#i'm going to wring his scrawny little neck
zhongli-lover-69 Β· 1 year
house is such a manipulative little CUNT he is my babygirl i'm going to slice him into paper-thin little segments and wet mount each one onto a slide and examine him bit by bit under a MICROSCOPE. bitch IDIOT.
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dxsole Β· 1 year
πŸ’ for Leslie. This is so on brand for Lou omg.
Honestly, always accepting these
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He was up since six am. Upon deducing what had happened last night (his degree was in criminal psychology not all out criminology, but the overlap was enough for him to put two and two together), he sat himself down in the motel's complimentary squeaky armchair.
Now, Lou was still sleeping away but any second now she could wake up, and the more time surpassed, the more nervous he became. By the time she did awake, he was sweating profusely and basically shaking.
It's not a welcoming sight, but he can't think about that right now. All he knows is that he is going to have to tell her. And yes, they could be annulled if she wished, but that's still...a whole marriage under your belt. They'll be divorcees after this. Also, she might just get into some post-drunk rage and wring his scrawny little neck forβ€” he's actually not sure the exact reason why he would be to blame, but he still feels like he should feel guilty.
"Mornin'." Despite how nervous he looked, he sounded calm. He thinks he's quickly passing into that state of nervousness where you just embrace whatever bullshit was about to hit you. He's ready to die. He's had a good run, didn't even think he'd make it this far. "We're, uh, we're newlyweds I guess." Leslie nods, staring off into space. "I dunno which of us, uh, proposed...probably me. I'd put money on me. But uh, yeah...I'm sorry for, uh...everything."
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