#i'm feeling like an extra crispy piece of bacon
did you know you can make quiche out of whatever the fuck you want
well now you do and that's what I did today. see quiche is literally just an egg custard thing with some stuff in it in a crust when you get right down to it so when I get down to the ends of lots of ingredients sometimes I will put that shit in a quiche. I dont care if it's fancy and perfect I care that it's edible and uses up the shit in my fridge. Or in this case also on my balcony :)
Lets take a look at the crap I have to use up by today
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we've got this thimble full of milk
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Got some grated parmesan bc I grated too much for a thing I made the other day
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got some dried mushrooms and ooooo
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you can turn this stuff into a decent fritatta tbh but I was feeling quiche mood
Here's what I do kinda, and I'm all about making it work without buying extra things
First soak the mushrooms in cold water for like an hour if they're dried like mine. The package says 5-10 minutes and whoever wrote that is out of their fucking mind and is telling you nothing but lies and if you don't soak them longer you'll regret it
I have little mini casserole thingies I use for quiche so I don't need much crust. And that's good bc I had about a thimble full of crisco too.
(but that's OK bc between you and me you can add a little bit of butter in a pinch to make up for what you lack in shortening and like you'll notice a little with the texture but not enough to care)
So this here (BTW my oven is preheating to 350 off in the background)
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This is a couple tablespoons of butter and crisco and maybe half a cup of flour and a pinch of salt and I chopped it all together with a fork until it was the cornmeal texture you see. I generally know I added the right amount of fat when I can sort of smoosh it together as shown without water. But you do wanna add cold water.
Im at a high altitude so my water measurements will be useless to most people I think but basically you just need to add it by the tablespoon until the dough comes together in a ball. It shouldn't be a sticky ball but you don't want it dry either and don't like Knead it you don't want it stretchy. (If you're at a high altitude like me, DO actually make it a little extra wet to where it's sticky. You'll thank me later when you're not eating a crispy brick.) Roll it out to an 8th inch, then slice it up and piece it together in whatever [GREASED, DONT FORGET GREASED] dish you want to bake in. Then pop it in the oven for like 10-15 minutes. It should be juuuuust baked but not like Crunchy.
Anyway while that's happening I make the filling.
Do you want to know my secret
My secret is that this is the one time I will use a measuring cup.
I crack a normal large egg into my 1/3 cup and then add milk to it until its full
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"but ej shouldn't you use a liquid measuring cup" SILENCE JUST BE GLAD I OWN A MEASURING CUP FOOL
dump it in your mixing bowl and then do that for 3 more eggs (well, your amount of eggs will vary. I think it's like 6 for an 8 inch pie dish. But see you know whats great about this method? If you didn't mix up enough eggs, that's ok! Crack another one in the 1/3 cup, add milk and a pinch of salt and pepper and mix it up and add it in) add a pinch of salt and pepper for each and whisk it all together till it's kinda homogenous.
Heres a picture of my next step which is layering the goodies
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someone is going to tell me I should be using Swiss cheese I. DO. NOT. CARE. I hate Swiss cheese and these are for me I do what I want and this is fine and good. The dark supervillain secret that cooking shows don't want you to know is you can put whatever the fuck hard cheese you want. You can literally make the egg mixture and put whatever. Do you have some green onions and bacon and leftover terrible prepackaged cheddar? Put that shit in a quiche. Do you have a lunch meat and a couple slices of cheese that would pair well in a lunchable? Put that shit in a quiche. It's not traditional. It's not correct. Who fucking cares you're the one eating it. You gotta use that shit up so make it fun don't just put it in a sandwich man cmon. (I mean you can but)
Anyway if you're making a more traditional quiche you'd also add nutmeg to the egg mixture, but obviously I'm not doing that, so I skip that step.
Anyway next you ladle the egg mixture into the dish(es)
I put mine in a hot water bath but you probably don't have to do that, it just helps cook it evenly.
