#i'm at the end of my 30 mins so i'm gonna post without proofreading LMAO
lookinghalfacorpse · 1 year
great achievements my piece for the @technoblade-first-try-challenge my prompt was: technoblade braiding his hair highly inspired by this post
/dsmp /rp
Dream shifted uncomfortably beneath the heavy cape.  It was too hot to wear inside the cell, if he were being completely honest with himself, but the weight and coverage granted the illusion of safety.  “Illusion” was the key word here; he wasn’t safe.  Not here, not with anyone.
Yet, Technoblade sat behind him, carefully twisting his long hair into a delicate braid and then curling it within itself, making something of an updo.  A few hours ago, he had Dream crouched over the cauldron and washed through the matted strands the best he could, and then he waited for it dry while occasionally combing through it with his fingers.  Once that was done, he sat Dream down and did his best to put it into a style that won’t get mangled again.
“I’m bored.  Not much else to do,” was Techno’s excuse.
Dream’s excuse would’ve been something along the lines of ‘I had my back to him many times already.  He would’ve hurt me already if he was determined.  He’d wait until I was asleep.’ but he didn’t say it.
“Ya know, there’s no mirror in here.  I could make you look like anythin’ and you’d have no idea,” Techno deadpanned at some point, breaking the silence suddenly and making Dream jump.
“Don’t put a dick on my head,” Dream rebutted.
“Or... uh, that sounds bad.  Uh, don’t... don’t put my hair in the shape of a penis.”
“I was thinkin’ Pennywise hair myself, actually.  Or maybe double pigtails-- a bit of Harley Quinn action.”  He placed two fists on the top of Dream’s skull, miming where pigtails might have sat on him.
“Harley’s cool,” Dream granted.
“You ever see all of my braids?”
It seemed like a dumb question.  They were hard to miss.  There were many brains of different sizes and lengths along Techno’s head, some which were adorned with beads or twisted around a colorful fabric.  “Yeah?” Dream replied.
“They’re piglin culture.  I braid the same things into my hair every wash day, and it takes forever.  They all mean different things.  There’s a warrior one, and another for all the weapons I’ve mastered.  A few spiritual ones.  One that’s matchin’ with Phil.”  He ran his finger along the side of Dream’s temple.  “I gave you one.  It’s a little hidden.”
Dream felt heat rise to his face.  His excuse would’ve been ‘It’s hot under this stupid cape of yours,’ but he didn’t say it.  “What does it mean?”
“It’s for a great achievement.  The achievement bein’,” Techno’s smile was evident in his voice.  He was awful proud of this, “survivin’ in a death box.”
“I haven’t survived it yet.  Neither have you.  Quackity could come back any day now--”
“--and we’re gonna survive it, that’s what I keep tellin’ you!  C’moooon, have some faith, c’mon.  You’re never get the ‘faith’ braid at this rate, c’mooon.”
Dream adjusted the cape on his shoulders a bit, with a smile on his face.
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