#i'm at a loss for words at some of the reactions im seeing please grow up
kiriyuus · 11 months
"izzy hands dying is bury your gays!!!!" is just "ineffable husbands is queerbait because they didn't end up happily frolicking into the sunset together!!!!" all over again like can you guys please be fucking normal. can you please understand that emotionally poignant moments in plot aren't always a slight against you, personally,
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pochipop · 3 years
i dont know if i have you confused with another account(?), and if so im sorry!! and feel free to ignore this!! but if you're okay with writing for bnha, could i get a 'reaction/advice giving type thing to the reader whos trying to change herself to please a guy'? (todoroki, kirishima, bakugo, tenya, & shinsou) thank you so much in advance!!
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#. synopsis! — their concern for you grows after noticing a sudden and questionable shift in your personality .
#. characters! — todoroki, bakugo, kirishima, tenya, shinso .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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Todoroki isn't sure how to approach this conversation, but he swallows all the pride he's built up just to offer you some words of advice. He doesn't like admitting that he's noticed the differences, even if they haven't been the most subtle. . . It's difficult for him to admit that he cares, nonetheless have to show it. But he feels, deep within his heart, that this is important, —not just for you, but for himself, as well. He knows he won't be able to sleep soundly at night or look himself square in the mirror without nipping this in the bud. So he knocks on your door roughly half an hour before curfew, still wracking his brain for the right words to say. He's still at a loss by the time you open the door.
"Oh, hi Todoroki," you greet him, offering up a polite smile, "something I can do for you?"
He hates that you're asking that so quickly, as if he always needs something from you every time he steps foot in your dorm room. Although, that's not entirely incorrect. Most of the time, he's asking for your notes, or for your assistance with studying for an upcoming test. He doesn't mean for this to be the way you see him or his interactions, but he understands why things are the way they are. . . And he's not sure how to deal with that, either.
"No, nothing like that," Todoroki answers, shaking his head, "—I just. . . I've noticed that you haven't really been yourself lately, is all. I thought something might be going on, and that it would be better to ask, just in case."
By the look on your face, he can tell you're surprised by his words. He can't blame you. Even Todoroki himself is a little put off by all of this.
You shift your weight from one foot to another nervously.
"I guess I have made some changes recently," you admit, avoiding his eyes, "a third year student took me on a date a few weeks ago, and he mentioned that I seem to naïve to be a hero. Since then I've. . . I've been trying to grow up a little more, you know? To make it clear that I'm capable too. Some of the things he said just made me feel small. I want to prove myself to everyone who sees me that way."
Todoroki isn't sure what kind of reasoning he was really expecting, but that certainly wasn't it. He's never been particularly good with giving advice, but he doesn't want to stay silent now. That would just make everything ten times more awkward.
"For what it's worth, I really don't agree with him," Todoroki says, calm as ever on the outside, but panicked on the inside.
"It's always good to want to do better for yourself and those around you, but changing your personality to fit into what someone else thinks a hero should look like. . . You don't need to do that. Everyone can do better and be better, but that doesn't have to come at the cost of your own sense of self."
You get the feeling that those words aren't just for you, but for himself as well. Maybe in more ways than one.
"Thank you, Todoroki," you say, offering him a more genuine smile the second time around, "—I'll take your words into consideration, and I appreciate you coming all the way here just to say them."
His cheeks dust themselves a light pink, and he can only pray that you won't notice.
"If you wanna come in, Sato dropped some chocolate chip cookies off earlier. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I share a few," you offer.
Though Todoroki isn't particularly hungry, he accepts. He loves Sato's baking enough to make room for it. Curfew is drawing near, and he knows as much, but for the time being, he stands beside you and listens as you talk about the upcoming training course. This is the you he's known since the beginning of the year, and he hopes it won't disappear anytime soon.
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# BAKUGO !! ♡
Bakugo points out the difference in your behavior as if it were a bitter inconvenience to him. It's just how he is, and you know that, but the way he says things tends to sting, and this is no different. Somehow, he seems a million times more blunt than usual.
"You're acting weird," his eyes narrow in disapproval, "so what the hell is up with you?"
Really, you're just thankful that he took you aside to do this rather than starting this conversation in front of the entire class. The anxiety that welled up inside you when he pulled you away from the others quickly disappeared, and all's well that ends well, you suppose.
"It's nothing," you tell him, though it's clear he doesn't believe that, —and even more obvious that he won't be accepting that as an answer, "I'm just still getting used to living away from home is all."
"That's not it," he growls out, so matter-of-factly that it stings.