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And check out the result
Nice and edible. ( It's not ugly you fool it's RUSTIC)
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For me this took I think 25-30 min in the oven (which I left on from the crust....I tend to reduce the temp and cook longer though. In this case I reduced it to 230 and turned it off after 25 min or so. Basically when it reaches 165. I don't know if that's right and I don't care 165 kills the germs so I'm not doing it below that. You can take it out after and let it set up after that)
anyway that's what I ate today and the best thing about these is I can wrap them up and keep them in the freezer. Quiche freezes really well actually. You won't really notice a difference especially if you heat it up in the oven or an air fryer later, so I like to make a bunch of these guys ahead and just pull them out as needed.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. lady robin hood who likes to fish, and only eat sandwiches with no sides lefty eyebag 😌
Sorry I fell asleep after sending that last one. Did you sleep well? How are you this morning? Any big plans for the day?
Here comes the rambling since we're talking about food hahaha
So for bacon, it depends. If it's in a sandwich, it has to be crispy. By itself, it can be either crispy or soft. Do you have a favorite type of bacon? I like either the thick cut or the maple wood flavor. When I have pancakes, I go with the thick cut, and it's cooked like half crispy half soft.
Yeaaaah I like having the extra crunch with the sandwiches. Sometimes, I even put it inside the sandwich then flatten it so it's not too thick. Then eat more chips on the side lol.
I love all three of the sandwiches you mentioned. Do you? Especially tuna sandwiches. I don't think I can ever get tired of it. When you have your fried egg sandwich, do you fry your egg all the way? Or still have some yolk that you can clean up with the bread butt? Hahaha sorry, I call it the bread butt but I meant like the final piece of the sandwich that doesn't have any egg...
Ah that sucks that you haven't spoken to her in a while. Hopefully she comes back on soon! Did you guys meet on tumblr?
Okay okay, I'm glad you are showing that side of you with the dark humor and stuff. I am feeling more at ease with what I can say to you now lol
Again, don't be sorry about rambling about the things you like! I don't mind.
So when you fish, do you use those colorful baits? And do you use worms? That's a big fish that you caught. The biggest fish I ever caught was a hammerhead shark...on animal crossing. Hahahahaha.
With the fishes that you catch, do you put them back in the water after taking pictures and recording the weights? Or do you take it home to cook?
Isn't ice fishing when you go in the middle of an iced lake and make a hole and fish?
I don't think I've done anything bad that I kept it from people. 🤔
What is your favorite song lyric?
Hello you chips sneaker into the sandwich little john righty eyebag! hahahaha. how's that?
Sorry for the late reply. I slept okay but never enough. haha then i took a nap when i put Em to nap today. my morning was okay, just allergies so i hv been sneezing all day. n no big plans for today, just enjoying the gloomy day and the rain in the afternoon.
how r u today? hows work?
Ah okay.. your preference on bacons is pretty interesting. I like the thick cut bacon n as soft as it can be. lol. i think if bacon gets too crispy, it will get too salty for me for some reason. i never really taste the difference if it's maple bacon. but for sausage i really really like the maple vermont ones. what about ur toast? how do u like your toast? i really like it when it's only slightly toasted.
I actually do the same thing. i like to press my sandwich and kinda flatten it before i eat it. haha.
I looveee tuna sandwich, oh my god. it's one of my favorites. for the fried egg sandwich, i like it either way but i like the yolk not too cooked. either still a little runny or a little more cooked than runny. but i like the rim of it crispy better than the soft one. at the end it doesnt matter because i love egg sandwich.
haha it's actually funny in a cute way that u call it bread butt. i dont know if you mean the crust or not? but i kinda understand what you meant.
i dont really eat the crust. some people called me weird that i dont like it. what's funny is now my daughter doesn't like the crust either. I guess it's because whenever i made toast for her i always cut the crust and because of that when her dad makes her toast or grilled cheese, she never eat the crust. (i didnt do it in purpose actually. lol)
yes, I met my crush on tumblr. :D
depends on what we fish. Sometimes we use chunks of squid, sometimes we use life squids (which is messy because they squirt ink), sometimes we life sardines for the tuna fishing or other fish. For fly fishing for salmon we use fake bugs bait. For bass or fresh water fishing we use life worms.
Haha when i read that u said u caught hammerhead shark, i thought u were serious..😅🤣
Oh no we took it home.. n by the time it's done n on the way back to the shore the crew will help u cut n gutted the fish so u just bring home fillet of fish.
