benny era of this series particularly delights me, because Benny and the Doctor just have such a lovely dynamic. There's a bit in the writer's guide for this era that mentions that the Warner!Doctor 'seems to be a grouch' but is actually 'a playful spirit who loves to have fun', and... I just love that? And there is literally no fic with them! Which is an absolute travesty.
I particularly like: heists, murder mysteries, rescue missions, adventures, playing around with genre and style.
It's Doctor Who/Bernice Summerfield!! Which means there's an infinite wealth of planets and times and worlds to explore, if you choose to set it in the regular universe. If, on the other hand, you choose to place it in the Unbound universe, slowly collapsing in on itself, there's probably a lot you can do with this too
The found family dynamic between them!! It's clear that, despite all the snarking and sniping, they really do adore each other quite a bit. If you'd lean into that, I'd be forever grateful.
Apologies for no real specific suggestions - mostly, I just would really like to see these two having fun together and being buds. But also? The angst is good too. Make me laugh/smile or make me hurt, I don't care which.
Fandom: Beanworld - Larry Marder
Available:  ...I have literally no idea where you can pick this up. I first read it at my local library. I think you can get copies at various book retailers?
Tvtropes page: Non-existent. I should rectify that.
Characters: *** Any from *** Professor Garbanzo, Mr Spook, Beanish, Heyoka (but honestly please throw in everybody in there. I love them all so much)
About the fandom: It's a weird, brilliant, complete unique experience of a comic book set in a world where the rules are very different to ours!
I know that pretty much the entire point of Beanworld is that the characters are not human in the least, But I can't help but wonder what a human AU would be like!! Beanish as a struggling art student, the Hoi'Polloi as the local street gang with an unfortunate gambling habit, Heyoka as the weird chaotic neutral genderqueer acrobat who babysits occasionally and is always standing on their head. Or any other direction you want to take it in!! I adore seeing familiar characters in settings that they couldn't possibly find themselves in, in canon.
Bean shenanigans!! What sort of things do they get up to on their Goof-Off Days that we don't see on-screen?
Explore some of the friendships/relationships between the characters! I love some of those good good Bean interactions. For example (but not at all limited to):
Professor Garbanzo and Mr Spook - the ultimate BroTP. I particularly love how well they get along even when you wouldn’t expect them too - how Mr Spook isn’t really a scientific sort of guy but is really encouraging and helpful to her endeavors. It’s good and soft.
Mr Spook and the Chow Sol’jers! A dedicated fighting team that work together and protect each other every day. I’m now wondering what the Chow Sol’jer in-jokes are. They’ve gotta have some, right?
Beanish and Dreamishness - the greatest love story ever told! (If you do end up including this relationship in particular, I’d prefer it if it wasn’t the focus.) Additionally, I’d really love it if you could play around with the idea of love in the Big•Big•Picture being different to how we see it/perceive it in our world! I know it’s kind of vague, and it’s definitely not necessary, but I figured I might as well put it out there.
Heyoka and... everyone. Literally everyone. I love how she interacts with the Beans - how they’re kind of confused as to how she works, but accept her as one of them anyway - and how she interacts with people outside of the Beanworld. The sequence when she’s falling upwards and through the Inspiration Constellation, and how the Constellation is so pleasantly amused by and encouraging of her - it’s really nice. And her as the teacher to the Pod’ll’pool babies!! She’s such a cool character.
Other AUs or canon divergences! Can't think of anything specific off the top of my head, but I'm sure there's some stuff out there.
Literally anything that takes stuff from canon and extends upon it! Especially if you’re playing into the amazingly bizarre and extensive world of the Big•Big•Picture. Because the rules there are definitely not at all the same as they are for our world, and that delights me to no end. I have so many questions about it that I’m nearly certain aren’t going to be answered anytime soon. Like, where does the Thin Lake/Four Realities/Hoi-Polloi zone end?? There’s gotta be an end to it somewhere. Are there other islands like the Beanworld? 
Fandom: Rainbow Magic series - Daisy Meadows
Available: on your younger sister's bookshelf or at pretty much any library, bookstore or garage sale you'd care to visit.