"It really is," you insist, "I just need to adjust! There's really nothing to be worried about!"
The truth feels pathetic now that someone is confronting you about it. You don't want to say it so easily.
"I'm not worried," Bakugo scoffs, though the both of you know that's not the case, "but seeing you mope around in class is even more annoying than hearing you giggle like an idiot in the back of the room every morning."
You bite the inside of your cheek, unsure of how to respond. Bakugo doesn't scare you, (at least not anymore, now that you've been classmates for so long,) but his prying feels. . . Conflicting, to say the least.
"If this has anything to do with that stupid third year you were with last weekend, then just say so," he prompts dryly.
How does he know about that. . . ? You want to ask, but can't find the nerve to do so, worried that it might come across as accusatory, which is the last thing you want right now. It's not like you were trying to keep it a secret. You told Uraraka and Tsu, and never mentioned keeping it to themselves, so if it got out, then so be it.
"He said that I'm childish," you avert your gaze, embarrassment practically seeping out of your pores.
You hate this feeling.
"That I talk too much. I was just nervous and trying to keep conversation going at the time, but I guess that I went overboard. But it was my first time going on a date, and I just wanted him to like me."
"Who cares if he likes you?" Bakugo answers so quickly that it makes you flinch, "—he's a loser. You're a million times more aggravating when you're just sitting, staring out the window like a kicked puppy. So stop doing that. Talk as much as you want and say whatever you want, and forget whatever he said, because his opinion is just as stupid as he is."
You try to stifle a smile, but it doesn't work. Bakugo's scowl is still etched into his face, just as it always is. It's comforting, somehow.
"Thank you," you say to him, "I appreciate it. Very much."
"Whatever," he rolls his eyes, "just stop sulking. It pisses me off."
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Kirishima isn't one for subtlety. You could notice his concerned glances and worried expressions from miles away. It makes you feel awful, but you can't seem to help it. If these feelings weren't there, it would be so much easier to push the insecurities away and smile brightly. . . But life just isn't that easy. A shame that is, really.
"Hey," Kirishima says to you with that same troubled look in his eyes that he's had for quite a few days now.
You feel guilty for being the cause of it, —probably more guilty than he'll ever know.
"Hi," you force a smile, but it doesn't reach your irises, "do you want to walk back to the dorms together?"
He nods, but he doesn't smile in return. Your heart aches. The two of you are halfway there before he speaks up, having spent the entirety of the time trying to find the right words to say. He's still not sure what he's going to tell you is going to be of any help, but he wants to try. That's how he's always been since the day you first met him.
"You seem down lately," Kirishima notes, "—or just different, I guess. Not like yourself at all."
An "oh" escapes your lips almost automatically, flat and somber, your gaze falling to your shoes as you walk, counting the steps you take in hopes of calming the nerves that wrap around your heart.
"You haven't been hanging out in the lounge with us lately either. A lot of us are wondering what's been going on."
Maybe it's just that you've been so caught up in your own feelings, trying to change your behaviors to please someone who hasn't thrown you a bone since the day he decided to crush a large portion of your confidence, but you really hadn't noticed you'd been worrying anyone. Other than Kirishima, that is, because he wasn't good at hiding it.
"I just don't want to be overbearing," you tell him, your stare still focused on the steps you're taking just so that you don't have to look Kirishima in the eyes.
"Overbearing?" He asked, genuine confusion lacing through his tone, "—why would you be worried about that?"
You feel so silly for all of this, and you want to apologize, not just to Kirishima, but to everyone. The feelings remain, but his concern for you really touches your heart.
"I went on a date with an upperclassman a bit ago, and he left early. He said I was overbearing, and that I didn't know when to shut up. Ever since then I. . . I just wanted to prove that I'm not. To him, to myself. . . To everyone."
"He's a jerk," Kirishima states firmly, and you're not sure you've ever heard him be this serious in an everyday conversation, "so don't let his words get to you, or make you change who you are. You're awesome enough when you're just being yourself. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
The certainty with which he says those words makes your heart flutter. You say a quiet "thank you," and he slips a comforting arm around your shoulders.
"Cheer up," he says, giving you a wide smile to illustrate his point.
You like the way his eyes turn into little crescent moons as he does so, and you offer him one of your own, albeit much softer.
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# TENYA !! ♡
Iida notices, but only worries from afar at first. As the class representative, he knows everyone fairly well, —more than well enough to notice when someone kind and hardworking seems to almost shrink into themselves all at once. He offers you good mornings each day, but your responses never satisfy him. You say it back, but the smile you offer him never reaches your eyes, and he doesn't like that. He doesn't like the dejected way you seem to be viewing yourself.
