#i'm kssing you on the mouth
aphrogeneias · 9 months
My secret is I think you’re amazing, wonderful, gorgeous and talented ♥️
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i can't handle this sober much less tipsy like this
(anonymously or not) tell me a secret
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Winter Sounds — Campbell Bain x Reader
*This chapter has words with slashes. This is means you use the word that applies to where you live. Like GED in America means "General Educational Development Test" while there is no U.K. Equivalent (based off a thirty-second Google search) but I found A-Levels which is what Rose Tyler refers to when talking about school in the revival Pilot so... this is how I learn about things, I pick up what I've heard in TV shows. Obviously there are other countries but I’ve never heard of any other terms for these so comment if I missed some.*
Summary: It’s Campbell and Y/n’s last day together before he goes traveling for a Radio DJ competition, unfortunately Y/n can’t come with and Campbell has become a little clingy
Warnings: Mentions of the suicide of a good friend of theirs, Spoilers for Takin' Over the Aslyum, Winter activities, Skating, Implied Short Reader, Implied Non-Scottish Reader; Mention of Past Toxic Relationship; Referenced but not mentioned relationship involving rape.
Note: I had the perfect gif for this when it was on Wattpad but I have a new laptop now and they took down my account and I can't find the gif. It was a gif of a couple kssing on the ice and then they slipped and both fell down.
(Post-Asylum; May be connected to "Sweet Jane" or read alone; If you decided to include this in Sweet Jane, this takes place between the ending of the series and the epilogue written by me.)
"I want your love to consume me like an oversized winter coat. Hands clasped around my waist like buttons done up properly."
Early March, 1995 (Early Eight months since the events of Takin’ Over the Asylum)
They had known for nearly two months that Campbell would be leaving but Y/n was on her way to get her A-Levels/GED since she had dropped out of secondary school/high school to go to the asylum but now it seemed that it had hit Campbell as he was even more clingy than normal.
"Campbell." She groaned as he hugged her from behind as she was trying to make Scottish Lentil soup for the two.
"But... baaaabe, I'm leaving tomorrow. I won't be able to see you in three weeks." He whined, burying his head into her back. "I won't be able to touch you. I won't be able to snuggle you as we sleep. I won't' be able to hear your voice."
"We can still talk on the phone." She protested.
"It's not the same! I won't be able to kiss your back." He whined.
He kissed her back before trailing to her shoulder as he pulled her sleeve up to reveal her shoulder and kissed it, "I won't be able to kiss your shoulder." He moved to her neck, "I won't be able to kiss your neck." He grasped her hips and turned her around and kissed her cheek, moving to her jaw and chin. "I won't be able to kiss your cheeks, your chin, your jaw." He pulled away to ease her to the counter beside the stove before pressing her against it as she couldn't help but smile and giggle. He kissed up her face to her forehead. "I won't be able to kiss your face." He tilted her head up and he kissed her lips. "I won't be able to kiss your lips."
"Cam... we..." He kept quieting her with kisses before moving to her neck, though it seemed he was taking in her scent as he kissed her neck. She had leaned her head back so he could have access with he happily obliged with open-mouthed kisses. "Campbell, it's five. I, uh, I had some plans for a date tonight. But we need to eat first."
"What kind of date? Dinner? Movie?" He hummed.
"No, that's why we're eating now." She said.
"Wait a minute, it's nearly twelve in the morning. What date takes place after midnight?"
"It'll be outside. You'll need to dress in warm clothing. But I need to finish the soup first." 
He gave her a smile with a deep emotion in his eyes, she couldn't quite detect, "What?"
"I just love you so bloody much." He said, earnestly.
Campbell and Y/n walked through Glasgow with her being all vague which kept Campbell frustrated and all pouty.
"Be patient, Cam."
"I'm not a patient person!" He almost yelled.
"Oh, I know." She said, playing with her satchel that she refused to show Campbell what it contained. "Just wait and see."
"Just wait and see!? Do you have any idea how irritating that is!?" He whined.
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She eventually led him to a park, it was a rather snowy March, so the pond at the park was frozen, she took a pair of ice skates out of her satchel.
"You want to skate at one in the morning?" He laughed.
"Well, I'm a looney." She teased.
"Yes, you are." He grinned and kissed her, he cupped her face with both hands. "Yes, you are."
Ten minutes later, Y/n was teaching Campbell how to skate, though he was a bit clumsy but she kept him up by holding his hand.
