#i'm late to the valentine party but enjoy lmao
scaberix · 6 years
Effort’s Origin ─ Momotarou Onzai SSR
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Momotarou has been chosen to be the one to talk to a professional chocolatier during the event “Eden du Chocolat”; he’s done his researches, but somehow something seems to still be missing.
Tsubasa: Good morning. I received the sample magazine with the photo shoot you did the other day. I’ll hand them over.
Tatsuhiro: It’s with those who shot for the Valentine’s special edition.
Momotarou: Let me see... Oh, the photos have been taken well.
Hikaru: That shoot was reaaally fun~! I tasted chocolate fondue for the first time!
Kazuna: Fufu, even after the shoot was over, you ate it, Hikaru.
Hikaru: Well~ it was so good.
Momotarou: Indeed, I also tried hot chocolate for the first time and it was more delicious than I imagined.
Mikado: If that's the case, let's make it at home next time! It'll be my Valentine's day chocolate gift for you, Momotasu! ♪
Hikaru: Uwahh.....
Mikado: Hey, Hikarun, what's that? Hot chocolate is the perfect drink to relieve a tired body! Mikado: And, overseas, on Valentine's day you don’t exclusively gift people of the opposite sex!
Momotarou: Is that so?
Mikado: To those who take care of you every day; seems like there are many cases for giving out tokens of appreciation.
Hikaru: Eeeh! I see!
Mikado: Besides, it’s mainstream for men to give gifts to women.
Momotarou: I see. It might become a story for this upcoming event.
Tatsuhiro: You mean, “Eden du Chocolat”?
Momotarou: Yeah. Besides the live, there’ll be a talk.
Mikado: To be able to appear on the biggest chocolate event nowadays, I’m so jealous.
Kazuna: They’ll also let us sing the theme song of the event, so I'm psyched up.
Tsubasa: The lessons will start next week, so I guess you two will be busy, but I’ll be in your care.
Kazuna: Yeah. We’ll also be in your care, Sumisora-san.
Mikado: If necessary, I’ll bring you a snack.
Hikaru: Sounds nice~! Ah! Pizza, I beg you!
Tatsuhiro: Oi, you’re not going to play around.
Kazuna: Fufu, thank you everyone.
Momotarou: You’re a big help.
Tsubasa: Masunaga-san and Momo-kun feel enough motivated. I will also have to work hard!
Momotarou: Leader, how about we take a break?
Kazuna: Yeah, let’s. It won’t be good if we push ourselves.
Yuuta: Ah! It’s Tsubasa-chan!
Tsubasa: Good work, everyone! Is your dance lesson for Eden du Chocolat going well?
Ryuji: It’s coming together. But rest assured it’ll be perfect by the time of the actual thing.
Tsubasa: I’ll look forward to that. This, I brought you some snack, help yourselves.
Yuuta: Thank youuuuuu~! Woah, pudding! Which one would you like, Ryu-chan?
Ryuji: Mmh, maybe I’ll go for the strawberry one.
Tsubasa: Sorry, Momo-kun. Can I have a bit of your time?
Momotarou: Yeah, sure.
Tsubasa: It’s been decided that Momo-kun will have a talk with one of the chocolatiers displaying at the “Eden du Chocolat”.
Kazuna: You mean, as a part of the promotion for “Eden du Chocolat“?
Tsubasa: Yes, it’s like that. I’d like to ask you to do it, Momo-kun, by all means.
Ryuji: Eeh, aren’t you a lucky one.
Momotarou: Yeah, thanks.
Yuuta: By chocolatier, you mean the person who makes chocolate?
Momotarou: That’s right. Pastry chefs specializing in chocolates.
Kazuna: It’s a profession that you usually don’t get involved with, after all, seems like we’ll be able to hear interesting stories.
Yuuta: I wonder if they’ll show us how to make delicious chocolate!
Ryuji: Yuuta, even if they show you, you won’t make it in the same way.
Yuuta: Ehh, really? Momo-chin’s cooking is quite good, so if he learns the recipe, I tought he’d make some for us~
Momotarou: Still, I want to try and use this opportunity to make delicious chocolate.
Kazuna: Do your best with the talk.
Momotarou: Yeah.
Tsubasa: Sorry, the recording has been delayed. It’ll take about 30 minutes to start.
Momotarou: Understood.
Mikado: It’s okay, we don’t have much to do after this.
Tsubasa: Thank you.
Momotarou: ....
Tsubasa: It feels like Momo-kun is especially looking at his phone today. Tsubasa: What is it that you’re looking at so eagerly?
Momotarou: An interview article about the chocolatier we’re going to talk to.
Mikado: Momotasu recently has been looking into everything about this chocolatier.