After a week, he decides that he can't take it anymore. The pressure has built up enough, right alongside the guilt he harbors for not asking you about things sooner, and before the start of class, he asks you to step into the hallway with him, assuring you that you're not in trouble. You nod and follow him along, not bothering to ask questions, because you have a sneaking suspicion that you already know what he's going to say.
"If I'm crossing any boundaries, you can feel free to not answer," he prefaces, "but are you okay? Your mood and demeanor seems completely different, and it has all week long. . ."
You swallow roughly. The fact that you had a hunch about the conversation topic doesn't seem to make this any easier.
"I've been working on being less immature," you tell him, and the furrow of his brows knitting together in confusion sinks your heart a little deeper into the pit of your stomach.
"Immature?" Tenya inquires further, "that's not a word that comes to mind when I think of you. What made you think like this?"
"An upperclassman took me out on a date last weekend. I was really excited, but he. . . He told me that I was too immature for him, and that he didn't want to see me again."
Just the memory of it is enough to sting the heart inside you. The wound is still fresh, and recounting it is only stuffing salt inside.
"So you're pulling yourself away to. . . Win him over?" Tenya raises an eyebrow inquisitively.
"No, it's not that," you shake your head, "it's more that I'm worried he was right. I don't want him to like me if he doesn't, but if what he said is really true, it's something I should know and be able to work on, right? I've been mulling over it a lot is all. I didn't mean to pull away from anyone or anything."
Tenya places a large, comforting hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay to be a little immature," he tells you earnestly, "we're all still growing up. It would be more shocking if you were the picture perfect image of adulthood at this age. Every single one of us is still learning and growing, and that's why we're here. You're fine the way you are. Your desire to self-reflect and make changes where it's needed is really admirable, but this time, I think you can let whatever that guy said roll off your back."
The warmth of his grip seems to sink into your skin almost as deeply as the weight of his words.
"Thank you," you tell him, "that means a lot to me."
Probably more than you even realize.
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# SHINSO !! ♡
Shinso is a strange balance of confused and concerned. He doesn't know how to ask, but someone as everlastingly observant as him is bound to notice the changes, —and he does. At first, he tells himself that you're dealing with personal issues, something is happening in the background of your life that he can't see, and it's hurting you. Still, he doesn't think it's his place to say anything. So he doesn't. Not for a week or so. He just watches from afar, keeps an eye on you passively, telling himself that you'll go back to normal when your feelings settle.
But things don't work out that way. You're more withdrawn, speaking less, laughing less, goofing around less, and it's so unlike you that he's beginning to get worried out of his mind. He might not be the closest person to you, and he's painfully aware of that, —but he knows you nonetheless. He's good at reading people, and you're by no means an exception. Shinso thinks so highly of you that it feels wrong to not give you a hand, because he knows you'd do the same for him if the shoe were on the other foot. So he works up the nerve and he approaches you after school, unsure of how to go about this, but certain that it's the right thing to do.
The small talk he makes feels suffocating. Your answers are bland, just as his questions are, and he sucks in a quick breath before getting to the point.
"Listen. . . I know that we aren't the best of friends, but you've seemed really different lately. Like you're always off somewhere else. It's not like you at all," he tells you, taking you by surprise.
He's the last person you thought would approach you about any of this.
"I've been thinking more," you admit, "so I guess that's why."
"Thinking?" He dares to pry, hoping that you won't shut him down now that he's come this far.
"Worrying," you correct, "that's probably a better way to put it."
"What are you worried about?" Shinso pushes.
You've been somewhat receptive so far, and he hopes you'll let him in. He knows he's not the type of person most would think to confide in, but you've never been one to judge him.
"About myself," you sigh, and he can't help but to think that it sounds so heavy, like you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders this whole time.
"About whether or not I'm really cut out for all of this after all."
Shinso wasn't expecting that.
"Why would you worry about something like that? You've never slipped below the top five of our class," he notes.
"It's not so much academic or physical things that I'm worried about. It's the personal aspect of it all. . . You know, the mindset. The emotional capacity," you elaborate.
Even people like you think about things like that? It shouldn't surprise him, but it does. Shinso has always seen you as someone so far away from him. . . Someone destined to just be better. It shocks him that you're so down on yourself now of all times, you of all people.
"I had my first date with a third year boy, and he said a lot of things that have given me a lot to think about. Whether or not I really am too lackluster for this, or if I'm too childish to make it. I want to show him that he's wrong, make him eat those words. . . But maybe he's right."
