#i'm just imagining this dude with his lil journal
unreadpoppy · 6 months
Raphael, reading the fan fiction he wrote about himself: i would never fucking say that
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anna-neko · 1 year
ahoy hoy @misterdadguy, hope your reading is goin on well!
I just realized there's a bunch of fun new in-world stuff from prev novels, so here's a lil pitstop listing a few!
k, is it safe to assume you got the biggest joke here, our lil troop is lead by a Lieutenant Blouse. Because what other name could he possibly be??
so, yes! NEWSPAPERS! The printing press was invented by a very crafty dwarf (just a few books ago) and Ankh-Morpork has printed newspapers now. Still a fairly new industry William de Worde is the guy running one (and basically inventing journalism as he goes along), and Vimes wants to strangle his ass. This is always fun in Discworld books - the pro-tag of each sub-series as seen by a pro-tag of a different sub-series! Vimes and deWorde are both GoodGuys™ in their respective stories, but that doesn't mean they agree on methods or see eye to eye The Times is of course the paper's name, and it's subtitle is "The Truth Shall Make Ye Free" the running gag being plate or letters getting messed up the longer the paper is printed (such as "free" becoming" fret" etc)
Otto is a vampire, and the newspaper's photographer! Or rather, this world's version is called "iconography" and its a lil imp inside the camera box who paints the pictures Very Quickly But of course, can't camera when it is too dark... soooo. he has flashlight! (absolutely imagine old~timey single-use giant flashbulbs) Here, the flash bulbs are salamanders! Funny lil creatures that store sunlight and release it all at once when surprised (this is why Otto keeps gettin vaporized after taking photos.... vampire, bright sunlight exposure... you get it)
*flips pages* what else has been mentioned.... oh yes! The lil dude catching the messenger-pigeon! Ok, so in yet another sub-series - Tiffany Aching - there are these lil dudes called the Pictsies. They are basically very scottish, very angry, very small! If you call them gnomes or fairies, they will murder your ass.... Anyway, i'm only bringing them up because they're mentioned for 2 seconds as Buggy Swires (a legit gnome) bought a buzzard of 'em. Yes, Vimes has a gnome who can train birds and fly on them. Because why not!
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