#i'm just putting it out there in the universe felix muns
lickedtheplate · 7 months
In regards to that previous post, Sir Catton and that husband of his. That would be really fun to explore, so much to do. Even prior to the marriage. Elspeth wants to plan the whole wedding and ceremony, and the guest list is absolutely outrageous. Lords and ladies and celebrities and people they've never even met but somehow Elspeth tangentially knows. Felix having Farleigh as a best man and Venetia as a maid of honor.
Oliver and Felix secretly agree to something purely for themselves on their wedding day so they can have some privacy in all the insanity and then fucking off for a whole month to honeymoon and travel. Oliver never really being accepted by the upper class but feared by them all because he airily exposed some Sir Something or Other's affair over afternoon tea all for making some disparaging comment about Felix or their status as the first homosexual couple to take over Saltburn. Yes, he'd probably get bored at some point, but a larger social circle just means he has new rich pawns to play with.
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