One time i caught 3 bluefin tuna which is a very good quality of tuna n it's always expensive if u get it in sushi place. My cousin's husband is a sushi chef, so i brought the whole 3 tunas n asked him to cut them in my apartment n he also brought home sushi rice n some sauces.. so we had sushi, sushi rolls n sashimi feast and i invited all my friends. Lol.
I usually cook any white fish i caught. Like red snapper, or the mahi mahi, rock fish.
Haha yeah thats what icr fishing is..i wanna try that.🤭
Hmm favorite song lyric? I had too much that i cant pick. We'll get back to u when i pick one. What bout u?
Next question?
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erinlbowe · 2 years
Heat Wave Over Boston
The heat is life-changing. Glaring red streaks of lightning that crack into your skull and shake down your bones to that sizzling concrete. In your scorched state there is a clarity, an empty epiphany that fills your mind with that white heat.
And you think of poets gone mad.
We took our trip to Boston, to study the art of Chinatown bakeries. With a grin, he called it corporate espionage. I called it a suicide mission, imagining the city haze baking us with the throng of bodies. But I enjoyed the strangers in the subway, the old dark houses of the Back Bay.
In Chinatown we wandered up the stairs of an abandoned-looking storefront and found ourselves in a colorful theater room with grand murals and tables upon tables, as if for an army. And there we let dim sum revive us from the miles walked in that sun.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Lost one sibling, gained four more; Queen x teen reader pt.2
*Author’s note*
Okay so here we go w/pt.2 now here is where we get to majority of the angst towards the middle and the end of the story. So I hope you all got your handkerchiefs out cause you’ll need them for this part. I’m sorry in advance for any heartbreak that I’ll cause but it ends with fluff, don’t worry. Enjoy my lovelies
"(Y/n). (Y/n)~ wake up sleeping beauty." I moaned and groggily opened my eyes to see Deacy smiling down at me. I felt his hand stroking my hair and I let out a soft yawn.
"Are we there yet?"
"We're just about to turn into the driveway right now." I heard Roger say. I got off Deacy's shoulder and as we finally arrived up at the studio I was surprised to see it was more like a barn than a recording studio. "This is it?" Roger asked.
"This is it boys and girl. Welcome to your new home for the next several weeks." Our driver parked the car and we all got out. I raised my arms stretching them out trying to wake myself up and all around me I saw nothing but miles of greenery, some animals out and about like cattle and chickens.
"It's pleasant. I think it'll do good." I said to myself.
"Oi intern! Make yourself useful and grab some of these bags." I heard Paul's nastily voice snap at me.
"Watch it Prenter. Less you wanna be thrown over the barn." Roger threatened him.
We were then given our rooms. Freddie of course got the biggest one, Rog's was quite comfortable looking, Brian had the rickety old bed, poor John was shoved down the basement in probably the smallest room in the whole house, then just before Paul could stick me down in the middle of the living room, Roger came down and said.
"Hang on, there's a spare room jointed with Freddie's. I think (y/n) should take that room."
"That won't do any good Roger, I've already called that room." Paul said.
"You sure you want that room Prenter? Because I just went in it and I saw this big, nasty, hairy spider about the size of a dinner plate. Not to mention the rat burrows I found in the drawers." At hearing Roger's tale, Paul's eyes widened and he said.
"Better yet, why don't you take that room lass?"
"Thanks you for understanding Prenter." Said Rog as he came over and wrapped an arm around me and brought me back upstairs.
"Please tell me there's no spider or rats." I whispered to him.
"Of course there's not. I just said that to jerk him off. You didn't really think I'd let you sleep in a room like that, did you?" He then opened the door to my room and it was fairly big in itself.
A beautiful wooden wardrobe with carvings of horses designed along the frame, a Victorian style dresser, a pretty big bed maybe a queen sized mattress and a joint bathroom.
"Plus I figured you deserve your own bathroom than having to share it amongst us men. Leave the fighting to us, no need to drag you into our morning squabbles of who gets the first morning shower." I set my stuff down and said.
"Thanks Rog."
"No need to thank me at all love, just hope you can handle Fred as a roommate."
"I managed while we were in Japan, didn't I?"
"That you did, well I'll leave you to unpack your things. Breakfast will be made in about an hour. Deacy's cooking today." I moaned already thinking of the delicious meal Deacy was going to prep for us. After unpacking my stuff, I lay down on the bed to test it and already I felt like I was on a heavenly cloud.
