#i'm always thinking abt how they both had complete faith in each other at one point and lost it
ruegarding · 6 months
do u ever think abt thalia and luke. luke revived thalia and fully believed that she would join him. he believed in her so much that kronos believed in her, too. and she thought abt it, but she couldn't do it. how could she? he poisoned her tree. he was always going to let them heal her tree and revive her, but he poisoned her. he's the reason she had to be turned into a tree. he left annabeth. he hurt annabeth. and then he wanted her to join him. how could she? he made her a martyr and revived her to fight for him, never once thinking that her goal was to protect them. thalia is one of luke's driving forces, but she couldn't stand beside him. she couldn't even believe in him. annabeth never gave up hope, but thalia did. thalia, who once believed luke could never betray anyone. they were best friends. he looked at her and saw a revolution. she looked at him and saw a traitor.
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
helo helo mother pookie, again u did not dissappoint🩷🩷🩷
Buckybaby and Major are horndogs. Six — i bet it was more than that — times? DAYYUMMM!! I like it 👉🏻👈🏻 It’s cute to see Buckybaby POV, while Major’s was so dirty 😏😂 Idk why but that’s the vibe.
bucky junior and his approval for Major.
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Now let’s speak of luluwhatsoever. She’s taking advantage of Bucky’s friendship here. Bucky is a great friend, maybe Lenovo is too, however she has her own agenda, which is loving/liking him. Here’s the thing, now that Major is in her life (and soon might be permanent), Leah’s gonna try her best to seduce him (if she can) OR spouting nonsense so that Bucky is guilty (he is now) OR making sure that Major looks bad in his view by framing her (again — if she can). You know how wild/crazy woman could be for a man! (flashback cunthage)
But I have faith in this Bucky. He’s certain with his needs. Major too.
As said by our lovely Pookie, Leah is Bucky #1 only ‘girl’bestfriend, and she takes pride of that but for Bucky he might clueless and just rolls with it because well, she is his bestfriend. Lenovo is toxic, possessive, manipulative (kinda bcs she’s taking advantage), and ofc a bad friend. I feel like from the beginning it wasn’t a conquest to be’friend’ him but to be—in—a—relationship with him, but Lenovo couldn’t just force herself in his life as a ‘girlfriend’, so the only way to break Buckybaby shell was to be his ‘actual’ friend and then leeches her way in bit by bit but then Bucky will always saw her as a sister figure (which is sad but oh well Lucinta, you are not reader)
About Leah’s misogyny not liking girly girly thing, that shit is there bcs well, as a pick me girl you have to be a girl the likes baddie baddie thing ONLY (speaking like a true pick me girl connoisseur). Bucky is the wintah soldiah! He a baddie, ofc Lenovo is going to act baddie baddie too (well she’s bad at it). Plus, it’s an attack mechanism. Major is a queen, she's threatened!! Plus to make it worse, Bucky is attracted to the queen! She has to activate her pick me baddie system and show off her #1 badge. Again a pride for her but normalcy for Bucky.
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NEXT, let's go to Steve. Idk if this Steve is fishy but I had a feeling this Steve is just normal. He's a good friend, AND it is normal to remind your friend 'don't rush into the stuffs'. He's not against it, he just giving advice to 'take it slow' as what Bucky said before he has all the time in the world (y'know abt Major wanna lick his lollipop junior but he wanna stick it into the tight donut first).
The reason why Steve said it is bcs Bucky starts saying the stuffs he and Major had a thing there. If Bucky didn't say it, I think Steve wouldn't say anything too except 'Im great for ya pall for having sex that is actually 6 times but yeah I'm boring so i wouldn't say that shit'.
I hope
Don't disappoint me WFLT Steve
(this is why i like dark!Steve👉🏻👈🏻)
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Lastly, abt Zade and Rand, again being the good friend. It’s also normal. I mean, imagine having a real Bucky Barnes in real life sans the appearance and change Avenger to cops/military. IMAGINE. OKAY? IM MAKING THIS REALISTIC. A guy that murdered thousands of man/woman where we had zero knowledge of his history and nicknamed The Ripper/Butcher (for example😂). We didn’t know anything except in the trial he’s a friend of said famous cop/military, and now serve the country. If it were me, it sounds fishy as hell. So do not blame me to be dramatic initially because I’m not the one was getting railed by his dick.
(But ofc in fanfiction I would react differently, I mean… ITS BUCKY BARNES!!)
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Anyways, that is all for today. Mother Pookie, I wuv you so much and all of your pets!! THEY R SO FLUFFY!!!🩷🩷🩷
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My precious! <3
Your posts make me so happy. I can't even!