Tvtropes page: 
Characters: *** Any from *** Rachel Walker, Kirsty Tate, Titania, Oberon (but feel free to throw in any of the million-plus other fairies that exist at your discretion)
About the fandom: Oh, jeez. What to say about this? It's such a bizarre interest of mine. The series has suffered from intense seasonal rot, with literally every book following the same formula. And there are hundreds of books. But it's such a large part of my childhood that it's hard to not feel some sort of affection for it. Plus, there's so many interesting things to explore!
Feel free to throw some Kirsty/Rachel shipping in there, because we all know those two were lesbian as all hell. I'd prefer it not to be the focus, though!
Any exploration of the fact that the girls have been doing this for far longer than is strictly reasonable with no complaints, questions, or problems. They've been through like ten Christmas specials and don't appear to have aged a day since the beginning of the series. What's up with that, huh?
To that end - there's plenty of myths and legends about the rules that fae traditionally have. What about applying some of these to the RM fairies? Are Titania and Oberon the leaders of the Seelie Court, with Jack Frost as the Unseelie leader? Do they do the whole Changeling thing? Are Kirsty and Rachel Changelings?
(And bear with me for a second while I point you at a specific line from the very first book, because I think it's very good inspiration for the whole 'giving a fairy your name' thing:)
Kirsty wanted to ask the fairy so many things. But she didn't know where to start.
"Tell me your names, quickly," said the fairy. She fluttered up into the air again. "There's so much to be done, and we must get started right away."
Rachel wondered what the fairy meant. "I'm Rachel," she said.
"And I'm Kirsty," said Kirsty. "But who are you?"
"I'm the Red Rainbow Fairy - but you can call me Ruby," the fairy replied.
Very suspicious.
A Discord server I'm on has been throwing around the idea of the fairies (yes. All of them.) ending up as humans in the human world abruptly, and having to adjust to living life without magic - and dealing with the fact that somehow, their magical domains are functioning perfectly without them. Which is a very compelling idea. How do Rachel and Kirsty deal with their now-possibly-permanent, no-longer-magical neighbours? How are Titania and Oberon coping, now that they no longer have to rule a whole kingdom? What sort of the things do the fairies get up to? Where do they stay?
Aged-up Kirsty and Rachel get called upon to deal with new adult problems that are blooming in the fairy world. (Tiara The Tax Evasion Fairy, anyone?)
...or anything else.
Again, thank you for writing for me, and I hope you get something awesome in return from your own writer! Good luck!
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simplekpopstan · 6 years
**There are a lot of warnings for this fic, please read at your own discretion. Some of these themes are hard to stomach. I do not condone this type of relationship. If you are experiencing something similar to this please, PLEASE talk to someone and get help. In no way do I actually believe any of the boys would ever treat their significant other like this.**
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
**Warning(s)**: Emotionally abusive relationship, sort of physically abusive relationship, graphic drug use, forced drug use, implied cheating, skewed view of love, manipulation, dubious consent, sadism, mentions of sex, alcohol/drunk mentions, suicidal thoughts, angst
Summary: He controlled your life, the beating of your heart, the consistency of your breathing. Your life was in his hands and he played with it like a puppet master. 
Genre: Angst to the absolute max, there is no semblance of fluff or etc. in this. (unless you got a fucked up view of love too)
Prompt: “You’re my toy.” 
Song Inspiration: The Moment I Said It - Imogen Heap
Word Count: 1,427
Infatuation, love, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach all synonymous with the idea of unconditional care and compassion. A faithful emotion that all of mankind is looking for in some shape or form. 
You thought you found all of those things, someone who made your blood sing with just a glimpse. He was the center of your world, taking up every centimeter of your being and each second of your day. Nothing could compare to the way he made you feel regardless of his disinterest for your beating heart. He effortlessly took over your mind and home. He was everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. His time devoted to you was fleeting, he knew you were hooked by the moment he crossed the threshold of your apartment. You were caught in his headlights with no place to hide, you were done for.
