#i'm back with these two yeahhhhhhhhhhhh
vschs · 7 months
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"wtf are you doing, human"
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pizzapasta23045 · 1 year
Okay okay okay hello
I would like to say something about this here post from late January about Kaeya choosing between Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt.
Kaeya is an extremely complex character with and extremely complex past and a turbulent relationship with loyalties. We all know this.
While some people do want to see him become a villain, and others want him to be one of the heroes, I am here to tell you that no matter which nation he chooses, he will be both.
Khaenri'ah shows up, knocking on Mondstadt's front gates, and Kaeya oh so kindly opens them for them - he's a traitor to Mondstadt, it's archon, it's people, yes. But he's also a hero to his birth nation. He is simply doing his job, fulfilling his destiny, being loyal to the people he came from.
Alternatively, Khaenri'ah comes knocking and Kaeya chooses to put his sword against them, slaughtering any abyss creature who tries to harm Mondstadt - Kaeya's seen as a hero to Mond, staying loyal to the people who took him in as one of their own, his family, their archon. But he's a traitor and a villain to his birth nation. As many headcanons as there are, none of us can actually know whether the people of his motherland were cruel and heartless to him or if they were warm and loving. If they were the latter, just imagine how harsh that would be - to love someone and place all your hope in them, only to have them turn against you mercilessly.
I would also like to point out that Khaenri'ah and the abyss aren't really enemies of Mondstadt. Yes, they attack the people, but they attack the people all across teyvat. They're not necessarily planning on overthrowing the city, but instead aim to target Celestia. Archons, on behalf of Celestia, destroyed the nation of Khaenri'ah, killed all its people and cursed the rest. If Khaenri'ah comes knocking, they won't be targeting Mondstadt, or Liyue, or Inazuma or any other nation for that matter - they will be targeting the archons and Celestia itself.
I believe that Kaeya would not step in to stop them here. If the people of Khaenri'ah target Celestia, Kaeya will not intervene, because, like it or not, those are still his people who witnessed the cataclysm and lifetimes of cursed suffering.
I do however believe that he would intervene if Khaenri'ah decided to target the people as means to attract Celestia's attention. Kaeya has deep bonds with the people of Mondstadt. He loves Diluc, his brother adopted or not, even if they can't show it because they still grew up together. He loves Klee, would do anything for the innocent little child to prevent her from finding out the harsh realities of the world. He loves Jean, and Rosaria, and Fischl, and Bennett and he loves the elderly, who all love him in return! They are his people, whether by birth or otherwise, they are his. And I believe that he will protect them if he has to.
Will Kaeya protect Venti? No. Hear me out, they may be drinking buddies and get along very well, but Venti is still an archon. Barbados is not Kaeya's god. And in the situation where Khaenri'ah is attacking, Barbados is who Kaeya would be looking at, not Venti the bard. This does not, however, mean that he would attack him either. I believe Kaeya would just stand back, observe how his two identities fight against eachother, and hurt and feel victorious simultaneously no matter what the outcome is.
Because that's who Kaeya is - both a traitor and a hero no matter who wins and who loses.
Thank you for reading my brainrot, I'm sorry it turned out to be this long, I lost myself in the writing.
Yours sincerely,
- 🌙
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh! Exactly!
Like... It's not simply a black (khaenri'ah) and white (mondstadt) choice, it's a complex moral issue, there's a reason he was very apprehensive in choosing and agonized over the decision for years! It's not just like "Oh ok I'll choose Mond because they're my real family and shit."
It's soooooooo annoying because a lot writers remove all the moral aspect from it and don't even, you know?, consider that maybe a child of nation whom was (most likely unjustly) destroyed by celestia would want to... you know? Try and oppose them? Like mah dudes... mah bros you can't just say oh yeah but they raised you, it's not that simple.
Also, Khaenri'ah's plan doesn't HAVE to include destroying Mondstadt, nor the rest of Teyvat for that matter. Like, most Khaneri'ahns don't seem to want that and I legit can't find a logical reason they would destroy Mondstadt according to current lore.
So yeah, if Khaenri'ah were to try and destroy Mond i feel like he'd at least try and stop them but otherwise... I just don't see him choosing mond I'm sorry...
He does care for Khanenri'ah to some extent, that's the whole point of his character, that he is divided between two different sides of himself and shit.
Wether or not Kaeya's father was abusive (and he is, at the very least, lackluster as a parent (mostly because of the leaving the child in an active storm when he could've died, you know?) and we can argue about how bad he was all day) this is still very much a moral choice.
Like, I always think "Dude? If you had a bad parent, abusive, absent whatever, and they were a very well known climate activist would you become a climate change denier?" because even if he doesn't do it for his father, Kaeya could do it for all the innocent people in Khaneri'ah, you know? the ones that are slowly dying a slow and painful death while forgetting who they are, he can have his own deeply personal reasons to support Khaneri'ah.
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