#i'm doing it bc abdicate is kicking my ass w writer's block
tabl3 · 4 months
beginning of a oneshot i'm writing
Oliver let out a blood-curdling shriek. 
The projectile was zipping at his head, at least eighty miles per hour. 
He ducked to avoid it, feeling it sail so close that it grazed his scalp.
“Chase, look out!” Kaz shouted. 
Chase had just entered from the rooftop door, flipping through a book. He snapped up as the volleyball came flying toward him.
It screeched to a halt a centimeter from the tip of his nose, floating there.
Chase nodded to his left, making it shoot back over the net and land on the girls’ side before even Bree could stop it.
“HAH!” Kaz pointed two fingers at Bree and Skylar. “Point!”
“Your first,” Skylar teased, catching the ball when Bree, miffed, tossed it to her. It was a sunny afternoon, bordering on too warm, but with a nice breeze to cut through the heat. Four of the five Elite Force members had decided to go up on the roof, set up the volleyball set that Bree had purchased from a sketchy website a few months ago, and waste the day. Due to their packaged deal philosophy, Kaz and Oliver had chosen each other as a team. What fools they had been. Bree was a devil. A beast. A monster. Evil. Skylar wasn’t much better. The boys were up to forty-nine misses in the half-hour they’d been up there.
Chase rolled his eyes fondly. “Have you guys eaten lately?”
Four nods. 
“Okay, good,” he waved his hand, bringing a package of water bottles from the alcove. One was thrown to each person. The girls caught theirs. Oliver again ducked under his. Kaz’s smacked him in the face. “Oliver, Kaz, watch the temperature. Don’t overheat.”
“Yes, Mom,” they echoed.
“Bree, Skylar, go a little,” he pinched his fingers together. “Easy on them.”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Chase put his hands on his hips. “Don’t come crying to me when you get too tired to celebrate tonight.”
“What are we celebrating again?” Skylar asked, resting her elbow on her girlfriend’s head.
“Only one of the best holidays ever!” Kaz exclaimed, springing to his feet.
“Yeah!” Oliver backed him up. “Watermelon, fireworks, random cold salads, barbecues!”
“I make some bomb ass bbq, girl,” Kaz bragged, puffing out his chest. He’d already spent the previous evening making far too many sides for five people, which of course caused the kitchen to explode. It took Chase and Oliver hours to clean, because Bree was conveniently gone and Kaz dragged Skylar into their room for whatever reason. No one knew why he did anything, generally speaking.
“It’s the way neither of them answered my question,” Skylar deadpanned with a snort. 
“Yeah, they do that,” Chase observed. He folded his arms, lightly smiling. “It’s the Fourth of July.”
“And?” Skylar blinked.
“Big party. Celebrating the country,” Chase toed a loose piece of gravel. “Frankly, I never understood why.”
Kaz gasped as though Chase just admitted he was cheating on him, slapping a hand to his chest. 
“Hot dogs! Ice cream! Sparklers!” he listed, dramatically counting on his fingers. Chase snorted, shoving his face away.
“Fireflies! Picnic blankets!” Oliver chimed in. “Sparklers! Watermelon!”
“You already said that, buddy.”
“Oh, did I?”
“Well, it deserves it.”
“Anyway,” Bree cleared her throat. “We don’t really have to celebrate it.”
Kaz gasped again, as though she had just admitted that Chase was cheating on him. 
“You don’t have to do that every time.”
“Guys!” he threw his hands up. “It’s literally the most nostalgic thing ever! Do you have no shame?”
“I guess fireworks looked nice from the TV in our basement lab,” Bree said sarcastically.
“Around Earth’s summer we had a gladiator tournament to purge the weak from our forces on Caldera,” Skylar offered.
Silence. A bird squawked.
“Jeez,” Kaz smacked his lips. “I forget how fucked your childhoods were.”
“Whatever the case, I need to get back to work,” Chase turned with a wave. “Have fun.”
He was halted.
“...What the hell?”
“Babe, you gotta rescue us!” Kaz cried, holding onto his ankle and laying on the roof like a kid being dragged out of a toy store. “We’re getting smoked!”
“Pleaseee!” Oliver begged, gripping his other. “We need you.”
Chase stared at them incredulously.
Skylar and Bree covered their mouths to hide their giggles.
“How old are you two again?”
“69,” Kaz replied before Chase finished the last syllable. 
“It’s funny every time.”
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