#i'm glad you all got to experience my journey through mammalian taxonomy
lizardstho Β· 6 years
Best animals in each mammalian order
Rodentia: Naked mole rats (they're eusocial and cold-blooded, that's hardcore)
Chiroptera: Mouse-tailed bats (they got a tail!)
Soricomorpha: Cuban Solenodon (it's venomous and that's cool as hell)
Primates: Mandrills and geladas (they're Awful Hairy Men with fangs, i love that)
Carnivora: Spotted hyena (i LOVE THEM and their weird necks and legs)
Cetartiodactyla: Wild boar (i just think they're neat)
Diprodontia: Cuscuses (their FACES)
Lagomorpha: Hares (they're Big Creepy Rabbits)
Didelphimorpha: all of them except for the genus Thylamys
Dasyuromorphia: Tasmanian devils (yeah)
Afrosoricida: lowland streaked tenrec
Eulipotyphla: It turns out cuban solenodons are in THIS order and not soricomorpha so im changing the soricomorpha one to the water shrew
Cingulata: how can it not be Glyptodon?
Peramelemorphia: Bandicoots. Crash is my friend.
Scandentia: every animal in this order looks the SAME
Perissodactyla: Tapir.
Macroscelidea: i'm honestly tired of these shrew-looking things at this point but the Take A Closer Look At That Snout boy gets a pass
Pilosa: silky anteaters, they look like bad taxidermy
Monotremata: Echidna, knuckles is my friend
Proboscidea: Rhynchotherium
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