#i'm just genuinely a bit confused by people using actors vague interview answers to 'confirm' their theories
bugsbenefit · 1 year
ngl, it IS really funny to me to see people in posts about Finn's panel being happy about "having Mike's cluelessness confirmed", because... what exactly would Finn have needed to say for you to think he wasn't clueless? because saying Mike is clueless is literally the only way for Finn to dodge Mike's feelings/sexuality right now
"yes Mike knew what Will was talking about/that Will was hurt/ that Will was crying, he just didn't do anything about it because... uhm..." he doesn't really have a way to explain the van scene without prompting more questions from the audience
i'm personally not very hard set on any interpretation of the van scene. i think it's possible to write the story from here on out with Mike being confused and not sure what to do with it, thinking Will was a bit more involved with everything than he let on, hoping that Will was actually talking about himself etc. a lot is possible from a writing perspective since they didn't give us Mike's pov at all
but the idea that actors would "confirm" an interpretation in a panel is insane to me. they told everyone and their mother than Will was straight for 6 full years. if anyone asked Noah if Will was gay/into Mike post s3 he straight up lied, because it was in his contract. Will being gay and in love with Mike was only supposed to fully get addressed in s4 so up until then Noah had to reflect the popular/heteronormative audience opinion of Will just being behind in development
Finn talking about Mike's opinions/thoughts in scenes that explicitly go out of their way in canon to NOT show us them isn't going to give more information. they went as far as blurring Mike out of the bg in the van scene. Finn coming in to clear up what was actually going on in his head won't happen until the show officially decides to go there on screen
actors will never give away more than canon tells you since they're not allowed to give spoilers
rule of thumb: if a character does smth and it's ominously left unaddressed in the show, the actor will either lie about it or play it off as unimportant in an interview until it's revealed in canon. you'll only get a genuine answer for what was going on if the scene was inconsequential to the plot. like "what did x actually think about that annoying guy they met in the mall" etc.
and how Mike felt about/thought about Will, his best friend, confessing his feelings in code, which was left unclear and purposefully confusing to the audience, is the BIGGEST spoiler territory you could possibly move into right now
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