#i'm joking around here but i genuinely think this yaknow?
jaguarys ยท 5 months
I unironically think Dagan Gera is such a good fucking representation of the pitfalls of Sithdom and what leads to it. Like yeah he's weird and obsessive and doesn't see the bigger picture. Yeah he's bitter and annoying and needs to fucking chill. We've had too many SW projects trying to convince us Sith are cool. No more cool Sith. Only cringefail loser Sith
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icharchivist ยท 2 months
Does Percy have any holiday lines that you like especially? :3c
Besides the White Day lines we've already talked about here, of course
there's a couple i can think of. there's one, i can't remember from where, where they're under the rain and Percival pulls MC close to cover them from the rain under his cape and burn a flame to keep MC warm, which i find really cute.
there's one around christmas that i really love, where he had planned to take MC on a date but their carriage got late in the snow, and he's frustrated, but MC starts to make a snowman, and Percival is amused by that, so he joins and start to do a snowman with MC -- and they both try to sculpt the other one in a snowman and they even make a Vyrn one, and they joke around like that.
i think this one is my favorite because it's genuinely precious. Like, his lines are often him overdoing things, like sure let's make your birthday a holiday or smth, or he'll tell MC how much they mean to him but he keeps it cool and collected because he still has an image to keep yaknow
but in this one line, it's just... /seeeing/ how they enjoy each other's company. How Percival can stop being a collected ruler with tons of responsibility on his shoulders, and can just have fun in a childish way where no one could judge him.
I think this line in particular is where i ended up extremely soft about him because it's just. Purely enjoying himself with MC so much that it doesn't matter what they could be doing, as long as they're doing it together.
it's Christmas' 5th year
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actually now that i reread them his christmas lines are perhaps the best for that feeling i'm talking about
2nd year:
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3rd year:
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this one is so soft since the 5th year is a call back to that
and his 4th year line i had forgotten about but now is making me short circuit:
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yeah his Christmas lines are. really something else.
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