His mood change happened during fall, you could feel the shift in him as the leaves shifted from green to shades of yellow and orange. Life had been good, amazing until this point, the two of you went out on dinner dates every Friday - happy just being in each other's company.
Everything was darker once winter's chill appeared, the shade of his hair, the color of his liquor, the bruises littering your skin. He stood perfectly straight, looking down upon your crippled form. Beyond proud of his newest painting on internal bleeding, a new masterpiece lying before him. 
This was his love.
Pushing yourself up from bed to inspect the new lacerations across your back from his nightly game of pain, wincing as a harsh slap resounded through the bathroom. You must have woken him up too early. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." Quickly left your mouth to avoid another session of torture. 
His hands pressed softly against your back, the devil's eyes scanning the expanse of your body in the mirror. "This is what love looks like, you should be proud to bare these marks. It proves that someone cares about you in this world." Nails dug into your flesh as searing pain registered, he would never get tired of your cries. Nothing was more amusing than the sobs that wracked your body when he finished his painting. It was beautiful.
"How about you make me breakfast? Then I'll teach you more." Your neck moved on it's own accord, obediently nodding affirmation. He placed gentle peck to your temple, smirking at the control he had over you, a demon controlled your life, sucking away anything that made you an individual. 
This was his love.
"Where do you keep getting these bruises from?" Your mother spoke up as she looked over your exposed arms. She glanced from you to Namjoon, meeting her gaze proved to be the challenge of a century. Fortunately, your caring boyfriend always at the ready with a new excuse to explain away his artistic creations. "Actually she just went to the doctor for a check-up, turns out she's extremely anemic, but she's on iron pills now. Nothing to worry about." 
He brushed your mother off like a joke, watching as she relaxed into the couch - happy to know her daughter was far from danger. "Thank you, Joon. Taking such good care of my baby." She placed a hand on your shoulder, none the wiser to the way you moved from her touch. This monster had another one wrapped around his fingers with just a few honey glazed words, god his game had no flaws, everyone played swimmingly into his trap. He was untouchable. 
Namjoon found the idea of spending a dinner your parents rather bland and unsatisfying, his mind was crying for him to do anything to get you to squirm at the dining table. While still holding conversation with your parents he crept his hand under the table, easily finding his fleshy target. Your skirt hiked up as his nails found purchase in your skin, leaving crescent shaped indents in its wake. 
Your parents smiled and laughed as the devil played with their daughter under the table, enjoying the stupidity of those around him. This was all his fantasies coming true, no one knew better than to follow his charming features and lilted voice into the depths of hell. 
Shaking from the fear of what your parents might notice, you attempted to pull away from his calloused touch. The reaction wasn't what he wanted, he abruptly pulled back at your disobedience - a scowl contorting his face into an unreadable mask. "I'm afraid we'll have to cut this short, (Y/n) and I have an emergency back at the apartment." His delicate tone covered any trace of undoubted anger.
He more or less ignored your parents as he rushed you to the car, only one thing occupied his mind. God he wanted you dead. Upon reaching the car out of sight of your parent's house, he pulled his fist back.
Moments passed as you felt the pain of knuckles meeting your jaw, the flashes of blood shook you to the core. As you crumbled to the ground, his touch hauling you into the backseat almost felt like that of a lovers - gentle and loving. But you knew better.
This was his love.
Clubs were his favorite place to show his power over you, he had forced you to drink more shots than you could count - each of them burning a hole in your throat.
Clubs were also your favorite place when it came to being near Namjoon, you were someone else when smashed between bodies and so drunk off your umpteenth shot that is was easy to forget the man you would be spending the night with.
Even Namjoon could take away your high with one quick swipe of the arm, leading you to a lounge that was far from friendly. You know this corner well even with your lack of steady, conscious thoughts - these people were beyond life, ascending every idea of heaven, their blood was singing with a rotten substance you had attempted to avoid your entire life.
The point of pulling away from the cruel male had come and gone, this way your fate for the night. Maybe God would take pity on you, maybe Namjoon would put too much in the syringe, maybe you would just pass out and feel the claws of the true devil digging into your arm, dragging you to the undeserved spot in hell.