"Oh my god this bed is so comfortable." I turned towards the window and looked out to the green paradise that reached our far beyond the horizon. "God Kay, you should really see this view." I then grabbed my journal and did a quick sketch of the outside. The sky, clouds and even rays of sunlight peeking out. As I kept working, I soon heard Deacy's voice proclaim.
"Breakfast is ready!" I smiled and set my journal down and raced downstairs. "Well first one down, first one to be served. And also given something a little extra."
"Thanks Deacy." I thanked as he gave me extra cheese on toast and eggs.
"How come she gets extras?" exclaimed Paul. Deacy and I turned towards him and he said.
"I only give extras to first arrivals. And (y/n) here deserves every ounce of extra food because she alone appreciates my cooking."
"What are you talking about I appreciate your cooking Deacy darling!" Freddie proclaimed.
"Just last week you said my toast was too crispy for your liking."
"I was recovering from a hangover and I needed flavor, not dried up ash."
"Exactly my point Fred. Now everyone else come make your plate." We all then gathered around the table with me sitting between Brian and Freddie and Roger sitting across from me.
As the day went on, the boys went immediately to work after breakfast and tested out the recording studio across from the main house. They were all scattered around currently trying to come up with song ideas.
I was walking along outside to get some fresh air when I saw Roger bothering some of the chickens.
"I thought you were supposed to be working? Not bothering the livestock." He jolted before turning towards me and he said.
"I am working. In fact I've poured my heart and soul into this song."
"Oh really? And what song have you poured your very being into?"
"Come into the studio with me and I'll show you." He then guided me to the studio and went over to his drumkit and began playing his song to which he named "I'm in love with my car."
After he played it, I'll admit I was intrigued. It definitely had a good drum feel to it, because this was a song where the drums really got to shine and I haven't heard a song do that yet.
"How was that?" he asked me.
"It's......" I tried to find the right words on how I really felt.
"Please tell me you don't hate it. Cause I swear if you do I'll lock you in here till you say you love it."
"No, no Rog I don't hate it. I love the fact that it has a good drum feel to it. They really shine more than anything I've ever heard of from any rock and roller. It's just the lyrics.....Please tell me you don't actually want to have—"
"No! It's a metaphor (n/n). In fact Johnathan is inspiration to this."
"Wait Johnathan Harris, one of the roadies?"
"Yeah. He says that the current love of his life is his Triumph F4. So as appreciate for what he's done for us on the road, this song is for him."
"Ahh I see."
"So you—do like the song?" he asked almost insecurely. He stared at me with nervous baby blue eyes that made him look like a nervous puppy about to go to the vet. How could one say no to his face?
"I like it." A proud smile spread wide across his face as he came up and picked me up and spun me around.
"Oh thank you lovie. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
The next morning I woke up to the sound of an argument downstairs. I stood up and walked down the stairs to see Roger throw a few strips of bacon right at Brian.
"Is that strong enough?!" he then cleared the entire counter. Food, plates, the vase with some flowers and water all slammed right on the ground and broke into a million pieces. "What about that!?" he then reached for the coffee machine and was ready to smash it when Brian and Deacy exclaimed.
"What is going on here!?" I snapped. The three of them turned towards me and that's when they all began talking over each other. I rubbed my fingers to my temples immediately regretting even saying anything. "SHUT IT!!!" at that point they all went quiet.
"(Y/n), please tell me you didn't actually agree to a song like 'I'm in love with my car'." Brian pleaded with me.
"I did. I think the song has some potential. I mean yeah the lyrics are a little iffy but it's catchy." At that point John and Brian groaned out while Roger gave me a wink and a thumbs up.
"And to think I was gonna make you Veronica's special apple pie. But now I take that back." Deacy said.
"I thought you had good taste in music (y/n)."
"And she does. At least it's better than calling someone sweet like they're cheese."
As the day went on, we were now recording Freddie's song to which he's titled "Bohemian Rhapsody." I'll admit the lyrics made absolutely no sense whatsoever, but Freddie had a vision for the song and just hearing him sing and play the piano of how he wanted this song to be, made me begin to really like this song.