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At one point, she did an impressive spin, which made her hair spin around her head like a H/C halo as Campbell watched with a dropped jaw... drooling slightly.
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"How'd you learn how to do this anyways?" He laughed, flailing his arms, trying to keep himself upright.
Y/n spun around and her smile faltered before turning bittersweet, "Uh, when I first arrived to Saint Jude's... Fergus took me." 
"He took me a few times, not even expecting me to talk. I picked this up quick and I even laughed. He considered that a victory." She said, sadly.
Campbell slid over to her and embraced her, which he originally intended to do but also to stop him from falling. "I miss him too." Campbell said in her ear, he pulled away.
She handed her hand out in front of her, offering it to him which he took and she skated with him, he... well, to say, he got the hang of it isn't right, but he wasn't completely fall-on-his-face-with-each-stroke terrible. 
At one point, she tripped and nearly fell but Campbell caught her through this threw him off balance and he fell with Y/n landing on top of him. 
They laughed at this and kissed, they decided they had had enough and put their shoes on that they had clipped to their belts and got up on the ice.
 Campbell brushed off some snow and then turned to his girlfriend who was looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes.
"What?" He laughed.
"I love you so bloody much too." She said.
He grinned... like a maniac... like a looney and he pulled her in by the waist for a slow, passionate kiss but slipped on the ice now wearing his normal shoes and he pulled Y/n closed which brought them both down with her, once again, landing on his chest.
"I just can't play it cool." He laughed.
"I don't know. Nineteen-year-old Radio DJ. Hyperactive, loud, energetic, passionate, enthuastic, charismatic, spontaneous, easy-going, creative, independent, brave, funny, sarcastic, sexy..." He clicked his tongue and winked at her.
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"Mmm, do say more things you like about my personality." He hummed, playing with a short lock of hair of hers. 
"Impulsive, loud, hard to keep track off." She teased.
"Oh, you wound me." He groaned, dramatically.
"How about this? Sweet, loyal, handsome, romantic, hot..."
"Yeah. That's the ticket." He said, nodding, "But you forgot one thing. Totally, ridicouslously in love with you and definitely going to miss you for the next three weeks."
"Me too. You've been in my life for less than a year and already... I can't imagine my life without you. You're all the things I just said and more. You are the best guy I have ever dated though granted, given the last and only other one abused me for years on end and traumatized me into muteness, that wasn't a high bar." She looked down, averting eye contact with Campbell.
Campbell tucked the lock of her hair behind her ear, "He won't ever hurt you again, baby. Never ever."
She shivered a little and concerned appeared on his face, "Shite. Your nose is all red. You're freezing. Let's get ho... let's get you home." Once off the ice and pulled him back and he looked at her.
She stepped closer, raising herself on her tip-toes while weaving her hand through his hair on the back of his head and kissed him slowly when she pulled away, his eyes fluttered open and then shook his head.
“Sorry, you know, most girls, normal girls, always dream of having the perfect kiss with the perfect guy.” She said and then cringed, “Sorry, that was like the cheesiest thing ever.”
“Yeah, it was. So that’s super embarrassing for you.” He teased but then she sneezed. “Let’s get you home before I have to drop out of the DJ competition to take care of you. Come with me, Juliet. Follow your Romeo.” Then he immediately slipped and fell back down, face first in a pile of snow.
Campbell handed her a cup of freshly made hot chocolate with whipped cream after she got out of the shower when they got home.
"Oh, how thoughtful." Y/n said, cupping her boyfriend's cheek and stroking it with her thumb.
She took the mug and drank a big gulp, letting it warm her insides as she had already began to get cold from the shower.
Campbell grinned when he saw she had whipped cream on her nose, he leaned over and licked and kissed it off.
"Campbell!" She laughed.
"Mmm. Tastes only slightly more sweet than usual."
"The whipped cream?" She asked.
"No, you. Your taste. The taste of your skin." He teased.
"God, you're a dork." She drank some more hot chocolate and as soon as she swallowed he kissed her, allowing him to taste the hot chocolate on her lips and she giggled against his lips. "You're so weird, Bain."
"You are simply beautiful, L/n." He hummed.
Thirty minutes, later at like, two-thirty in the morning, they were both finally in bed.
"Promise me something?" She asked, laying on his chest.
"Hmm-mmm." He hummed, half-asleep.