I really, really love Bucky and Major just being completely and totally head over heels for each other from the go, you know? Like, they both know they are kind of rushing into this, but they're both coming from places where they felt like they wasted enough time being unhappy (Major with her loveless marriage and Bucky being, you know, a brainwashed assassin, lol) that they just want to go for it.
Bucky Junior's approval for Major is highly appreciated, lol. He has definitely given her a standing ovation, lol.
deLulu has been a good friend to Bucky in the past, just as long as it's not involving any of the girls he previously dated, lol. She's got this idea in her head that their relationship's gonna play out like a typical best friends to lovers fan fiction or something, and that she just has to let it progress naturally. She's in love with the very idea of it, more than she's actually in love with Bucky. She wants to live that story. Honestly, the male main character in it wasn't really that important to her. She's tried it before, and it's always failed.
Lenovo (love calling her this, btw) is SO threatened by our queen, and I think it has something to do with the fact that Major is just unabashedly herself, whereas Lenovo is constantly putting up a front to try to make herself what she thinks Bucky wants. I want to try to explore this later on. So, of course Lenovo will take these elements she sees in Major and dump on them, because she thinks that it will make her look better. She is wrong. So wrong. And dumb.
I promise WFLT Steve is a Steve and not a Steeb! He's just... there, lol. No shady business on his part. Just being old fashioned and warning his bestie to be careful with his heart because he doesn't want to see him fall fast and hard and not have the girl feel the same way (he doesn't need to worry, Major is just as in as Bucky is!)
And Zadie and Rand are also coming from a place of love, for the most part. In Rand's case, it might be a little bit of "I think I know better than you," but it's mostly love. They don't know Bucky, they don't know his dick. They're just going by what they watched on Court TV or something, lol.
I love you, Pookie! Thank you so much for writing; you make my day!
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frogs-in3-hills · 19 days
HI SULLY i just need you to know that the "adventures is about gina and resolve is about iris" thoughts are actually life ruining like you are so so right about that oh my God. also your susato thoughts are PEAK always and forever... while resolve is such a perfect game in many ways i have some gripes with gina/kazuma at least and if u ever need to Discuss i would love to hear your thoughts abt susato in that game. hope u are doing well just saw your tags and RAAAA yk!!
i'm so sprry i took so long to respond to this i forgot the context but YEAHHH!!!!!!! obviously each game is about of a Lot of things so i'm being just a little purposefully reductive in the name of feminism, but yes yeesss i think gina and iris really do represent the overall ideas each game tries to present! ESPECIALLY gina... i think as a fandom we really sleep on the way her arc mirrors ryuunosuke's as they both seek to discover/rediscover their drive to move forward after having their trust taken advantage of. even though susato is the one who gets through to gina about letting ryuunosuke defend her (in what is possibly one of my favorite bits of dialogue in anything ever hiii i love you susato), i really think gina and ryuunosuke needed to see each other struggling with this in order to move on from it. everything is converging on this exchange of betrayal that megundal orchestrated between ryuu, gina, and susato (ryuu loses faith in what kazuma taught him, gina loses faith in herself, and susato loses faith in the london courts. or any combination of these). and it's just sooo fucking good how the unspeakable story addresses all these things at once, like ik it's not as well-regarded due to its weaker mystery-writing but the themes and characterization shine so strongly through those issues (the dgs adventures thesis statement actually).
as for iris, i think resolve is about her in the same way bridge to the turnabout is "about" pearl. like, she encapsulates the bright future of a bloodied family, she's the reason any of this matters and the reason kazuma and barok need to heal. she IS hope.... which is incidentally why iris & kazuma is one of my favorite potential duos like please just imagine them being friends it is so important to me.... also as they get to know each other, they would think the other is sooo funny. like. she is adopting him as her pet freak and he is using his sword to cut her sandwiches into cute bunny shapes yknow.
also yeah.. agreed on resolve being basically perfect lol, but susato's writing.... it's hard to complain about, because it's not like she's out of character. like i totally buy everything she does in that game, and i appreciate that the plotline is extremely ambitious and didn't really have time to center a character who already had a complete arc in the first game, but!! there were so many different directions she could have gone.... alas. blossoming attorney is my reconciliatory catnip. like i think that case also dropped the ball wrt her potential (is this a hot take?) but i am NOT immune to my fav receiving genderfluidity and a girlfriend. quite possibly the fourth best yuribait in the series (aurametis adrien/celeste lanamia susahao in that order ofc). i love this fic to blossom by @ magicwhiskers29, it does a great job of folding the themes of resolve into susato's character! i would be SO curious to hear your thoughts about gina and kazuma in resolve too..! <_< i have some thoughts as well but this response is already really rambly so i'll speak of them at a later time afdshgh
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