Right now Brian who had just had an idea for a guitar solo for this song, was in the studio recording what he had in mind. I'll admit it this'll probably be the first time a guitar solo is sung, and when people finally get a taste of this song, they'll probably be singing this for decades to come.
Weeks continued to pass by and we were still focused on Fred's song. But what was really going through my mind was that I hadn't heard from my mum since the second day we came here. I know I've been busy with the guys but I would've thought Paul being the message keeper, he would've at least told me if my mum had called.
But then again you should never trust a snake with secrets.
It was currently 2:30am when I kept tossing and turning in my sleep. I kept whimpering out as my breathing went ragged and heavy.
"No. No.....no Kay don't.....don't leave me."
"(Y/n). (Y/n) dear. Darling wake up!" I suddenly opened my eyes someone reached for my lamp and when the light came on, Freddie stood hovering over me. "It's okay, it's okay darling, you're okay."
"Freddie wha—what time is it?"
"2:30 darling, I could hear you whimpering from my room."
"Ahh shit I'm so sorry Fred I—I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No, no it's fine dear. Are you okay? It sounded like a pretty bad dream." He said as he stroked some hair out of my face. I sighed heavily.
"It's been over 3 weeks since I've talked to my mum. And just the last few times that I have called I got no answer from the house phone. Freddie I'm—I'm worried something's happened to Kay. What if—what if she's....."
"Hey, hey, hey no don't think like that darling. Come here." He sat down beside me and pulled me close so that my ear was pressed over his heart. "Don't automatically assume the worst dear."
"Then why haven't I gotten word from my mum yet?"
"I'll sort it out with Paul in the morning. For now try to get back to sleep, yeah?" I sniffled and nodded. I lowered myself back into bed and Freddie helped tucked me back in. "There we go darling. Snug as a cute bug in a rug." I hummed a chuckle and he smiled at me. "Stay here for a minute."
He then left my room for half a second before finally coming back in with a candle in one hand and his lighter in another. He set the candle by the nightstand and flicked his lighter on before lighting it up. He turned my light off, letting the candle be my only source of light.
"What is this Fred?"
"Something I used to do with Kash when she was a little girl before I went off to boarding school. While this candle is a light, they are the eyes that a brother leaves behind to guard his sister while she dreams at night. No nightmares would dare enter while this candle is lite."
"You promise?"
"I swear it." He smiled and brushed my bangs out of the way before placing a gentle and loving kiss at the center of my forehead. "Goodnight my little kitten."
"Night Freddie." He smiled and gave me one final kiss to each of my cheeks before walking out smiling softly and shutting the door. I kept my eyes on the candle as it flickered on an invisible breeze. I soon felt my eyes grow heavy as I fell back asleep.
Early the next morning, we were starting the Operatic section of Bohemian Rhapsody. Roger being the high range singer that he is, recorded his bits for the Galileo parts.
"How was that?" he asked.
"Freddie?" Deacy spoke trying to get Fred's attention as he stared at the meters.
"Higher." Freddie said. Roy rewind the tape as Deacy said to Roger.
"Can you go a bit higher?"
"If I go any higher, only dogs will hear me."
"Try." Said Fred.
"Freddie's note, sorry." Said Deacy.
"Go on, roll the tape." Sighed Roger. Then on take 24 Rog tried the Galileo's again, this time they were higher as he did grand arm gestures to help make his voice go higher. "How was that? Better?"
"Higher." Freddie bluntly demanded. Brian pointed up to the sky with his pen and Roger growled out.
"Jesus, how many more Galileo's do you want?"
"Freddie wants to do a few more overdubs." Deacy stated.
"Do we even have any tape left?" asked Roger.
"I do have to say the tape is wearing out. It can't take much more."
"Yeah we can't afford much more. What are we three weeks overscheduled?" questioned Brian as he wrote down some notes while I was drawing Roger in the studio.
Soon enough one more take turned into 9-10 takes before Fred was finally satisfied. The operatic session continued with the next line, Freddie who was pacing around said with a grin.
"That's it." After Roger was done singing Freddie continued, "It's beautiful. Love it!" with a clap of his hands, they continued on.
Now all four of them were in the booth going back and forth from the low ranges to the high for the Bismillah section.