"Campbell." She smacked his chest and he propped himself of his elbows to look at her, albeit, slightly sleep blurry-eyed.
"Hmm?" He asked but she didn't answer, he looked at her and saw her biting her lip, nervously. He sat up, wrapping his arms around his knees, "Babe, what is it?"
"Promise me you won't find some girl wherever this competition is going to to take you, someone who's willing to have sex with you..."
Campbell tilted her head up and kissed her before pulling back and looking her dead in the eye and saying, seriously, "One year ago, if someone were to ask me what my perfect dream girl would be, she wouldn't even come close to you." He kissed her gently again and then gave her a goofy smile, "That cheesy enough for you?"
"Yeah, and it was super embarrassing for you." She teased and he pulled her into his chest as they laid back down with him burying his face in the top of her head.
"I'm in this for the long run, Y/n. I promise. Your first time should've be special but it wasn't, I'm willing to wait until you're ready." He whispered. "God, I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too." She said and leaned up and kissed him.
He turned off the light and they drifted to sleep.
At the airport, the next afternoon, Eddie was saying goodbye to Francine while Campbell hugged Y/n, repeating how much he loved her and kissing her passionately.
"Call me? Every day. Even if it's the middle of the night for me." She requested.
He laughed, "You bet. I'll tell you about my day. Probably have to get another room from Eddie or else, I'll annoy him. You call me too. If you just want to talk, you call me. Even in the middle of the night."
"Babe, you'll be having a competition. I can't do that. You call me, I'll call you if you're awake. You call me every time you land and I'll look up the time zone differences and call you."
"I'll keep my mobile on me at all times."  He promised and kissed her.
"Campbell, we've got to go." Eddie said, irriatedly.
Campbell groaned, "Bye, babe. I love you." He said and pecked her lips before going with Eddie to board the plane.
“Wait!” Y/n shouted, running at him, he turned and felt her attack him with a hug. "Two years ago, when I was still talking, if you asked me to describe my perfect dream guy, he wouldn't even come close to you either." She said into his ear.
He chuckled, “You stole my line.”
“Campbell!” Eddie shouted.
“IN A MINUTE! I have to go. Love you.” He kissed her again and ran off with Eddie.
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hoshi-y · 2 years
How Tsukasa became the Reader's bf please?
A Night To Remember
genre : Fluff
characters : Yugi Tsukasa
TW : None
A/N : HELLO I'm not gonna include Tsukasa's murderous, chaotic, and very loud nature in general, So that way some people wont think that Tsukasa just forced you into the relationship no, we need soft Tsu too 😞
I also name some of my one shots my song titles/chorus 😍
New banners people 😱
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I was scared that you wouldn't love me back..
Tsukasa was known for his outgoing and very cheerful nature
He wasn't too loud nor too rough on people
Its just, him
He didn't notice you at first cause of how extroverted he is
always having conversations with people left and right
And not to mention he was quite popular
both twins were popular, his older brother was known to be the captain of the soccer team
and he was the captain of the volleyball team
and not just that, he has alot of girls lining up for him
"Yugi-san my best friend said she likes you!!" A group of girls shouted from across the cafeteria as their friend shrunk in her seat
"Oooooo Tsukasa another girl likes you~~~" Fuji coed hold his hands together while making kssing noises
"Can't believe you get more than Amane—" Amane smacked Yamabuki with an empty plastic bottle with an irk on his forehead
"Be quiet."
He didn't mind it
but it did bother him
just cause he has a very outgoing nature doesn't mean he can't like to be alone
he can't get any peace and quiet for once without people popping up out of nowhere and starting a conversation with him
He tries his best to find areas where not alot of people like going in to
And he thought of the library
he walked in, checked in from the front and tried to avoid any group of people possible
But the only available seat was where you were seating
but you had headphones on signaling that you didn't wanna talk to anyone
Even with headphones on, you heard a chair squeak beside you making you look up from your laptop to see a boy with choppy black hair and amber eyes
he froze and suddenly let go of the seat "Oh, sorry I'll go find somewhere else—"
"Ah no, it's alrigth" You point at the seat he took out and went about your business not minding his or whatever he was doing
"So.. like.. what's your name?" You looked to your side and saw he scooted closer, man he also looked really eager to talk to you
you were never really good with conversations but, you're gonna pray to every god out there that it won't end with an akward silence or this faithful day will you haunt you forever
"uh.. my name is [L/N] [F/N].. whats yours?" This guy infront of you looked a bit shocked, maybe you said something wrong?