You were so far gone, you could only watch on as he tightened the band to bulge out your veins, he was an expert. The syringe was filled to the perfect amount, pristine and ready to penetrate skin. Even your vodka buzz couldn't save from the initial pain of the prick, but you knew it would quickly wash away and ascend into a euphoric hallucination. Your fidgeting easily gave way to the force Namjoon was using to keep you in place, maybe this was love. He could take away the pain with a simple pin prick, truly he must have meant well if he was doing this for you, right?
Everything was beautiful, a spinning world that held gems like Namjoon - ready to hold onto you all night. You loved this feeling, you were free, maybe not as high from other substances but you felt blessed. The affliction of Namjoon's presence had finally changed to something pleasant, he made you feel heaven for once in your relationship. 
Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle at your tinted cheeks, you were gorgeous with this new substance running through your veins. He leaned down to your ear, gingerly brushing his lips against the lobe. "Do you want to have some real fun, baby?" His breath reeked of alcohol as it whistled through his teeth. "You want to watch as I find a new toy? You'd like that wouldn't you, doll?" Glistening teeth lower to the taut skin of your neck, eventually smearing with blood as incisors broke skin. He was the personification of death but god did you love it. 
"Anything for you." You were fully aware of the bitter taste of Namjoon and its affect on your life. But you couldn't imagine life any other way. You had already submitted to rotting away, at least you wouldn't be put in the ground alone. Your personal devil would be six feet under holding your hand at every step. Beatings, sex, and drugs - this was how he proved his love, you the willing victim always at the ready to accept his intimacy. 
You loved him and you couldn't help it. 
A/N: Honestly I hate how I ended this, I had planned on adding more to it but I couldn’t really bring myself to do it. I’m not fond of myself for writing this, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth so we’ll see how long I actually keep this up for. Once again I do not believe any of the boys would ever put someone through this, I was given a prompt and I wanted to write something so here it is. Sorry. Also this is slightly unedited so I would like to apologize for that and as my final note I am currently looking for a beta reader - I unfortunately can not catch all of my mistakes and there are major parts of writing where I lack finesse. Tbh I really liked how this read in the first few paragraphs and then it turned it to useless word vomit :/
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rather-impertinent · 7 years
The Girl Next Door: Chapter 1
A/N: Hello friends! Here is my newest Carolight AU, as promised. This is just an introduction, I pinky promise it gets better, I’ve kind of wrote this AU backwards tbh hahaha! It will also feature lots of other familar characters and pairings down the line, so stay tuned! I hope you like it xo
It had been fifteen long hours since Doctor Dwight Enys had seen the exterior of his flat building. He welcomed the sight of the somewhat overly-aggressive modern building with the familiar fondness of home. He began the usual dissection of his large collection of keys as he searched for the one that unlocks the outside door to apartment Block C. He really needed to colour code these damn keys. Honestly, one would think he were a janitor or a soccer mom with too many hobbies as opposed to a single surgeon, who ironically held no particular talents where tidiness and cleanliness were concerned, nor did he have any children to speak of.
Once the damn door had finally been unlocked, he groaned as he opened it into the warm building, thinking of the three flights of stairs he would have to now climb to get to his bed. But that would spur him on: the thought of his bed. His lovely, cosy double bed; his dearest friend; his one true companion in this life. Dwight had also just this morning remembered to wash his bedsheets, and so luxurious, fresh comfort awaited him just a mere sixty steps away. Rejuvenated by his thoughts of rest, Dwight made for the stairway. He climbed the first one, smiling, the thought of peace and quiet appealing to exhausted mind when-
Thump, thump, thump.
He stopped short on the fourth step and sighed. So, the Hunters have fallen out again, he thought. He really did not have time for this. It was after ten in the evening and he had stitched so many wounds back together that his fingers physically ached. If either one of the sweet, yet clearly drug fuelled, middle aged couple tried to drag him into whatever ridiculous argument they were having, he would just have to jump headfirst out of the nearest window and die. He took the next few steps two at a time, holding his breath as he got to the second landing, anticipating either Joan or Robert Hunter standing in the small, carpeted space, shouting profanities and very nearly kicking their door in. He was amazed to find it empty until he realised, to his horror, that the banging was coming from above him: his landing. He took the next few steps three at a time and was met by the silhouette of a woman he had never seen before.