The guys got into it so much especially at the final vocalization that by the time the rock out section came on, they were all bouncing up and down so much that they actually made the flats collapse backwards, barely missing some of their stuff.
Freddie and John came falling to the ground, while Rog and Bri were the ones responsible for knocking the two flats behind them down. I couldn't help but laugh myself as I knew this song was gonna change Queen's life forever.
"How was it (y/n) darling?" asked Freddie.
"I love it guys. It's perfect! This is gonna change the world forever." I said into the microphone and the guys all cheered.
Whoo what a rush! I thought we'd never get the song done. Guess being a perfectionist finally paid off, because as I've said repeatedly I truly believe "Bohemian Rhapsody" is gonna change the way of music forever.
Now with the song finally done and the guys taking a break for a bit, I decided to try and call my mum again to see how Kaylee is doing.
I typed in my home phone number and I heard it ring three times before my mum's voice said.
"Hey mummy."
"Yeah who'd you think it was Debbie Reynolds? I've......"
'(Y/n) I've been trying to call you repeatedly for weeks hadn't you gotten any of my messages?' her voice was frantic and cracking with sorrow.
"Whoa, whoa mum slow down. What's happened?"
'I've been calling you repeatedly nonstop. This man who answered said he'd relay my messages to you. But you never called me back, why didn't you call me back?!' Paul. Goddamn you Prenter!
"Mum I didn't get any messages. What's happened?"
'(Y/n)......it's Kaylee.'
"What about Kaylee is she alright?!"
'Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry......it just happened so suddenly, the doctors tried so hard to revive her but she—she died a week ago.' At this point I just froze.
No she—she couldn't have. Not Kaylee, not my best friend. She can't be dead, she can't be!
"(Y/n) dear! Come on out and party with us! We—darling?" I saw all four of the guys come in from outside and they must've seen the horrified shock on my face.
I could hear the faint sounds of my mum trying to get my attention but all I did was drop the phone and race upstairs. I slammed the door shut and leaned up against it.
My chest felt like it was being squished by a car as I could barely get a breath of air out. Then I guess I must've blacked out because all I could faintly hear was the sound of crashing, the faint feeling of my fist beating against a wall and just screaming. I don't know how long I was doing this but it wasn't until I felt the familiar arms of Roger wrap around me trying to get me to stop.
I ended up crying and screaming as I just collapsed into Roger's lap and wept hard and long.
I was now back in London ready to bid a final farewell to my sister at her funeral. I only just wish I could've said goodbye to her before she passed away. Since it was an open casket, my mum and I stood side by side of each other as we stared down at Kaylee before we would bury her.
"She loved you (y/n). I hope you realize that." Said my mum.
"I wish I got to say goodbye to her though."
"I know." She wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head and rubbed my arm and back. She then left me alone with my sister. I stared down at her and it was like she was asleep, like our favorite Disney Princess Aurora. However I knew that not even true love's kiss would wake her up, because unlike Aurora my sister is actually dead and no spell can reverse it to make it a sleeping curse.
I didn't even know what to say. My throat was choking up as it felt dry, my stomach was in tight knots, and I felt like crying but my tears were all spent. I felt sick and just wanted to curl up and disappear, maybe even die myself so that I could be reunited with my sister. I leaned down and pressed my forehead against hers and whispered.
"Goodbye Kay." I kissed her forehead and began to realize just how cold she was. I backed away from her casket and lowered my head as I felt sobs coming out of me once more. I felt a presence behind me and that's when I heard Roger's voice say.
"We're so sorry (y/n)." I whimpered and immediately nuzzled myself into his chest as my voice trembled.
"Thank you Queen." Roger wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mine and kept hugging me.
It was surprising that the boys wanted to come to the funeral to pay their respects to Kaylee, and it was also surprising that from some of the profit they've already made from their previous records, as well as payment for this album to help pay for this whole funeral.
I soon was passed over to Brian who gave me a soft but assuring bear hug.
"We're truly sorry for your loss (y/n). Kaylee didn't deserve to be taken away so young. But she'll always watching over you from the stars."
"And we're always here for you precious darling." Freddie stated. He came over and cupped each side of my face and he said as he wiped away my tears, "Paul's out. After finding out he kept these messages from you, we fired him. We wish we had found out sooner, you know we'd stop the recording and drive you back home to say a final goodbye. You know that right?" I nodded and I felt him kiss a tear away.