"You... don't know who I am?" He pointed at himself making you tilt your head in confusion "No.. I don't know who you are.. I'm sorry if I don't"
"D-DON'T BE" He quickly covered his mouth as few 'shh' and 'be quiet' were heard throughout the library "Sorry, It's just I've been around alot of people already and you.. are kind of the first person to not know who I am.."
"Is that a bad thing?.." He shook his head excitedly as he extended his hand out to you, you looked at his hand and back at him
"My name is Yugi Tsukasa, I hope we can be friends"
a little backstory on how we met Yugi Tsukasa
after that day, he stuck to you like glue
usually you'd hang out by yourself cause you don't like being in crowds of people
but surprise surprise the once quiet and joyful time being by yourself at lunch
turned into you sitting in a big round table with loads of people
"Guys this is [L/N] [F/N], I met them at the library!!" Tsukasa introduced you to his friends while you gave a small wave
"What were you doing in the library Tsukasa-kun?" a girl with silver to teal hair asked
"Don't ask—"
You were scared that some group of girls will come beat you up cause you were hanging out with one of the prince of the school
anyone and I mean ANYONE would die to be in your position
you mostly didn't utter a word and kept to yourself until you finished your lunch
"Awww [L/N] You're gonna leave already? Stay a little loonggeerrr..." Tsukasa held onto your uniform making this sad puppy eyes at you... well you had to secretly admit he looked kinda cute..
You sighed and sat back down and Tsukasa immediately jumoed back to his cheerful nature, you honestly didn't know why he liked having you around so much
Your once quiet and calm schedule turned into alot of hangouts with him and his friends
mostly him
but you did enjoy them, you didn't have alot of friends back then and you were very thankful he came into your life
and he was also very thankful you came into his
Days turned into weeks and into months
you two went from being strangers to glued-together best friends is that even a thing?
You two were NEVER apart not even once
He loved how much you warmed up to him
those akward single conversations turned into long ones
all that hardwork of him nagging you to talk finally paid off
and he gets to see that beautiful smiling face of yours..
Tsukasa shook his head with a slight blush on his face
'Why am I thinking of [F/N]..'
He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom splashing water on his burning face, He looked at himself on the mirror while his hands gripped onto the sink
His heart was beating fast, he was giving out cold sweat, and not to mention his burning face
this kind of behavior of his started 3 weeks ago when you and him decided to hang out at the cinema and went out for a night walk around the park close to your house
the way your laugh sounds so sweet, your cute smile that he'd give his best jokes just to see it, your beautiful [E/C] eyes that he wants to get lost in, not to mention he wants to hug you so tight that he.. wait a minute.. don't tell me—
"I'm falling for [F/N].." Tsukasa muttered, he slowly walked back to his room, closed the door and laid back down
His heart wont stop beating so fast, he clenched onto his shirt and tried to think of something else
but whenever he tries
his daydreaming always leads him to you
it was monday finally
and Tsukasa was excited that ever making his brother wear sunglasses in the morning because of how bright he is
"geez.. whats gotten you so happy at 5 in the morning.." Amane yawned as he grabbed himself a cup of coffee half awake
Tsukasa didn't walk to school woth his brother
he sped walk to school
it's not like him to be this so excited to go to class
but you made him the reason to always want to wake up happy in the morning
Tsukasa walked into the campus and saw you from afar changing your outdoor shoes, he walked faster and slid beside you to change his shoes too
"Oh, goodmorning Tsu, you look really happy—" That nickname you gave him has him going CRAZY, but he kept it cool and just smiled "Mmmm I don't know!" He changed his shoes and waited for you
"geez how did you change your shoes so quickly—"
He has been acting strange around you the past week
Was he planning ong pranking you?
nah the last time he did that you scarred him for life
But this weird behavior of his was bothering you
and you wanted to ask him about it
But you didn't wanna overstep any boundaries so you waited until the perfect time
You and Tsukasa waited and anticipated for this day to come
It was finally the Tanabata festival, and they made it even better this year than last year
You decided to go their in costume wearing your Kimono/Hakama, fixed your hair, and went off to meet up with Tsukasa at your usual meeting place
Tsukasa was as excited as you were and wore a Hakama, He was sitting down on one of the benches looking at messages on his phone waiting for you
"Tsu! sorry if I took too long it was so hard trying to walk faster with these slippers.." He looked up from his phone upon hearing your voice and almost dropped his phone
You were drop dead GORGEOUS.