Tsubasa: Is that so?
Momotarou: I wanted to know about the other party before the interview.
Mikado: An idol and a chocolatier... At first glance, there's absolutely no contact point.
Momotarou: Yeah. I roughly have a grasp on his interview articles and background, so what’s left is... Momotarou: ....
Tsubasa: What is it?
Momotarou: Tsubasa, once the recording is over, can we stop by somewhere?
Tsubasa: Yes. hat's absolutely fine...
Mikado: All things considered, Momotasu is very eager in his studies.
Tsubasa: That’s true. I had no idea that he would go all the way to the shop of that chocolatier.
Momotarou: I wanted to eat what he made before the talk.
Mikado: As expected from you, Momotasu! I’ll also have to take you as an example.
Tsubasa: Fufu, I think you two are already working hard enough. ... Ah, the shop we were talking about, it’s in this in this area.
Mikado: Oh, you can see a great queue over there.
Momotaru: That’s the shop of a chocolatier for you.
Mikado: Heavens! This chocolatier seems to be more popular than we thought.
Tsubasa: Yes. With a crowd like that, it might be better to refrain from buying now.
Momotarou: But......
Mikado: If they find us, we’ll get into trouble and it may cause inconvenience to the shop.
Momotarou: Right....
Tsubasa: Then, let’s go back to the car.
Momotarou: ... Tsubasa, wait a moment. Momotarou: ....
Tsubasa: What’s up with Momo-kun watching the people lined up in the shop...
Momotarou: ... I see.
Mikado: Something’s up?
Momotarou: No... I'm sorry to have kept you both.
Tsubasa: No, it’s okay. Tsubasa: Don’t tell me, has he understood something?
Tsubasa: The talk with the chocolatier is proceeding in a nice atmosphere. Tsubasa: A well prepared outcome.
Momotarou: So, why did you aim to be a chocolatier?
Chocolatier: Let’s see... I felt the charm of chocolate that makes people smile with just one drop. Chocolatier: Chocolate is the ensemble of all the skills and sense of taste of a craftsman. Chocolatier: It took me quite a while to make one I could be satisfied of.
Momotarou: I believe there were things you couldn’t come up with, but was there something that made you keep going after repeated trials and errors?
Chocolatier: There was. When making it, I only thought how much I wanted to make those who’d eat it smile. Chocolatier: For that reason I do my best!
Momotarou: I see. Momotarou: Actually, I went to the shop the other day. I couldn’t buy anything because of the big line. Momotarou: Everyone was lining up happily. I understand quite well how your chocolate grabbed your customers' hearts.
Chocolatier: I am quite embarrased.
Momotarou: Me too, as an idol, struggle a lot. Momotarou: But, if I think about my fans’ smiles before me, my strength goes up. I can understand that feeling well.
Chocolatier: After all, there is nothing better than that. Let's make "Eden du Chocolat” successful together!
Momotarou: Yes....! It was nice to talk with you today.
Tsubasa: I see. Momo-kun was watching the customers’ expressions that time.
Tsubasa: It was totally a nice talk!
Momotarou: Yeah, I was able to hear an interesting story.
Tsubasa: It seemed pleasing that the chocolatier was happy to talk to you Momo-kun. Tsubasa: Surely, it was because Momo-kun had prepared well in advance.
Momotarou: I’m glad that what I looked up was useful. Momotarou: Besides, I’m happy he felt the same way about wanting to make someone smile. Momotarou: Even though they are different professions, there are things in common as well.
Tsubasa: That’s true.
Momotarou: ... I’m glad I gave this talk a try. I feel that my desire to make “Eden du Chocolat” succeed became even stronger.
Tsubasa: I’m glad to hear that. I’ll also support you to the fullest!
Momotarou: Yes, please. Momotarou: Speaking of which, Mika said that on Valentine’s day men give gifts to girls, right?
Tsubasa: Apparently, that’s common overseas.
Momotarou: I can't give chocolate to those who come to "Eden du Chocolat”, but... Momotarou: I want to deliver a performance that makes those who see the stage smile. Momotarou: Because there are people watching us, we can stand on the stage. Momotarou: It’s pretty obvious, but it made me think about it again.
Tsubasa: That's very lovely.
Momotarou: And, I’ll make you smile as well, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Eh-?
Momotarou: You’re always the closest person to believe in me. You’re important to me.
Tsubasa: Momo-kun...
Momotarou: I’ll feel calm if Tsubasa greets me with a smile after the stage is over. Momotarou: You made me think that there’s no mistake in what I’ve been doing.
Tsubasa: Thank you. It means a lot to me to hear that from you.
Momotarou: The day of the stage, watch closely.
Tsubasa: Will do!
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