Deacy soon came up and he held his arms out for me. I instantly went to him and clung onto him. And even when he refused to say a word, this was the best comfort I could ask for.
I didn't need all this sympathy talk, or the repetitive 'she's always watching over you' or 'she's never really gone. She's up in heaven with the Lord watching over you.' Or whatever religious BS people have to say.
He just held me and pet my hair, and that's all I needed.
After that I—I couldn't go back to work for the guys. I had no motivation anymore, just due to the fact that I needed to be with my mother now. She had just lost her first born child and I can't imagine what she's going through right now. I need to be there for her, no matter what to let her know I'm still her. Even if it means letting go of my dreams.
2 years later; I was working a 9-5 shift at a shopping center. I basically did what Mary used to do at Biba. Along with that, my mum's forced us to go to therapy sessions to try and talk about our feelings after Kaylee's death.
Since I was now done with work, I had to go to my independent weekly session. I was sitting on the couch with my therapist Dr. Lockwood sitting at his desk.
"So how have you been handling all this so far?"
"I mean—I get by day by day. Some days are hard, some are easy." I answered.
"Have you entered into Ealing art college yet? You said you wanted to be an artist."
"I decided not to go. So I just work at the shopping center a few miles away from here. Sorta near Biba."
"Why did you decide to give up your dream? I thought being an artist was your dream?"
"Yeah well dreams change." I sneered.
"Okay, okay I can understand that. So do you like this job better than your old one?" I remained silent. "Your mother said that you worked alongside Queen. They've got good music, my daughter's bought every one of their records."
"Yeah they're.....they're talented guys." I muttered.
"So about your previous job? Was it better than your current one?"
"I mean.....I don't have as much fun as I used to but....." I trailed off and couldn't bring myself to answer.
"Do you think your sister would've wanted you to give up your job with them?" I turned to look at him and I snapped.
"Why must you assume what my sister would want of me!? You're not her! You don't know what it's like to lose your best friend! You're just trying to make me feel guilty, that's all you've ever done!"
"I'm not making you feel guilty. Your mum told me that your sister was thrilled that you were working with both of yours favorite band. She knew you were special and just what Queen needed."
"I just......"
"(Y/n), I bet the boys of Queen miss you just as much as you miss them. I know why you had to leave, it was your way of handling your grief, and to be there for your mum. But the boys had helped you throughout your internship, as well as during the funeral. No rock band would do that willingly." I leaned back against the couch and sighed heavily. "I believe your sister wouldn't want you to push them away as you have been."
"They—well Roger mostly has tried to reach out a few times for the past couple months. I never did call him back though."
"I think you should go see them. Aren't they going to perform in Houston in a couple days?"
"What if they don't want to see me since I've been avoiding them?"
"If they truly loved you, I doubt they would turn you aside."
So I took Dr. Lockwood's advice and got a ticket and went on the next flight to Houston, Texas for their concert. As usual the boys performed magnificently on stage, especially with their new album News of the World out. I also took notice that Rog, Freddie and Deacy had shorter hair than I last remembered.
But they still were awesome up there, hell I thought they looked even better with the shorter hair. They continued to work the audience with each song and seeing the crowd react bigger and more energetic than ever before it made me happy to know the guys were finally reaching the popularity they always wanted to have.
When the show was over, I stayed behind and somehow managed to sneak backstage. I walked along the underground hallways that lead to the dressing rooms when I was stopped by a security guard.
"Excuse me do you have a backstage pass miss?"
"No but I know the band."
"Uh-huh you and every other young teenage girl that pulls this move." He stated as he gripped hold of my arms and began to take me outside.
"No, no let go I'm not kidding! I used to be their lawyer's assistant!"
"Young lady I gave you fair warning, now please leave or else I'll have you arrested."
"What is going on out—(y/n)?" I turned and gaped.
"Phoebe?" It was Freddie's assistant Peter or as Freddie like to call him, Phoebe.
"Oh my god you—you actually came." He said with a wide smile.
"Yeah I—I was hoping to also maybe......talk to the guys."
"Yes of course ohh you have no idea how happy they'll be to see you again."
