#i'm fr in the middle of moving so replies are slow!!! psa!!!
leo.... blease give us some myn crumbs , tell us more
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aaaa hiiii sorry this took a minute to answer! I don’t have all the details of his character figured out yet but I do have an idea of his role in a narrative 👀
so Myn was born on Iridonia in like 48-42BBY, not sure exactly when yet. he wanted to leave Iridonia. partly as a way to get off Iridonia, he took a job in cargo transport
he was in his 20s during the Clone War and staunchly against the war in general. his philosophy was basically “surely we can all get along if we just stop fighting and talk about what we want/need” – which on one hand, yeah true, but on the other, wasn’t particularly grounded in reality. that will kind of,,, naive optimism drives a lot of his decisions both long and short term, for better and for worse
after the war ended and the Empire rose, his ideal of peaceful conflict resolution was tested and failed. he lost a lot of the props that basically kept him upright – his job, then several of his friends, then his ship, etc. etc. – and found himself back at square one again, with nowhere to go but no place to stay. through some industry contacts, he was eventually able to get hired into a Less Than Reputable smuggling crew in the Outer Rim
there's a gap here where idk what he's doing but working in more underground cells, he started hearing early rumors and rumblings about people who wanted to fight back against the Empire. of course, he dismissed those rumors as nonsense at first, but meeting a group of (highly disorganized, poorly equipped, conflicted over their goal, utterly lacking in plans) rebels planted a seed in his brain
the jobs he took were almost exclusively for different rebel cells after a while, and he developed deep-seated faith in the cause. one of his roles for them was putting out feelers, since he traveled so much, to see how widespread this willingness to fight was. he wasn't exactly recruiting but definitely out there sharing ideas and taking the Galactic pulse if you will
he is. young but not ignorant, naive but not stupid. he believes, fundamentally, in a brighter future. he has a low tolerance for injustice and will absolutely go out of his way to intervene (which can and does get him in trouble with the law). he gets a kick out of gently bullying Nocte when he goes in for emergency care check-ins
he's light in dark times. he's quick to laugh and smile and let go his own burdens. he's a breath of fresh air and cold water on a hot day. he is too good for this world, despite this world
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