"He's wrong," Shinso states, "and someone like that should look at himself first. If he wants to be a hero, that means lifting people up and making them feel like they can really be the best version of themselves. Saying that kind of thing to you isn't to make you better. He did that to be cruel, and he's wrong about everything he said. And you shouldn't worry about changing yourself for him. The way you are now is just fine, and you'll only get better from here. You've been growing stronger all year, and everyone has seen it. Everyone admires you."
His words hit you like a truck. If the two of you were alone and not surrounded by your peers walking by, you'd have probably broken down into tears.
"Thank you for saying so, Shinso," you give him a soft smile, "I'll take those words to heart."
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angelizs · 2 years
Hi hi! I just wanted to thanm you for the super nice tags on my jade series. They were the first thing i saw when i woke up so im vv happy!! Also, your layout is super pretty and may the mischievous cat visit your dreams asdhdls
Good morning dear!! Thank you for sending an ask, that's literally so sweet of you ?? I'm grinning so wide right now, if anything I should be the one thanking you for writing such an amazing series!! ALSO THAT'S SO NICE OF YOU, Che'nya is welcomed in my dreams anytime !!!
I have a lot to say but I didn't want to spam your notifications so I kept to the abridged version in the tags ksjdlskdksk well, since you're here I'll talk a bit more about my thoughts on it (under the cut), hope you don't mind ^^
I first read it before setting up my account actually and it stayed in my mind because you work very well with catching the readers attention and making them curious!! also, I loved your Jade characterization, how you describe his feelings of shock and his thought process, his opinions on humans, the way he tries to distance himself but can't, either due to his curious nature or the universe trying to play matchmaker (or both, who knows). I'm going to be honest and admit I don't like soulmate aus that much (dunno, the idea there's someone predetermined for u it's kinda suffocating ig) but this one got a GRIP on me. LITERALLY YOU MADE ME GET INTERESTED. I love love love how Jade tried to challenge that cliche within these types of aus of immediately throwing his things to the air to persue his soulmate, how he keeps his interests in mind first and foremost!! (although I did find very funny how Azul admited he would just abandon everything on spot)
at the end of the first chapter I was SHOCKED FLABBERGASTED STUNNED AT A LOSS FOR WORDS literally just stared at my phone for a while processing it because it was the LAST thing I'd have expected to happen. and immediately hurried to read the next part because I needed to know what would happen after that.
his inner thoughts on the beggining of chapter 2 made so much sense it was SO satisfactory!!! "A soulmate to him was this entirely new concept. He did not dream of someone filling him up with overflowing emotions. Jade wasn't empty." THIS THIS THIS it's soooo in accordance with his character.
The elective class made me curious to take it as well, honestly, Crowley please accept my enrollment letter I wanna be there too. The way he can't help but want to know the reader's name, so interested in them while they don't even know about him?? SOOO GOOD!!! the idea of him wanting to know reader's name is. so endearing. it's just an innocent interest you know?? him getting his hopes up about reader's beliefs and then being let down immediately WAS SO FUNNY, especially after they don't raise their hand on the soulmates one LMAO
him still thinking about reader's name makes me feel. some sort of way. imagine someone being so interested in you even your NAME becomes an object of interest??? I. I want it.
the opposites attract bit is SO TRUE that's what I think as well!! I'd love someone who compliments me well so we can share experiences and help each other grow! but I'd never be with someone whose core values are drastically different than mine.
also it's very funny that he thought of just. straight up telling the reader about what happened just to see their reaction. HIS HOPES GETTING UP AGAIN (even mine got up after the string reappeared) AND THEN HIM NOT WANTING THE STRING TO BE CUT? HIM STANDING TOO STUNNED TO SPEAK AFTER READER MENTIONS A BOYFRIEND?? THAT WAS. SO FUNNY, THE JADE HUMBLING you're so right I love him but sometimes he should be knocked down a peg. just for funsies
chapter 4 was actually really cute!! finally some interactions between the two! I was kind of surprised about reader lying, but more so about Jade noticing the flowers enough to know the meaning of them, which was also pretty endearing, in it's own way.
"Always. Always if they are connected to you. Perhaps he was the silly one. But you smiled. That was enough." SCREAMING SOBBING SHAKING SLIDING DOWN THE WALL
and. I'm so curious about chapter 5. will Jade finally learn reader's name? will reader discover about their soulmate connection?? will the red string come back??? this and much more in the next issue of A human myth of red, stay tuned!!
in conclusion: thank you for your series I have. many thoughts about it. it has stayed in my mind and I've been thinking about it! you're doing great <33
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