Making his heart beat faster than a horse
"So, do I look alright? this is my first time wearing a Kimono/Hakama" You straightened any wrinkles while you waited for Tsukasa's reply
But you were met with silence
"Tsukasa?" He snapped back to reality and had a slight blush on his face, but he was thankful it was kinda dark you wouldn't see his blushing face
"Yeah I'm fine! Let's go I heard the line-up for the Tanuki Stalls are getting long" He held your hand and you two ran
Your heart was beating fast because of running
But his were beating fast because of your intertwined hands.
When you two got there there were alot of people already, and it was just 7pm
I guess they stuck around in the afternoon to get a headstart
You started shaking Tsukasa's arm and pointed to the Tanuki stall
Tsukasa finished his in a flash and even offered to do yours
he just wanted more to do lol
You were so focused, you had both your hands on the tanuki scraping the outlines with a serious face
Tsukasa found it cute and secretly took photos of you
"I can hear your camera shuttle Tsukasa turn that off.." You caught him off guard whichhe didn't panick and gave you a closed eye smile
"I'm taking selfies dearest~"
"LIAR, ypur phone has one of those cameras that come up when you take a selfie!"
You two did another run around the festival
trying out games
Tsukasa won you ALOT of prizes by the way
You tried to win him something but you failed miserably
But he said it was alright, he said he wanted to try out something else and he'll win something for him
After all that running around trying out different stall games and collecting tags, you two were really hungry and decided to eat before heading to the bamboo trees to hang your tags and to watch the fireworks
Fireworks scare you a bit cause it was so loud, but you enjoyed in nonetheless
I mean if you did Tsukasa is wide open for business you know what im saying aha
okay I'll stop...
You and Tsukasa finished your food and threw away the boxes in a nearby trash bin
While you were finishing your orange juice, Tsulasa tapped your shoulder and showed you the tags they collected with a big smile
"We collected all of them [F/N]! I really wish my wish could come true" He gave ypu your tags as the two of you start heading towards the bamboo trees to write and hang your tags
they say that when you collect all 10 tags and hang your wish on the bamboo tree, the gods will read it and make it come true.
You two wrote your wishes on a nearby table and once finished you two hung it together
"What did you wish for Tsu" You tried peeking at his tags but he blocked your curious eyes "You can't look or else it won't come true!" He said still blocking the tag from your vision
you sighed maybe your curiosity will come in someday if his wish DID come true "Alright fine, anyways the fireworks are about to start, let's go find a place where it isn't too crowded they always step on my foot.." He nodded enthusiastically, when he went ahead first you turned around and looked at his tagged hung on a bamboo branch
You really did wanna look at what he wished for but you swallowed your curiosity and jogged to catch up with Tsukasa
Tsukasa found a really nice area on a small hill with not to many people around, He brought out a blanket from his bag and set it down patting the empty soace beside him, you sat down and made yourself comfortable and eyed the many people trying to find a place
"They look like ants from here" You said watching everyone trying to find a place to settle before the fireworks come out, Tsukasa chuckled at you "Don't you hate ants [F/N]?" You nodded
"Hey Tsukasa, I have a question.. and I've been curious about it for awhile now" He stopped eating his chocolate bar and gave his full attention to you "What is it?"
"Why did you want me to become your friend? I mean, you're the most popular guy at school, anyone would die to be in my position right now.." Were your curious or just insecure that he can talk casually to people and not you?
"Well.. being popular can be tiring too, always having people by your side left and right, I cant get a break. I never wanted to be popular to begin with, its just ever since I joined the volleyball team and became the captain that's where it all started, alot of them wanted to be my friend but I didn't know if they REALLY wanted to be my friend or just use me for popularity.. " He hugged his knees close to his chest as he rested his chin ontop of knees looking at the sky
"You.. were the very person I met that felt kind of weirded out instead of getting this overly excited face when you saw me sit down at your table, I was also really relieved that you didn't care who I was nor didn't care for my status.. and that's where I knew you wouldn't stab me in the back like anyone else"
He really trusted you, he really did, He told you all his secrets from minor to major to dark cause he knew you wouldn't tell anyone else, He told you about his problems and helped him get over it instead of having dry responses that can't help him recover
Not only that, He entrusted you with his heart and you've taken care of it for all the time he has been with you
and he thinks it finally time, to have this conversation with you
"Tsu look they're putting the timer for the fireworks!" You pointed at one of those big stadium jumbotron with a countdown for 2 minutes
Tsukasa didn't have much time but, these things are slow countdowns right? He has to do it.