"But....." the security guard tried to butt in and that's when Phoebe slammed him.
"Oi back off pal, this young lady here is Queen's personal assistant. She's just been on personal leave for a while. So if you don't let her through, you'll have to face the wrath of the four Queens." With no other words from the security guard, he let me go and Phoebe extended his arm out towards me and I followed behind him. As we walked along the corridors he asked me, "So how have things been for you (y/n)?"
"It's.....been rough."
"I know what you mean. When my mum died I didn't know what to do."
"Are—are they upset with me?" I asked nervously.
"Of course not darling. Not once have they talked about you in anger or resentment. If anyone did, Roger and Fred were the first to pop those bastards in the face." I nodded. Soon we reached the dressing room and he said, "here we are love. They should be decent by now. Go on in."
"Thanks Peter." He smiled and patted my shoulder before leaving to check out to see if the roadies had finally cleared the stage and packed everything up. I stared at the door and took a deep breath in before exhaling softly and slowly opened up the door.
"He threw my best fucking pair of maracas away the first day. Great sounding maracas and I mean....it took me hours to steal them." I softly smiled as I heard Roger's voice for the first time in 2 years. I could hear the sounds of laughter before Freddie spoke up.
"Now they know I'm gonna throw those things...."
"And he just goes..."
"Actually they were wonderful I must say, I'm sorry."
"One in a million maracas and I'm never gonna get them back." Roger whined. I slowly stepped further in the dressing room to see Fred sitting down in his green and gold robe getting unwind from the performance while Roger continued to pace around muttering about his maracas while Brian and John were adjusting the sleeves on their normal clothes.
Freddie continued to talk about the maracas and that's when I picked up on Brian saying.
"You can throw me in the audience." Freddie stood up and he said.
"You don't...you don't rattle as good." That's when he looked over and he must've seen me because his eyes went wide briefly and his face turned solemn. Brian then turned around and he saw me as well hiding in the corner.
"(Y/n)?" everyone soon turned their attention towards me.
"Hey guys, long—time no see, ehh?". Knowing of my story, the assistants, makeup people and roadies all left the dressing room leaving me alone with Queen.
The four men stood before me and neither of us spoke until I finally broke the ice.
"I—I'm really sorry I just left guys I.....I was stupid, selfish, and you guys didn't deserve me at all. I just—I was lost and I know that's no excuse but—you guys didn't deserve to have a broken girl hanging off you just as you were finally about to rise to fame. And now look at you all, famous on pretty much every country, our own home country finally recognizing your talents. If I had stayed I would've just dragged you four down and—" I trailed off as Deacy was the first to stand before me.
Mr. King of the one liners, I've witnessed firsthand of him breaking people with just one phrase or sentence. I could only imagine what he was going to say to me after all this time. You get on John Deacon's bad side and he'll make you know it, for life.
But I was shocked when he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a comforting hug. I was frozen but it wasn't until I heard him say.
"You are anything but what you just called yourself poppet." I slowly began to relax as I buried my face into Deacy's chest and wrap my arms around him. I felt him pet down my head much like he did at the funeral and allowed me to let out a couple of tears.
"We understand you needed to process your grief (y/n). We're not mad at you for leaving us." Said Brian. I looked up towards the spaceman guitarist and that's when Roger spoke up.
"But we are disappointed of the way you shut us out for two years." His tone wasn't anger filled or upset, but it did have that disappointing tonality. I lowered my head in shame and I muttered.
"I know."
"We were willing to be there for you in any way you needed. Even if it was just to sit there in silence. We wouldn't have hounded you darling because you didn't need that. It would've been nice to hear your voice again, just to see that you were okay." Said Freddie.
"I'm really sorry guys. I—I came to ask if you'd forgive me." They remained silent and deliberated with each other just by looking at each other and that's when Brian came up and cupped each side of my face.
"There's nothing to forgive love." I felt my lip tremble and I choked out a sob. Soon enough I was once again for the first time in two years, in the middle of a Queen group hug.
I'm glad I chose to come here. I guess in a way it was my sister telling me that even though she was gone, she knew that I would be looked after by four amazing and loving big brothers to look after me for the rest of my days until the day comes when I pass on and be reunited with my best friend once again.
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