#i'm in a monologue mood after auditions yesterday
Klangst Week. Day 6. Lance's Monologue.
"I'm done. I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I'm done with pretending I don't feel the things I feel. I'm done pretending that maybe, just maybe, you could have loved me, too. I've tried, Keith, I have tried harder and harder every time just to gain one small glance from you, yet you never bother to look my way. What do I have to do, to finally get you to care? Is it my hair? Is it my face? Is it my voice? My clothes? Is it the fact that I really have fallen in love with you?"
Keith stayed silent, only fueling the one-sided conversation further.
"After everything we've been through and endured together, after all the times you've held my hand and told me that everything would be okay, after all the times you kissed me like I was the only person worth kissing... Was I really nothing at all to you...? I know, I know, we agreed on friends with benefits, I know we said no feelings but I can't help it when you're... When you're you. When you're the guy I've been chasing for years... I can't do this anymore. And until you're ready to love me back, I think it's best we keep our relationship... Friendly..."
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