#i'm gonna go take my zoloft and take a shower
youremyonlyhope · 11 months
Before antidepressants: crying all the time over the tiniest little things.
While on antidepressants: never crying over anything besides literal deaths in the family.
After forgetting to take antidepressants for a week: fighting not to cry over stupid little things again.
Take your meds kids.
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joannabsblog · 2 years
This morning I'm feeling so much better in my own skin, today is my fourth day back on Zoloft and I know what you're thinking back on? Yes I slowly weened myself off of 200mg to taking nothing but I realized that taking nothing was nearly impossible. I tried another medication my doctor suggested but it made me throw up literally every single fucking morning to where it was not worth it and it wasn't helping my issues so I'm back on Zoloft but only 20mg which is a big change, I'm hoping its enough for me to be okay. I slept like a log for the first time in weeks probably because I ate an edible and a benadryl cause I wasn't feeling well but know knows. I'm drinking some tea my sister gave me and I"m eating breakfast me?? eating breakfast I know but I am. I'm gonna go shower now but thank you for reading. Love always me <3
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joannabsblog · 2 years
What do you do when you feel like nothing at all? My anxiety has been at an all time high, I stopped taking Zoloft because I was having some issues and now being off it and being on a new pill is not fun. I don't know what to do and part of me wants to give up completely and not take anything but I feel scared. I'm scared of everything. My fibromyalgia has gotten worse, my sleeping pattern has gotten worse. Everything EVERYTHING is a struggle for me now, brush my teeth, shaving in the shower, going to work and now resting I can barely do, I feel like my legs need to come off because I can't stop moving them. I wanted to write in my journal but I couldn't hold the pen so here I am writing on here because it's easier for me. I don't know what the point of this post is but it's helping me just do something. I've been tossing and turning, trying to get high but I'm afraid of puking cause of the medication. I'm watching the Johnny Depp trials now and It's just crazy how they are asking him some of these questions. "How did you like working on Nightmare On Elm Street?" "Were you please with the Pirate movies?" how is any of that important to his situation? Amber Heard can eat the phattest hairiest cock there is and I stand by that. But back to life, It's four pm and I don't know what else to do, Timmy is gone right now and I'm home alone with Hazel but she's in the living room and I'm in the bedroom sitting on the bed, legs crossed with my pillow desk thingy and laptop on lap. This post is boring but I thank anyone who's taking the time to read it. I'm gonna try to go do something else now Bye for now -Joanna
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