"Hey um, [F/N] I have to tell you.. something" For the first time in his life, he has never felt this nervous at all, he was always so confident of things but this? it just went down to negative one
You turn to him with an excited look on your face waiting for the count down "Sure what is it?" He gulped, It's like everything became hot all of a sudden
'You can do this'
Tsukasa can't trust his own mind at the moment when it said 'he can do it'
like what if he messes it up?
"Tsu?" You furrowed your eyesbrows, he was shaking and this is the first time you've seen him this nervous looking "Tsu.. don't force what your gonna tell me.. I can wait you know"
"N-no I want to tell you this now I'm fine" The first time he stuttered
You held his hand reassuring him that you can wait, But this action you just did just made his heart beat 10x faster
He inhaled and exhaled and gave you a more serious look
"[F/N], These past few months with you has been absolutely incredible a-and.." There he goes again, stuttering, His heart was beating faster than ever he might even have a heart attack
He heard you giggle as you held his hands close "You were gonna tell me you like me huh?" He blushed furiously and nodded shyly "how did you find out.."
"Well captain obvious, actions speak louder than words you know, and you have been acting awfully weird these past few weeks.. so I put two and two together.. and led me here.."
He was scared.. Like really scared, it was okay to him that you reject him and go on about your life but what if you reject him AND end your friendship with him cause you thought it was weird?
"The annual fireworks will start in 10 seconds!!" They announced, the crowd went wild and started counting down
"If you're thinking that I'll reject you Tsu.. I wont cause.. I also have feelings for you.. And I was as scared as you thinking that you might reject me" You looked at him almost tearing up
"But I guess I was wrong.."
Tsukasa pulled you a little closer and held your face in his hands "who won't fall for you?.. You're very cute and your humor..god it makes me crack a smile everyday, not to mention you're so smart and talented in every way.."
Your heart skipped a beat when he inched a biy more closer
"There was never a day.. that I wouldn't stop thinking about you, [F/N].. You never failed to make my heart race, your smile, your laugh.. Everything about you.." He held your hands tenderly
"I love you everything about you.."
You were tearing up already, no one has ever shown you this much affection to you in a long time, cause ever since you were betrayed in middle school, you never ever tried making friends again
But everything changed when you met him that faithful day
Tsukasa gently wiped your tears away "I am very greatful that you came into my life, its like you have permanently changed it.."
"I'm thankful you came into my life aswell Tsu.." You let out a giggle as he placed his forehead on yours
Tsukasa chuckled, hearing you laugh because of him made him so happy "Well then, can I court you [F/N]? I know you aren't ready for a relationship—"
"Who said I wasn't?.. I'm ready Tsu.." Tsukasa was about to explode, he was so happy right now, words can't really describe on how happy he is
"So.. [F/N], Will you.. be my Girlfriend/Boyfriend?" Your held back tears finally came gushing out, you nodded your head yes over and over again
Tsukasa and you stood up with the most biggest smiles on your faces, he held ypu on your waist and lifted you high in the air twirling you around
You giggled as he set you down, he hugged you so tight "I'm so happy.. that you're finally mine.."
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held onto your waist, He glanced down to ypur lips and you already know what he was craving for
"You can go ahead Tsu, What kind of S/O would I be if I didn't let my boyfriend kiss me?" He inched in closer and closer, while you closed your eyes he chuckled "Cute.." He mumbled and sealed the gap between the two of you
As soon as your lips crashed into each other, the fireworks shot up in the air as people around cheered at the fireworks, all of them were having the time of their lives
But You and Tsukasa? well, you two had a romantic kiss, under the lights of the fireworks, If a photographer were to shot this beautiful moment you two wouldn't mind
This day was truly a night to remember forever, who knew a simple hangout to the festival would pull both your feelings out for each other
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Fun fact : The day I got this request, I was supposed to post it the same day BUT I forgot I suck at making confessions, So I would take some parts oit, replace something, squeeze another sentence here, It's been a week now oml 😞
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