She had not noticed his presence and continued to bang incessantly and shout for someone named Horace. Normally, Dwight was not one to intervene in the lives of his neighbours, except to help with the odd shopping bag or carrying a pram down the stairs, but the young woman seemed so genuinely distressed that he felt it would bother his conscience if he just silently slipped into his own flat.
He tapped her shoulder gently and she started, almost comically so. “Um, hi, are you okay?”
The woman turned to face Dwight and, despite the long black trails of mascara down her face, she was very beautiful. Ridiculously so. She sniffed fiercely, “No, I – I went to go to the shop a while ago and I realised I had left my keys inside,” Dwight closed his eyes briefly in sympathy: the doors locked automatically when closed – a usually useful modern feature of the building, “it’s been a long day,” she tried to explain, “but the thing is, my darling Horace is now stuck inside!” She began to cry softly again.
Dwight stared at her, trying to wrack his brains as to how to help the poor woman. “Ok. It’s alright.” Even he winced at his pitiful attempt to comfort her. Jesus, you twat it’s clearly not alright. He knew that they would probably have to call the fire station or the police soon if they couldn’t figure out a way in, which would no doubt be mortifying for the young mother standing in front of him. “Is there anyone I can call for you?” He hoped she wouldn’t take this to mean he was copping out of assisting her, he just felt that if he had accidentally left his child in his flat, he would appreciate some familiar company.
The woman shook her head slowly and tried the door handle again, as if it would magically unlock itself.
He chewed his lip as he watched her fruitless attempts to move the stubborn door. Think, Enys, think. You’re a fucking surgeon. Use your brain. He made a slight eureka sound as he fully took in her form. He pointed at her hair bun and snapped his fingers, an idea forming in his head. “Your hair!” She looked at him with a quizzical expression and smoothed her hair slightly – worried it was a mess. Dwight chuckled mutely, “No, I mean, do you have any hairpins?”
“Oh,” she said, blinking. “Yes. Why?” She continued to stare blankly at him, not fully understanding his meaning.
“I think I can help you out, can you give me two of them?”
She nodded quickly at the handsome stranger and pulled all the pins out of her blonde hair, which then tumbled down her back like a golden waterfall. She offered him the small cluster of pins and he chose two from the pile, quickly biting off the small circular ends. The blonde nymph was about to protest at the destruction of her property before he straightened the black pins and began to pick at the lock. She simply gawped at him, wondering what the fuck he was doing and if she had somehow moved in next to James Bond. She didn’t see how it could even be possible for James Bond to unlock a door with only two small hair grips.
After a minute, he sighed in frustration and squinted his gaze at the light above them in landing, as if scolding it for not being bright enough.
The young woman quickly fished out her phone from the pocket of her dark jeans and wordlessly shined the torch feature at the lock, so he could see better. He offered her a small smile in thanks before trying again – this time with a new pin. She eyed him with keen interest. “You don’t seem like the type of guy who would know how to pick a lock,” she commented, her blue eyes curious. How could a guy who looks like he volunteers at an old folks’ home for fun know how to break into someone’s house?
The corners of his lips tilted upwards as he continued to pry at metal slit. “A good friend of mine had a dodgy phase while at uni and he taught me how – only for emergencies, like this, of course.”
“Oh.” Is all she can say.
Dwight curses and encourages the pins as he pushes anticlockwise on them with all his might.
“Yes!” He exhaled, and before the breath had fully left his body, the woman had shoved past him and bolted into the flat. Dwight stood in the doorway and decided to take a couple of steps inside to ensure the woman was alright. She stood with her back to him, staring out of the window at the city lights in the distance, soothing a bundle of blankets. Dwight smiled and was just about to leave as she turned around, her bright blue eyes wide with appreciation and relief. Dwight’s breath caught in his throat and he felt a strange desire to laugh.
“Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!”
He stared at her, dumbstruck, wondering if he was being Punk’d or something. Did they even still make that tv show? He blinked at the sight before him several times before he found his voice, “Horace... is... your dog?” She was still sniffing slightly, but looked at him as though he were the dumbest person in the world. “Yes, of course,” she told him, as though it were a detail she had already mentioned, and even if she hadn’t, that it should have been completely obvious.
They continued their awkward, confused stare off until the young woman looked at the beige pug in unmistakable alarm. “Oh, God. He’s breathing weird. Something’s wrong!” Fresh tears began to well in her eyes again.
Dwight had a good mind to leave, he had worked a fourteen-hour shift today and would repeat the torture in about ten hours’ time. Why was he wasting his time on some blonde ditz, who – judging by the lavishly decorated flat – could very well afford to pay a private vet for his or her services? Still, the expression on her face was one of such genuine distress and desperation, he felt like he would be failing in his duty as a doctor, as well as human being, to leave her by herself. “Let me see him,” he instructed in his best professional voice, stretching out his arms.
Her brows creased above her cloudy eyes and she held the dog even tighter to her chest. “What?”
His famed patience was growing thin. “I’m a doctor,” he explained, “and an aunt of mine used to have a pug, it had a lot of breathing problems, too. I might be able to help.”
The young woman took a seat on the sofa, with the pug firmly in her lap, and tapped the space next to her, encouraging Dwight to sit down. He did so, and then gently took the pug from her arms and placed it on his own lap. Despite its laboured breathing, it managed a decent growl in Dwight’s direction, which caused the woman beside him to chuckle. She watched with concern as Dwight poked and prodded the small creature.
He met her worried gaze and inhaled slowly. “His pulse is steady, and he doesn’t have a fever. But he’s had a fit, which are common in pugs,” he adds hastily as the woman sitting opposite him looks fit to burst into tears again.
She stroked the animal soothingly, obviously very fond of it. “Is there anything I can do?” Her tone was somewhat timid yet assuredly determined.
Dwight bit the inside of his cheek in hesitation before replying, anticipating a verbal or literal thrashing, “Yes. He is – uh – he’s too fat,” he stated plainly, and almost laughs when the girl gasped and covered the pug’s ears from the harsh truth of the matter, “but it can be easily remedied: take him for frequent walks, feed him less rich food, that sort of thing.”
She narrowed her eyes at Dwight and he winced almost imperceivably, but she then began to nod slowly. “Well, I suppose you are a doctor,” she conceded, watching him very closely, “and so I should listen to you.” Dwight did not know why but for some reason he felt like she was mocking him.
“He’ll be much less prone to fits if he loses some weight, it helped my aunt’s pug.” Dwight nodded politely and rose to leave, seeking the warm comfort of his bed at last.
She watched him go, somewhat annoyed that her first conversation of the day was coming to an end. “Did it, really?” She smiled as the doctor stopped in his tracks. “What was your aunt’s pug called?”
He turned back around to face the woman and Horace. “It did,” he confirmed. He chuckled then, fond childhood memories coming back to him. “My aunt Jane’s pug was called Doug. Doug the pug, you could never guess she’s a poet, eh?”
The siren laughed at his joke and smiled widely, her musical laughter ringing in his ears. He found himself unable to resist joining in, too. Once their laughter had faded and only an almost tense atmosphere remained, he coughed awkwardly, stood up to leave and walked several paces towards the door before stopping in his tracks once again, a thought occurring to him. “Your shopping. Or lack, thereof. Do you need to borrow anything? Like some milk or something?”
She shook her head and continued to stroke the pug on her lap. “No, it’s OK, thank you. I think after that experience I’d sooner have a shot of alcohol than of a cup of tea!”
“Now, that, I can definitely understand.” With a final smile, he turned his back and reached for the door handle.
“Wait!” she demanded in a light tone. His hand paused on the rectangular metal grip and he glanced at her over his shoulder, an expectant expression on his face. She pursed her lips, smirking slightly. “What is your name?”
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